DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 520 The final battle

Natural Disaster launched a fierce attack first, catching Zincmei's team off guard and achieving unexpected results.

With Shadow Priest's ultimate move weaving enabled, the armor of everyone in Zincmei's team dropped rapidly. Zhao Dingguo's ultimate move also has the effect of reducing armor. The two are superimposed, reducing the enemy's defense to negative values ​​one by one. The elf who was targeted by Zhao Dingguo's blood volume dropped to the bottom in an instant.

This guy escaped repeatedly because no one hit him before. But this time, he was not so lucky!

Although the elf's position was good before, he avoided Ice Soul's ultimate move and was able to enjoy Mekensm's increased blood. But in the face of Zhao Dingguo's current output, even with Macon's increased health and armor, it only lasts for one more second. After Yan Yuelan's ghost also selected him, the elf was instantly killed on the spot.

However, this kill reward was not Yan Yuelan's, but Zhao Dingguo's.

The flame shield Zhao Dingguo put on Yan Yuelan helped him grab the head.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Panda Brewmaster transformed in time and separated into three elemental pandas. However, the full-scale natural disaster seems to be full of firepower points. The Panda Brewmaster hesitated for a moment, and then used the blowing skill to blow Zhao Dingguo up again - he knew that Zhao Dingguo's output was extremely powerful, so he wanted to restrict him.

If you switch to other heroes, the two mirror images that appear on the clone ax will definitely have the effect of confusing the enemy. However, Zhao Dingguo's real body turned on the static connection, and was bombarded by the eye of the storm on his head, looking extremely cool. The Panda Brewmaster recognized him effortlessly.

This blowing skill lasts for a long time, longer than Zhao Dingguo's full-level Assault Hurricane, but in the end, Panda Brewmaster can only control him. Facing the powerful Wandering and the equally powerful Ice Soul, the Panda was at a loss for what to do. Although he used dispelling, throwing and other skills one after another, unfortunately, he had no bloodline, so the level was obtained only after he came in, and was not yet level 11. That is to say. The size of Panda Brewmaster is only one level. Naturally, the output and skill effects of the elemental panda are limited.

Of course, after the initial panic calmed down, pandas were not the only ones to launch a counterattack against the natural disaster.

Fatty Lan was the second to react quickly.

Perhaps because he was a really good character, he blasted the ice soul with a fire blast, which actually caused a 3x multiple cast. Even though Dizi's magic shield was still there, Binghun's health volume still dropped. Lan Pang himself didn't seem to expect that he would be so lucky today, so he was stunned for a moment before releasing the ignition. only. Lao Li's Dark Priest then gave a lightless shield, canceling the stun and ignition effects of Ice Soul. Then the group added a shadow wave, which brought the team's average health back up.

After being hit 3x, Binghun was still a little timid. But seeing the treatment of Lao Li, a powerful nanny, I immediately felt relieved and continued to stand up and output without fear.

That’s the benefit of having a healer on the team.

When the output of the guards is insufficient, if you kill the priest first, the rest of your team will be wiped out. If you want to kill the main force, Dark Priest can continuously add blood. Even a modest burial was given. In a dilemma, no matter how hard the Zhimei team fights, they won't be able to fight. Their other pseudo-core Shadow Demon is outputting Dark Priest, but. Lao Li then moved to the rear with a flashing surprise attack, leaving Shadow Demon dumbfounded.

If they were in another place, Shadow Demon could use the Hidden Sword to catch up, but behind the natural disaster was the middle tower. Under the true vision effect of the defense tower, Hidden Blade is completely deceiving himself!

In desperation, Shadow Demon had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​chasing the Dark Priest and turned around to prepare the Elegy of Souls.

He only needs one second of chanting time. If he can't control it continuously, he will be instantly killed. If you want to let it go, you can always find an opportunity. If Zhao Dingguo has the skill of Invoker, giving him a rapid cooldown can restrain him. But now, Zhao Dingguo himself is still in the sky, and he can only watch the Shadow Demon launch his ultimate move.

But that's just how big it is. You can’t kill people!

Although the blood volume of the ice soul closest to Shadow Demon dropped a lot, he made a prompt decision and activated the push stick to eject to the rear. After eating the points from the magic wand and enjoying the second shadow wave of the shadow priest, his blood volume immediately increased a lot. and. Ice Soul also has its own magic bottle. Before the guards could catch up, he took out the magic bottle and started to recover, which made the Zinmei team almost vomit blood.

As for the innocent Pat Bear, after his attack power was stolen by Zhao Dingguo by nearly a hundred points, he directly retreated from a powerful DPS to a second-rate support - this is the result of the static connection not being able to do its full job. If it could be fully effective for eight seconds, Pat Bear's attack would have to be stolen to zero. In particular, the duration of this skill is quite long, a full 18 seconds. In other words, once Panda Brewmaster's transformation is over, his attack power will probably be restored.

For Pat Bear, there is probably nothing more depressing than this in the world.

