Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 321: Respondents: It’s time to start dealing with Thanos

After waiting, a week passed.

Star-Lord happily brought the news to everyone that Yondu and a team of predators had set off to perform the mission.

The opportunity that everyone has been waiting for has finally come.

After getting the news, everyone gathered together immediately.

"This is the core of Yondu's base, and this is a safe room, where the Power Stone is kept by Yondu."

Star-Lord held up a floor plan of the base and introduced it to everyone.

"This safe room uses the most advanced security system in the universe. It is basically impossible to break it by force."

"Besides, if I want to get to this safe room, I calculated the path. Even the shortest path has to go through thirteen doors."

"Every door is heavily guarded. Of course, there are dozens of fully armed soldiers guarding the safe room around the clock. Needless to say, I don't need to tell you."

"In other words, what we need to do now is to at least break through the twelve gates and then crack this safe room."

"Do you guys have any questions?"

Star-Lord glanced at everyone present and asked.

To be fair, this task is very difficult.

Let's not talk about how difficult it is to pass the twelve levels silently. Even if this difficulty is passed, it is basically impossible to enter the safe room.

That's an interstellar safe room.

No matter how talented people like Tony Stark are, can they still crack the interstellar security system?

What's more, there is a garrison outside the safe room.

The difficulty can be imagined.

However, everyone has actually known this information about Yondu Base for a long time, and has already formulated a detailed and complete plan for it, so there is no problem.

"Proceed as planned."

After Captain America pondered for a while, he said to everyone.

Without any nonsense, the group immediately went to Asgard via the Rainbow Bridge, then took Asgard's spaceship to meet up with Star-Lord.


After seven jumps, the spacecraft stopped.

Tony Stark and others, led by Star-Lord, arrived outside Yondu's base.

"Star-Lord, let's take action!"

Captain America immediately nodded to Star-Lord and said.

Star-Lord also nodded, and then strutted towards Yondu's base.

Star-Lord was one of his own, so he naturally drove straight in without any obstruction, deep into the base.

After everyone had been waiting outside for almost two hours, Star-Lord's voice came from the communication channel: "Everyone, the central control room has been completed. It's your turn."

"Vision, it's your turn!"

Tony Stark immediately said to Vision.

Vision said nothing nonsense and flew out in a swish.

"Vision, at Mark 3, a patrol just passed by there. You can go in from there." Star-Lord's voice immediately sounded in the communication channel.

"Star-Lord, you know that I am a robot and I can perform fluoroscopic scanning, right?" Vision said.

But even so, the direction indicated by Star-Lord is indeed the best entry point.

Vision came to Mark No. 3 as Star-Lord said.

But this is not a level, but a solid wall.

That's right, no one planned to go in through the door at all. After all, Vision can pass through walls!

Vision, who has the ability to scan through walls and pass through walls, is undoubtedly the best candidate to carry out this mission.

With these two abilities, coupled with the cooperation of Star-Lord in the middle and outside, Vision can sneak into the safe room without anyone noticing and steal the Power Stone.

The top security system in the entire universe has no meaning at all in front of Vision. Vision can just walk through the wall.

This was the plan everyone made at the beginning.

"Scott, you start too."

After Vision started taking action, Captain America also said to Scott Lang with a serious face.


Scott Lang, who put on the Ant-Man suit, responded and suddenly became the size of an ant.

Then he rode on an ant and buzzed away.

However, the advance route chosen by Scott Lang was different from that of Vision. The two soldiers divided into two groups and attacked on both sides.

In this way, even if an accident occurs on one of the paths and is discovered, the other path can still continue to perform the task.

The possibility of both being discovered at the same time is not high.

Even the chances of being discovered along the way were slim.

Everyone actually has a lot of confidence in this mission.

So the atmosphere at the scene was still very relaxed.

"What a pity. I actually want to see Yondu's whistle arrow."

"I'm sorry Stark, it's not that I underestimate you, your armor may not be able to block Yondu's whistle arrows."

"Really, Thor? You said you didn't look down on me? We've known each other for so long, and you actually think I can't stop Yondu's whistle arrow?"

Tony Stark, Thor, Dr. Banner and everyone else were still in the mood to chat, with no trace of nervousness on their faces.

Even Captain America, who has always been serious and old-fashioned, added a few words from time to time.

In this case, time passes by.

Twenty minutes later.

"Okay everyone, Scott and I have entered the safe room, and I have found the power stone."

