"If you're scared, hold on to this hand."

Ariana stared down at the hand and slowly released her wand.

The soft girl's fingers touched John's right hand, making him stunned.

Ariana took John's little finger without holding her whole hand.

The anxious mood gradually stabilized.

John smiled slightly and re-cut the stream with his wand.

Walking over with Ariana who gradually calmed down.

When they reached the shore, Ariana didn't let go of her hand, so John had no choice but to lead the way home.

Arriving at the yard that smelled of morning glory, Ariana let go of her hand.

After watching the other party enter the house, John also went to Bathilda's house next door.

But he didn't know that Ariana's departure this time made Al extremely anxious.

Al, who went out with Gale as usual, returns.

He had a different smile on his face than he had at home.

The dullness and depression of this home made the boy almost forget to smile.

He got a little carried away.

Gail is a very interesting friend, he is charming and has a common language with me.

Al was fascinated by it, and they were both attracted to each other.

Bathilda was very willing to make the child with wings tied happy, and was delighted with the mutual attraction between the two young people.

He was obsessed with this feeling, even to the point of greed.

Al and Gail talked to each other in church, from magic to family to their sister Ariana.

His sister is a source of frustration for him, but also a responsibility.

When Al returned home, he found that Ariana was not in the room.

He's crazy.

Calling her sister Ariana's name.

He was afraid of something happening to Ariana, like he was six years old.

From that day on, Ariana became fraught with danger.

She is an unstable person. A few weeks ago, Ariana lost control and killed her mother.

She is a patient, a patient full of dangers.

"Ariana!" Al searched frantically.

Just as Al was about to leave the house, he saw Ariana coming back.

Al rushed up and was about to ask in a stern tone.

But he stopped.

He saw that his sister's always dull face was a little brighter this time.

Al, who is observant, noticed that Ariana's shoes were stained with wet mud.

"You went to the stream, Ariana?" Al asked softly, unable to see the anxiety just now.

Ariana nodded slowly, which made Al's beautiful blue eyes look more surprised.

My sister is afraid of water, which is related to the attack.

So Ariana never touched the stream. Sometimes her brother would take Ariana there, and they would just sit on the grass beside the stream and watch the lambs eat tender grass.

Al realizes the change in Ariana.

This is a good change, Ariana is gradually opening up her heart.

But Al was very upset.

Al has been afraid to let Ariana go out because he is afraid that Ariana will hurt others.

But now, due to her own negligence, Ariana not only left home, but also headed to the stream she feared most.

He couldn't imagine what would happen.

As Al was thinking, Ariana walked into the room.

She looked out the window, with a vague expectation in her heart, expecting the white-haired boy to pass by the door.

John was pulled away by Gail.

The guy didn't give up on the idea of ​​having John join him.

John wanted to refuse, but Gale was a guy who was good at taking advantage of people around him.

He explained to Bathilda that he was taking John and poor Al out next door.

Bathilda agreed and let them have fun.

Gail raised her eyebrows proudly at John as she expressed her gratitude to her old aunt.

It seems to be saying, look, stop resisting.

Unfortunately, he seemed to have forgotten that John was blind.

So he showed his charming eyes to the blind man.

John had no choice but to leave the attic with Gale and throw the "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" that he had stuffed into his room for an unknown number of times to Gale.

They headed to a neighbor's house, and Al was reluctant to leave because of what happened with his sister.

There are only two people in the family, and one of them is a sick sister.

Gale simply went to Al's house.

As soon as you enter the yard, the smell of morning glory enters your nose along with the smell of other flowers.

John meets the red-haired Al for the second time.

Chapter 515 Hello, Deathly Hallows

Al was happy to see Gail, and when he saw John, he greeted him warmly.

This is the first time John has entered this house with morning glories.

Al invites them to the attic, which is Al's room.

Sunlight streamed in through the attic window, and it wasn't the first time Gale had come over.

There were a few times when Gale stayed here and talked about life with Al on the same bed.

John picked up a book. Al's writing was very heavy. He could tell what was written by touching the handwriting on it.

"This is an article from Transfiguration Today."

“I published papers there when I was in school,” Al said.

As he said that, Al asked with some confusion: "Are you also a student of Hogwarts?"

Apparently he learned John's identity, a student at Hogwarts.

But Al had no impression. He had never seen John in school.

Although he has graduated, judging from John's age, he is two years younger than me.

"Hogwarts sixth-year student," John closed the book and chuckled, "you can't know everyone in the four houses."

Al stared at John, trying to read something on his face.

John took his time and said calmly: "You can see the octopus in the Black Lake from the Slytherin common room."

"But those mermaids like to scare students. My friends have been scared a few times."

Upon hearing these words, Al's suspicion of John's identity lessened.

If you haven't been to Slytherin, you won't know this.

And if it's from Slytherin House, then it doesn't seem strange that I don't recognize him.

Slytherin and Gryffindor don't fight each other, so it's not strange that they don't know each other.

The temptation ends here, and Al needs to take care of his sister.

His repertoire today is a puppet show that children can enjoy.

As his friends, John and Gail were also able to watch the scene.

Al was very proficient in Transfiguration, with a flick of his wand.

A box containing Muggle dolls was opened, and the puppets inside walked onto the stage.

Al called his sister's name, "Ariana."

Ariana also seemed to know about today's puppet show and came over.

Ariana didn't react to Gail when she saw the stranger.

But she looked at John.

Al introduced: "This is my sister, Ariana."

"This is Gail, he came to our house," Al said to Ariana, "and this is Joel."


Alben thought that Ariana would remain silent as usual, but this time, Ariana spoke.

Staring at John, Ariana hugged the little bear.

John smiled and said, "Hello, Ariana."

The girl sat next to her brother, and Al suppressed the weirdness in his heart.

He waved his wand gently, making the puppet move.

The project that Al performed for Ariana today was the story of three brothers from "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

When Al was a child, Al had imagined that he would get an invisibility cloak from the third child, so that he could do many things without telling his parents.

As he grew up, his desire did not diminish.

But his motivation for getting the Invisibility Cloak changed. He wanted the Invisibility Cloak for Ariana's sake.

Ariana's condition became more serious as she grew older, and Al even needed to use protective magic in the courtyard to prevent the house from being blown up by Ariana.

The runaway magic power prevented Ariana from using those cheap invisibility cloaks.

Those goods will lose their effectiveness when affected by magic.

But Al knew that the story of the three brothers was just a story after all.

Al read this wizard's children's fairy tale many times.

The departure of his parents made him think about other treasures among the three brothers.

Al was a little lost in thought, but there was no delay in the movements of his hands.

The puppets acted out the story of the three brothers there, the eldest brother's Elder Wand, the second brother's Resurrection Stone, and the third brother's Invisibility Cloak.

Each one is so desirable.

Ariana looked at her seriously. Al looked at her expression and waved his wand a little heavily.

Gale also looked at it very seriously. When he saw the wish that the God of Death had promised to the three brothers, there was ambition in his eyes.

"Deathly Hallows." Gale whispered softly.

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