From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 197 Oh no, something big happened at school

While Bart went to get the red paper, William began to tally up the list of cheaters sent by Lockhart.

Thirty-one students stayed in school - one hundred and ninety-two people on the cheating list.

This list is outrageous in every sense of the word.

He counted the list again and found that there were only two students who had not cheated - Percy Weasley and Hermione Granger.

'This list is outrageous in every sense of the word...'

William grinned and began to deduct points one by one.

'Speaking of which, the twins were not in the front -' William had to re-check the list to confirm that Professor Lockhart had not recorded it on the back of the list. 'It was as if they had changed people. The average number of cheats between them did not reach the same level. !'

'On the other hand, Harry and Ron were actually at the top of the cheating list...' William rubbed his forehead, 'Is Professor Lockhart really trying to catch people? ’

It can be said that Lockhart was careless. He caught someone cheating two hundred times in one exam. He would never complain about the invigilator's incompetence...

‘Forget it, can we still compile a list? ’

William began to deduct points according to the number of cheats and tally the scores.

'First place, Percy. ’

Of course - no matter how William comprehensively tests the questions, it would be difficult for a second-year top student to pass the exam against a sixth-grade top student.

'Second place, Hermione. ’

‘I can trust those bastards who were detained in the sixth grade for their red envelopes in exchange for roars! Don't even think about a Nat! ’

William rolled his eyes - even if it was an open-book exam, those who stayed in the sixth grade and did not pass the second grade should take the roaring letter and reflect!

He was so angry that he bit off the straw in his mouth. Isn't it a shame? It's unknown why the fifth grade students were not detained in school, and the sixth grade students who failed to pass the exam should be caught to make up for the second grade students!

‘I want to see if those guys are so embarrassing! ’

William began to flip through the list, marking the names in red ink.

‘The students who made it into the top ten were reluctantly forgiven, but the students who didn’t make it didn’t get a single NAT! ’

There are also fourth-grade students who can’t pass the second-grade exam and can’t get into the top 20, please reflect on it!

The statistical results came out quickly. Although it was an open-book exam, the accumulation of years of studying in the sixth grade still played a role. They occupied the top of the list, and only two shameful guys did not make the top ten.

Among those who stayed in the fourth grade, there were three who did not make the top twenty, and these were the three who were particularly slow.

Count down one, two, three, and it’s round.

‘Selma? ’

William looked at the name, and it immediately matched the person in his mind—a petite kid who looked like a first grader.

'The books she carries are probably not similar to those she brought with her in the first grade...'

'And the number of cheats has reached fifteen times. If you don't take the top spot, who will?'

This is understandable, and William looked at the second to third people from the bottom.

'Brother Weasley, you two cheated and you didn't deduct a few points, but you got such a low score? ’

If Selma hadn't cheated too hard, these two guys would have been tied for last place. How good are they in open-book exams?



The loud snoring continued, causing the Weasley brothers in the same dormitory to look at each other speechless for a while.

‘Should I wake him up? ’

The two communicated with their eyes.

‘No, I gave my roommate a discount yesterday, but he just bought a galleons worth of stuff. I’m afraid it won’t be good if he wakes me up. ’

The two of them got out of bed helplessly, and then went to the lounge chairs in the lounge.

"Why do you think we fell asleep?"

"After all, I didn't drink the potion, so I sold it all..."

George sighed and responded, "There is absolutely no hope for the elixir."

"I didn't expect it at first," Fred cheered himself up. "Anyway, we actually got the Galleons. This is the first time I've seen so many Galleons on Christmas!"

"Yes, wonderful Christmas, wonderful galleons."

George took out the little cuties from his pocket and let them dance nimbly between his fingers. "With them, we can experiment with our ideas - but then again, what is the big plan we came up with when we put on the crowns?" what?"

