From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 588 An increasingly outrageous plan

"Are you kidding me?"

In the Muggle hotel on the Greek border, the twins began to stare at each other while looking at the letters from Durmstrang.

According to their original plan, Karkaroff would help them register a business association that looked like it had some ties to the government, and they would rely on this to expose the true face of the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

But the question now is - is this chamber of commerce a little too involved?

It bears the seal of the International Magical Cooperation Department of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, the signature of the director of the Office of the International Magical Trade Standards Association, and the outrageous name of the International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce...

The two of them even wanted to write a letter to question Karkaroff - are you kidding me? This is not a fake ID, right?

But due to family reasons, the two of them are quite familiar with this thing. No matter how much they check, they can't find any problems... which is outrageous...

For safety reasons, they finally wrote to ask more about the chamber of commerce, and then the two of them became dumbfounded after receiving the reply.

In short, it doesn't matter that the newly appointed people in the Magical Cooperation Department of the Magic Congress don't know anything, and they dare to take any money. But Karkaroff was interested in this matter, so he just spent money to get it. This thing is more real than real...

"I've thought about it all..."

The two looked at the documents and shook their heads, "This is too outrageous. It turns out that there is really something worse than the Ministry of Magic..."

Now that the Chamber of Commerce has a name, it’s easy to talk about the rest.

The two of them are very familiar with the crafts of making medals and banners - they have spent a lot of time on tricky magic props over the years, but neither of them expected that this craft would actually be used here before graduation...


In the Greek magic world, in a barber shop located in a commercial street, the owner began to play with his barber tools.

Those self-cleaning props are a good thing. They will push the customer who is trying to ask the price without any explanation on the chair, and then start to give the customer a haircut and shave without stopping. It is very clean.

Of course, such attentive service is expensive - there is a small line on the signboard, five galleons per person, although it is very small, it definitely does not violate the regulations of the Ministry of Magic.

"Business is hard to do..."

The boss, Kevin, looked at the street - there have been fewer foreign tourists coming recently, so it's really hard to rip off people.

But he can't change places at will. It's not easy to get familiar with the management staff here. It's hard to change places.

"Boss, boss!"

The apprentice recruited this year hurried over from the warehouse at the back with a letter, and he frowned in a panic - this guy really can't be trained...

"What's wrong? Could it be that another damn magical country has a problem, causing us to have fewer guests?"

"No, boss, we won the award! The European International Barber Shop Best Smile Award!"

What is this stuff?

Kevin frowned when he heard this name.

What and what, he has never participated in any competition - even if he did, he still knows his own shop, is he worthy?

"Bring it here, let me take a look..."

He took the letter over with a stern face - he always felt that his colleagues were mocking him.

The letter was very thick and bulging. I don’t know what was stuffed inside it.

[To Kevin’s Barber Shop:

After a year of disaster in the American magical society, we finally reorganized the new Magical Congress, and all residents of the American magical community will never forget the help they encountered during these difficult days and the warmth that exists in their memories...

In April of this year, under the guidance of the new Magical Cooperation Department of the Magic Congress, our International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce was established. In order to quickly restore our country’s international magic trade, a nationwide selection event was held to select those who we have Chambers of commerce and shops that can’t be forgotten even in the most difficult moments…

After extensive investigation and research (Kevin blinked and skipped a lot of nonsense)…

Please send a specialist from your chamber of commerce (store) with relevant certificates and thirty galleons of activity funds to the xx office in xx City, Greece (No. xx Street, xx) to receive the medal and award certificate.

——International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce Greece Responsible Office]

"Look, what I said is right, we have all won awards abroad!"

"Winning a fucking award!" Kevin cursed, "It's a fucking peer!"

"Are they hairdressers too, boss?"

"Shit, robbery!"

Kevin's face was red and he was swearing - Thirty galleons were taken from him?

He has been robbing money on this street for half his life, and today someone actually sent an owl letter to steal his money?

This is not just a temptation, it is simply a provocation!

"Go," he angrily told his apprentice, "check with the Ministry of Magic and see if you can send that disgusting office to prison - I'll be deceived!"

However, the reply came thirty minutes later.


Kevin looked at the letter with a look of disbelief on his face, "They showed the genuine registration form at the Ministry of Magic. Is it really from the Magical Congress of the United States of America?"

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Hurry up, take the Galleons and go over to claim the prize!"

He kicked his apprentice and said, "After receiving such a beautiful medal hanging at the door, I will be more confident in receiving these five galleons in the future!"

After thinking about it, Kevin was worried that the apprentice would not be able to do well, so he simply left him to watch the store and collect the fees. He took the money and hurried towards the street over there, for fear that he would be late and not get the medal.

Although I don’t know what kind of medicine the Yankee took wrongly, this award will not be given to me if I don’t get it.

But even if he hurried and hurried slowly, it was still a little late. When he passed by, Huo——in that so-called office, many people were queuing up.

They were all old acquaintances, which made him particularly unhappy.

The one in front sells medicinal materials for a small fortune.

The one in the front sells water mixed with wine in the tavern.

The one in front of me keeps talking about selling banned books, and I read the names one by one. They are all Muggle novels that I don’t know where, and they don’t even have illustrations. I have been reported many times by angry people, but I can’t get in. A real black-hearted profiteer.

And the one in the middle, charging for two menus, is a rip off.

‘Unlucky, why are you getting together with these people? Is this the ministry’s plan to take over everything? ’

Kevin's calves felt a little tight, and he was very worried that something had happened, but someone at the front had already come out holding a golden medal.

‘This workmanship and shape are so exquisite! ’

He admired it, it was really a good craftsmanship.