The elf died first and Paipiao Xiong's strength was limited, putting the Zinmei team in crisis. After their first round of counterattack ended, Zhao Dingguo's subsequent attacks further expanded their results.

The Curse of the Ice Soul and the Red Staff are no joke. Zhao Dingguo's attack was as powerful as the Divine Scepter, the wandering swordsman who was so awesome now, and Yan Yuelan who opened the blade armor and accidentally created two illusions by juxtaposing them, were also existences that made Konoe's head bigger. These heroes were superimposed together, and the ogre magician soon followed in the footsteps of the elf.

And then there’s Shadow Fiend!

Although this guy used Wind Step, he was still forced to stay. But just when the natural disaster thought that the shadow demon was dead, this guy actually showed another skill - the dark contract from the little fish man. Relying on prediction and early release, Shadow Demon successfully removed the negative buff and escaped with the Hidden Knife.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo missed his accurately predicted sky fire!

In any case, Shadow Demon escaped after all. While the natural disaster couldn't catch up, he turned his attention to the Panda Brewmaster. However, this guy's reaction was very fast. He launched the jumping knife at the end of the ultimate move, and then disappeared into the air with the Wind Step.

Another one ran away!

Well, the people in the Zhimei team have quite a few ways to save their lives.

With these two guys gone, Zhao Dingguo and the others had no choice but to come over and bully Paipai Xiong. After his teammates died and fled, Pat Bear's attack power was indeed restored. However, he seems to be alone. He was chased desperately by the people from the natural disaster, but he eventually died under his own second tower!

Zhao Dingguo and the others originally planned to kill him a second time, but unfortunately the Immortal Shield happened to be in time and disappeared early...

The troubled Pat Bear didn't even wait for resurrection, and went back to the spring to count the seconds.

Although they failed to achieve full success in the battle, the opponent came with the Immortal Shield and attacked aggressively, but in the end they were defeated by a small group of three people. This was already a rare victory. Moreover, Zhao Dingguo and the others advanced with the trend, leaving only one second tower for them to hit the road before all the heroes of the Guards were resurrected.

The Killing Canada Tower allowed Scourge's equipment to really set the Zinmei team up a notch.

Now that the two towers are gone, Zhao Dingguo and the others can consider advancing to the high ground. If they can win another hearty victory, the Scourge will definitely be able to take advantage of the situation and break two lanes in a row, directly establishing the victory of the death team battle. Seeing that this battle was progressing very smoothly, and that his promotion to Dusk was already 100% or 70% certain, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but feel very proud!

However, the enemy's high ground may not be that easy to access.

After some discussion, Scourge finally decided to wait a few more minutes. There are two reasons. One is that Yan Yuelan has obtained the relics of the saint and is not far away from Huiyao. Once her glory is obtained, her combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be qualitatively improved. Furthermore, they plan to wait for the third generation of Roshan. This time I am prepared and I will not let the enemy take it away no matter what. With the Immortal Shield and Cheese, and the brilliance of Hiko Yuelan, even if Konoe had his back on the high ground, his life would be crushed in an instant!

To this end, Zhao Dingguo and the others pushed again, not only allowing Ghost to gather enough money for Hui Yao, but also to take down the last two towers of Guards in one fell swoop.

In the past, when there were shields, the guards had never fought against natural disasters, and now they naturally dared not fight against them. Seeing the resolute advance of the natural disaster, they abandoned the tower after a slight delay and retreated to the high ground. Obviously, the members of the Zincmei team wanted to have a good sniper battle with the natural disaster on the high ground.

However, the people of the natural disaster did not directly attack the high ground after taking down the second tower as Konoe thought, but retreated in unison. Through the vision made by the elf, they noticed that people from natural disasters gathered around Roshan, and at this time, it would take a while before Roshan was refreshed.

With such an obvious action, no matter how stupid the Guardsmen are, they will know the intention of the natural disaster.

"If they get the third-generation meat mountain, then this battle..."

Patting Bear frowned, fully aware of the difficulty of his current situation. If it were the Roshan of the first two generations, that would be it. There would only be an Immortal Shield. The third-generation Roshan has a shield and cheese, which is like giving the natural disaster two more lives. Coupled with their inherent advantages, they can completely attack their own high ground. This shield cannot be given away no matter what!

Although he knew that the natural disaster party must have taken full precautions, Paipaixiong still gritted his teeth and made a decision. Everyone turned on the fog, saying that they would stop the natural disaster no matter what.

This decision is difficult to make, but it has to be done.

Everyone knows that if this battle succeeds by luck and they can grab the third generation Roshan, then they will still have enough opportunities. But if the team is wiped out this time, then they don't have to fight and can surrender. However, Pai Pai Xiong, who has deeply learned his previous lessons, has formulated a new plan this time, and it is very likely to succeed in one go!

Under his command, the five guards opened the fog together and arrived near the entrance to the river in their own wild area.

Coincidentally, Roshan was refreshed at this time.

For this third-generation Roshan that determines the outcome of the battle, the two sides launched a final battle!

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