Into Unscientific

Chapter 288: A One-Year Covenant! (76k)

Chapter 288: A One-Year Covenant! (7.6k)


Inside Faraday's office.

Hearing Xu Yun's words, "Do you want to understand the meaning of computers and really live?" 'after.

A hint of doubt appeared on the faces of Babbage, Ada, and Earl Lovelace almost at the same time:

Who is this forcing?

This person can not only sit side by side with Gauss Faraday, but also dare to speak before these two big men.

If it weren't for the inability of same-sex couples to have children these days, Babbage probably would have regarded Xu Yun as the crystallization of Faraday and Gauss' love.

Then he looked at Xu Yun cautiously, and when he met his gaze, he quickly looked away and asked:

"Sir, what do you mean by this?"

"Just call me Luo Feng, Mr. Charles."

Xu Yun briefly introduced himself, then paused, and continued:

"What I mean is actually very simple-are you interested in making a deal?"

Babbage and Ada looked at each other, and their expressions gradually became serious:

"What deal?"

Xu Yun smiled at him, stretched out a finger, and explained:

"Trinity College will invest in your project with a sum of no less than 50,000 pounds, and you will manufacture an analytical machine according to the requirements of the college."

Babbage's face did not loosen at all when he heard the words, but looked at Gauss and Faraday.

There is actually nothing wrong with Xu Yun's words in themselves, but when these words are spoken from a young man like Xu Yun, there is a big problem.

Seeing that Babbage's eyes kept drifting towards him, Gauss couldn't help explaining:

"Mr. Charles, Luo Feng is the initiator of this investment. What he says can fully represent the will of the Cambridge School Board."

Babbage froze for a moment.

On the way to Cambridge, he once discussed with the Ada couple the reasons behind the invitation from Cambridge University.

The three complement each other and make various judgments about possible situations.

For example, Ada speculated that Prince Albert might be interested in the Analytical Machine, so he invited himself to come and talk in detail in the name of Cambridge University.

Babbage suggested that Trinity's president, William Whewell and William Herschel, were close friends and pioneers of Hypotheticalism, who had persuaded the school board.

As for Babbage, he was also close friends with William Herschel's son John Herschel, who had helped him a lot in the past few years.

It is still possible that John Herschel persuaded Whewell through his own father, and Whewell persuaded the school board.

Even Earl Lovelace opened his head wide open, and proposed a weird idea:

Could it be that the astrological fortuneteller of the royal family discovered some omen, and came up with some astronomical omen that "the number table is dead, and the difference should be established".

But they have calculated thousands of times, but they didn't calculate that there will be such a situation on the scene:

A young, outrageous oriental started the conversation, and according to Goss, this person was not only the proposer of the cooperation, but also had the power to decide today's talks.

How is this possible?

If you were a white or mixed-race boy of about the same grade, Babbage could still guess from the perspective of descendants of nobles, but an Oriental

Seeing that Babbage was a little confused, Gauss thought for a while and added:

"By the way, Charles, you should know the 'Conan Star' discovered by the Cambridge University organization three days ago, right?"

Babbage nodded and replied:

"Of course I know, even the workers in London are talking about it now."

Gao Si said that he patted Xu Yun on the shoulder and explained:

"Luo Feng is the organizer of the stargazing event. Without his proposal, we would not have been able to find that planet."

Babbage was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the words, then suddenly slapped his forehead, and said:

"So his classmate Luo Feng is the descendant of Mr. Fat Yu?"

At this time, three days had passed since the night of Pluto observation, and news about that night had already spread to all parties.

Although the European Astronomical Society, out of prudence, declared that more detailed observations are needed to make a final determination, civil and individual astronomers have no such concerns.

They carried out observations as early as the night when the news appeared in the newspapers, and the observation results proved one point without exception:

'Conan' is indeed an undiscovered planet!

For the past three days.

As big as the Times, as small as the Wilshire newspaper.

All the European paper media are frantically reporting this matter, to the extent that it can be called a massacre.

Common words in the British media include Cambridge University, George Biddle Airy, Faraday, Earl Ellis and so on.

The German media focused on German reinforcements such as Gauss, Riemann, and Jacobi.

