Into Unscientific

Chapter 289 The Last Ring Mission(66K)

Chapter 289 The Last Ring Mission(6.6K)

Five days later.

University of Cambridge Hospital.

Babbage, Xu Yun, and Earl Lovelace were sitting on a bench outside a closed room, looking into the room from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

Among the three.

The expressions of Babbage and Earl Lovelace were relatively relaxed, while Xu Yun was calm with a trace of tension.

At this time, five full days had passed since the signing of the contract, and the time was approaching the end of December.

Babbage and the Earl of Lovelace officially moved to the small town of Cambridge yesterday afternoon and were arranged to live in a relatively secluded attic.

The attic is rented by the University of Cambridge and consists of three floors.

The first floor is the reception room, the second floor has two bedrooms for Babbage and Ada, and the third floor is a simple laboratory.

In addition, Trinity College also arranged a teaching assistant position for Earl Lovelace, so that he would not be idle.

After the three settled down.

Xu Yun rushed to the door this morning and dragged them to the medical building for a physical examination.

Of course.

This medical examination was obviously aimed at the three Babbages, but only Xu Yun knew that Ada was the core person in this examination.

After about ten minutes.


The door opened slowly.

Ada, in a green baggy outfit, came out with a female doctor.

Seeing that Xu Yun quickly stood up from the chair, facing the doctor, he asked:

"Ms. Petty, how is the Countess?"

The female doctor named Petty glanced at Babbage and Earl Lovelace, with a dignified expression, and said after deliberation:

"Not so good, the countess seems to have ... some signs of cervical cancer."

As soon as this remark came out.

The scene was suddenly silent.

After a few seconds.

Babbage and Earl Lovelace, who were still somewhat relaxed, ran to Petit one after another, and asked eagerly:

"Ms. Petty, what did you say?"

"Ms. Petty, is Ada's condition serious?"

Xu Yun also frowned slightly.

Although there was no complete medical examination system in the 19th century, there was no X-ray and cytosmear examination.

But there has long been some awareness of cancer in the medical community.


Human beings' concept of "cancer" can even be traced back thousands of years ago.

Humans first recorded cancer in ancient Greece in 400 BC. The doctor Hippocrates discovered that some strange lumps would grow in the patient's body, and the lumps were accompanied by symptoms of ulceration.

Hippocrates thought it would be good to remove the lump, but when one lump was eliminated, another would grow back, and the patient could only die in pain.

Hippocrates named the disease "cancer" based on the ability of tumors to spread in the human body.

The original meaning of "cancer" is "crab", but now it means "cancer".

The earliest naming of "cancer" in traditional Chinese medicine appeared in the "Huangdi Neijing", specifically "Lingshu·The Beginning of All Diseases":

"From the beginning of the accumulation, until it is completed, what can I do?"

The "accumulation" in this sentence is the first name given to cancer by Chinese medicine.

Moreover, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine have realized that some cancers cannot be cured since then, and sighed "how".

In Chinese medicine.

The word "cancer" appeared for the first time in the Northern Song Dynasty's "Wei Ji Bao Shu" in 1170:

"Five carbuncles, one is cancer, and the first cancer has no clue..."

In addition, according to relevant records.

Ada got cervical cancer, also called cervical cancer.

Although the cervical iodine test did not exist in this year, the vaginal X-ray would not be invented until 1925.

However, observation of leucorrhea, smell, and some basic endoscopic detection methods are still possible at present.


Ada in the historical track was not only diagnosed with cervical cancer, but the hemorrhage that caused her immediate death was actually an accident during the hysterectomy.

Considering that Ada died on November 27, 1852, and it is now December 1850, it is really unrealistic to expect Ada to be completely healthy.

Therefore, after hearing what Petty said, Xu Yun is more concerned about

How far has Ada's cancer progressed?

Under the gaze of three men at the scene.

Dr. Petty first glanced at Ada who was beside him with a calm face, and then said:

"Mr. Earl, the countess's cancer is not obvious. The initial judgment is probably in the early stage of squamous cell carcinoma, and the possibility of cure still exists."

Earl Lovelace subconsciously held Ada's hand, and said nervously:

"Doctor Petty, how sure are you of a cure?"

Petty hesitated for a moment, and slowly reported a number:

"Three no, forty percent."

Earl Lovelace's body swayed suddenly, and the already thin figure looked a little thinner:

"God, 30% to 40%"

Ada gently hugged her husband, stretched out her chapped fingers from long-term contact with machinery, and slowly touched Earl Lovelace's cheek:

"Honey, it's okay. Didn't Ms. Petty say that it's just the initial stage, maybe it will heal itself."

Earl Lovelace didn't speak, but the palm he held tightly with Ada was slightly stronger, as if he wanted to embed Ada into his body.

The medical level these days has not yet developed a targeted drug for cancer, so Petty turned around and left after briefly explaining some recuperation matters and review time.