"Who knows, we can't wear it again, right?" Fred stretched out his arms, "If we wear it again, regardless of whether the professor agrees, if we lose our memory again, we will probably see an angry mother at the end of the semester. "

The two couldn't help but shudder, looked at each other, and decided to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I've seen such a quiet Christmas. Fred, I bet, if I write to them and tell them, they won't believe it -" George stretched out his hand and nodded at the empty chairs around him, "Even if it's Mike When Professor Ge comes, he won’t think that this is the college’s lounge, and even if he throws a big dung egg, it won’t be so quiet here..."

"Isn't that right? Everyone barely had lunch and then went to bed. I think they can sleep until night..."

Fred answered, but didn't hear George's reaction - when he turned his head, he found that George had fallen asleep in the rocking chair.

"Yes," he shrugged, leaned his head back, and fell asleep.


"I feel like I could eat an elephant."

"Me too."

When it got dark, Harry and Ron woke up one after another. After wondering whether it was still early in the morning, they finally got up driven by hunger and prepared to attend the Christmas party.

"Seriously, Ron, I don't want to watch a messy show at all. I just want to simply eat a big plate of food and then continue to lie there and sleep."

Harry put on his sweater and saw a pile of things under Ron's bed.

"What's that, Ron?"

"What?" Ron glanced at it and then exclaimed, "Gifts, my God, today is Christmas!"

Following his shout, Harry also woke up - they had been too busy during this period, rushing to read every day, obsessed with the bottle of Felixir, and completely forgot about Christmas.

Especially last night, because they were told that they could cheat, the two of them spent the whole night studying cheating methods and forgot everything.

"Was it here when we got back? Or was it sent here while we were asleep?"

Harry asked Ron, and he began to think about it - but he had no memory at all. After he finished his lunch without any taste, he and Ron returned to the house and fell asleep, completely forgetting what happened in the meantime.

"I'm dead," Ron showed a desperate look, "I forgot to prepare a gift for my mother..."

Harry felt a little guilty, and he had forgotten about it.

He glanced at the time quickly and found that it was now six o'clock.

"Ron, it's too late to buy gifts, so we have to use the last resort..." He quickly stood up and rummaged for the gifts, "Come and help, carefully open the gifts, exchange gifts, and then entrust Hedwig to deliver them. "

"Exchanging gifts?"

"Yes, I have seen it in Muggle schools before. Some people received too many gifts and did not have enough budget to buy them. They had to exchange the gifts before giving them out."

Harry began to carefully unpack, while Ron was still shocked by this operation that he had never heard of.

"Wait mate, use the wand!"

Ron pointed at Harry's wand, "I won't come. It won't be good if it breaks things again."

"Well, you fold the package and prepare the card."

Harry replaced his wand and started packing quickly.

Just when the two were busy working together, there was a knock on the door of their dormitory.

The two looked at each other, and Ron went to open the door, carefully covering Harry behind him with his body so that no one could see him.

"Ah, Fred, George, what are you doing?"

"My dear brother, we have something important to discuss—" the twins looked at Ron who opened the door in a weird way, "Isn't Harry here too?"

"We're all here."

Ron blocked the door tightly to prevent the two brothers from seeing what was going on inside the house.

"There are some things that need to be discussed. Let us go in, Ron." George tilted his head and looked at his brother, "We have united many people to make an important decision, and even Percy agreed."


Ron exclaimed in surprise, accidentally exposing Harry who was transferring gifts.

"Harry, it's good that you're here - oops." Fred cried out in pain, "We have to hurry up, I'm afraid I have to go to the hospital to find Madam Pomfrey later..."

"Are you opening and rewrapping presents too, Harry?"

George tilted his head and immediately guessed what Harry was going to do.


"Of course it is." George nodded with a strange gesture, "Last night for some special reasons we got the list of all students staying in the school. After everyone slept all afternoon today, we collectively discovered a problem."

"For the sake of the elixir, we all seem to have forgotten that today is Christmas, and we should give out gifts..."

Fred answered, "We don't have any opinions on how to get the gifts, but everyone agrees that there was a blizzard in Hogwarts today and the owl shed collapsed, so the owls went on strike and have only returned to normal now."

