From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 308 Harry and Black

Harry could have sworn that he had never seen such a terrifying face.

The waxy-yellow skin sticks to the skeleton of the face, but it bulges out a bit, looking like a damp skull.

Unfortunately, there was no hair at all on the head where this terrifying face was located. This made the face look even more terrifying, and at the same time, the sense of familiarity with the skull was even stronger.

The sudden fear made him almost forget that he was still wearing the invisibility cloak. Fortunately, just before he was about to subconsciously pull out the wand, he finally realized the problem.

However, the call of the face on the bed did not stop at all. The eyes in the deep-set eye sockets stared at him firmly, as if the invisibility cloak did not exist at all.

" that you?"

The voice was urgent and full of uncontrollable joy, and then Black struggled up from the bed. The bandage used to secure the protection was suddenly pulled straight, and the bed made an overwhelming sound.

"Damn it!"

Harry heard angry shouts from the other side, and then, the bandages that had been strengthened by magic broke apart as if they had been enchanted by some magic.

In an instant, a huge noise appeared in the room, so sharp that Harry subconsciously raised his hands to cover his ears, but he still resisted and cast a Bubble Charm on himself and rushed towards the left side of his body. fall.

The moment he fell down, footsteps could be heard outside, and the next moment, a stun spell was blindly struck in.

After the spell, a figure rushed in directly, and another stun spell directly hit Black, who barely managed to break free of the bandage.

The figure that rushed in stood up and began to check the surroundings. After finding that the windows and other places were not damaged, he lowered his guard slightly. Only then did Harry see the other person's face clearly - it was Lupin.

"Feel sorry…"

He stood next to Sirius, then waved his wand and continued to control him with a bandage, and then carefully pulled the quilt over him.

Harry then recalled Ron's words - Sirius was extremely aggressive, and he had been in Azkaban for twelve years!

'So... Professor Lupine needs to stay in the hospital to watch over him? Obviously he was framed...'

Such thoughts emerged in Harry's mind, and for a moment, he felt ashamed that he was scared...

It's obviously... but I...

Just when he felt guilty for judging a book by its appearance, his eyes met another pair of eyes - Professor Lupine stared at him, as if he was sure that he was there.

"Is that you, Harry?"

"It's me...Professor." Harry subconsciously took off the hat of the invisibility cloak and revealed his head.

"Sure enough, it's you..." Lupine laughed, the sadness on his face lessening, "He's a bit scary, right, he wasn't like this before..."

Harry didn't know how to answer for a moment, but Lupine didn't seem to need an answer.

"Madam Pomfrey shaved his hair clean, which I would say is a good thing," Lupine looked at Sirius lying there, "You don't know how bad his hair is, it's dirty and messy. I bet the last time he had his hair done was in Azkaban."

"At least he's a little fatter, but he's even scarier... To be honest, I almost didn't recognize him. He was considered to be more handsome than James... Well, you look a lot like your father... I'm sorry, I..."

Lupine spoke incoherently. This was the first time Harry had seen the professor be so rude, but for some reason, he really wanted to hear him continue talking.

"Twelve years have passed...this guy..."

"Are you here to see him, Harry?"

Lupine asked abruptly, and Harry nodded subconsciously.

"As bold as James..." Lupine shook his head, but he didn't mean to blame him. He looked at Harry who suddenly became silent, his eyes were distracted, and he didn't know where his thoughts were wandering.

Just when Harry couldn't help but want to say something, Lupine suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Harry seriously, with such a serious expression that Harry didn't even dare to move for a while.


"No, I can not…"

Sporadic words came out of his mouth, not sentences. After a long time, Lupine looked at Harry, "Harry, I know this shouldn't be... but... I hope you can talk to him... at least look at him when he is awake. …”

"Yes, Professor."

Harry originally wanted to say that this was what he came for, but when the words came to his lips, they came out in such a low tone.

Lupine raised his wand, and bands of bandages flew out from his wand, tying up Black who was already tied tightly. Then he looked at Harry, "Come to me, ha." Leigh, when he is with me, his mood is not stable, I have to control him."

After confirming that Harry was standing closely beside him, Lupine picked up his wand and released his own coma spell.

Harry stared at Sirius' face nervously, but after the spell was lifted, he didn't look at Harry at all. He stared directly at the wand that cast the spell, and then fixed his eyes on Lupine.

"Let me go, Lupin," Sirius stared at Lupin, his tone extremely cold, "I dreamed about James, and James asked me to kill the traitor."

"And I watched you being imprisoned in Azkaban for murder?"

Lupine stared at Sirius, not giving in at all.

"You can't imprison me, Lupin. You know, Azkaban didn't even imprison me, let alone..." Sirius turned his head with difficulty, "This ordinary school nurse... James!"

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Harry wouldn't have believed that a person's emotions could change so much. The bandages thickened by Lupine made an overwhelming sound - but now there was no magic-like power to cut them off. .

But there was no need for that. After just a moment of excitement, Sirius immediately realized that something was wrong.


he shouted tentatively.

"Yes, it's me..." Harry didn't know what to call him for a moment.

"You got it, right?"

Sirius' eyes were a little gentle, "It's not me, it's the guy from Azkaban."


Although Sirius didn't say it clearly, Harry understood what he was referring to.

"It's good if you know..." Sirius suddenly laughed happily, but the laughter stopped abruptly, "I'm sorry, that's my fault..."

He still couldn't speak clearly, but Harry understood.

Sirius was talking about the issue of changing the secret keeper in the newspaper. If it hadn't been for a temporary change of the secret keeper, maybe it wouldn't have happened at all.

He really wanted to say that he doesn't blame you, but when the words came to his lips...

In a daze, he took two steps forward, broke away from Lupin's protection, and then pulled out his wand. The bandages that were far more protective than binding were cut off by the magic with almost no resistance.

