Chapter 450 Competition between two lanes

This Christmas, the middle brother of the Weasley family, Charlie Weasley, is back.

He has a broad, good-natured face, weather-beaten, and covered with freckles that make him look almost brown-black.

His arms were muscular, but he wore a sleeveless cotton coat in winter, and his exposed arms had white skin burned by flames.

It was these wounds that brought him back at Christmas.

Mrs. Weasley cried, holding her second son.

Charlie is more like Mrs. Weasley, being shorter and fatter than his brother.

Being held in Mrs. Weasley's arms, he was still much taller.

"I can't believe that something like that would happen," Mrs. Weasley said fearfully, "I can't even believe that that person would be you."

"Okay, Mom." Charlie patted his mother on the back.

Harry spent Christmas this year at the Burrow and the Black Mansion. He saw Charlie and wondered why Charlie was back.

Ron went over to greet his brother, and when he saw his white arms, he was surprised: "When did you go to have your arms whitened?"

"This isn't whitening, Ronnie," Charlie stretched out his arms and said in a relaxed tone, "This is being burned by a fire dragon."

If you look carefully, you will see that there is no white on it, it is the skin of the arm that has been burned off by the flames.

Harry couldn't imagine how painful it must be.

Charlie looked at the time and muttered: "I have to apply some medicine again."

His bare skin rubbed against his clothes, and he grimaced in pain.

"Let me help you." Ron hurriedly went up to help his brother.

Harry also went to help.

One person held an oyster shell-shaped ointment and applied it to the white arm.

The cool ointment made Charlie hum and seemed very comfortable.

The Weasley twins came back. Seeing Charlie's miserable condition, he stepped forward and said with a playful smile: "Want some burn medicine? Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is at your service."


"Please, I'm George."

The twins standing aside spread their hands and were speechless.

Charlie said: "For the sake of my brother, can't you please stop embarrassing me?"

Twins have always been mistaken for each other.

Bill also came back, and he brought his girlfriend Fleur. Seeing Charlie's appearance, the two of them were also surprised.

"Fire Dragon, I was sent to follow the Fire Dragon, but I was discovered. Hiss... be gentle, Ron."

Ron's nails touched Charlie's skin, making him gasp.

Bill frowned and said, "Why are you following the fire dragon?"

Charlie was about to speak when Harry suddenly said: "Dragon King."

"What?" The others were stunned and looked at Harry.

Harry saw this and said, "At Slughorn's party, a dragon tamer mentioned it."

Charlie nodded and said: "You are talking about Werner, he always mentions his mentor."

"Dragon King?" Ron asked quickly, "What does that mean?"

"Literally," Charlie, as a dragon tamer, answered everyone, "Lord of dragons, king of dragons, leader."

"Romanian dragon trainers speculate that the large-scale dragon escapes are because the dragons have their own king."

More people entered the Burrow. In addition to Harry, Lupine and Sirius also came.

They all listened to Charlie.

"There have been fire dragons escaping before, but not on such a large scale. In order to find out more, we went to follow them." Charlie said with a bitter smile, "As a result, we underestimated the vigilance of the fire dragon, and a Hungarian Horntail burned me."

"Hungarian Horntail?" Upon hearing the species of this fire dragon, Fleur's thoughts changed slightly.

The image of a fire dragon chasing after her appeared in her mind, but she said nothing.

The youngest daughter of the Weasley family now had a picture of a thousand dragons in the valley in her mind.

She thought for a moment and shook off the crazy thoughts.

Even John cannot control the dragon king.

"Okay," Mrs. Weasley interrupted their story session, "it's time to clear the table for dinner."

Charlie's hand was smeared with ointment and it finally felt better.

Ginny wondered: "Why not use magic treatment?"

Charlie said: "The fire of the fire dragon is poisonous and cannot be treated with magic."

It was a satisfying meal, but Mrs. Weasley didn't like the girlfriend Bill brought back.

Harry was eating a piece of freshly baked apple pie and asked, "Where's Dumbledore?"

Lupine said: "He is at Hogwarts, and he will most likely have a good meal with the professors."

"Tonks hasn't come back either." Harry looked at the people on the long table.

Sirius sat next to him and whispered: "Molly invites her over whenever she has time. We all know that she wants Tonks to be Bill's girlfriend."