"It seems like you two made up this excuse!"

Ron said loudly.

"Of course, otherwise do you think anyone can find such a story?"

George raised his head, but moved his neck again - they were both stiff in their rocking chairs.

"But who can you fool?"

"All the students who are staying at school say so, so it is true. My dear brother, we are in the fourth year and have been playing pranks in Hogwarts for more than three years. We are very experienced in this."

Fred nodded, "We only told you when we saw that you were also busy with gifts. Otherwise, we would have to test it. Remember not to reveal the secret."

The two nodded in strange gestures, "There are still two students. The owl has not flown in the school yet. Let's go notify others. See you at dinner."

Under the incredulous look in Harry and Ron's eyes, the two people quickly disappeared.

"It's snowing, the owls are on strike -" Ron looked strange, "I finally understand why they were locked up so much."

"Okay, Ron, stop talking, we have to rush to work." Harry greeted him, and then turned to look at his owl, "By the way, Hedwig, please, pretend to be sick today. Then I can use that excuse too.”

Hedwig's eyes became confused as she waited for her work...


"Is today's dinner so luxurious?"

William stepped out of the office door and noticed that the walls had been well treated - apparently the elves had not taken a break while he was working and had given the castle a good cleaning.

'Then again, it won't be just me and Professor Lockhart at Christmas, right? ’

After all, it’s the Chinese New Year. Didn’t Dumbledore even show up at the dinner?

Thinking of this, William suddenly felt a chill on his neck - when he invaded the lounge, he only thought about moving away the teachers and students in the school, and did not expect that the principal or Professor McGonagall would probably come back to be with the students during the Chinese New Year. Pass.

'I'm careless. I always thought this was a plan made for an ordinary festival. Fortunately, it went without any problems. If people block it in the lounge, it will really be useless. ’

But after William thought for a moment, he felt that he would not be blocked.

It is a school rule that the principal does not enter the lounge. The original head of Gryffindor was not Professor McGonagall, but Dumbledore. Unless something urgent happened, he could only enter the Slytherin lounge. Professor Snape is the only one left.

'Isn't it wishful thinking to think that Professor Snape works overtime during the holidays...'

William relaxed immediately and walked towards the auditorium humming a tune.

‘By the way, the special effects on the test paper should be gone, right? It’s scary to see the magic snow falling on Christmas Eve...'

With this thought, he pushed open the door of the auditorium, and then froze.

"Merry Christmas, Professor William!"

In the restaurant, Dumbledore's smile appeared in William's eyes from a distance.

"Merry Christmas, Professor."

At least he was mentally prepared, and although Dumbledore's smile appeared too abruptly, he still reacted.

"Thank you for the gift, Professor William," Dumbledore sat over there, "I have to admit, those new flavor candies are the best I have eaten this year."

I snatched it from Adams!

It was the best work of his club. I originally wanted to save it and eat it later!

If he hadn't prepared a gift, William wouldn't have given away his collection to anyone - not even Dumbledore!

William felt a little resentful when he mentioned those gifts, but he finally endured it.

"Well, Professor, to be honest, I didn't expect you to come back when I woke up in the morning."

"I didn't want to come back, but according to my information, there was a blizzard in Hogwarts, so I came back to see if any buildings were damaged." Dumbledore drank a small glass of eggnog. "But when I came back, I found that the school was very good and there was no sign of a blizzard."


William was stunned for a moment and began to think - there were some snowflakes yesterday, but if it was a blizzard, wouldn't it be too ridiculous?

Not today either—did I remember the timeline wrong?

Or have I traveled through time again?

In other words, was Blizzard some weird ritual that changed the timeline?

William couldn't help but worry. He knew about the existence of the time turner. Although he had never used it, there was actually someone among the students holding it.

Any situation is possible when time changes.

‘In order to cheat on the exam, you even changed the time? ’

William roared in his heart...

Does cheating have to be so high-spirited? Change of timeline for the New Year?

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