From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 186 William who checks the accounts (wrong)

Hogwarts has been passed down for thousands of years, and the four houses have been separated since the founding of the school, and the structure has not changed to this day.

Although no one would admit it openly, William was very clear about one thing even if he didn't think about it - the four colleges definitely had their own private accounts.

Apart from anything else, given the incompatible relationship between Slytherin and Gryffindor, wouldn't graduates of each other ask a little about the purpose of donations when donating?

This is obviously impossible, let alone a donation to the academy. William witnessed with his own eyes this year the Malfoy family's funding of the Slytherin Quidditch team. This is definitely not a donation that goes into public accounts.

There is no doubt that this account is in the hands of Professor Snape, and considering the number of irregularities in the account books over the years, Professor Snape will never be able to carry all the account books with him. At most, he will carry the ones of the past ten years with him. Even if you are very vigilant.

But William didn't want to check the situation of Slytherin's treasury in the past few years. He wanted to check the private accounts of Slytherin House when Professor Slughorn was still in school.

‘Not to mention pure-blood families, even the emperor of a dynasty has limited funds available for a period of time. If the money is used here, there will definitely be less money there. If you spend money to support the Dark Lord, the donation to Slytherin will be less. This cannot be false. ’

'It's just that no matter which professor is the dean, such private accounts will definitely not be handed over. If it weren't for other goods that may be contained in those private accounts, I wouldn't be tempted to touch this stuff. ’

William has been at school for so long and is quite familiar with the school's rules on confinement - Filch has theoretically a record of all student violations over the years.

But the reason why it is said to be theoretical is that school rules are never that rigid. Some people are punished after making mistakes, but the punishment will not be reported and kept as a record. The dean will make the record. never mind.

This is not William's allusion to Professor Snape, but that some people make mistakes and fall into the hands of their dean. After the dean deducts points and imposes a sentence of confinement, they don't want to report to the school. This situation basically happens, but A little more Slytherin.

Now that he has found out the name Tom Riddle and is planning to conduct an investigation into the members of the Slug Club organized by Professor Slughorn in those years, William naturally cannot let go of the records from those years.

'Not at Hogwarts, but at Gringotts. It's not an illegal account after all - I hope it's not the latter. Invading Gringotts is not a good job. "

William breathed a sigh of relief and began to list backup plans for possible failure.

'Sure enough, Azkaban is not a good place. I have only been there for so long, and there are so many criminal patterns...'

He stuffed himself a piece of preserved fruit and muttered to himself.

At noon, William stopped what he was doing, remembered all the plans he had made, and then set off for the restaurant.

He didn't have a chance to look at the list of those who stayed in school. Now he could only rely on his observations in the restaurant to guess who was staying in school during this holiday. Thanks to Tofelci, there wouldn't be too many people in school.

'The plan to infiltrate the lounge is not complete yet. I don't have any inventory of Polyjuice Potion here. I can't get it safely from my former colleagues..."

"Hello, Professor."

The students passing by said hello, which startled William - he was thinking about illegal things along the way, and he completely lost his previous vigilance.

"you're good too."

William responded with a smile without asking any unnecessary questions.

Except for special reasons, not many people stayed in school to celebrate Christmas. After finally having a holiday, he didn't want to be a bad guy and ask about anything unhappy.

However, the child got excited and said, "Professor, there are not many people during the Christmas holiday. Please come and sit on the table in our college."

William couldn't help but rummage through his memory again about the student in front of him - yes, the Hufflepuff student, the sixth grader, seems to be named Robert?

Anyway, the grade should be fine. There is no way a fifth-grade student would be so happy to see him.

In view of the fact that he still had to perfect his illegal plan, William began to think of excuses and prepared to reject the student.

"Today is a rare holiday. A group of us secretly made a lot of delicious food in the kitchen!"

Ah, this...

Anyway, he was just observing the students, so it was impossible to take action so early - William couldn't have taken action before he had figured out the number of students and the number of professors staying at the school.

"Let's go, poor Professor William can never refuse delicious food," William put on a sincere smile, "Of course, the invitation from the students is also an important reason."

He patted the student's shoulder and decided that if it was really delicious, he would think of a way to give Hufflepuff some extra points when school starts. If it wasn't, he would give Hufflepuff some extra homework.

"Professor, do you have any favorite flavor?"

"Well," William thought for a while, "Everything is fine. If you have to say there is something you particularly like, it would be chocolate?"

"Then you must like desserts," Robert hit his left hand with his fist. "There happens to be a student among the students who is good at baking!"

No, are you staying in school just for the Huohuo school kitchen?

But this was obviously not a question suitable for him as a professor who came over to eat, so he could only give up the accusation and continued on the topic of the taste of dessert with a smile, "It seems that I am in luck, so I will look forward to it a little bit." one time."

"You can rest assured on that, Professor."

Robert assured, patting his chest.


After arriving at the restaurant, William immediately realized that he had made a wise choice by agreeing to the student's invitation - no professor would come to the restaurant for dinner today!

"There must be some professors who are staying behind. After dinner, when the students are almost finished observing, I will go to the staff lounge to have a look. Maybe I can see someone." ’

While chatting with the students, William counted the number of students who were staying at the school. It happened that today we were not eating at the long table where teachers ate, so we could postpone the observation meeting until the end of the meal.

"Hello, professor!"

"Good afternoon, Professor!"

As soon as William sat down at the table, the Hufflepuff students nearby greeted him. William glanced around, and sure enough he didn't see the fifth grade.

But why does that little kid over there look so familiar - the lower class students don't come home for Christmas?

But his attention was quickly attracted by the food on the table. It was a dish completely different from the elf cooking style in the past. Although the appearance was a little worse, it was still very appetizing.

More importantly, he actually saw a plate of twice-cooked pork and a plate of tomato scrambled eggs!

Tomato scrambled eggs!

‘William, you have to be reserved! ’

‘You have to be reserved! ’

"This dish is quite strange, what's its name?"

William looked at the students with a smile and pointed at the scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Tomato scrambled eggs, I made them."

The little one stepped forward.

A hard-to-pronounce English name—but it doesn’t matter.

"Fresh dishes, let me try them."

William picked up the fork without hesitation - it was time to cook.

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