Earl Lovelace exchanged glances with Ada and Babbage, and sighed softly:

"let's go."

Babbage and Xu Yun nodded, and left the school hospital with Ada and his wife.

After leaving the hospital gate.

Babbage walked in silence for a while, and when he came to a side road, he suddenly said:

"Ada, why don't you take a break first, and I'll go to the analysis machine first."

The voice did not fall.

Ada broke away from Earl Lovelace's hand, and interrupted him first:

"Mr. Charles, I know what you want to say."

"My answer is very simple - this is impossible, I will never give up the research and development of the analysis machine no matter what!"

A trace of worry flashed in Babbage's eyes, and the corner of his mouth muttered a few times:

"But your body."

Ada didn't speak again this time, but stood where she was, looking at Babbage firmly.

it is more than words.

Earl Lovelace next to Ada opened his mouth, but he hesitated to speak.

In the end all emotions melted into a sigh.

As Ada's math teacher, the two have known each other for more than 20 years, and he knows his wife's personality very well.

It can be said like this.

In the face of death and research, Ada will undoubtedly choose the latter.

And just when the atmosphere at the scene was a little dull.

Xu Yun at the side suddenly raised his hand and said:

"Mr. Charles, Earl Lovelace, can I have a word?"

"If the countess is only in the early stage of squamous cell carcinoma, I know someone who may have a way to cure the disease."

"At least in terms of probability. There should be 80%."


Xu Yun had just finished speaking.

All three eyes fell on him.

Earl Lovelace took a step forward, holding Xu Yun's hand like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Mr. Luo Feng, you didn't lie to me? Is there really someone who can cure cervical cancer?"

Xu Yun nodded heavily.

In the hereafter 2022.

Cervical cancer has always been a female disease with a high incidence rate, ranking among the top five in related lists all year round.

In his previous life, Xu Yun had a female classmate who had cervical cancer.

When Xu Yun went to visit her with everyone, he also briefly learned about the classification of cervical cancer from the doctor.

Because the classification is very simple, Xu Yun still remembers it clearly:

Cervical cancer is generally divided into one to four stages, each of which is divided into two sub-stages ab, the symptoms of a are milder than those of b.

The cure rate of squamous cell carcinoma in the early stage is not very low in later generations, and most of them are in the a1 stage.

In some cases, you can live well even without total uterus removal, but it is very troublesome if you are above stage 2b.

Although the success rate of hysterectomy in 1850 was very low - only seven cases of hysterectomy were recorded before 1850, the longest of which was 1822. Souter performed transvaginal operation without anesthesia, using high concentration of alum to stop bleeding. Total hysterectomy.

The intraoperative blood loss was 680 g, and the patient died of pneumonia 4 months later.

But don't forget.

Not far from University College London, there is a father of modern surgery, Liszt.

Xu Yun gave Liszt some things not long ago. If the disinfection process is full, the success rate of Ada's operation will indeed not be too low.

If it is impossible, Xu Yun can travel back to modern times, and find an author named Ming Mou to give him a mouthful of reverse poisonous milk. There is a high probability that he can do it across time and space.

Then he thought about it, and explained to Earl Lovelace:

"Lord Earl, I have a friend at University College London who has quite a bit of experience in surgery."

"Recently he seems to be busy with some projects. If the projects come to fruition, the success rate of the surgery should be very high."

"I can take the time to ask him about the specific situation - anyway, the Countess's current situation still needs to be recuperated. There is no rush for this matter, are you right?"

Although Earl Lovelace was a little anxious, his reason and judgment were still there, and he nodded quickly:

"In that case, student Luo Feng, I will trouble you."

Xu Yun waved his hand at him, signaling not to be too polite, and said to Ada:

"Countess, I have no objection to your continuing to participate in the research of the Analytical Engine, but please take it one step further."

"At least you can't overdraw your body. Desperation is an extreme choice when there is no hope of treatment. Now that there is a chance to cure the disease, it is better to take care of your body."

"To put it bluntly, countess, you don't want the count to be left alone in the future, do you?"

Ada was silent for a long time after hearing the words, looked up at her husband, and nodded:

"I see, I will pay more attention to my body."

Then Xu Yun followed Babbage and the three of them for a while, and parted ways at the entrance of Trinity College.

Looking at the backs of the three of them going away, Xu Yun sighed softly.

Babbage and Ada are a very important part of his plan, but this does not mean that Ada is dispensable after completing the agreed tasks.

Whether it is from the perspective of computer development or the value of life, Xu Yun should help Ada and do everything possible to let her live well.

Anyway, the hair of those programmers in later generations has almost fallen out. If the ancestor of the coder does something, it will not affect the height of their hairline.

Of course.

