From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 309 Wormtail and Padfoot

"Harry is having fun again."

In the lounge, Ron complained to his two brothers - Hermione couldn't find anyone day by day, and Harry had become like this again. Although he felt disgusted in his heart, he could only talk to his brother.

In the direction where his finger pointed, Harry was smiling stupidly, looking as if he had been under a curse or had overdosed on a potion.

"How long has he been feeling like this, Ron?"

Fred raised his head from his homework with difficulty and became slightly more interested - they were similar to Ron. After the make-up lesson incident, they also had no one to talk to.

Even Lee Jordan, who had been standing firmly beside them, couldn't do it because he had just been imprisoned for a month...

Therefore, although they also disliked Ron, the three redheads still gathered together.

"It's been several days..." Ron rolled his eyes. Although he had forgiven Harry, the matter had not been revealed so easily.

"Are you really sure he wasn't cursed?"

"I'm sure that he goes to Luping every day when he has time, and spends his spare time..."

Ron subconsciously shut up mid-sentence, but it was still too late.

His two brothers, Fred and George, suddenly had a strange change in their expressions after hearing this word, and then they retched desperately toward the ground. It took a long time for the two of them to return to normal.

"How many times have we said, don't say that word..."

The two of them straightened up and looked at their younger brother with resentful expressions.

"Can't you untie it?"

"It will be lifted after a month...theoretically..."

Fred said uncertainly.

"So why do you want to put a curse on yourselves!"

"You don't understand, Ron," George pretended to be cool, "This is the sense of responsibility of an adult wizard. It's like experimenting on yourself first. This is what we should bear..."

"And the effect is great. After using this curse, Quidditch training can at least proceed normally!" Fred added, "Relax, Ron, this is a small matter."

'The curse is a small matter, and the unbreakable vow used before is also a small matter... Do you still think it's a big deal? ’

Ron didn't know what to say for a moment, and silently began to complete his homework.

Harry on the other side didn't notice the discussion happening here at all. His mind was entirely focused on tonight's trip to the school hospital.

Professor Lupine, the guard, would not care about him at all unless he stayed there too long. As for him, if he went in every day to share the school's story today and talk about the past, he would find that he would inadvertently change the situation in two hours. It's over.

"What should I bring tonight? Why isn't Hogmogg's market open yet?..."

Countless questions emerged, and just when he was about to think about it, Ron's voice suddenly woke him up.

"Harry? It's time for our lessons, Potions... You have to be careful, Snape is not in a good mood!"

"Oh, okay...I mean, I get it."

Harry couldn't even figure out what he said for a moment. It wasn't until he picked up the textbook that he realized that he hadn't read a single page.


This thought came to mind, didn't seem that scary.

"Come on, Ron, by the way, have you seen Hermione?"

"God knows, she's been missing all day..." Ron complained angrily - he had been ridiculed several times because Peter was caught, and this matter hasn't passed yet!

Speaking of this, he felt a little uncomfortable again.

Banban, who slept on him all day long, turned into...a man...or a middle-aged, wretched criminal...

'Fairy tales are all lies, and the fairy tales my mother tells are all lies...'


"**! Why are there more and more black skins!"

In Azkaban, the prisoner in the cell looked outside the cell window and came back cursing.

"You still have to ask? That idiot Sirius was caught!"

Another prisoner responded casually.

This is the reality here. Everyone has long forgotten what they prayed for before - anyway, they have never even met Sirius, so what if they scold him?

"There's a new guy here, and he's a dwarf!"

Another prisoner who was lying there observing reported.

"Come on, come on, open, open, which cell?"

The prisoners suddenly became lively and started gambling in high spirits.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of hitters. He looks like a big shot, but he will be locked up for sure."

"It can't be inside anyway, it's all sent in by dementors...wait, are they going inside?"

The prisoner in charge of the announcement occupies a vantage point, watching and speaking to the prisoners inside.

"It's strange, there are so many black skins, why do the strikers start escorting them?"

Suddenly, a group of prisoners found a new discussion point and started talking enthusiastically.


"Come in you."

The beater in charge of the escort kicked Peter into the cell, and then burst into laughter with the escorts around him.

This time, their striker showed up - although the one named Lupin didn't know which part he was in, but he did a job that the Aurors didn't do, so that's a good job.

Although it is true that everyone admires and admires Aurors, being able to outdo Aurors is extremely worthy of celebration.

"Remove the magic and let him say a few words. We are already in Azkaban. I am still tossing and turning. I am not guilty, am I?"

The batter next to him suggested, but he didn't think this matter could be reversed.

It is rare in the entire history of magic for both Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic to convict a person of a crime at the same time... Not to mention that the kid inside has a clear crime, even if he doesn't, Azkaban can let him go through it. .

After one day of transfer and one day of simple interrogation, the wizard named Peter was sent in with almost no procedures - although the dementors were not very satisfied.

'But who cares about those black men? ’

'As expected of a cunning liar, he is still an Animagus... In order to prevent him from escaping from prison again, Dumbledore cast a permanent anti-transformation spell on him...'

He looked at the seemingly timid guy in front of him and remembered the one who was locked up here before.

The bad taste suddenly emerged, but he had no desire to control it.

"Pettigrew, right? Let me tell you good news. Don't say we can't help you. This place is for big shots. The Sirius you framed used to live here." He looked at Peter with an inexplicable feeling. A sense of justice arises spontaneously.

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. He has been here for twelve years. Don't worry, you will definitely not be less than him!"


