From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 185 William gritted his teeth

With the onset of winter comes the end of semesters – of course, just the end of the first semester.

There are three semesters in an academic year at Hogwarts, which are separated by three long holidays of Christmas, Easter and summer vacation, allowing busy students and professors to take a break from the busy teaching work - at least that's what the official introduction says .

"So, William, you're going to stay at school for Christmas in your first year?"

Adams asked at the dinner table on the last night of the semester.

"Probably," William picked up the lamb chops with a fork, "I still have some questions that I haven't thought clearly about."

To be precise, William not only didn't think clearly about some things, he also had some ideas that he wanted to put into practice that were not convenient for others to see.

Among the mountains of information provided by Filch, he finally found something interesting - Professor Slughorn suddenly slowed down his requests for banquets in a certain year. In the bills of the same year The professor's alcohol consumption was also greatly reduced.

You know, the school will provide certain subsidies when professors hold banquets, so it is basically certain that something happened that year that caused the number of banquets to be reduced.

What's even more interesting is that when William focused on searching the records of those years, he also found a quite interesting name in the relevant records - Tom Riddle.

Although the name Tom is very common in the wizarding world, William checked the exam records of that year and found that this guy named Tom Riddle passed the OWLs exam with perfect honors.

Yes, straight A's - considering the difficulty of the matter and the sporadic information Dumbledore had revealed, William had almost confirmed who the name belonged to.

The Dark Lord, the person most admired by the madmen in the deepest part of Azkaban, has always been a mysterious person in the magical world, and his hidden real name is so ordinary.


Before William could understand the twists and turns in his mind, Adams, who was sitting opposite him, had already made a questioning voice.

"It's okay, I'm still thinking about Filch. Who did it? How could he hide it so well——"

William randomly found a topic and changed the subject. He had no choice but to let anyone get involved in this matter. It was still unknown how many curses Tom had cast upon him after his heavy vest was pulled off. As for Adams, it was unknown. The fighting power of a goose will die if you try it.

"Yes, it was really well hidden," Adams nodded in agreement. "Because the culprit was not caught, Professor McGonagall has not looked very good these days, let alone the person involved, Filch."

"I hope he will be better this holiday. Many people are not spending Christmas at school, so he doesn't need to keep an eye on it so much."

"hope so."


William's blessing did not take effect, and shortly after the Hogwarts Express took the students away from the campus, the administrator fell ill.

When William was about to look for more information, Filch was lying in his hammock, suffering from a low fever, while his cat Mrs. Lorris was lying on the mat next to him and staring at him, waiting for William to knock. When the door opened, there was a shrill scream.

As a cat, it did a great job - if it weren't for its meow, William would most likely have thought Filch was gone and left. No one would have noticed Filch's absence until dinner or longer. members fell ill.

"Madam Pomfrey, what is wrong with him?"

William's research on disease treatment is not in-depth - due to time constraints, his research focuses on first aid for injuries caused by magic, as well as some solutions to common poisonings. More comprehensive compensation will have to be made up later.

"Cold plus overwork," Madam Pomfrey shook her head helplessly, "The potion can cure it, but he must have a good rest. I dare say he can't even sleep for three hours a day during this period. "

How could there be three hours? From what students reported during this period, Filch was patrolling almost day and night, trying to find the murderer, and would only lie down in the office for a while when he was very sleepy.

"Then let him have a good rest. There aren't many students during the holidays anyway."

William glanced at the administrator on the hospital bed and shook his head - there were very few students staying in the school, mostly to avoid the administrator who had become increasingly grumpy during this period.

After thanking Madam Pomfrey, William sighed and left the hospital.

Things harm their own kind, rabbits die and foxes are sad. Seeing Filch lying on the hospital bed, William was not in a good mood.

Because Filch was not strong enough, he was trapped by the students and hung on the outer wall of the castle. This led him to frantically search for the murderer and then exhausted himself. But what about himself?

Wasn't it because he was not strong enough and was cursed by the Dark Lord that he had to look for something that might be useful from those materials?

"Why are you so pessimistic?" William stuffed a piece of chocolate for himself. "The most basic vest has been taken out. The next step is to speculate on the Tom Riddle based on Professor Slughorn's records over the years. social circle.”

The retired professor was the dean of Slytherin back then, and he was also a guy who liked to collect geniuses - geniuses were not a common thing, and William didn't believe that the Dark Lord whom Slughorn was interested in looked down upon.

The list of Death Eaters is difficult to compile, but the banquet records at Hogwarts are very comprehensive. William would bet that the repetition rate is definitely more than 80%.

'But what I'm going to do next is a little un-professor-like. ’

William sighed and continued to make calculations - there was a high probability that he would have to try to invade Slytherin's lounge during this holiday. If he did not successfully invade during this period, he would have to wait until the Easter holiday to find such a good opportunity next time. That's too far away.

'The current investigation has not reached that point, but based on the current evidence, I must understand the basic structure of Slytherin's lounge so as not to be blind when reasoning. ’

William was confused.

As a professor, invading the student lounge is not a classy act, let alone that there is a place besides the lounge that he would most likely go to.

"Professor Snape's office."

He couldn't help but cover his face.

It's all hard work, but it's not enough not to go - if I don't seize the opportunity to invade during the holidays this time, the investigation will be disconnected in the middle and it will be Easter if I try to catch up!

'I'm afraid I have to use the card. The rest room is okay. Professor Snape's office. With my strength alone, it is almost impossible not to leave traces...'

He considered the cards in his hand and began to include those disposable cards.

‘If you can’t find it this time, I will help Professor Binns get some sets of papers! It’s the kind that targets the whole school! ’

William gritted his teeth and said, "I still don't believe it. The self-defense professor gave me a test paper and you didn't respond. The whole school has to take the exam right after the semester starts, and you can't clear the negative box!"

ps: Chapter 2 will be made up during the day tomorrow. I went to bed too late yesterday and was very sleepy.

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