In his previous life, when Xu Yun was writing novels, he happened to write about the analysis engine. At that time, a reader raised a point of view:

"With the current computing power, unless Babbage promotes Heroic Spirit and finds Hermes, it will still be impossible to find that planet."

This sentence is actually wrong.

mentioned earlier.

The search for planets in the system uses arc-second search. The key lies in the calculation of 6-8 digits after the decimal point in the coordinate system. In fact, the computing power required is not high.

for example.

In reality, there was once a diy boss who used the analysis machine to locate the Sedna asteroid only relying on Xu Yun's 1/3 configuration.

The calculation of planets in the field of pure mathematics is infinitely simpler than that of stars. The difficulty lies in how you position the stars in actual combat.

None of the planetary search teams in later generations need to use supercomputers to assist them. The so-called concept of "computing power" has nothing to do with sifting stars—it is orbital simulation that uses some of these things.

So this kind of worry is actually a misunderstanding, this is a rigorous novel

ok, the line of sight returns to reality.

After parting from the three of Babbage, Xu Yun was going to the library to read some books.

But just a few steps away.

A curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of him:


[It is detected that the task of the second ring of the Wallfacer has been completed, do you want to open the settlement page? 】

When Xu Yun saw this, his heart moved slightly.

After regaining his senses, he looked around a few times, chose a relatively secluded place to sit down, and clicked 'Yes'.

Not for a moment.

The light curtain in front of him changed again.

[Second ring task: I just did a little work]

[Mission description: Give Thomson some small help to assist the future Lord Kelvin to successfully run for the president of the University of Cambridge].

【Task settlement】

[The result is generated! 】

[Second round task completion score: perfect! 】

[Second mission rewards: not activated, the mission rewards will be recorded in the final mission score]

[The third ring task is being generated.]

Seeing the word 'perfect' in front of him, Xu Yun couldn't help but feel certain.

It is clear.

Although the notification has not been officially received, Lao Tang's position as the president of the Student Federation must have passed the final school board review.

be honest.

This result is not surprising.

It can be said that on the night when the 'Conan Star' was discovered, this ending was already doomed.

think about it.

In future generations, if any student discovers the real Ninth Planet, let alone a student union president, the May 4th Youth Medal or Outstanding Youth will be at hand.

Even though Lao Tang was only a nominal president, he made frequent appearances during the entire stargazing process, and he was personally responsible for the handover of many links.

in this case.

Vitorino Ellis, the father of Laotang competitor Frederick Agar Ellis, said something on the day of stargazing, and Xu Yun used an alias to hang him on the pillar of shame

Frederick Agar Ellis took the lead to compete with Lao Tang for the chairman?

I don't know if the Earl Ellis family can keep the student status of Frederick Agar Ellis-according to the Cambridge school regulations, the loser of the president election must immediately drop out of school.

Then Xu Yun thought of the cause of the conflict between Frederick Agar Ellis and Lao Tang, and shook his head slightly:

"Ketones ruin your life"

And at the same time when Xu Yun showed emotion.

The light curtain in front of him changed again.

[The third round of missions has been generated! 】

[Third Ring Mission: It's Lonely]

[Third ring task time limit: one year and six months]

[Task Reward: Depends on the score]

[Punishment for unfinished tasks: None]

[Mission description: This ring task is the final ring of the series of tasks. Wallfacers are requested to treat it with caution—it has been wandering alone for an unknown amount of time, and it has been lost outside to witness history. Can you find it? 】


Looking at the light curtain that appeared this time, Xu Yun's eyes froze slightly.

Compared with the previous two missions, the mission name this time is much more normal, and the content is much more concise.

But on the other hand.

It is also much more formal than the missions of the first two rings.

Don't say anything else.

The phrase "the final ring of the series of missions" alone gave Xu Yun a sense of oppression.

Although he knew that this day would come eventually, when it actually appeared in front of him, Xu Yun's mood still fluctuated a little.

Once this last ring task is completed.

I am about to say goodbye to Wheat, Lao Tang, Faraday, and Gauss.

However, Xu Yun is a person who has experienced two dungeons after all. After being slightly surprised, he still accepted the fact that the final ring mission appeared.

Then he shifted his gaze down to the last sentence.

"It has been wandering alone for an unknown period of time. It is lost outside and witnessed history. Can you find it?"

Xu Yun stroked his chin and repeated the prompt.

If nothing else.

It should refer to the real ninth planet.

There is no penalty for this ring task, it seems that the halo is somewhat humane, giving a certain fault tolerance rate.

In general.

This should be one of the most normal tasks Xu Yun has received, but it is also one of the most difficult tasks.

"The starry sky"

While Xu Yun was doing the analysis, he suddenly felt that the surrounding light was much brighter.

Then he realized something and turned to look to the brighter left.

as expected.

Where the eyes came into view, a big, shiny bald head suddenly appeared.

That is.

Charles Robert Darwin.

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