As he said that, Sirius glanced at Fleur covertly.

Harry was dumbfounded. No wonder Tonks smiled so reluctantly when he was pulled by Mrs. Weasley last time.

The Burrow had always felt like home to Harry, and he loved it here.

Sirius stayed here, he didn't want to see that guy Kreacher in the Black Mansion.

Fleur and Bill left after dinner.

They are still in love.

Lupine also left, claiming that he wanted to go out and pay more attention to the movements.

Harry was lying on the bed, looking sideways and saw his godfather.

This was a life he couldn't imagine.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Sirius noticed Harry looking at him and looked sideways.

Harry couldn't help but smile when he saw his godfather: "Sirius."


"Thank you for being alive."

"This is what I want to say to you," Sirius still looked handsome. He said, "Harry, good night."

"Good night, Sirius."

After spending three days at the Burrow, Harry was due to head to the Black Mansion with Sirius.

But Fred, one of the Weasley twins, told them that there was a Quidditch match between Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley.

Sirius waved his hand and headed to Diagon Alley.

Mrs. Weasley was furious, "No! Right! Get out! Get out!"

Sirius waved helplessly, "Please, Molly, no one is crazy enough to kill someone in front of thousands of wizards in Diagon Alley."

But Mrs. Weasley blocked the door.

No wonder Mrs. Weasley was so excited.

Because the Weasley clock still indicates mortal danger.

As a mother, Mrs. Weasley did not allow her children to take risks.

"Okay, okay, Molly, you win." Sirius seemed convinced.

Harry, Ron and Ginny were very disappointed, it was probably their only chance to go out during the holiday.

Sirius led them upstairs, and Mrs. Weasley saw that they had given up and left the door.

But as soon as Mrs. Weasley entered the kitchen, Sirius, Harry and the three of them tiptoed out of the door.

The thrill of disobeying Mrs. Weasley's orders made all three children excited.

Just a few seconds after leaving the house, Ron accidentally touched a broom.

The broom fell, alarming Mrs. Weasley.

"Run!" Sirius yelled.

They sprinted out of the house.

After leaving the range of the anti-Apparition spell, Sirius asked the three of them to hold his arms.

They disappeared under Mrs. Weasley's angry gaze.

When they appeared again, they were already in the bustling Diagon Alley.

White Christmas brings frost to the eaves of every house.

Because there were too many people, Sirius had no choice but to raise his voice, "Hold hands, don't get lost."

He was close and took Ron's hand, and Ron took Harry's hand.

Harry glanced at Ginny, and with a little emotion in his heart again, he stretched out his hand.

Ginny grabbed the hand, and an electric shock flowed through Harry's fingertips, making him clenched tightly, not wanting to let go.

There are so many people in Diagon Alley, it's almost crowded.

They squeezed their way to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, where George and Fred stood on high stools, and George shouted loudly: "Buy your tickets here, come in one by one."

Fred held green and red clothes in his hands and shouted: "Support Diagon Alley for red and Knockturn Alley for green."

In addition to these, various supported products are available for sale.

"Four Diagon Alley clothes," Harry shouted, finally squeezing in. "Four tickets."

George stuffed the tickets and clothes without even looking at them, "Just go in and pass the door."

Harry was almost squeezed back. Not long after he finally found his godfather, he was squeezed out of the door again.

That door is next door to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

After walking through the vermilion door, it's like entering another world.

A huge Quidditch pitch appeared in front of them, and the crowd suddenly became spacious after taking a few steps.

"Harry!" Sirius and Ron came over.

Harry was fascinated by the scene before him.

"Since when did this place exist in Diagon Alley?"

His eyes widened. The huge stadium was just a little smaller than the World Cup.

"It was originally a venue for the Ministry of Magic's amusement park project. When I heard that a competition was going to be held, I lent it out."

A voice sounded not far away, and they looked and saw that it was Mr. Weasley, with Bill and Charlie.

Mr. Weasley looked around and said with a guilty conscience: "Don't tell Molly."

He excused himself from work and came to watch the game.

The group quickly reunited.

The Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley teams appear.

Seeing those people, Ron clicked his tongue and said, "Am I right? Isn't that the owner of Florin Fusco's ice cream shop?"

"And that one, the owner of the Quidditch boutique."

Familiar faces appeared one after another, leaving them stunned.

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