The restraints arranged by Lupine were easily removed by him, while Lupine himself stood behind and watched everything happen.

"Don't kill him..."

Harry looked into the eyes of Sirius who was half standing up, "Don't go to Azkaban, it's not good there. The professor said you should always avoid that place."

"I don't know how scary Azkaban is, but the professor said it's hell. Never do anything that risks going to Azkaban."

"Let Peter Pettigrew stay over there," Harry repeated his words, "Don't go to Azkaban. My dad won't be happy. He doesn't want his friends in there..."

Harry looked into Black's eyes, "He won't. He will be sad if you go to Azkaban."

"You do not understand…"

Sirius tried to retort, but his tone was too weak to convince even himself.

"Don't go to Azkaban," Harry shook his head, "Don't go..."

"All right."

After a sharp gasp, Sirius finally lowered his head.

"Leave me alone, Moony Face..."

His voice came from under his lowered head, "Don't worry, I won't run away..."


Harry left worriedly, but Lupine had no intention of communicating with him at all.

"It's getting late, Harry, it's time for you to return to the common room."

Lupine's voice was a little choked, but he firmly gave Harry the order.

Putting on the invisibility cloak again, Harry left the campus hospital and started walking in the corridor, but for some reason, he didn't want to go back to the lounge at all.

In confusion, he found that he had walked around Professor William's office. This discovery made him break out in a cold sweat.

After hesitating for a long time, he took off the invisibility cloak and knocked on the door of William's office.

To his surprise, Professor William opened the door much faster than he expected.

"Did you go to the school hospital to trigger the alarm?"

The professor looked at him and his first words frightened Harry.

"How do you know that, Professor?"

"I deployed a few practical little spells. At first I thought Professor Luping had run away, but the positioning spells did not change, and the rest of the alerts were not triggered."

William looked at Harry, "Have you met Mr. Black?"

"Well, Professor..." Harry hesitated, still not sure what to say about tonight's events.

"Let me guess, you and Blake talked? Was it successful?"

Harry's eyes were full of disbelief - had he misunderstood Professor Trelawney in the Divination class this year? Is divination so useful?

"Come in and talk," William opened the door. "I didn't sleep anyway. I was preparing for tomorrow's class when my train of thought was interrupted."

Harry sat down, took a cup of hot chocolate from William, and then looked at it curiously - on another table not far away, several quills were working hard without stopping for a moment.

I don't know why, but seeing this scene, Harry suddenly felt that his hands and feet were a little cold.

"Scribe Quill," William introduced smoothly, "I originally wanted to develop a more convenient spell, but it would be difficult to add all the existing anti-cheating magic to it."

"It's too slow, but after all, there are those brothers in the fifth grade. You should know that, right?"

'That's true, they will definitely cheat at all costs...'

However, this thought only surfaced for a moment. It was impossible for him to speak ill of the twin brothers in front of the professor.

"Tell me, I think you should go back to the lounge directly. Is there any problem now?"

William looked at Harry and asked curiously.

"It's just...I'm weird..."

Harry was struggling with the best way to express it, "I don't know why, but I feel like I can... tell Sirius anything..."

The moment the words came out of his mouth, Harry felt even stranger - he seemed to be able to be more direct, but now he had to think about how to express it.

"Then tell me," William looked at Harry, "Believe me, Sirius Black will never betray your secret."

If a person who could keep a secret for twelve years in Azkaban couldn't keep a secret, then there wouldn't be many people he could trust.

"That's not what it feels like, Professor..."

"Does it feel like you suddenly have a brother with whom you have a good relationship, but who doesn't usually get involved in your life?" William thought for a moment, "Is it that you can say all stupid things without worrying that it will affect your life?"

Harry felt something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Moreover, he and Sirius didn't know each other, he was just a friend of his father... But those eyes suddenly appeared in Harry's mind, making him swallow the words he was about to deny.

"Okay, don't worry about that, Harry," William shook his head, "If I were you, I would go back and prepare the application now. Haven't you been struggling with Hogsmog? I remember Black is your godfather Come on, it will be no problem for him to sign."

After thinking about it, William added, "By the way, it's okay to share, but don't listen to what he says when doing things. Although it sounds a bit like saying bad things, he is indeed better than any Gryffindor you have ever met. Being impulsive, I still say what I said before. When something happens, it’s best to think about it calmly. If you really can’t calm down, then act impulsively.”

"As for the rest, you'll know after spending some time together. Time will tell a lot of things - well, it's getting late, you should go back to the lounge."



On the way back to the common room, Harry muttered this word - he had two friends who could trust his life, but there were many things he couldn't share with them.

"Godfather or brother?"

He began to struggle with the professor's words again, completely forgetting his previous doubts - at this moment, he no longer remembered that he was wondering why he felt that he had a lot to share with Sirius, and why he inexplicably wanted to be closer to him.

'The professor said he was too impulsive...' Harry thought of this again...and subconsciously wanted to refute...even if the professor wasn't around.

But in the end he admitted with disappointment that the professor was right.

With countless entanglements, Harry finally slipped back to his dormitory.

"Sorry, Ron..."

He looked at Ron's bed, repented again of his surprise, and then took out his wand to undo the curse.

'Ron should be asleep, right? ’

However, to his surprise, Ron's eyes were fixed on him, and his expression was extremely strange - he couldn't read what it meant at all.

'He might have punched me...but I deserved it. ’

With the mentality of being beaten, Harry unlocked the magic. The next moment, Ron didn't have time to say anything. He looked at him with a sad and angry look, rushed out of the bed... and then got stuck on the ground, with a painful expression on his face.

He looked at Harry with twisted eyes, turned back step by step, and moved towards the bathroom in a twisted way.

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