Life is a Game

Chapter 53: Support

Braised pork is easy to make, it just takes time.

Having known Liu Qian for so long, Jiang Feng knew that her stomach was like a bottomless pit connecting the two-dimensional space. Although it is not as good as those on the live broadcast website that can eat ten catties in one meal, she is better than eating for a long time. As long as there is food in front of her, she can keep eating.

During the previous club activities, she kneaded melon seeds for more than three hours, and she knocked off a full 4 catties!

There were no fresh vegetables in the kitchen at all. Jiang Weiguo and Jiang Jiankang could never tolerate people who used overnight vegetables, but there were still some dry goods. Jiang Feng also found marinated overnight meals that were ready to be used for fried rice with eggs.

"The braised pork has to wait for half an hour. Let me fry you a bowl of fried rice with eggs first?" Jiang Feng suggested.

"Okay, okay." Liu Qianlian nodded, looking at the back kitchen curiously.

The back kitchen is not big, but she has never been here before, so she is very curious.

After looking around, Jiang Feng's egg fried rice was almost ready.

"By the way, President, Min Qi said that there will be a volunteer activity next week. It seems to say how many people each club should send to. Are you going?" Liu Qian asked.

"You're talking about the one held by the student union? I'll go to our club, but you want to go too?" Jiang Feng flipped the spatula over and said again, "That activity is not so tiring. Usually, you go to the elementary school in a nearby county as a volunteer Or teachers, or orphanage cleaning to take care of children or something like that.”

The Student Union organizes this event every year, and each club will send members according to the headcount ratio, and other students can also sign up voluntarily. In the past two years, the chess club has been testing back and forth on the edge of the abandoned club, as long as there is one person, Jiang Feng went last year.

"Min Qi wants to go, and I want to see it too." The freshman is always looking forward to the school's activities. Jiang Feng did the same last year. Then he spent a day sweeping the orphanage and moving things several times .

"Okay." This year, there are many people in the chess club. Jiang Feng had no idea who to recruit. Since someone voluntarily signed up, he was of course happy.

During the conversation, the fried rice with eggs came out of the pan.

Liu Qian happily went out with egg fried rice.

Braised pork is easy to cook, but it takes time to boil it slowly, otherwise the fatty meat will be too greasy to make people appetite. Turning on a small fire to slowly boil out the fat, Jiang Feng started to make pickled vegetable dumplings.

Cornmeal is readily available. The old man loves to eat steamed buns. Ever since he came, there has been a bag of cornmeal in the kitchen.

However, it is impossible to add paste. Aunt Li added paste and rice bran because paste and rice bran are used to deduct the food of the guests on the ship. Besides, Jiang Feng couldn't get the raw muddy stuff right now, let alone rice bran.

The pickled vegetables were pickled by Comrade Wang Xiulian. Comrade Wang Xiulian's pickling technology far surpassed that of Jiang Jiankang. Whether it was pickled vegetables, pickled radishes or pickled cucumbers and pickled peppers, the taste was far better than those sold on the market. It's just that Comrade Wang Xiulian is not very enthusiastic about pickled vegetables. She pickles a few jars every year for her own family, and never puts them in the store as a free side dish, so the customers in the store have never tasted them.

Slowly knead the pickles into the dough and knead the dough. Jiang Feng has to go and see how the braised pork is cooking. He is inferior to Aunt Li in kneading skills. After all, he has devoted most of his cooking time to knife skills. Bai An Jiang Weiguo has never taught him. The kneading skills are all learned by making dumplings several times a year. Yes, it's not as good as Aunt Li who makes cornbread every day.

These days Jiang Weiguo didn't teach him knife skills or fire, but taught him ingredients.

Knife skills are the foundation of a chef, and ingredients are the soul.

Wensi tofu is difficult to make, and egg fried rice is also not easy.

Jiang Feng is not such a savvy cook. If he hadn't got the game, because he had to complete the game tasks, he might not practice cooking again at all. He would be like his cousins ​​who graduated from university and found a job as a chef. Art has nothing to do with the job.

But he has one advantage, as long as he does it, he will do it seriously.

When he was studying, he could put down the kitchen knife and study hard, and now he can also pick up the kitchen knife and practice hard.

The dumpling comes out of the pan before the braised pork.

Jiang Feng looked at the pot, and found that the cooking time was not enough, it would take another 20 minutes.

Going out with the hot vegetable dumpling, Liu Qian has the CD and is chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

There was not a grain of rice left in the bowl, and the rim of the bowl was greasy and glistened.

"What is this?" Liu Qian raised her head and asked hesitantly, "Corn...balls?"

Jiang Feng thinks that the pickled vegetable dumpling he made looks good, delicate, round, and the pickled vegetables are evenly distributed, like a starry sky, sprinkled with powdered chocolate sauce and placed on a plate, it may be sold as a dessert .

"Pickled vegetable dumpling, take your time and order a larger portion. The braised pork will have to wait for twenty minutes." With that said, Jiang Feng took out a vegetable dumpling from the plate.

After a rough weighing, one weighs less than half a catty.

As soon as you enter the mouth, there is a hint of sweetness. The unique aroma of cornmeal is combined with the taste of pickled vegetables. The balance of the three is surprisingly good.

Cornmeal is a coarse grain, but it is impossible for current merchants to sell pure cornmeal that cuts throats directly to customers, basically adding some flour.

Liu Qian put the plate in front of the camera and showed off: "The vegetable dumpling that our president specially made for me is so pretty. President, what kind of stuffing is this?"

"No stuffing," Jiang Feng said.

A piece of hahahahaha was brushed across the barrage.

Jiang Feng went back to the kitchen and looked at the pot of braised pork, while studying how to make extra money.

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Feng came out with braised pork.

The plates on the table are already empty.

"Have you finished eating?" Jiang Feng was shocked.

5 dumplings weighed nearly 3 catties. The most important thing is that these are made of dead noodles, which are very full of stomach. No matter how much Liu Qian can eat, she is just an ordinary person. How can she bear so much at once?

"It's just five dumplings." Liu Qian couldn't tell the difference between dead noodles and leavened noodles. "It's just that the portion seems a bit heavy, but it's okay. I used to eat more and it's okay."

As she spoke, Liu Qian stretched out her chopsticks towards the braised pork.

Looking at her, it seems that nothing is wrong.

Within two minutes of Jiang Feng being optimistic, something happened to Liu Qian.

"President, I, I feel a little sick to my stomach." Liu Qian, who was happily eating braised pork, covered her stomach, her face turned pale, and called Jiang Feng, who was searching for part-time job news on her mobile phone.

"My stomach hurts a little, and it hurts." Liu Qian frowned, and cold sweat began to break out on her forehead.

Jiang Feng knew as soon as he guessed that she had eaten too much.

"Can I go, go to the hospital." Jiang Feng said firmly.

There is a private hospital at the gate of the school, and it takes about 20 minutes to walk there.

"Looks like I can't." Indeed, Liu Qian suddenly suffered from severe pain and stood up tremblingly. She lost her footing and held onto the table after taking a step.

There was no other way, Jiang Feng had no choice but to open the door first, greeted the boss opposite and asked him to look after the store, carried Liu Qian on his back, and walked towards the hospital.

What he didn't know was that Liu Qiandao's studio had already blown up.

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