It's just that people are so bad - he recognized that guy with a sullen face. He was a bastard, the worst of the bad, a guy who deserved to be cursed to death.

The guy's name was Old Sibby, a barber who opened a street not far away.

‘Best Handsman? Is he worthy? All his tools are imitations of mine! ’

Kevin couldn't help but wanted to hit someone, but in the end he held back - forget it, let's get his own stuff first.


"Hello, I am Lucy, the receptionist at the business bank. This is my ID badge."

When Kevin entered, he was shocked - no, is this organization so formal?

She is still a very beautiful girl, and her metal ID tag looks extremely formal (inspired by the Ministry of Magic phone booth ID tags, something the twins are tired of playing with).

He almost couldn't cope with the standard English. Fortunately, there was an interpreter around, which made the chamber of commerce look more formal.

'The office inside is a bit shabby...but there's nothing we can do about it, it's just a temporary office...'

He made an excuse for this, and then looked at the middle-aged man in charge of this matter who looked quite serious.

"Hello, I'm Kevin, the owner of Kevin's Barber Shop, and you are."

"I am the person in charge of this visit to Greece, Sim."

He also spoke standard English and looked like he was from the United States. The middle-aged man shook hands with him and then briefly introduced the reasons for this award and the reason for this action.

"We feel it is our obligation to let people in the wizarding world know what kind of sunshine remains in our hearts during difficult times. Mr. Kevin, although your store's operating methods are somewhat unrecognized, there are still many People have written to us saying how beautiful and invigorating the haircut is..."

'So that's what it is...'

Kevin himself somewhat believes it - making money is money, but being recognized for your craftsmanship is really...

He happily paid the fee from Miss Lucy, and then got his medal and certificate.


He looked at the medal in his hand in a daze - why is it so small? Is my award really not as good as that guy's?

"What's the matter, Mr. Kevin?"

"This medal..."

"That's a basic medal, Mr. Kevin. If you are willing to pay more for materials and production costs, we can provide a deluxe version..."

Kevin looked at Mr. Sim and smiled, his eyes a little dazed.

The previous large-sized deluxe version of the medal is available...

"How many?"

"It takes seventy galleons."

"Hang it up!"

The new golden, enchanted medal hung in the store, and Kevin looked at it with a smile on his face.

Just hang this thing up, and it becomes an internationally renowned store!

And not everyone has a parallel import award. After asking around, he found that this street was the only one for him! What is this called? This is honor!

"It's just...those Americans are too smart..."

He sighed, and then went back to polish his money-making tools. I don't know why, but now that he thinks about it, he always feels like he was robbed.


"Deduct the cost of the translation..."

"Deduct the cost of the venue we rented..."

"After deducting the expenses related to our activities..."

"And the cost of our Polyjuice Potion..."

"There are still fifteen hundred galleons left!"

Fred calculated the accounts quickly, with joy on his face.

"In addition to the fees we borrowed from Mr. Karkaroff in the early stage and the fees he spent to smooth the relationship - after all, we only made a hundred galleons."

"Wait a minute, I have to deduct the mental damage fee for pretending to be a receptionist..."

"The expenditure of seven galleons... then..."

"Seven Galleons? You're kidding, my brother!"

"Forget it, let's move to a few more countries. Our goal is not to make money, but to make pranks through this. I will be the receptionist next time..."

"That's pretty much it..."

"What to do with the extra galleons in the future?"

"We will use part of the funds to open the store, repay part of Mr. Black's investment, and donate all the remaining supplies to the ordinary people in the American wizarding world..."

"Okay, I agree."

The two of them arranged the funds as if they were joking - the money was easy to come by, but they still felt that the joke shop was a real business. As for this time, they would donate the extra money to ordinary people.


"What country is it?"

"Is this the seventh country?"

While Fred was talking to his brothers, he felt one word all over his body - tired.

They never thought that one day they would be tired of collecting money.

It's so awesome - even now they can receive the letter forwarded by Karkaroff. Someone wrote to the so-called International Cooperation Chamber of Commerce, asking why they didn't go to their country to award the award. The relationship between the two countries has always been very good!

According to Karkaroff's instructions in the accompanying letters, the current director of the International Magical Cooperation Department of the Magic Congress was very interested in this and considered it a very good diplomatic method. Not only did he reward them, but he also They even awarded a large medal and a special allocation to the unfounded chamber of commerce - of course, the actual amount of the latter was...

"Medal, medal, I want to make medals and go crazy!"

Fred leaned against the wall - this thing couldn't be fancy at all. It made him happy at first, but later on it didn't even give him as much sense of accomplishment as a fake wand.

"My dear brother, according to our definition of our own products, this may be the most expensive product we have ever made in our lives. The small size is 30 and the large size is 70. If my mother knows this price, she must be worried that we are robbing money. …”

George joked happily - in order to show professionalism, they have to do this thing themselves, and it is not finished yet.

At first, the two of them were full of pride and ambition, but now, seeing this thing makes them want to vomit.

They need to put on makeup secretly, go to the black market to find out which stores are more deceptive, then put on makeup again, submit a formal application, hire a translator, rent an office, send an invitation letter in person, and then have to act in a show to accept the money.

It's all hard-earned money...

"On average, we have a family for two days. It is simply the most tiring internship..."

"Yes, almost half a month has passed. Time flies so fast. Let's go back to school to prepare for the final exam after one month. If this continues, I'm afraid I will lose my love for looking at the store. I have stared at the decorations four times. …”

"I have done it three times...this is still with Mr. Karkaroff's information...there is still a big gap from our original plan..."

The two complained for a while, then got up with bitter looks on their faces and started preparing to make the next medal.

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