The beaters around were laughing with joy, "That's right, don't worry, we will ask the brothers on shift to take good care of you, and you will definitely be here for twelve years!"

"Don't worry, you will never starve to death or freeze to death in advance!"

"If the dementors come more often, I'll pay for the chocolate!"

"I also undertake a contract to ensure that he survives until that day. There will be absolutely everything he needs!"

A group of strikers laughed so happily that they even attracted dementors.

"Okay, the prisoner inside belongs to you, but today's new class must take good care of it. If he is injured or sick, let us know as soon as possible," the striker communicated carelessly, "Don't be greedy and kill him. Well, the Minister of Magic will come later but..."


Coughing around him interrupted his speech - although the Minister of Magic would definitely be replaced, it was not good to say it so bluntly.

"Take care of him!"

The striker's team leader hurriedly dropped these words and left directly.


Potions classroom.

It was surrounded by the same smoke and as humid as ever, making people feel uncomfortable sitting inside.

Neville sat carefully in the corner, not even daring to breathe too loudly - it was temporarily satisfying to dress the professor in women's clothing, and let him go to Azkaban for a week, but after that...

Anyway, since Snape discovered the truth, the torture he suffered in Potions class has intensified. Although he does not regret it, it does not affect him from being overly nervous when he sees Snape.

In particular, Snape, who was up there today, had heavy dark circles under his eyes, giving the impression that he was on the verge of collapse.

"So, who can tell me when mugwort leaves will be added?"

'coming soon…'

Although he had been prepared for it, when it really happened, Neville couldn't help but shudder.

"Then tell me, Potter."

Just as he was about to stand up, Snape's target was not him.

"I don't know, Professor."

‘Is the world crazy or am I crazy? ’

Neville couldn't believe his ears, nor his eyes.

What happened, and why was Harry so gentle to Snape?

Am I cursed? Or was he drugged? When is it time to enter the potions classroom?

But what surprised him even more was what was to come. He had been mentally prepared for revenge before going to class, but Snape's eyes never fell on him, as if he was not a human at all, but a ghost. I came to this class in good condition.

If the poor condition of the crucible and the accidentally cut hand hadn't reminded him, he would have wanted to run back to the lounge to see if his body was still there - he wouldn't be like Professor Binns, who forgot Come to class without bringing your own body, right?

"Look at your soup pot, it's green!"

"Potter, is something occupying your poor brain? Did you listen to me that you need to slice it and squeeze it before adding it?"

"Or maybe our great Potter thinks that potions are just like your bad brain and can be fooled casually?"

Snape's series of roars made Neville check his cauldron - the purple one... was worse than Harry's, but how to remedy it? Where is wrong?

Before Snape finds out... yes, two drops, yes!


A huge explosion sounded in the potions classroom, and Neville watched his cauldron fly into the air with a clean and beautiful spin, and swayed all the potions cleanly amidst the explosion and dance.


The crucible fell down and spun around in a circle, but it didn't deform at all. Obviously, the accident just now was just a small matter for it.

"Neville Longbottom!"

When Neville heard Snape's voice, the potions on his body seemed to lose their effect all of a sudden, like water being poured on him.

Snape rushed over in a few steps, his eyes as if they could kill someone.

He took a look at the potion, and his expression improved a little, "The student who was burned should go to the school hospital by himself...tell Madam Pomfrey that it was just an ordinary burn."

Neville hesitated when he heard Snape's voice, and then said something he couldn't even imagine, "With Longbottom... take this idiot with you. I hope Madam Pomfrey has developed a new treatment in this area." plan."

Although the taunting words were as hurtful as before, they were still...unbelievable.

Without any hesitation, Neville and the injured classmates around him quickly left the classroom, as if they were not injured at all. There was still a roar from the unclosed door behind him.

"Potter, how did you have the courage to try to follow him to the hospital? You are right next to Neville. Can't you remind him?"

"Thank God... Neville, you should thank Potter. If it weren't for him, you would be dead today."

"Exactly!" another Gryffindor echoed, "Snape is absolutely crazy today, and if you ask me, Potter is too!"

No one took the burns too seriously - everyone was used to problems with Neville's cauldron, and today's lack of additional damage was considered a good performance.

A group of people were even a little happy. There were not many opportunities to escape from Snape's class openly!

With injuries all over their bodies, everyone quickly arrived at the school hospital.

"Hello, Professor Lupine."

"Professor Lupin."

After massive publicity in newspapers, Professor Lupine is now the most popular self-defense professor - after all, he never assigns so many papers.

Although Professor William's class style is also highly rated, for a practical class such as self-defense, the glory brought by actual combat is higher, not to mention that the score deduction for the paper is too harsh.

"How did it happen?"

"My cauldron exploded again..." Neville blushed a little.

"Go to Madam Pomfrey and deal with it."

Although these children deliberately delayed, the matter was resolved in less than five minutes. A group of people hesitated for a while, but finally did not dare to skip the next lesson, and went back hesitantly.

"Were they just talking about Professor Snape?"

After the students left, Sirius's voice sounded.


Lupine hesitated.

"Is that... the snot guy?"

Lupine endured it, but still couldn't hold back his smile.

"Does Hogwarts offer dark arts courses? Or is he taking a Muggle studies course - a course where Muggles are kidnapped and studied?"

Sirius asked unceremoniously.

"The Potions Master, he's the Potions Master now."

"He might as well be the dean! Can he also be a professor?"

Sirius mocked indifferently. Back then, he had disliked Snape, a fanatical pure-blooded person.


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