From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 121 When Adams ran away

"No, Singed-"

Adams himself was furious. It was so early in the morning that you suddenly appeared and startled me. What was the point of making up such a page of jokes?

Making up these jokes can make you have fun all night long!

Can the boat of friendship capsize easily?

Not to mention the person involved, Adams, even William who was watching was a little angry at the moment - you just want to show us this?

I know it's fun to make up jokes - you might as well learn from me and get some test papers. Although the technical content is not as good as alchemy, it is somewhat helpful to students. I won't teach you, just for a few jokes. With success like this, did you sneak in like me?

"What are you doing?"

Singed looked confused, as if he was asking for applause and cheers - which made William even more angry.

It's just a joke. You stayed up all night making it up and you're so excited that you can't sleep. This doesn't make sense!

Although staying up late made Professor Singed feel bad, he still found something was wrong - he glanced at the piece of paper, then looked at the two people with an inexplicable look, and then put the parchment away. He grabbed it, turned it over, and handed it over again.

"You're still the professor - you can't understand the front and back of the parchment?"

'You should explain what the hell it is to write a bunch of jokes on the back! ’

Complaints are complaints, but you still have to watch them.

Compared to the pile of text at the back, there are only a few lines on the front of the paper.

[Quick-acting hair growth agent: add..., assist..., and then use...

The experiment works. 】

William felt completely sad - after all, his native language was not English, and he might be able to guess those professional words in Chinese, but now he could only understand those auxiliary words.

Although it had nothing to do with it, he still thought of Mei Chaofeng - if he didn't understand these professional terms, he just couldn't understand them. It was more difficult for him, a layman in alchemy, to read them than to read the heavenly book.

'It is estimated that this formula can be copied exactly as it is in the hands of an alchemist master, but I...'

William raised his head, feeling that this was more insulting than those jokes - the handwriting was clear and unedited, although it was a bit sloppy, but he just couldn't understand it.

"Oh - well," Adams sneered with disdain on his face, "Think about it with your brain that still looks like a new product after not sleeping all night, do I understand alchemy?"

‘How ironic. ’

William quickly reconsidered in his mind, but didn't show it - he still only had a short time with these guys, and he didn't have the courage to say such things confidently yet.

"I know you don't understand, but we know each other from before, right?"

Singed sneered back, pointed at the name in front of him with his finger, and then touched up his hair that had been suppressed in the past, "Look, what a great discovery!"

It didn't take him to tell the two of them to see it - in the place that was originally extremely smart, a small piece of very short and thin hair was lying there. Although it looked malnourished and seemed to be about to fall off, it was indeed a new life. s hair.

"See it, see it! What a great invention!"

Singed looked proud - as if staying up all night was nothing, and he even planned to stay connected for a few more days.

‘It’s great, but it’s completely different from what I imagined. ’

Although William, who had maintained good hair volume, thought it was amazing, he did not feel empathy - he was excited first, then disappointed, then excited again, suffered a blow, and then lost again. He was no longer sad or happy.

Originally, he thought that Singed had come up with some magical magic props or alchemy potions that could increase his strength. Now this kind of thing has come out. It cannot be said that it is not good, and it can even be said that it is very suitable for Professor Singed to use, but it is indeed good for him. Not much help.

'What Singed invented has nothing to do with you - if it is of any use, you can only use it if he is willing to help you, and it has nothing to do with you! ’

William warned himself, but still imagined in his mind the scene of him practicing black magic with a quick-acting hair growth agent.

'The Dark Lord seems to have no hair - maybe this thing will work for him? That's not right either - the Dark Lord doesn't even have a nose, so why does he need hair? ’

This thought made William come out of his strange mood - by this time Professor Singed had begun to brag about his discovery to others.

"William - I suspect Singed successfully made those potions last night. He was just too excited to fall asleep."

Adams whispered.

‘I agree with this. It seems like so many jokes can’t be made up in a short time - but I can’t say for sure. What if inspiration strikes? ’

William didn't say this - he hadn't eaten yet, and although he wasn't afraid of a duel, if Adams proposed a duel, he wouldn't be able to finish the meal.


"Where's Adams? Did he go to Hagrid's place again?"

At noon on Friday, Singed, whose interest had not dissipated, asked William at the dinner table.

"Yeah, just like yesterday."

William carefully put the small persimmon on his plate and responded after making sure it was safe.

It was probably the jokes that Singed wrote when he was excited that stimulated Adams, or maybe he was addicted to cooking. These days, Adams went to Hagrid's place every day, and the two of them worked on the cock together - according to Singed, it was him now. The chef.

To be precise, after just finishing the first class today, Adams couldn't wait to go to Hagrid's place to cook - his addiction to cooking has been aroused in the past few days.

"Really, he is addicted - not only did he stop blushing when he was joking, but he even asked us which recipe looked appetizing while holding the recipe in hand!"

"I'm afraid that one day he will turn the herbal medicine class into a chef class without further ado. According to this trend, it's not impossible."

"Then maybe he will take his attention away from the cock. By the way, have you seen Aphra today?"

William complained, and then asked about the little girl who didn't see the shadow today.

"No - Aphra was grounded for two weeks, Professor Taylor said."

"Huh? Aphra is grounded, Adams is busy cooking - what about you, how is your potion?"

"It's still not allowed. Professor Kettleburn said that I am prohibited from providing the medicine to other colleagues before the safety is verified."

Professor Singed's tone was a little unbalanced - this was completely understandable to William.

New medicines must be tested before they can be used, but Professor Kettleburn said it was safe, which was really unbearable.

"Good things never come late. Maybe you'll grow a full head of hair before they even use it."

"That's true - by then I might be able to turn this into a brand and stay in school counting the money."

"Stay at school?"

"That's right - after leaving Hogwarts, where can you find a job that works less than four hours a week?"

Singed had an expression on his face that said, "Are you stupid?"

‘It’s amazing how little alchemy class you have! ’

William rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about these details, consider that Adams still has to take care of the herbs in the middle of the night, this is much more balanced."

It was quite effective comfort, and William felt much better all of a sudden.

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