From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 198 The secret room is opened

The time turner is the most high-end application in high-end magic theory. William doesn't understand it, and he has no intention of trying to figure it out for the time being - with Dumbledore here, this kind of thing is of course useless... Please ask the principal!

"Professor Dumbledore, do you think it could be because some students used a time turner?" William's eyes were sincere, "I really have no memory of the blizzard today."

"The time turner can't do this," Dumbledore smiled and pushed the plate of bacon towards William. "In fact, it was a failure, but even so, the principles inside are still profound and terrifying. Even those who study it professionally cannot understand its entire mechanism.”


Although William knew early on that this thing could only be used by underage students with insufficient magic power due to magic power restrictions, it would be too much to call it a failure.

"Of course," Dumbledore thought for a moment, "How should I put it? It was originally developed to assist the user in changing time, but it itself has become a part of time and is strictly restricted by magic requirements. Its use The author himself cannot change anything and still bears risks. Of course, the reality may be more complicated——"

Dumbledore looked at William without any change in his expression, but William understood that this was the simplest explanation.

Although it was difficult, he probably understood what Dumbledore meant - but principal, didn't you say that only professionals can figure this out?

"Older people always like to study in various fields. This is not surprising." Dumbledore explained with a smile - which made William couldn't help but wonder if his Occlumency had failed.

But he confirmed that he was not affected by Legilimency. Not to mention the card in his backpack, his experience in Azkaban alone made him more sensitive to memory being disturbed than most wizards.

"I guessed it again," Dumbledore said with a proud look on his face. He swung the glass, "So the professor's team needs fresh blood just like the students. Look at Minerva, she always has a straight face. , you can’t guess anything from her expression.”

William didn't want to accept this - he had just received a salary increase last month. Who cares about the money in this castle? He came here for one semester and the door was cleared.

He raised his glass, "Merry Christmas, Professor Dumbledore, if not a time turner, what do you think it is?"

"Maybe a ptarmigan," Dumbledore said cheerfully. "Hagrid has been saying for a long time that he wanted to get one."

Hagrid was struggling to deal with half a sheep. He suddenly raised his head and said, "Ah, Dumbledore, you got a Thunderbird?"

The smile on his face, William could see it clearly from such a high altitude, was almost overflowing, "It's great, it's great, I think that was the best Christmas I have received in so many years." It’s a gift!”

William noticed that Dumbledore's smile suddenly froze, but Hagrid did not stop talking, "When you sent Walkway off, you told me that it was not suitable for the current school. I also doubted that you - (Note)"

He couldn't listen to this topic anymore, and for fear of getting angry, William excused himself temporarily because students were coming over - of course, the main reason was that the Weasley brothers showed up, and William wanted to ask about Blizzard.

Although Mr. Filch is already lying in the school hospital, he has something that William agrees with - 'If something strange happens in the school in recent years, then it is definitely right to go to the Weasley twins. ’


"It's finally done," George pressed his neck. Madam Pomfrey's treatment was superb, but he still felt a little uncomfortable in his neck.

"Yeah, I fell asleep in the rocking chair, and then got up to deal with the gifts without getting enough sleep." Fred agreed, "But after all, Christmas was not in vain - there was a blizzard at Hogwarts. Yes, I really admire myself!"

"It's a pity that this excuse can only be used once. Next time there won't be so many students to cooperate with us——"

"What kind of cooperation are you talking about?" A head suddenly appeared between them, and their shoulders were hugged.

"Oh, Professor," Fred said with a serious face, "You should keep your distance from the students so that you can maintain your dignity."

"Come out and talk," William whispered, gesturing outside the restaurant with his eyes.

"The dinner is about to begin, Professor."

"You two cheated. According to the previous punishment regulations, if you commit it again, your confinement will be doubled and your parents will be notified." William said with a sincere smile, "I don't think you would want me to send such a letter on Christmas. "

"You said cheating was allowed!"

"But the person who caught you is Professor Lockhart, and cheating is indeed against school rules," William gestured to Dumbledore with his chin, "The principal is over there, why don't you go protest?"

