DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 521: Being set on fire by the guards

Next to the canyon of Roshan.

Just as Konoe knows that this mountain of meat cannot be given up, the people in the natural disaster also know very well that Konoe will definitely find a way to stop it. Because if you remain indifferent, you will definitely lose, but if you come to stop it, you still have some chances. Therefore, under the command of Zhao Dingguo, Natural Disaster also prepared a response strategy early.

The first is vision occlusion.

Since the elf's eye position was well done and was not placed on the common high slope of the river, Zhao Dingguo and the others did not clear out the eye when they first arranged it. This gave Konoe some convenience, but due to the remote location, he could only see the situation of people passing by the river, but could not see the specific situation of Roshan Canyon.

Then it's anti-hidden.

The two previous harassments by the Guards' Panda Brewmaster were both discovered through Zhao Dingguo's detection magic array. However, the most important feature of this thing is that it is free and will not be discovered by the True Sight Gem. If you really want to turn to the anti-hidden effect, it is not as useful as real eyes. Therefore, Lao Li bought a set of real eyes, one of which was used to exclude the guards' vision, and the other was inserted near the Roshan Canyon.

As long as Panda Brewmaster or Shadow Demon dares to come over, they will find out!

The next thing is one word: drag!

Don't forget, Yan Yuelan's ghost has a radiance. No guards could be seen on the line. After confirming that they had arrived, Yan Yuelan left directly and began to advance quickly with the effect of radiance. Zhao Dingguo and the others stayed near the Roushan Canyon, not fighting, just spending time with the guards.

Why is the Ghost bloodline so popular right now? One of the greatest values ​​is here.

Because they were not sure whether the natural disaster had occurred, the guards could only send people to take risks every once in a while to take a look. For this reason, they even brought the flying courier from home. However, Zhao Dingguo and the others had their own ghost lead, and the other four were wasting their time here. The guards looked at them several times, but Zhao Dingguo and the others remained motionless. This made the Zinmei team grind their teeth, but there was nothing they could do.

Furthermore, even if they send people back to kill the ghosts. Natural Scourge would definitely not mind sacrificing one of her, and then exchange it for the Immortal Shield and Cheese of the Third Generation Roshan!

"How can we fight this?"

Watching Yan Yuelan lead his troops to the second tower on the upper road, and then gradually approach the high ground, all the team members looked at Paipaixiong, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Paipiaoxiong was also very depressed at the moment. He hesitated and asked the elf and himself to return to the rescue tower. Once the guards start attacking Roshan, he and the elf will use the big pass to go back and join the battle. In order to prevent Yan Yuelan from leaving early after seeing the teleportation beam, the two of them deliberately moved to the middle. Just wait for Yan Yuelan to show up.

However, things are a little different from what they thought.

After approaching the high ground, Yan Yuelan became obviously more cautious. When the new line of troops came up, she did not step forward to attack. Instead, she stood far behind the ghouls, which happened to be the edge of the radiance taking effect. Anyway, with Hui Yao's 45 seconds of damage, the troops would automatically rush to the high ground without her having to do anything. But in this way, it would be difficult for Pat Bear and the elf to approach unexpectedly.

We waited for two groups of soldiers in succession. Neither of them waited for the opportunity.

Seeing the durability of the high ground being consumed little by little, the elf and Pat Bear couldn't hold their breath.

When a new wave of soldiers appeared, the two rushed forward accelerated by the lightning chain. After entering Yan Yuelan's field of vision. Paipaixiong jumped directly and came to a place not far from Yan Yuelan. However, since it is not far away, it ultimately means there is still a little distance. Yan Yuelan, who had always been calm and alert, immediately activated the Ghost Blade without saying a word.

She stood in the diagonal back row of the military line, right next to the woods on the edge of the upper road. Under the special effect of the Ghost Blade ignoring the terrain, Yan Yuelan stepped into the woods before the opponent could kill her instantly. Next, no matter how powerful Pat the Bear is, it won't be able to do anything to him.

The elf followed up with a few attacks, after Yan Yuelan was beyond his attack range. I can only give up in vain.

At this time, Zhao Dingguo and the others openly walked into the canyon of Roshan. Only the wandering swordsman was still standing outside, as if watching the wind.

It is not known whether the guard fought or not.

How should the people of the Zincmei team respond?

The first second or two. The three members of the Zinmei team who were confronting Zhao Dingguo and the others may not have realized it yet. But then, they discovered the natural disaster's actions and immediately issued a warning to Pat Bear. However, Paipaixiong was able to keep his composure. He believed that Zhao Dingguo and the other four were just feinting. So he rejected his teammates' proposal to let them come back immediately, and instead asked them to find a way to determine the movements of the natural disaster.

In desperation, the Panda Brewmaster, who had enough meat, could only activate the Wind Step again and risk getting closer.

With the help of the real eye, of course the wandering swordsman saw the panda. So, he directly threw the Storm Hammer up, then surrounded him with energy gears, and began to attack the Panda Brewmaster at close range. The former has armor like the Vanguard Shield and dodge and critical attack skills, so he is not afraid. Not to mention the latter. Although it is not turned on at full speed, the armor is high enough and there is a domination mask. The two of them would have a great time fighting each other with a knife and a punch.

