From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 589 Brought by the twins

"Well, as expected, only a small amount of magic power is needed to maintain this effect..."

In the Forbidden Forest, William looked at the area that had been destroyed into a piece of white land, and his heart was filled with joy.

Although a lot of vegetation was destroyed this time, the prototype of the new spell was finally finalized. In this difficult period, this is undoubtedly the best news.

"There are still classes in the afternoon, so go back and prepare for them first."

He moved his body for a while, and then walked towards the entrance area of ​​the Forbidden Forest - logically, he should apparate back and seize the time to prepare for lessons, but he was in a good mood today, so he planned to give himself a break first and walk back. Enjoy the scenery of the Forbidden Forest at the same time.

Of course, it is also appropriate to catch the arrogant seventh graders by the way - probably because they are about to graduate, more and more students are peeking into the Forbidden Forest, so these days the chamber pots in the hospital are so clean that they can be used as mirrors used…

"Gryffindor over there, come here to be punished. Double house points will be deducted for running away!"

When he was approaching the edge of the Forbidden Forest, holding a rabbit in his hand and followed by seven or eight unlucky guys, William saw another student from a distance and shouted for him to come over and receive punishment.


Lee Jordan, who was caught red-handed, was still holding an unlucky Niffler in his hand. He came over to report his arrival very obediently, looking like a newbie. Unfortunately, he couldn't deceive William at all.

In this seventh grade, the twins took the first and second most violations, and the third one was Lee Jordan. If he was a good boy, then there would probably be no such thing as confinement in Hogwarts.

"Just you?"

William looked at Lee Jordan, and his stern eyes made Lee Jordan, who was about to graduate and was going to come to the Forbidden Forest to leave a prank treasure for the new first-year students, feeling guilty - his original plan was to create a treasure that could be sniffed and pursued. , so that the new students behind could find it, but it was spotted just after it was buried before it could go out.

"It's just me, Professor. I came to the Forbidden Forest to see if I could find fresh food. My friend hasn't passed the Apparition test yet, so I need this as a backup."


William looked at Lee Jordan doubtfully, "Okay, let's go, come to the team and go to Mr. Filch to accept the punishment."

"Okay, Professor."

Lee Jordan follows the good deeds.

When he reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, William suddenly turned to look at Lee Jordan, "What bad things are the Weasley brothers doing?"

"Them? They're out doing big things—"

The subconscious response was swallowed by Lee Jordan just halfway through. William looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Doing something big, sneaking out of school during class? Very good..."

"No, no, professor," Li Jordan realized that he had slipped up and tried to make up for it, "They went to exchange and study..."

"Exchange and study?"

William was stunned for a moment - why hadn't he heard of it?

"You guys, go and report to Mr. Filch, and I'll go back to the Forbidden Forest to have a look."

He instructed the students, then turned around and ran towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest. He found a remote place where no one was and apparated back to his office. Then he quickly went to Professor McGonagall to inquire about information.

"Going to Germany for an exchange internship? Karkaroff sent an invitation letter?"

William, who got such an answer from Professor McGonagall, was also a little confused - this thing is indeed feasible. If the two of them plan to open a store after graduation, then it is natural to go to Karkaroff for inspection and exchange, but Li... What Jordan said about doing things really makes people feel a little embarrassed.

"You said their friend Lee Jordan said they were onto something big?"

Professor McGonagall also started to murmur. She knew about Lee Jordan, the third troublemaker in her college...

After a little hesitation, Professor McGonagall made a decision.

"Professor William, why don't you go to Durmstrang on a business trip to interview Karkaroff about the recent chaos in Ilvermorny and the American wizarding world, and ask those two students by the way? Are you serious about doing exchange activities? After all, they haven’t graduated yet.”

"Okay, I'll make some preparations right now. I'll go to the Ministry of Magic to do some registration, and the course will be temporarily entrusted to Professor Lupin."

William nodded in agreement without hesitation, waited for Professor McGonagall to write the approval, then turned back to his office to pack his luggage. In less than an hour, he packed everything and was ready to go to Durmstrang.


"Ah, Professor William, welcome."

When William used the portkey to arrive at Durmstrang's location, he directly saw the professor who came to greet him.

"Principal Karkaroff is waiting for you in the principal's office. He canceled all arrangements today and set aside a whole day to entertain you."

"It's an honor. Can I come over now?"

After exchanging pleasantries, William finally came to Durmstrang's principal's office and met Karkaroff who had prepared a pile of materials with a smile on his face.

The two communicated for a long time about the recent messy situation. William handed over the gift that Professor McGonagall had asked him to bring. Then he asked about the other purpose of the trip - how were the twins studying recently? , did you blow up Durmstrang or something...

Of course, the latter cannot be asked openly - just ask whether the teaching work here is going well.

But with such a simple question, William found that Karkaroff's face showed a slight embarrassment.

Isn't it - it really exploded?

This was the first thought that came to his mind.

"They performed very well, very well, and their abilities far exceeded my imagination..."

I thought I would be sued, but William heard this response.

Are you kidding me?

He looked at Karkaroff suspiciously and asked to see how the two students were doing here.


Ministry of Magic, Office for the Misuse of Muggle Articles.

Mr. Arthur Weasley was having a heated discussion with the newly recruited interns about Muggle machinery - they had dealt with five unexpected cases today and were very tired. They had some time to rest before getting off work. They all had a great time chatting.

"Actually, if you want to actually refer to it, you still have to wear Muggle-like clothes. However, our Muggle Studies class actually doesn't invest enough in this. Many people can't even understand the difference between men's belts and women's belts. Even Some wizards walk around in women's nightgown..."

"Yes, the Quidditch World Cup back then brought us a lot of trouble -" Mr. Arthur shook his head and sighed, "but this belt of mine is the most authentic..."

