From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 382 Promotion and Return to School

"Gudu, Gudu..."

The flames licked the bottom of the pot, causing the soup in the pot to boil continuously. The unique umami flavor of mushroom soup wafted out of the pot along with the steam, making William feel even hungrier since he hadn't eaten much these days.

'It's a pity, it would be nice if there was some dead dough... Why am I not good at cooking? ’

William whispered while mixing the potion.

Drinking soup with fecal stones in your mouth is really a bit unpleasant, so he plans to prepare an antidote on the spot based on the toxins that the mushrooms may contain.

As a pharmacist who considers himself to be quite good, although he cannot accurately distinguish whether wild plants are poisonous or camouflage like Adams, and can even cancel out their toxicity, he can briefly judge the possible toxicity and then prepare the mixture. There's nothing wrong with a comprehensive antidote.

He can even adjust the taste of the antidote appropriately to make it taste better in the mouth - this is much better than bezoar.

While the ingredients were working together, William took out the few remaining pieces of bread and began to bake them some distance away from the campfire - after heating them a little and soaking them in soup, these brown bread reserves were ready. It will become softer and more delicious.


After a barely audible noise, William saw Dumbledore appear nearby.

William didn't even put down the bread in his hands, and used a smile instead of saying hello - ever since he knew that Dumbledore was coming, his heart had been relieved when he was running away in the past few days.

Dumbledore walked over with a smile, approached the fire, clicked his wand, and conjured a chair opposite William.

"It seems that I came at the right time, but Professor William, you are too diligent. You don't forget to practice potions when cooking - the soup looks good, can I have some?"


The bread was turning by itself by the campfire, but William had no intention of trying the softness or hardness of the bread - it's so good, Dumbledore, why do you want soup?

"Why don't you try the potion first?"

After hesitating for a moment, William took out a bowl from the tableware he brought with him, took out a bowl and handed it over.

Feeling that this was not right, William added, "I adjusted the taste. Now it should be a sweet and sour taste like honey lemonade..."

What is this and what?

After William said it, he felt that what he said was not the case.

There's nothing I can do about it, this is so embarrassing - making a pot of soup that requires an antidote and being discovered...

What a pity, if he hadn't been chased all the way and didn't even know the road, he wouldn't have suffered this grievance - of course, it was also related to the fact that he was trying to get some fresh ingredients after the attacker left and found this pile of mushrooms...

Adams also had to take some of the blame - mainly because the mushroom soup he showed off his skills was so delicious, that's why William saw the mushrooms and did not harm the small animals on the spur of the moment - if this was a pot of broth, there would be no need for an antidote. ?

Fortunately, Dumbledore was also very interested in the lemonade-flavored potion. After drinking it, he even had a little discussion with William about the sweetness...

"Some bread, too, Professor William."

While drinking mushroom soup, Dumbledore made a decisive request, "It's a very delicious soup - it seems that even if I don't come over, Moody and the others won't be able to find you in this land."

Can we not mention soup...

"Everyone touched them right in front of me. If I hadn't just taken a look at the market over there, I would have been blocked at my residence. Aurors are worthy of being Aurors - they actually grabbed the candy I bought all the way. After checking it out, I asked why Azkaban is half filled with that Mr. Moody."

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. In fact, William has calculated that it is just that the running time is shorter, and it is still impossible for them to block him.

"He is a professional after all. Moody will also come to Hogwarts as a professor after school starts. I have reached an agreement with him. Which grade do you think is more suitable for him?"


William put down the bread and thought for a moment, "I feel that Mr. Moody is not very good at communication... I prefer that the former Auror is better at teaching some more talented students, at least students with a basic foundation. I am more inclined to He does homework for students in third grade and up.”

"But I can't say for sure. The first impression is too stereotyped. Maybe he is unexpectedly good at teaching - a little research may lead to more accurate results."


"Well, investigation," William nodded, "To be honest, after being away from front-line teaching for too long, it is difficult to notice those basic things. I personally tend to let Mr. Moody complete the exercises for seven grades, and then based on the results To determine which grade of teaching job he is suitable for.”

People are lazy. As you learn magic, there will always be spells that are more difficult to master but easy to use to replace the easy spells you learned earlier.

For example, the Leg Locking Curse, the Petrification Curse, and the Sleeping Curse. Although they are clearly divided, these control spells are basically the Stunning Curse that is commonly used in the end - but you cannot directly teach the Leg Locking Curse to first graders. Sleeping spell, isn't that a joke?

"I'm looking forward to that, I think Mad-Eye will enjoy this Hogwarts welcome."

A very, very obvious smile appeared on Dumbledore's face - the last time William saw such a smile, William remembered that it was Lupine and Snape dueling the Boggart...

This principal is a bit shabby...

"Then let's sort out the test papers. We'll give him the questions after the Quidditch World Cup." Dumbledore nodded. "We can't stay here any longer. The Ministry of Magic here is already nervous enough." ”


"That's right - it's time for you to return home to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament, Professor William."

Dumbledore nodded, "Regarding security, age limits for participating students, selection of warriors - we have a lot of things to be busy with, and you can't expect Minerva and I to be responsible for them all."

"But isn't there still ten days left before school starts?"

"I almost forgot -" Dumbledore pretended with poor acting skills, and then handed William an envelope, "I forgot to let the owl carry this letter when I sent it, and I just made it up now."

William, who felt something was wrong when he saw that expression, took the letter and opened it and looked at it a few times.

First of all, he was promoted - because another professor was recruited this year, a large office of self-defense has now been set up, and he will serve as the director of the office of self-defense.

Secondly, the salary has been increased - the weekly salary has increased by two galleons, and I can buy a lot more candies.

Finally, and most importantly, he needs to return to school early to participate in a series of arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament.

