From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 122 Another dead chicken?

Friday afternoon, staff lounge.

A few professors who had no classes were playing wizard chess, while William idly picked up a book on Transfiguration and read it - in theory, he should read more professional-related things, but since the incident with Professor Singed's hair growth agent, He suddenly realized that he still knew too little about the common sense of the magical world.

Although in theory there is no way to quickly improve those common sense, William still feels that he should dabble in books on other subjects to broaden his knowledge.

'Why is transfiguration so difficult? ’

In theory, this book on transfiguration should be a basic reading book for third graders, but when William read it, it felt like reading C language: from entry to burial.

The magic foundation he originally received was a mixed education of potions and some black magic. His self-study before entering school was also focused on the now renamed self-defense technique, which can improve his self-protection ability the most. For him, the transformation technique is really improved. A little more difficult.

The first and second grade courses were easy to understand, but the third grade courses were not so easy for him to understand.

"How about going to the library and looking through some reference books?"

This idea came to William's mind - even if it is the same content, the explanations in different textbooks will have different emphasis, no matter which subject it is.

Just when he was about to implement his idea, the door to the lounge suddenly opened.

"Adams, the chicken is back?"

Among the crowd watching wizard chess, Singed stood out.

It's a pity that the teasing didn't work - the Herbology Professor was already able to ignore this level of ridicule.

However, William guessed wrong today.

"Don't always accuse people wrongly, Xingjid. Your biggest problem is that you like to make random assumptions."

Adams shook his finger with contempt on his face.

'Um? ’

William, who originally planned to leave after saying hello, was immediately attracted by the development of the plot - watching it for a while is not a waste of time, right?

"We spent half a day building a larger chicken coop and cast several protective spells on it. Now we don't have to worry about any strange creatures killing the chickens."

"Is it necessary? Can those magical creatures eat as fast as you?"

Singed directly hit with a critical hit.

"That's because everyone in Hufflepuff has good cooking skills, so of course the food sells out quickly."

Adams looked proud.

"Eh? Didn't the attack happen on Monday? Hagrid hasn't caught the animal that killed the rooster yet?"

Because the incident on Monday was quite big, all the professors present knew what happened that day that caused all the students to have dark circles under their eyes.

Hagrid had been a gamekeeper longer than most professors, so everyone was surprised that he didn't catch any misbehaving animals.

‘It’s weird that they were caught. It was most likely the twins who did it, and there wasn’t even much evidence to catch them. ’

William lowered his head to hide his expression - even if he came to the conclusion, it would be wrong to tell other professors without any evidence.

"No, not only was he not caught, but the last rooster was also killed."

"The last one?"

"Yes, just in the morning, the poor chicken was already dead when I went over, otherwise we wouldn't have spent so long building the chicken coop."

Adams said regretfully—apparently regretting not being able to kill the chicken himself.

"The last one? Did you eat so much?"

Singed suddenly discovered the blind spot and heated things up - the lounge was filled with joy, and Adams explained that one chicken was not enough for Hagrid, and that it was mainly because of the number of times they ate. There are many, but there is no hiding place under Singed's sharp eyes.

During their happy time, William left the lounge directly with the book under his arm.


‘What did I overlook? Or are the twins not satisfied with the destruction once and planning to do it a second time? ’

Infinite ideas came to William's mind, but he decided not to speculate anymore - there seemed to be something wrong with his last guess.

"It's not easy to ask questions at Adams. There are a group of professors here. I guess it's easy to be led astray by Xingjid and the others if you ask questions. Although it's nice to have fun on weekdays, the atmosphere there now is obviously not suitable. Investigate.”

William walked quickly in the corridor. He was going to ask Hagrid first - hoping to get some different information this time.

"Hagrid, Hagrid!"

Outside Hagrid's hut, William shouted loudly.

"William! Good afternoon - I'm going out for a trip, why don't you come with me? I remember you don't have class."

Hagrid poked his head out wearing a very funny outfit. William could guarantee that the bag on Hagrid's body plus the cage on his hand would be enough to catch rabbits for the entire school.

"No, not really, but now - well, there's something I want to ask you."

William considered his words, hoping that this time the question would make Hagrid a little more serious.

"Okay, you're a little too serious. Anyway, I've made a reservation with Owl. Let's sit inside for a while. I think we have enough time to discuss it."

He waved his hands funny, put the cage on the ground, and took William into the house.

"I learned a lot of recipes from Professor Adams this week - some of them are magic recipes, which are not easy to learn. If I have time on the weekend, I will show off my skills."

Hagrid muttered as he started looking for a teacup.

'If I remember correctly, Adams said the last rooster died today? Isn't he going to buy goods again? ’

"So, you want to buy a cock?"

"Yeah, I'm going to buy more. I've ordered a lot of them this time."

Hagrid placed the teacup on the table nonchalantly.

"I heard from Adams that a rooster died today?"

"Yes, it's exactly the same as last time. Professor Adams helped me strengthen the chicken shed, and also used methods commonly used in greenhouses to repel magical creatures. I also made some traps to scare away small things that might come. This time It should be safe to bring in the rooster.”

It looked like Adams' chicken coop was in good repair, and at least Hagrid was quite satisfied.

But William didn’t come here to investigate this.

"Well, is there anything different between this attack and last time? For example, the traces, techniques, blood loss, etc.?"

"Is there any way to do it? It's still the same, biting off the head, and then losing all the blood. If I didn't know that vampires don't drink chicken blood, I would have suspected it was a vampire!"

Hagrid said nonchalantly, taking it even less seriously than the last time he came here.

Yes - after all, after eating more than a dozen roosters in a week, there is only one dead chicken, but the edible part is still there. What's so surprising?

If William hadn't been cursed, he wouldn't have fallen for it - anyway, it's not poisonous and can be eaten, and it's not enough for a meal, so what's there to worry about?

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