The beating sounds of the two hearts gradually get closer.

The reflections under the windowsill touch together.

Malfoy thought to himself, it turns out there is something softer than cotton.

Instantly separate.

Malfoy's desire was still lingering, a bit of creamy taste lingering on his lips.

He licked his lips, gave Astoria a smile, and leaned closer again.

Chapter 449 Lockhart Protecting Christmas

Slughorn's party was over.

John shook his head helplessly, "You said you, forget it the first time, you have to do it a second time."

Malfoy's upper and lower lips were swollen like sausages, and he could not speak clearly.

"I didn't know Daphne was outside."

Malfoy was on the verge of tears, he was bitten by the wasp curse.

He never imagined that Daphne would be squatting outside.

He said desperately: "John, can I never be with Atuo in this life?"

John glanced at Malfoy. The boy couldn't even pretend anymore.

"Don't worry, Daphne has agreed." John handed a letter to Basil casually.

"How come I don't know?" Malfoy was stunned for a moment, then asked doubtfully, "She agreed and still cast the Wasp Curse on me?"

"I was about to leave, but who knew you would have to push further."

As someone who witnessed how Daphne went from gnashing her teeth to breaking into the house, John said it was all Malfoy's fault.

After Daphne almost broke Malfoy's neck last time, she hadn't done anything to Malfoy for a while.

She began to accept Malfoy as her sister's boyfriend.

Although Malfoy is so annoying, as a friend and in terms of status, Malfoy is a very suitable candidate.

In addition, after finding Astoria for a heart-to-heart talk and knowing her emotions, Daphne no longer planned to hold on to this matter.

As long as Malfoy treats Astoria sincerely and doesn't touch her until graduation.

"Your tongue stuck out so long that day," John said scornfully, "Tell me, did you ask for it?"

Malfoy immediately died, but he didn't expect that his behavior would be clearly seen by two people.

"Then can you help me change my lips back?" Malfoy looked at John expectantly.

John thought for a moment and sneered: "Get lost."

Malfoy was forced to take those sexy lips back to Malfoy's house.

Christmas vacation came, and John did not choose to stay in school.

There is an old janitor next door, so if you don't use it, it's free.

He left Hogwarts directly.

"The Romanian Fire Dragon escaped again, and many dragon trainers were injured"

"The mysterious man strikes again, Gilderoy Lockhart is attacked, slightly injured and repels the attacker"

"Gilderoy Lockhart Will Keep Christmas in Knockturn Alley"

"The Ministry of Magic thanks Gilderoy Lockhart for his actions and awards him a Medal of Valor"

"Egalitarianization of Werewolves?" Famous scholars express their opinions"

Johnny Silverhand store.

John flipped through the newspaper casually.

"Lockhart is in the special care unit of Silverhand Hospital," Tang Mi said. "Do you need to arrange an interview with a reporter?"

"Don't let Rita pass. She has appeared too much during this period." John fixed his sight on the Romanian fire dragon escaping and said calmly, "Strengthen the defense and start the Christmas activities."

Tang Mi nodded after hearing this and went out to make arrangements.

Christmas is coming, and John is preparing for a crossover event between Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley.

"Maybe Quidditch is a good choice." He pondered for a moment and felt that it would be good to open a Quidditch game in two places.

The amusement park project is also in progress, because the area required is large, so even with magic assistance, it will take some time.

However, it is almost completed and will be opened before Easter at the latest.

Five news items, three related to John.

Lockhart was attacked, and it was naturally arranged by John.

Being a hero always requires some performance.

As a result of his hospitalization, sales of Lockhart-endorsed products increased by 30%.

Lockhart's stay in Knockturn Alley is also a gimmick, allowing people to see the safety of Knockturn Alley.

As for the Medal of Valor from the Ministry of Magic, it's not John's fault.

It is estimated that the Ministry of Magic also wants to improve the morale of the people and create a person who can give them a sense of security.

Lockhart's behavior was just right for the Ministry of Magic to see.

"The dragon tamer has been solved. You shouldn't underestimate those wizards."

Looking at the first news item, John repeatedly rubbed wrinkles on the newspaper with his fingers.

Hearing what the dragon tamer knew about dragons from Slughorn's party was something John didn't expect.