However, if this continues, there will be no natural disaster action.

In desperation, Konoe finally decided to press forward across the board. The shadow demon and the ogre magician both rushed forward with the bonus of the bloodthirsty spell. Seeing that the guards were losing their composure, Zhao Dingguo and the others, who were not actually shielding, immediately stood up and started to counterattack while they were preparing to focus on the wandering swordsman!

However, Zhao Dingguo made a mistake.

After being disgusted by Zhao Dingguo's static connection before, Pat Xiong learned from the pain and decided to kill Zhao Dingguo instantly first. As a result, the five people made a detailed plan. This time, Shadow Demon and Ogre Mage seem to be starting to help Panda Brewmaster fight strays, but in fact the output is still there. Seeing Zhao Dingguo and the others emerging from the canyon, waiting to join the battlefield, they immediately sent their output to Zhao Dingguo!

The shadow demon's shadow pressure, the ogre magician's flame blast, and even the Panda Brewmaster came straight to Zhao Dingguo after he was activated.

These outputs are far from enough to kill Zhao Dingguo. However, when Pat Bear and Elf also launched their ultimate moves, Zhao Dingguo was in danger. Because the elf's landing place was right next to him. Although Zhao Dingguo wanted to run away, he was stunned by Lan Pang's flame blast first. Before he could recover, the elemental panda's throw was just right, forming a series of stuns!

Although Lao Li's Aphotic Shield came right after him, it was still a step too late. Before Zhao Dingguo could push himself out with the push stick, Pat Bear and the Elf had already arrived beside him. The special effects of the chain of lightning stunned Zhao Dingguo again, and Pat Bear immediately launched the fury attack he had prepared.

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's blood volume drop rapidly, Bing Hun reacted very quickly and pushed his push towards Zhao Dingguo, ejecting him away. Although Lao Li was buried in Bo, he saw that Zhao Dingguo still had half of his health, and the weaving was also working continuously, so he did not immediately add a shadow wave to Zhao Dingguo, but only added a shadow wave to him.

After all, the five seconds of Bo Burial seem to be a long time, and it only takes less than one round of skills. If you add it early, it may be wasted before the blood reaches the end.

However, the people at Konoe had already anticipated this critical point. After Binghun pushed Zhao Dingguo out, the elf and Pat Bear immediately followed up, relying on the skill of Underworld Trembling to almost increase their speed to the extreme. After quickly approaching Zhao Dingguo, he started a new round of outbursts. At the same time, the Elemental Panda used its blowing skill to blow Lao Li's Dark Priest into the sky!

This action made both Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li's hearts sink.

Due to Paipai's passive skills, his output is getting stronger and stronger. After the second round of angry attacks, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume dropped rapidly. However, the battle cry effect that the wandering swordsman had kept, combined with the improved armor of the weaving, finally helped Zhao Dingguo withstand a lot of damage. Even if the clones of pandas, shadow demons, etc. are trying to attack Zhao Dingguo, he is still not dead!

When the dizziness ended, Zhao Dingguo immediately pushed the stick to push himself away, then turned on the phase shoes and exited the battlefield with all his strength.

Zhao Dingguo was almost instantly killed just now, which really frightened Zhao Dingguo. If he died like this, then Zhao Dingguo's death team battle would be meaningless even if he won. Moreover, if you want to hit the twilight realm again, you can only wait a month later, which is what Zhao Dingguo does not want to see.

However, with the help of Ice Soul's deceleration, he should be safe?

At this time, the frontal battlefield was extremely fierce. However, Konoe wasted too much output on Zhao Dingguo and made the same mistake as before when he instantly killed the Dark Priest. The Panda Brewmaster at that time managed to kill Lao Li at the last moment of his ultimate move, but this time, they failed to kill him! They will definitely lose this team battle!

However, Zhao Dingguo immediately found that he seemed to feel relieved a little too early.

Although the other heroes of the enemy did not pursue him, the Panda Brewmaster with full power was chasing Lao Li, allowing the Fire Panda and Wind Panda to chase him all the way. Although Zhao Dingguo was dissatisfied with his movement speed, it couldn't compare with the fastest fire panda. The movement speed of the invisible Wind Panda is also greatly increased, so it can still catch up with him. Under the attack of these two pandas, Zhao Dingguo's blood volume, which he had finally recovered, continued to drop again.

Zhao Dingguo frowned and immediately sealed himself with astral imprisonment.

Panda Brewmaster's ultimate move has a duration after all, and every second it delays counts as a second. Moreover, noticing his danger, Lao Li was also rushing here desperately. For a moment, Zhao Dingguo even planned to use the instant recovery potion he had just obtained to forcibly increase his blood volume!

For other super users, this is really a waste of money. But for Zhao Dingguo, who is eager to advance, excluding the victory point of death deduction, this price is not unacceptable.

Fortunately, at the moment when his blood volume was at its most dangerous, Lao Li finally rushed over in a flash and gave him the crucial Thin Burial!

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