Three minutes later, William and the twins stood in the corridor.

"Tell me, what's going on with the blizzard under the castle?" William deceived the two of them confidently.

"They actually asked you for advice?"

The two of them looked in disbelief - where was the most basic trust between people? Did they still need to consult the school about the delay of the school due to a snowstorm?


"Professor William, look at what the Daily Prophet has degenerated into!"

Filch was in high spirits after being discharged from the hospital. The recuperation during the holidays allowed the administrator to regain his fighting strength and return to the stage of confrontation with students.

"That's not it, what happened?"

William happily placed the information he had just obtained on Filch's desk and looked at the newspaper.

[Severe blizzard—Thunderbirds may appear at Hogwarts, and insiders say the blizzard even crushed the owl loft! 】

The subtitle is - [The Ministry of Magic plans to hold an emergency meeting to allocate funds to deal with this special incident! 】

That’s outrageous!

This was the first impression that came to William's mind - the so-called Blizzard was a lie made up by students. The Daily Prophet is almost a state media, so how dare you make up any story!

"I'm afraid the twins are going to die of pride now..." William even regretted agreeing to help the two of them downplay the matter on Christmas Day.

'I don't know what Dumbledore thinks. Anyway, he knows that Blizzard is fake. How to deal with this matter should give the principal a headache...'

"Yes, Professor William!"

Filch pointed at the outrageous title, "Am I dizzy in the hospital? Where did the blizzard come from in Hogwarts? If there really were Thunderbirds, Hagrid would have captured them and showed them to people. How could he let them It stayed in the Forbidden Forest for so long!”

He slapped the newspaper on the table and said angrily, "There is nothing reliable about the Daily Prophet!"

That's a French newspaper you've never seen...

But William couldn't tell the twins' prank - Filch was finally discharged from the hospital, and he had no intention of letting him live back in anger.

"Okay, Mr. Filch, leave the Daily Prophet alone. We have a lot to deal with."

"More than just too many!" Filch began to pour out his bitterness, "It's just a Christmas vacation, and the students who came back have turned into monkeys, and they actually want to climb the castle!"

"Are those stairs just for decoration?"

As he spoke, he trotted to the window and looked outside, "Fortunately, there isn't one now."

"It must have been done by the Weasley brothers again. During the time I was in the hospital, those two little bastards definitely came up with some new pranks. Now all the students have ideas about the outer wall of the castle. They are trying to pass Alchemical device to climb up the castle and think it’s cool!”

"When I was hospitalized, two boys were sent in because they broke their arms—the first graders couldn't even use the levitation spell, and they thought of making such a dangerous move!"

Filch's non-stop squirting made William feel ashamed. After all, he was the initiator.

"How about casting a spell on the lowest wall outside the castle?"

William made a suggestion - although his rope would be broken by doing this, it would be better than the students being sent to the hospital, right?

"That's not necessary. You just need to apply to Professor McGonagall to turn on part of the protective magic for a period of time." Filch said quite confidently, "I have already written a report. When designing Hogwarts Castle, It is built to a standard that can still be defended against a siege by a group of dark wizards!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but William felt that Filch's eyes were much brighter when he said this - could it be that he had wanted to try those protective magics for a long time?


"Hermione, Transfiguration paper, please."

Harry's tone was humble.

And behind him, there is a humble plus one.

The happy vacation passed too quickly, and as soon as the new semester came, the hateful homework came again.

However, Hermione was indifferent to their humble pleas - which immediately caused the two of them to panic.

"Professor McGonagall will kill us," Harry said dramatically, "if we don't turn in our homework on time."

"No, if you review carefully."

Hermione left the library angrily.

"She's angry," Harry looked at the Transfiguration textbook and then at Hermione, with a confused look on his face.

"Of course," Ron agreed, "It's just because she failed Percy that she got so angry."

"You have to understand that she is number one."

"Percy too, and Percy has never finished second!"

Ron retorted - although he, the twins and Ginny usually agreed that Percy was an out-and-out fool, who wouldn't envy Percy for being the first in the exam?

