Life is a Game

Chapter 52 Pickled Vegetable Dumplings

The recipe I got turned out to be the dumpling that Aunt Li made the last night.

【Pickled Vegetable Dumpling E Grade】

Producer: Li Sanya

Dishes details: Both the ingredients and the taste of the food are very simple and ordinary, and the preparation method is also very crude. It is the "difficult" dish that Li Sanya is best at in this life. Because practice makes perfect and the kindness contained in it, it became the first warmth that Jiang Weiguo tasted after coming to Shanghai. After eating, it can greatly increase the feeling of satiety.

It can be crafted 10 times a day. (0/10)


So, the biggest advantage of Aunt Li's vegetable dumplings is... to fight hunger?

Really solid in terms of quantity.

When Aunt Li was making dumplings, Jiang Weiguo was finishing cooking for Mr. Huang in the kitchen next door. Jiang Feng paid all his attention to Jiang Weiguo and didn't even see Aunt Li making dumplings.

After clicking on the video tutorial, Jiang Feng figured out what's special about this vegetable dumpling.

It is proficiency.

She is very natural when making dumplings, and her movements are flowing and flowing without interruption, just like a pastry chef with decades of experience.

Aunt Li’s white noodle steamed buns are small in size. In addition to being a bit stingy when using materials, there is another reason that she does not leaven the dough well, and the dough is always dead. The quality of raw materials is too poor, which affects the taste, and the level is much higher than that of white flour steamed buns.

Her steamed buns are better than white flour steamed buns, rice porridge is better than rice porridge, and porridge is better than rice porridge. The reason is that she is more familiar with coarse grains than fine grains.

Because it is proficient, it is more handy.

When she uses ingredients, she is always careful, and rice porridge is also the same. When she puts rice, she always puts it in small handfuls. Every time she puts a handful, she feels distressed. It is obviously not her rice, but she also eats it. Less than a grain of rice. Steward Wang doesn't care about Aunt Li and the others stealing rice porridge and steamed buns, but if they dare to steal fine grains, they must be kicked off the boat.

The cornmeal, which was so rough that it scratched your throat, was kneaded soft, smooth and delicate under Aunt Li's hands. The cooked paste that was stolen from the pot was mixed into the dough bit by bit, and it was patted and kneaded for nearly an hour. Hours before starting to add pickles.

The way of adding pickled vegetables is also very special, instead of wrapping the stuffing in the middle, it is mixed with the noodles. A small spoonful of pickled vegetables is scattered and kneaded into the noodles. Although it takes time and effort, it saves pickled vegetables, and you can taste the taste of pickled vegetables in every bite. It is very stingy with Aunt Li.

After that it's easy, just put it on the steamer and steam it.

And Jiang Feng found out that Aunt Li didn't show up.

Her gnocchi uses dead noodles.

With such a heavy weight, can you not resist hunger?

Jiang Feng didn't plan to make this vegetable dumpling, let alone how it tasted, this amount was made, 6 pieces, the old man didn't have to cook at night, the two of them could last till dawn with one vegetable dumpling.

His top priority now is to hone his cooking skills and prepare for next year's competition, and by the way, find ways to earn extra money.

Millions of repairs.

Jiang Feng's childhood dream was just to be a millionaire.

Who knows that he has become a billionaire now.

Close your eyes and feel the dawn.

Today is Sunday, Happy Fat House Day, it was already eleven o'clock when Jiang Feng woke up, Wang Hao was still sleeping, and the whole dormitory was quiet.

The old man didn't bring enough winter clothes, and Jiang Jiankang and his wife closed the shop today to accompany the old man to go shopping. Comrade Wang Xiulian has completely ignored it now, and owes hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jiang Feng was thinking about whether to go to the library to read books. The end of the term is one month away. Even if the skills are all full, he still needs to read the books and master them in order to pass the final exam smoothly.

Just after taking out the book that he hadn't read in a month or two, Jiang Feng received a WeChat message from Liu Qian.

"President, why didn't you open a store?"

Her live broadcast room is full of facial expressions every day, and now she cannot send messages without facial expressions.

Before replying, Liu Qian sent another message.

"I'm so hungry, even if the store is closed, can I open a small kitchen for the members?"

“I want to eat fish-flavored shredded pork”

Jiang Feng: ...

"I didn't buy vegetables, only pork and no vegetables." Jiang Feng replied.


How many emojis does she have? !

Since Liu Qian fell in love with live broadcasting, she has not only broadcasted live broadcasts while eating, but also broadcasted live broadcasts almost every time she sleeps except for class, and she also professionally bought a mobile phone.

Jiang Feng had been to her live broadcast room a few times, but the angle of the live broadcast was still a mystery, and he was still high on himself most of the time, ignoring the screen and ignoring the audience. The audience in her live broadcast room was even more fascinated, chatting on their own, ignoring the anchor, as if her live broadcast room was an ancient large QQ chat room.

Jiang Feng guessed that she was probably squatting in front of the store to live broadcast, took out her mobile phone and clicked on the live broadcast software to have a look. Sure enough, a chin took up less than half of the screen, and she was squatting at the entrance of the healthy cooking restaurant. The screen was full of hahahaha, gloating at her rejection.

"There's only pork." With a bitter face, Liu Qian put the live broadcasting phone directly on the ground, and now the angle is even more fascinating, most of the body can see the face but can't see, "Pork is pork, it's better than the pig food in the cafeteria Delicious. Strawberry stewed pears and bitter gourd fried bacon in the cafeteria last night, it was so unpalatable!"

"I want to eat braised pork (=口=)"

Looking at the live broadcast room, Jiang Feng's heart moved, and he clicked on the tipping list.

It seems that doing live broadcasts seems to be quite profitable.

"By the way, how much money do you make live broadcasting for a month now?" Jiang Feng asked in a message.

"2000! (`w), President, are you short of money (°°), if you want to do a live broadcast, I can help you promote it! ─=≡Σ(((つw)つ"


It will take him more than a hundred years to raise enough money for the renovation...

"I'll just ask, you wait and I'll go over now." After Jiang Feng sent the message, he put down the book and diverted to the store.

Liu Qian is the only one who can give forty or fifty experience points per mouthful after eating the dishes made by the old man after tasting the old man's cooking skills, which is worthy of his cooking for her.

When Jiang Feng arrived at the entrance of the healthy cooking restaurant, Liu Qian was squatting on the ground holding her mobile phone and chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room. Seeing Jiang Feng coming, she jumped up.

"My president is here to give me a little cooking. I'll see you later when we have dinner." Liu Qian said and exited the live broadcast room.

Jiang Feng: ...

"President, can you make a super large portion? I didn't have breakfast today." Liu Qian looked at him expectantly.

"Don't worry, I'll make another vegetable dumpling for you, just to keep you full!" Jiang Feng smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame.

Open the shop, go in, close it again.

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