The stigma had been cast on George Biddle Airy, and the director of the Greenwich Observatory was once again a hero.

As for the Ellis father and son, they were more unlucky-many public opinion believed that it was their obstruction that led to the lack of manpower in the mathematics department recruited by Gewushe, which gave Gauss and other Germans the opportunity to intervene.

The glory that should have belonged exclusively to the British Empire is now half divided by Germany.

Although these remarks would not cause substantial harm to the Ellis family, they made them somewhat ashamed for a while.

And Babbage knew a little more about it than the printed media.

His good friend John Herschel approached him enthusiastically the next day and told him about it.

do not forget.

John Herschel's father was William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus.

Babbage learned about the details of the incident from John Herschel, and also heard that there was such a "fat fish offspring" Oriental student who played an important role in the whole process.

It’s just that Babbage’s thoughts at that time were all on the details of today’s meeting with the head of Barclays Bank, and his attitude was relatively perfunctory.

Don't say it's supernatural, but it's true that I didn't pay too much attention to it.

But now listening to what Gauss said, this part of the memory will be revived.

Think here.

Babbage looked at Xu Yun involuntarily with a more serious look:

Descendants of the legendary man

Perhaps he could really see the potential of the Analytical Engine?

Then he forcibly suppressed his excitement, pretending to be calm and asked Xu Yun:

"Luo Feng and Mr. Luo Feng, I don't know what type of analysis machine you want us to design?"

Xu Yun glanced at Babbage's clenched knuckles, took out a few pieces of paper from his side, put them on the table and pushed them over with one finger:

"Mr. Charles, all the requirements are here, you can take a look first."

Babbage and Ada looked at each other, and took the paper nervously and read it.

"It can store 10,000 50-digit numbers, and can automatically solve 500 variables."

"Each number requires 35 digits, and the operation speed is two to three times per second"

"In addition, it must be possible to verify at least two coordinate systems among ecliptic coordinates, galactic coordinates, and equatorial coordinates."

After quietly reading the requirements listed by Xu Yun, Babbage's expression was a little uncertain.

after awhile.

His shoulders suddenly collapsed, and he exhaled weakly, but his expression was very sincere:

"Sorry, Mr. Luo Feng."

"Although I really want to get this investment, I don't want to cheat you - to tell you the truth, let alone 100% of the requirements on paper, we can't even do 20% now."

Seeing this, Ada opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end still did not speak.

As Babbage said.

With the data given by Xu Yun, there is no possibility of it being completed at all.

According to Babbage's design.

His 'analytical machine' has three modules:

One is a gear-like "repository", which Babbage called a "warehouse".

That is where the data is stored.

The second part of the Analytical Engine is the so-called "computing room", which was named "workshop" by Babbage.

Its basic principle is similar to that of Pascal's wheel, which uses the meshing, rotation, translation and other methods between gears to perform digital operations.

The third part was not specifically named by Babbage. Its function is to control the sequence of calculation operations with the "0" and "1" in the Jaccard punched card, similar to the controller in a computer.

The computing power comes from the steam engine, and Ada is in charge of the other passwords.

Among the requirements given by Xu Yun.

Data storage is the simplest and the only link that can be done.

The carrier of Babbage's data storage is gears, each gear can store 10 numbers, and the array composed of gears can store 1000 50-digit numbers in total.

To expand the list to the 10,000 requested by Xu Yun, one only needs to add more gears—this is not difficult when the funds are sufficient.

But the rest of the data is pretty out of the box.

At present, Babbage can only achieve 24-digit calculation accuracy, automatically solve 80 variables, and the remaining other links have not even produced specific results.

Words that really count.

His equipment can only solve second-order difference calculations and produce seven-digit results, which is already the limit.


Babbage was not the kind of person with such a noble character. For example, in order to obtain more profits, he even cut corners in the chess toys he sold.

But as the saying goes.

A scholar dies for his confidant.

After encountering countless rejections and cold looks, Babbage suddenly learned that Cambridge University was willing to invest such a large sum of money in himself. While being moved in his heart, Babbage also rarely thought about it for the investor:

Once so much money is wasted, Xu Yun, as the main leader of the project, may have a difficult life.

And opposite him.