That was his own brother, and only he could question Percy's results!

"Okay, you're right," Harry raised his hand to express helplessness, "but what about the Transfiguration homework?"

The two were dumbfounded and finally had to read the book together.

"So the five galleons reward she got from the professor was completely forgotten by her." Ron shook his head, trying to absorb nutrients from those boring words, "Second place, it is said that many people in the sixth grade are because of this Not to mention the money in the red envelope was halved, and the professor even laughed at me!"

Harry thought about it and felt that the sixth grade was indeed too miserable.

"Of course, the worst thing is Fred and George - they cheated and got last on the test, and each of them got one knut. If it hadn't been for the gift thing, I would have had to write home and tell my mother!"

Ron smiled extremely happily, and it wasn't his brother who couldn't smile like this.

"Didn't you see their faces when they came back from the Christmas dinner? It was so funny!"


"Selma, how about noon."

"Ah hello."

In the corridor, Thelma greeted everyone she met eagerly.

After passing the exam, she became famous in school - although it was not a good name.

‘The guy who came last in the cheating test. ’

This is her new title.

‘Obviously it’s just a game, and cheating is the best way to have fun. There are so many sixth graders, do you still want to get first place? ’

She thought indifferently - she had a good sleep the night before the exam and didn't care about the exam the next day.

‘Not sleeping well will affect your development! ’

She hummed a little tune and walked towards the kitchen. The elves were very friendly, and they could get a lot of fresh ingredients with a little help. Compared to the exam, didn't dry rice taste better?

‘I just didn’t expect that there would be an activity to distribute money. I thought they were all accompanying people, which is a pity. ’

She said to herself, "If my grades were better, I could buy a lot of spices..."


"That's her."

Lockhart felt a little nervous - the secret treasure hidden by Slytherin was actually protected at all levels...

'Exhausting the basilisk...'

Although the plan was to make big news, attacking people still made him a little hesitant.

"We must create a coincidence so that the child will not die, so as not to alert the Ministry of Magic..."

He has been staring at this goal for several days, fabricating a purge plan to purge people who should not be here - not to mention that the other party is of mixed race, he can even get the last place in the exam by opening the book and cheating, and he is still in the first grade competition!

This kind of disgrace to wizards should just leave Hogwarts!

And this girl also likes to wander around, which makes it easier to do it.

'The water on the ground reflected it, preventing her from dying directly. After the curse took effect, she quickly came to write a declaration or something...'

Lockhart carefully reviewed the plan, waiting for the best opportunity.

The child took a long time to get in, which made Lockhart anxious - the control magic he mastered from that note was a bit unable to suppress the snake.

Finally, the child appeared.

But the plan changed - a ghost appeared and started talking to the last one.

‘Damn it, we have to kill that ghost, otherwise what if he goes to talk to Professor William? ’

He subconsciously issued an attack command.

The giant snake crawled out of the pipe of the secret passage and dodged close to the two of them at a speed that surprised Lockhart.

In just a blink of an eye, the two 'people' who were still talking were fixed there.

That area seemed to be frozen in time, with gestures, movements, expressions, and even sounds...

Fear suddenly emerged, but it was immediately washed away by ecstasy.


Endless joy emerged from Lockhart's heart, "Such a powerful power is mine!"

"Slytherin's treasure is mine!"

"It's all mine, I will become a legend, my name will be greater than Dumbledore!"

"My book will sell well throughout the magical world, and my Order of Merlin is coming soon!"

The remaining sanity allowed him to complete the next plan. He waved his wand and released magic on the wall.

The secret room was opened.

Be wary of those who are enemies of the heir.

As the wand was waved, bloody words were carved on the wall one by one.

Note: The three-headed Lu Wei was sent to Greece by Dumbledore... All the outrageous creatures created by Hagrid were sent away... Otherwise, I think Hagrid could kill ten Death Eaters...

The Viscount's Blue and White Porcelain, "The Treasure Hunt Begins in England" is a global treasure hunt novel.

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