Although it was not a good idea to think so, he always felt that the promotion was just to deprive him of his vacation and let him go back to work...

Okay, after your residence is targeted, the remaining few days are not worth trying to find a new residence. There is no place to stay anyway, so returning to campus and living in an office early is not an option.

Although Voldemort has a dark history of sneaking into the school, William is still confident that he can stay in his office for a while - it is more convenient to resist calling Dumbledore in the office than elsewhere.

"Okay, I'm going back to school."

The information has been collected so much that it is unrealistic to pick up the rest. The right way is to go back and sort out the harvest and be busy with next year's competition. If you get promoted, work hard. Although the principal seems to have ulterior motives, he has What can be done?

"One more thing," Dumbledore added cheerfully, "you have to go to the Quidditch World Cup, in the name of the school."

Are you kidding me - playing in the Quidditch World Cup?

There were so many people coming and going, it was impossible to be replaced, but that noisy environment was overshadowed...

"In the box on the top floor, join the Minister of Magic. I will provide you with a door key. Return to school directly to my office."

"There are enough Aurors over there. I don't think there will be any accidents that can break through the defenses over there. We need to give the Ministry of Magic the necessary support, especially for such a large-scale international event."

There were enough Aurors on guard, and the Minister of Magic was also present. If they only arrived before the opening, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Not to mention the privilege he wants to carry the door key with him - that is not free, just like his Auror-like spellcasting authority. Once authorized, it is permanent and it is a gift. should.

Besides, he himself didn't expect to return to school. If the other party really targeted him, he would be stunned - he didn't even think about it, how could the other party ambush him?

"If anything happens, bring Harry and the others back."

Dumbledore put down the bowl and his tone became serious again.

"I will."


"Harry, hold on to me."

Sirius told Harry, who was now carrying his luggage in one hand and his godson in the other, extremely contented.

All he had to do was apparate to the portkey location and set up a tent to watch the game.

For this competition, he specially bought the most luxurious tent and a lot of ingredients, just waiting to use this competition to create the best memories of this rare summer vacation.

"Have you ever pitched a tent, Harry?"

"No, I'd love to try it."

"I think I will be a good teacher." Sirius' tone was a little impatient, "Moony Face, how are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready!"

Lupine nodded, also holding the luggage with one hand, "Miss Granger, please hold on tight."

The two looked at each other, and Sirius shouted as if he remembered something, "Dobby, remember to lock the door, we seem to have forgotten!"

"No problem, Mr. Black."

Dobby's sharp voice sounded, "I'll be there a little later."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your cooking skills."

Sirius responded, then nodded at Harry, and the next moment, the two of them disappeared into the house.

Lupine shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face - "I now suspect that Black's Animagus is part husky. He is getting more and more out of control now. Get ready, Miss Granger..."

The joke was so cold that Hermione didn't even react, but Lupine saw that she was ready, nodded, and the two disappeared into the room.


"How are you, Harry?"

"It was so crowded, I felt like I was being squeezed out of a pipe."

Harry told the truth, he and Sirius had nothing to hide.

"Just get used to it - things like apparation can be learned when you are an adult."

"I still prefer flying."


"Okay, let's go see the camp." After a moment of silence, Sirius ruffled Harry's hair as if nothing happened, "Hey, Moony Face, you should have some relief herbs with you, right?"

"You still have to get used to this. I'm not a professor of herbal medicine."

Lupine, who had just transferred, retorted, then put away his casual joking expression and suddenly became serious.

"Ah, Professor Lupin!"

Not far away, the children brought by their parents had just recovered and ran over to say hello.

"Are you here to watch the game too, Professor?"

Compared to William, Lupine is much more approachable in class, and the lower grade students are relatively less independent. After being endorsed by the Ministry of Magic, everyone is no longer afraid.

The child's parents were a little nervous, but under Lu Ping's serious talk, they relaxed and even started chatting about some of the students' final grades.

"Look, look," Sirius whispered to Harry secretly, "When you become a professor, you become a completely different person. You have a serious look on your face. Just now you were joking, and now..."

Although he felt in his heart that Sirius was actually the better one... Harry still nodded decisively, expressing his agreement with his godfather's statement.

Hermione walked over and looked at the two of them with suspicion - the boy just now seemed to be secretly introducing something to his parents. Judging from the look in the eyes of the pair of wizards who resembled the parents of her elementary school classmates, she thought it should be an introduction about grades. .

"I seem to understand why Moon Face can be so patient in tutoring your friends."

Sirius continued to bite his ear.


Harry lowered his voice and tried not to look at Hermione.

"They are all the same top students. I bet you that Hermione will also be a prefect in the future. And if they violate school rules, they will do so in a big way."

"It seems true, they are very similar..."

Harry nodded - he and Ron often made this kind of complaint, and he was very familiar with it.

Hermione looked at the two Gryffindors, one large and one small, suspiciously. She always felt that the two of them were secretly talking about something they shouldn't say.

It took Lu Ping about ten minutes to finally end the discussion with the parent, and his expression changed from a serious and professional one to a normal one.

"Tsk, tsk, Professor Lupin."

Sirius taunted unceremoniously, "You are just another Professor McGonagall."

"This is called - ah, Professor McGonagall, are you coming to watch the game too?"

Lupine looked happy.

Sirius immediately shut his mouth. Harry hesitated for a moment, but stood still and turned around stiffly with Sirius.

Hermione stood upright and turned around slowly and ladylikely.

Then, everyone found out that they had been fooled...

There's no Professor McGonagall - it's just air.

"The atmosphere is too serious, so it's much better this way."

Lupine walked quickly towards the camp with a cheerful tone, "Let's go, we still need to set up a tent!"

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