Seeing Babbage's complex expression, Xu Yun shook his head with emotion.

three days ago.

After setting a one-year agreement with Gauss, he found that there was a very real problem before him:

Today, Europe has 34 top-level observatories. Under the mobilization of Gauss and Faraday, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos may be taken a year.

The calculation volume and error of this kind of base number cannot be solved by finding a few more mathematicians.

at the same time.

Xu Yun knows better than anyone else that the mysterious planet is extremely far away from the earth, not as simple as one or two astronomical units farther than Pluto.

Although the specific location of the planet has not been discovered in later generations, the general area can still be locked by abnormal celestial bodies.

Therefore, the analysis of data is difficult to solve by manpower alone.

This is a very real problem, not something that you can get over with just a few slogans and a burst of enthusiasm.

So it's only natural.

Xu Yun thought of the combination of Babbage and Ada.

to be honest.

Throughout the 19th century, even Babbage and Ada themselves probably didn't know what kind of business they were engaged in.

Their thinking is too advanced, a full hundred years ahead, and there is a gap with the entire era.

In the words of a certain red hair, it is a product that should not exist in this piece of ancient history.

They thought they were making hiking boots, and after turning over a hill, a cliff appeared in front of them, and they sighed and came to a dead end.

But only Xu Yun knew.

What they created is actually a pair of wings, and the vast sky is their real route.

Therefore, he asked Gauss and Faraday to guarantee and obtained an investment quota of 50,000 pounds from Trinity College.

One is the first person in mathematics today, and the other is the first person in physics today. It is too easy to complete this task.

This is equivalent to in later generations, one day Qiu Chengtong and Yang Lao jointly found a school, saying that you give me 50 million funds and I try to find the ninth planet. It may not be successful but it may not necessarily fail. What should I do?


Don't talk about the restoration of Qingbei Jiaotong or 985211, even the Wanzhou Grilled Fish Academy can come up with this money in minutes.

The line of sight returns to reality.

Looking at Babbage with a somewhat 'sad' expression.

Xu Yun smiled slightly, pulled out another document from his body like Doraemon, and handed it to Babbage:

"Mr. Babbage, look at this first."

Babbage took the document with a puzzled expression, glanced at it subconsciously, and couldn't take his eyes off it:

"This is"

Seeing this, Ada hurried over and fell into the same state as Babbage within a few seconds.

Earl Lovelace sat quietly at the side, watching his wife and Babbage blushing and studying with a smile.

Xu Yun didn't bother them, and just waited in his seat.

The Xu Yun of the later generations is a pure computer novice, and he doesn't have much knowledge about computers.

It is barely known that the bigger the graphics card is, the better. The 3060 has a high probability of being a mining card.

As for computer technology?

You can use F12 to change the review element, you can use Ctrl+C to copy the text, and everything else is gone.

Oh, right.

I also know that if the computer screen is black, it may be that the memory stick is loose, um, and then it is gone.

But when it comes to the Analytical Engine, he still knows a little bit.

Because this thing is very famous in the diy circle.

In principle, it initially considers the square of an integer.

For example, first list a row of numbers:

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and so on.

Primary school students can see that their law is the square of one to eight.

Then, by subtracting the immediately preceding number from the following number, a new series of differences can be obtained, called the first series of differences.

It consists of numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, etc.

By doing the above operation again, the second difference series can be obtained.

They are both constants, equal to 2.

That is.

If we want to transition from the number 5 to the following number 7, we have to add the constant difference 2 in front.

Similarly, if the square number 9 goes to the square number 16, then the difference of 7 must be added to the former.

That is, the previous difference of 5, plus the constant difference of 2.

This kind of law is summarized on the equipment, which is the prototype of the analysis engine or difference engine.

Suppose the machine has three turntables, named A, B, and C respectively, and each turntable has a scale.

For example, there are a thousand scales, and a pointer can pass between these scales.

C and B should also have a positioning hammer with the same number of strokes as the scale indicated by the pointer.

Every time the positioning hammer of turntable C is knocked, the pointer of turntable B will advance by one step;


The pointer on turntable A will advance one notch with each stroke of the positioning hammer on turntable B.

