From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 383 Daily life before the start of the game

"Here are the previous competition regulations, here is the list of previous death warriors, and here are the written records of the last Triwizard Tournament and the minutes of the post-game meeting."

Mr. Filch struggled to remove stacks of records from the cabinet.

"Professor McGonagall said that these materials will be used frequently during this period, so I moved them out of those dusty cabinets."

So, the school is determined to bring him back to work, right?

William kept a polite smile - he had just come back and was tricked by Professor McGonagall into coming here to get some documents that he would use next.

After all, the Triwizard Tournament has been suspended for hundreds of years, so when it is reconvened, every school is cautious and cautious about this matter - think about it, if the event is too clumsy because of a certain school If the behavior is messed up, it will really be recorded in the history of each school.

"What do you think of the Triwizard Tournament, Mr. Filch?"

William asked casually while helping Filch record the names of the data that were taken out.

"That is truly an infinite honor, Professor William."

The old administrator looked fascinated, "Showing the achievements of your school to the most powerful opponents will still happen hundreds of years later. This kind of thing - I swear, if someone still violates the discipline after the arrival of those opponents, I will tell them How to maintain the dignity of the school."

No need to ask, this year will definitely be a crazy year for Mr. Filch after the start of school - William is a little afraid to think about what will happen to the students who violate the rules this year.

"A grand ceremony reopened after hundreds of years - it sounds like the Olympics."

"what is that?"

"A large Muggle event held once every four years."

"A poor imitation." Filch gave his own assessment, and then was no longer interested in this.

"Maybe you can ask Professor Binns -" he looked at the thick stack of information and gave William some advice, "If we can persuade him to participate in the planning, then I guess we can propose some rules and regulations. As long as they are not outrageous, The other party will have no way to raise objections.”

? ? ?

Can you still play like this?

William glanced at Filch in surprise and couldn't help but admire him - he was indeed an old administrator and well-informed. If Professor Binns took action, their workload could be reduced by at least half.

"Thanks, Mr. Filch - Professor McGonagall will definitely like this opinion. I think the professor seems a bit nervous this year."

"We have Dumbledore after all."

Although everyone in this castle says this, but...

"I thought so before returning to school early, and even more so after returning to school."

William replied in the same tone.


"Not bad."

Sirius said in an admiring tone, "Our tent is set up!"

Harry grinned and looked at the fruits of their labor with the same smile - none of the three used wands, but used tools to put up the tent.

Lupine stood nearby, looking at the two people with a speechless expression.

Is it possible that Harry, a child who has never been taken out by a foster family to travel, has the skills to set up a tent?

Sirius was a man who entered Azkaban after leaving Hogwarts. He had a house elf before studying and lived in the Potter family after studying. How many tent-building skills can he master?

In his opinion, the greatest contribution of the two of them was that they did not help...

"My tent is set up, do you need any help here?"

Hermione trotted over with an expression of surprise. She had just visited the small tent she had built with her own hands and was amazed by the extremely magical decoration inside.

‘Look…he built it all by himself. ’

Lupine glanced at the unaware pair with such eyes, but the two of them were laughing happily and did not notice the resentful look in his eyes.

"We're done, and it looks pretty good."

Sirius nodded in praise of the fruits of his labor.

"Can I take a tour?"


The two sides exchanged visits and admired each other's living environment.

"Dobby hasn't come here yet, but there are a lot of food in the kitchen. Maybe we can just make some ourselves."

Sirius suggested, "It wouldn't be too bad to simply grill some meat or something. Lupine can make some soup."

Among all the people, Lupine's cooking skills are actually the best...

This is a very magical thing, but after comparing it with Dobby's rice, everyone silently canceled the option of cooking.

"Although there is a magic wand, let's go get some water - the water summoned by clear water like a spring always makes people feel weird."

"You go ahead, I don't want to meet the students' parents again..."

Lu Ping refused with a scared look on his face - he was slower to set up the tent because he was surrounded by parents to say hello. It was not that he was afraid of society, but that the adults taking care of the children here might be parents, even if the children did not arrive. Hogwarts, after learning that he was a professor, he also liked to come over and say hello.

There are just too many…


Sirius patted his shoulder with a sympathetic look on his face, "Then Harry and I will go get some water."

"Then I'll take care of the ingredients."

Hermione volunteered and said - although she has a wide range of knowledge, she has really never come across food magic. She tried to learn a little bit during the summer, but after being frightened by Dobby's cooking skills, she only learned it and hasn't shown it yet.

"Sorry to trouble you, Hermione."

Harry and Sirius picked up the kettles, and the two of them walked not very fast - they were both a bit suffocated during the summer vacation, and they were enjoying the wind and sunshine extremely greedily. Although Privet Drive also had its flaws, it always had its shortcomings. What.

"It's great to be able to come out and watch the game. To be honest, it wasn't this hard in Azkaban."

Sirius complained softly, but his expression was unconcealed happiness.

"Is it really hard over there?"

"It's okay. In fact, most of the time, I was thinking about those messy things..." Sirius smiled, "Although there were no dementors wandering around after I came out, I felt a little unable to accept it because I felt free. It feels like being locked up in Privet Drive..."

"Feel sorry…"

"What are you thinking about again?"

Sirius moved the empty water bottle to his other hand, and then put his free hand on Harry's shoulder, "Without you, I don't know where I would be, at least on Privet Drive. This is still my home, isn’t that guy Lupin living a very happy life?”

"Let's go!"

Sirius made a childish cry, then quickly walked to the faucet with Harry in his arms.

"Harry, hi!"