"That's right. As a place that specializes in dragon research, how could we not know about it?" John lowered his eyes, "But it's good to solve it."

The dragon trainer followed the fire dragon away and was unfortunately discovered. He was attacked by a black dragon, causing three dragon trainers to be injured and one dragon trainer to be severely burned.

Under the bustle there are always corpses.

John tapped his fingers on the table, making noise little by little.

He closed his eyes and thought for a while. When he opened them again, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"Forget it, let someone solve it."

He asked Jin to deal with the Romanian fire dragon burn incident. It didn't need to be too difficult, just donate a sum of money.

Standing on the balcony, I looked at the bustling Knockturn Alley. Many families came here with their children.

There are ice lanterns placed on the street, as well as various magical animals made of snow.

In the Knockturn Garden, there is also a drama, rehearsing Lockhart's masterpiece "Wandering with Werewolves".

"Sir, old Jack is here to visit."

Tang Mi interrupted his thoughts, and Old Jack came with his youngest child Tyro.

As a member of Parliament, his status has risen, and his biggest wish is to prevent werewolves from being discriminated against.

"Sir Silverhand." Old Jack said respectfully.

Tyro is equally respectful, and Old Jack will take the trouble to tell the children that the werewolf's current life comes from that Johnny Silverhand.

"Nice to see you before Christmas, Old Jack." John, wearing a silver mask, smiled and invited Old Jack to sit down.

Tyro looked at John with admiration. She was not old enough to go to school yet.

"Is it about school?" John asked.

Opening a school in a werewolf community is not difficult.

The difficulty is the resources of teachers and students.

To teach in a werewolf school, you also need to have sufficient teaching experience.

There are never enough people for these teachers.

John is preparing for Old Jack's children to enter a werewolf school as teachers after graduating from Hogwarts.

Jack Sr. laughed: "Everything is going well at the school, and the community continues to absorb werewolf families from all over the world."

John glanced at the newspaper on the table and said clearly: "Because of that report?"

Being exposed, Old Jack nodded sheepishly, "There are still many doubts about the werewolf community from the outside world."

Having said this, Old Jack sighed, "Son, let your Excellency take a look."

Tyro walked out sensibly, and under John's puzzled gaze, she turned her back to John and took off her clothes.

John's pupils constricted.

On that tender body, the black wounds were extremely hideous.

Old Jack burst into tears and said: "Several wizards attacked the children. They thought werewolves should not appear here."

"Prejudice cannot be eliminated for a while, old Jack." John said solemnly, "But I can guarantee you that those bastards will disappear from this world."

"Thank you so much, Your Excellency." Old Jack said, wiping away tears.

John came over, looked at Tyro's stubborn tears and asked, "Do you believe me?"

Tyro said; "Grandpa said that you are the best person in the world, and I believe you."

John grabbed a handful of Galleons, raised his hand and brushed the hideous wound, and the Galleons disappeared in his hand.

The terrible wound gradually disappeared, and the back was as smooth as before.

Old Jack thanked him repeatedly, and John said: "Old Jack, go back, I will send you a Christmas gift box."

"Okay, Sir," Old Jack remembered something and said, "Sir, I heard some news, I hope it will be helpful to you."

Before entering the werewolf community, Old Jack wandered for a long time. After learning that he had become a member of Parliament, some friends began to get back in touch in the hope of currying favor with him.

Old Jack said: "The giant in the mountains seems to be in contact with someone."

"Giant?" John nodded to show that he understood.

After sending Old Jack away, John found Tang Mi and asked him to investigate the werewolf community attacks.

One day later, Tang Mi came to report.

They were some guys who hated werewolves from the bottom of their hearts. They were incited by others to attack the lone werewolf.

John frowned, being incited?

"Do you know who it is?" he asked.

"It's unclear. Those who were incited didn't know each other's identities."

"I know." John stroked the ring thoughtfully.

It seems that this is not a simple discrimination.

Voldemort's old team?

Or the Saint of Grindelwald?

Stirring up werewolf hatred, John thought about yesterday's reports.

Maybe he had a breakthrough in his investigation.

Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes is a bustling place during the Christmas holidays.

George and Fred, the bosses, went home.

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