Assume that pointer C is placed on scale 2, pointer B is placed on scale 5, and pointer A is placed on scale 9.

Then let the positioning hammer of turntable C strike.

It strikes twice, and pointer B will cross 2 scales-the latter will indicate the number 7 at this time.

If the positioning hammer of turntable B is allowed to continue striking, it will strike seven times.

During this period.

Hand A will advance seven spaces.

Since the pointer A is initially positioned at 9, the number 16 will be obtained, which is the square number after 9.

And as long as these operations are repeated infinitely, the sequence of square numbers can be continuously reproduced in a very simple way.

That is to say, when something thin and pointed moves, the positioning hammer will make a crackling sound, and then output something.

The plan Xu Yun gave included many optimizations in this regard in later generations.

For example, the formula T=x^2+x+41 is summarized.

Another example is changing the turntable into a variable column to reduce the difficulty of the process.

Another example also adds the idea of ​​introducing machines and so on.

Analytical machines have always been a popular DIY project in later generations, and the DIY circle sometimes thinks strangely.

Like later generations, you can easily buy high-precision gears on a certain treasure, but DIY enthusiasts of analytical machines like to buy that kind of equipment with lower precision, and achieve the effect by modifying the channel-the euphemistic name is retro.

The closer the level of craftsmanship is to the 19th century, the better you will be.

At the same time, compared with the foreign DIY circle, the domestic situation is even more difficult.

Because domestic electricity control is very strict these days.

For example, a certain leaf or mining machine consumes a lot of electricity, so once there is an abnormal electricity consumption in the community, someone will come to the community to give warmth soon.

Therefore, domestic analysis machine enthusiasts should also pursue high efficiency and energy saving while pursuing retro

As a veteran enthusiast in the DIY circle, Xu Yun can say that these optimized solutions can be said to be at his fingertips.

He didn't even use the reward for returning to reality for a short time, so he wrote a bunch of optimized content by himself.

And this part of the optimization plan, which can be called an entry-level one, is undoubtedly a treasure for Babbage and Ada.

"Write the coefficients m, n, d, m', n', d' on 8 bars so that n and n' are repeated twice"

"m goes into mn' and md', n' goes into mn' and n', these coefficients will be assigned in the V0 and V4 columns."

More than ten minutes passed.

Babbage suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yun with bloodshot eyes:

"Mr. Luo Feng, where do you get these ideas? It's really too subtle!"

Xu Yunjian said that he was sure, raised his eyelids to look at him, and explained:

"It's just some ideas left by the ancestor of Fat Yu. He has a friend named Qiu Sheng who has been single, so the ancestor of Fat Yu wants to find him a second-dimensional wife and forget it. Let's not talk about it."

"Mr. Charles, do these things help you?"

Babbage nodded heavily, not seeing the slightest look of frustration before, and said quickly:

"It's very helpful, Mr. Luo Feng. With these things, it may be possible to achieve the previous standards!"

Xu Yun smiled slightly, understanding what he meant:

"So Mr. Babbage, you decide to take the investment?"

Babbage turned his head and looked at Ada and the little transparent Earl Lovelace, took a deep breath, and said:

"Student Luo Feng, I, Charles Babbage, swear in the name of the Babbage family that I will do my best to complete the research and development of the Analytical Machine!"

half an hour later.

Seeing Babbage's name on the investment contract, Xu Yun felt relieved.

Both parties agree in the contract.

Babbage and Ada will move to the small town of Cambridge within a week. At that time, Cambridge University will pay the initial construction fee of 10,000 pounds, and will arrange medical personnel to conduct a physical examination on them.

After all, according to the historical trajectory.

In two years, Ada will die due to physical deterioration, at the age of 36.

Although Ada does not know whether she has cervical cancer, it is always right to have an examination and treatment.

The fatal cause of Ada's death was the excessive blood loss caused by the treatment of the disease. In theory, there is still hope for rescue.

In addition, the delivery date signed by Babbage and Xu Yun is November next year, that is, 11 months later, one month earlier than the time agreed with Gauss.

all in all.

Right now all aspects of preparations have been arranged, and the rest is to see the results.

After leaving the office.

Xu Yun glanced at the sky and said with emotion:

"Do your best, know the destiny."

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