A female voice sounded, causing Harry to turn his head nervously - and then his expression became strange.

It was Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker, a very beautiful girl - at least that's what Harry thought.

Harry tried to extend his left hand to say hello, but when his hand was not extended, he realized that it was pressed by Sirius, so he had to extend his right hand to try to say hello.

He was so busy that he couldn't even straighten his hand, and almost pushed Sirius' arm down.

Fortunately, Qiu didn't notice much about it. She said hello and left quickly.


Sirius laughed strangely and pulled Harry closer.

"Which college is that girl over there from?"

"We are not familiar with Cho Zhang from Ravenclaw. We have only played a few games of Quidditch. We are not even friends."

Harry replied quickly, and was rewarded with an even more cheeky smile from Sirius.


He raised his voice with some shame.

"I haven't asked anything yet. I just want to know which college that classmate is from."

He spread his hands, and if it weren't for the evil smile on his face, his persuasiveness would have been very obvious.


Harry took on a helpless tone.

"Okay, okay, I'm just curious, what else do you know besides Quidditch Seeker?"

"Hmm...maybe she has good grades?"

"What does maybe..."

Sirius held his head, with a headache on his face, "Apart from playing Quidditch with her, what else do you know?"


Harry was unusually silent - he really just played Quidditch with Cho and didn't know anything else.

How did she do? Who is her friend? What else does she do besides studying and Quidditch? Does she support a certain team? Do you collect chocolate frogs?

"All right…"

Sirius sighed helplessly, "Why are you so similar to Lupine... No, Lupine is not as bad as you..."

"Go get water first, and then we'll talk about anything else after we get the water back to the camp."

If it wasn't for safety, Black even had the intention of letting Harry fetch water and send it back.

Harry was silent as well, he was now in self-doubt.

The two quickly got water, and Sirius gradually accepted the fact that Harry was a fool in some ways.

"To be honest, Harry, I'm actually very strange. I always thought it would be Miss Granger..."

? ? ?

Harry's eyes widened, he really couldn't think of this idea.

"Well...she really didn't take good care of herself..."

"So, does Miss Qiu's friend know you? No, do you know who her friends are?"

Harry lowered his head.

"The problem is serious..." Sirius frowned, "You have a lot to learn, Harry."

He looked at Harry, his expression extremely serious, from his hair to his fingers to other parts.

"It seems we need to ask Dobby to do a little more."

This extremely serious look made Harry a little scared, but he still mustered up the courage and asked, "I don't understand..."

"Go back and ask Lu Ping for did he become a professor..."

Carrying the kettle, Sirius complained about the people in the tent.

The two of them returned to the camp with a strange aura, and then the division of labor was clear.

Harry trotted back to the kitchen, as if he was hiding from something, while Sirius put down the kettle and took Lupine aside to mutter.

Harry was paying attention as he filled the container, and was stared at by Hermione several times, but he didn't notice at all.

Lupine's not-so-hearty and highly recognizable laughter came, making Harry want to find a crack in the ground to burrow into.

He was careless, he shouldn't have said this to Sirius.

But he didn't say anything!

Just when Harry was extremely confused, Sirius called him out with a laugh.

"Lupin, look, what are we going to prepare for Harry?"

Sirius pulled him to the innermost room and asked him to stand there.

'He told Lupine...'

"You need to pay more attention to your manners..."

Lupine looked at Harry and made his opinion, "My behavior is not relaxed enough either."

He knew better than anyone how popular Sirius was when he was in school—at that time, the mysterious man was rampant, and even Hogwarts was inevitably criticized by his bloodline.

Although Sirius himself didn't care much, he was indeed a pureblood.

Handsome in appearance, powerful in strength, funny in conversation, possessing the courage of Gryffindor and the noble bloodline that most Slytherins can only dream of, popularity is a matter of course.

'It's a pity that the influence of Azkaban on him has not been fully recovered yet...'

"Indeed, maybe he also needs a snitch that he can keep on hand anytime and anywhere."

"You should also restrain your smile, especially your eyes."

The two of them exchanged words with each other about ways to make Harry more popular - all the energy they had spent during the summer vacation was spent on this.

The child has grown up all of a sudden, and it’s time to give him something different.

Although Lupine felt that Sirius's state was more like a graduate's advice to his roommates, he didn't mind getting involved in the nonsense at all - he even complained that the summer vacation passed too slowly and they found out too late.

If I had noticed it earlier, I might have accomplished a lot this summer.

"You should become a secret agent, Lupin. At least help us with our inquiries."

"That's more than we should do, Padfoot, we just need to let Harry be more free."

"Indeed, he is too reserved."

"You should probably take him to a dance or two or something."

Lupine suggested.

"Dumbledore won't allow it, but we can think of a way... During the Quidditch World Championship, those purebloods may have a show-off dance or something tonight. They always have a way..."

Sirius muttered, "But then security work..."

"It's better to stay in the camp. Let's hold a barbecue party and invite the nearby neighbors...Moon Face, you won't refuse this, right..."

Sirius stared at Lupin with a smirk.

"Okay...but I'll invite them all, Padfoot."

"No problem, but I need you to reveal a little more. Who are Miss Qiu's friends?"

"I'm not sure about this, and she will be promoted to fifth grade after school starts. I need to ask Professor William about this."

"Please do not!"

Harry shouted loudly, even alerting Hermione in the kitchen.

"What happened?"

She knocked on the door and asked.

"No, everything is fine."

Sirius smiled and responded, "But Harry is a little too excited. We were talking about the Quidditch World Cup."

This was not something Hermione was interested in at all, so she excused herself and returned to the kitchen.

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