He showed off the belt under his wizard robe - although such a combination was definitely not in line with Muggle dressing habits, both interns simply skipped it.

"It doesn't look like a British style."

"Ah, my son Percy bought it for me from the Far East. It's a Christmas gift."

When it came to his son, Mr. Weasley looked proud, especially since the child now had a good relationship with his family - which made him even happier.

"The quality of the belt is very good, sir, and the belt head is a purely handmade brass head. It looks very grand..."

While the intern was studying this belt, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Everyone looked a little disappointed - no way, it's almost time to get off work, do you have to work overtime?

"Arthur, someone is looking for you!"

The voice of Amelia Bones rang outside the door. She was the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and had a good relationship with Arthur.


Mr. Weasley was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that it would be Amelia coming to inform him - could it be that she just reported it after getting off work?

He opened the door with some doubts and went out. When he reached the reception floor upstairs, he recognized William at a glance. What was strange was that the self-defense professor of Hogwarts was holding a few sticks in his hand. The branches are particularly green and look like wickers.

'Of course it can't be wicker, it could be some new magic prop or something else...'

He laughed at his original idea, and then hurried forward to greet him, "Professor William, what's the matter?"

"Is it about to close for the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Weasley?"


"That's great, Mr. Weasley, could you please send a letter to your home? I need your help with something important."

"No problem, I'll write home right now and say I need to work overtime."

"That's really troublesome for you."

William responded seriously, and then handed the wicker to Mr. Weasley, "We have to go on a business trip abroad. According to the latest news I received, we have to go to France."

‘What are you doing there? ’

Mr. Weasley was a little curious, but still followed the action very cooperatively.


“Did we spread the stall too big?”

In a hotel in France, the twins looked at each other. They were frightened by themselves.

According to the latest invitation letter, their business has even expanded to other places. Magic places have written to invite them to give speeches and exchanges, and even rehearsed a program specially for them.

On the open greeting card, an image praising their behavior is playing.


Four seasons warm める


"It always feels weird, and besides, this is too far away..."

"Yes, I always feel uneasy for no reason..."

"How about we leave early?"

"The awards are almost here, and part of what should be donated has been donated - is it because of the donation that it was reported?"

The two of them looked helpless, probably because they donated some supplies. Some of the voices that said they were scammers have disappeared, and now they are so popular that even they are scared.

"Fortunately, because we have been using Polyjuice Potion to transform into different images, our identity has not been exposed, and according to what we investigated, it is not illegal..."

"Yeah, but it's not illegal..."

"It's just - huh?"

The twins were stunned for a moment, then immediately pulled out their wands and waved them towards the source of the abnormal sound, preparing to control the other party immediately.

However, with just a pain in their wrists, the two men's wands were disarmed by the disarming spell.


Only then did the two of them smell the unusually slight smell - because they were making medals, the smell in their room had always been strange, and now they realized something was wrong.

"No, no, it's just a little bit of paralyzing potion..."

William sat between the two of them with their wands in hand, a smile on his face.


The twins immediately relaxed - they thought they were being attacked.

"I'm not vigilant enough..."

William shook his head, "You are really brave. Do you know what my reaction was when I almost forced the news from Karkaroff?"

Before the twins could respond, he unceremoniously poked their stomachs with their wands, causing them to grimace in pain.

"I learned it!"

"How many times have I told you not to try to exploit loopholes in the Ministry of Magic's laws, and have you all forgotten?"

"You are so self-righteous that you just want to cooperate with a guy like Karkaroff and engage in fraud?"

"You just donated the money and you think everything will be fine?"

"That means the MACUSA is no longer safe. If you plan to do this in the UK, you will even penetrate the prison of Azkaban!"

"Do you know how much money you have made? You collect money from those guys who are looking for loopholes?"

"Accept invitations from various magical worlds?"

"Thinking of using this or that simple method to escape people's pursuit?"

"Do you know how many guys hiding in the dark have been tempted by the Galleons you collected this time? Do you know what it means to eat black people? People don't do anything because they can't find you? Silly! That's what they are raising Fat Sheep, when you have collected enough Galleons, I will rob you all together, faster than your business?"

"The concealment is not good enough, and the channels for purchasing materials are closely watched. In other words, you donated a sum of money to reduce the desires of many people, otherwise I would not know where to find your bodies!"

"Take advantage of loopholes and look for loopholes. I have seen people who are much better than you. Only people who are desperate will choose this path. You are simply making fun of your own education and future. Fortunately, you know how to use Polyjuice Potion, otherwise you will be exposed. Don’t ever think about not being disliked in this life!”

"Look, this is the number of people who have inquired about you in the black market here. This is the speculation about the funds you are carrying. This is the speculation about your destination. This is the speculation about your travel mode! It's all based on a little inquiry on the black market. Information! You don’t even know how you died!”

He kicked their butts angrily, "Go back to school today and wash the toilet until graduation!"

The two of them were startled by the information dropped on the table. They were originally a little unconvinced, but now they only have fear of the darkness in the magical world...

"What other loopholes do you want to take advantage of? Do you want to try to sell the love potion to students after returning to school? Huh?"

The two lowered their heads, "Professor, we were wrong..."


William sighed, "Okay, think about it yourself."


"Okay, I've finished my business, it's Mr. Weasley's turn to speak."

William shook his head, but what he said startled the twins. They turned around with difficulty and found Mr. Weasley with a willow branch.

Suddenly, the two of them understood why the paralysis potion on their bodies had not been removed.

However, Mr. Weasley dropped the wicker on the ground - which puzzled the twins and disappointed William.

But the plot soon took a turn. Just as William was about to leave the room, Mr. Weasley took out a very beautiful copper headband from nowhere.

After William closed the door, even through the thick door panel, a sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling still came out...

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