However, he could feel that the other party did not want to be contacted.

So he handed the wand over and said, "If you want to go over, grab my wand."

The end of the long wand was stretched out towards Ariana.

Ariana hesitated before carefully holding the tip of her wand between two fingers.

John felt the slight force from the wand and stepped into the water first.

The next second, John felt the end of the wand being released.

Then Ariana ran in the direction she came from.

John looked at the fading silhouette and had no choice but to give up.

Finding other trees in the woods, John also encounters a Kaaba.

This thing came from Asia, and I don’t know how it came to Godric’s Hollow.

Unfortunately, there was no part of Kaba's body that was suitable for use as a wand core or potion, so John let the frightened guy go.

"Kaba will drag people into the water and drown them," John said, stroking his chin. "There are no people around here. Is it no big deal?"

Just as he was thinking this, John heard a sound coming from the stream.

With a tap of the wand, the supersensory spell was activated.

John 'saw' two boys by the stream.

The tall boy was playing in the stream, and another boy got water splashed on him.

The waterline slid down along the chin to the collar, and the boy also fought back.

What a picture of a man playing in the water.

John was silent.

"Just pretend you didn't see anything."

He turned and walked towards Bathilda's house.

It has been more than two weeks since I came here.

John found that Bathilda was really a stay-at-home aunt who basically never went out.

If she wasn't even a wizard who had to eat, I'm afraid she wouldn't even go out of the house.

"Just find a way to make some small money."

John thought about how he could make money in the smallest possible way.

Some potions are not available in Godric's Hollow, so the best way is to go to Diagon Alley to buy them.

But if you do this, you will inevitably come into contact with those in Diagon Alley.

The less contact we have with people, the less we can change the future.

The second king of Knockturn Alley, Johnny Silverhand, who controls the Silverhand business empire, will actually worry about Garen one day.

John was melancholy.

"If you refine the magic stone, the future will change again."

The magic stone can only be made by the highest level alchemist. If he dares to refine it, the reaction will definitely change it beyond recognition in future generations.

Unable to use the Philosopher's Stone, and unable to have any influence or come into contact with too many wizards, John was restricted.

Walking past the neighbor's house, John was not stared at this time.

He looked up strangely, and the person who had been watching him was no longer there.

He walked into Bathilda's house and put the matter down.

Ariana huddled in her room in fear, holding her little bear in her arms with a look of fear on her face.

A picture appeared in her eyes, three bad boys leaving her struggling in the water.

She was frightened and things in the room began to shake.

The returning brother Al sensed something was wrong and rushed into the house to comfort his sister who was about to go berserk.

"It's okay, Ariana." Al hugged his sister tightly and comforted her.

The trembling things around him gradually stopped.

There was a trace of tiredness in Ah's eyes, and his sister's condition dampened his joy of becoming friends with Gale.

I am a bird whose wings have been torn off, unable to fly with the other person.

Chapter 514 Hello, Ariana

"You should come with us," young Gail seduced, inviting John, "that would be fun."

"He's a funny guy," Gale said. "He's full of wisdom."

"Unfortunately, wisdom is not what I pursue." John said lightly.

What a joke, the Sorting Hat didn't even mention that I had Ravenclaw qualities.

"Power is supreme," Gale said, taking up John's words, "so there is even more need for change, as well as this magical world."

Gale is an ambitious man. He is like a poison that exudes venom all the time, trying to instill his ideas into other people's minds.

But facing John, he felt like he was being affected.

Strength comes first.

This is what Gail heard from John.

It coincides with his thoughts.

The difference is that Gale's pursuit is to let wizards dominate Muggles.

And John is, the strong is king.

Gale wants John to join him in his great ideals for the greater good.

And the other person is Al.

That boy who was equally outstanding, but whose wings were restrained by his family.

It's a pity that John didn't want to participate in those children's games. He said perfunctorily: "It's really interesting. Changing the world is never just about talking, Gail."

With a gentle wave of the wand, the things processed on the table fell into the placed boxes in an orderly manner.

"Well, I think Al will be happy to see you. We will go to the church today." Gail could not persuade John and had to leave.

They visited almost all of Godric's Hollow.

Putting the box away, John took out homemade eye drops and put them into both eyes.

This makes the eyes more dry and even painful.

He blinked hard, and his originally dull eyes turned into a pair of vertical pupils as he blinked twice.

Blink again, and it's back to normal.

"It's been almost a month."

Time flies by and we are entering June.

John often checks his body. Time travel will bring a huge burden to the body.

Some people travel back in time, and after returning to the original time, their bodies age by dozens of years.

John's body also suffered from some burdens caused by time travel, but he lived a long life, so this burden was not obvious.

After greeting Bathilda, John continued towards the woods.

Since the last time I was followed by a tail, that tail has become a regular occurrence.

When John turned around, the other party would stop. Every time he reached that stream, the other party would not continue to follow.

This time too.

John stopped at the stream and looked back at the people following him.

"Do you want to continue to follow?" he asked.

Ariana looked at the stream and stopped.

Seeing this, John sighed and said, "You want to go there, right?"

He could sense the other person's emotions. This was an unstable child, so John was not overly harsh.

Unlike before, Ariana hesitated and nodded.

John could just barely see her move.

"In that case, let me take you there."

John motioned for the other person to come over, and Ariana stood next to John.

Without touching the other party, he drew out his basswood wand and waved it toward the stream.

"If you are afraid of water, then let the water stop here."

The wand was raised, and John waved it down gently.

"Climb through the thorns and thorns."

The invisible blade cuts the flowing stream.

Slowly separate from the middle.

A slippery underwater road appears.

John extended his wand to the other person, cheering him up and saying, "Grab my wand and I'll take you there."

Ariana looked timidly at the parted stream, then gathered her courage and carefully took the tip of the staff between her fingers.

John took a step forward, and Ariana tried to do the same.

Stepping on a stream without water, Ariana did not let go this time.

John smiled slightly. He was patient with the little girl and said in a slow voice: "Be careful of the stones."

Ariana clutched the tip of her wand, nervousness coming from there, and walked across the stream, led by John.

John tried to withdraw his wand, but found that his grip was tight.

Ariana was still scared, radiating unease, fear.

"It's okay, just hold on tight." John stopped withdrawing his wand and let Ariana hold on to it.

They walked into the woods, and from time to time John had to lower his head to pick up an herb and bring it to his nose to smell it.

There was a little tail following behind him, but John didn't care.

It was just that sometimes the other party would stop suddenly, forcing John to stop as well.

Ariana looked up at the birds on the branches, the rabbits hopping across the trees, and the squirrels holding nuts.

After walking and walking, the weather began to heat up, and John came to the stream again to prepare to cross.

The stream he had cut had reflowed and needed to be divided again.

Pulled the wand twice.

John glanced at the tightly held wand and said patiently: "I want to stop the water flow again."

He explained, but Ariana refused to let go.

She needs something to give herself something to rely on.

John had a headache, which was gone now, leaving him with a lot of trouble.

The other party's mood is extremely unstable, and if you force it away, I'm afraid the other party will fall into panic and run away.

John tried to reach out his hand.

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