Vision's voice sounded in the communication channel, which made everyone at the scene feel refreshed.

Now that the plan has been implemented, it can be considered half of the success.

"Next, start the electronic pulser!"

Then came Scott Lang's voice, "Okay, all the electronic equipment in the safe room has malfunctioned."

After doing all this, the Mind Stone on Vision's forehead suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

The safe was cut open by force.

Thanks to the electronic pulser provided by Star-Lord, all electronic equipment failed, so no alarms were triggered.

The power gem was obtained by Vision so silently.

"It's done, I got the power stone!"

Vision said to everyone in the communication channel.

"Well done! Vision, Scott, start retreating." Tony Stark said in a good mood.

"Haha, yeah!"

Scott Lang also shouted excitedly.

Needless to say, Vision and Scott Lang once again used their unique abilities to quietly withdraw from Yondu's base.

Until they reunited with Tony Stark, boarded the spaceship and left, Yondu's entire base was not disturbed.

This operation can be said to be a great success.

After returning to Earth, all the respondents gathered together and had an intense discussion on how to deal with this power gem and the follow-up arrangements after receiving the power gem.

These issues are all of great importance, and no results will be achieved through discussion for a while.

The meeting lasted for more than a week before a tentative agreement was reached.

The power gems are temporarily stored in the answerer base and are jointly guarded by all the answerers.

As for how to deal with Thanos in the future, everyone also has a basic idea.

"In the main universe, we have no choice. We can only passively resist Thanos. We can only allow Thanos to attack us again and again."

"But now, we know Thanos' plan in advance, and we have made a lot of preparations in advance, so this time, this war is no longer decided by Thanos, but by us!"

In the office, Captain America talked in front of all the people who answered questions, and he was so high-spirited.

With the acquisition of the Power Stone, except for the Soul Stone far away on Vormir, all the remaining Infinity Stones are now within everyone's control.

Among them, Asgard has the Space Stone and the Reality Stone, while the Mind Stone, Time Stone, and Power Stone are all on Earth.

I have to say, this is exciting news.

Although the huge pressure made everyone feel heavy, it still made everyone full of fighting spirit.

"Yes, this time, the initiative of the war is in our hands!" Black Widow nodded heavily in agreement.

"It's time to start resisting!" Hawkeye Barton also nodded.

"Very well, as long as we all reach an agreement."

Captain America nodded with great satisfaction, then turned to look at Tony Stark and asked, "Stark, how many sets of your suit have you produced?"

"More than a thousand sets." Tony Stark shrugged, "I ran out of vibranium a month ago, and I ran out of Edman alloy two months ago."

"More than a thousand sets, this is far from enough." Star-Lord frowned a little, "Thanos's army is more than a million?"

"Thor, how much power can Asgard use?" Captain America pondered for a moment, then turned to ask Thor.

"The number of troops I can mobilize for the expedition is only over 200,000 at most." Thor pondered for a moment and replied solemnly.

Of course Asgard's army is more than this, but Thor cannot drain Asgard's power all at once.

Most of the force still needs to be stationed in Asgard.

After hearing Thor's answer, the faces of the respondents couldn't help but become solemn.

There is still a big gap in the strength comparison between the two sides.

"Thanos is too powerful, so we can't go head-to-head with him." Nick Fury spoke slowly and said to everyone, "We know so much about the future, wouldn't it be too stupid to fight head-on?"

"That's right, it's so stupid, so stupid!"

Tony Stark crossed his legs and said lazily, "Although there are not enough manpower, but if we plan carefully, I think killing Thanos is not a big problem."

"So Stark, do you have any good plans that can counter Thanos's million-strong army?" Star-Lord couldn't help but ask.

When the power gap between the two sides is too large, all conspiracies and machinations are as vulnerable as fragile paper tigers.

There is a major prerequisite for the strategy to be effective, and that is that the strength of both parties is not too different.

"Of course, everyone, we can treat others the same way they are treated." Tony Stark really had a plan, and he said to everyone with an inscrutable look on his face.

"Mr. Stark, so what can you do?" Peter Parker couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he stared at Tony Stark very curiously and asked.

Others also looked at Tony Stark, waiting for Tony Stark's answer.

"Infinity Stones!"

Tony Stark said seriously, "We have already mastered the five infinity stones. Should we just keep these stones to eat dust? Why not use them to fight against Thanos' army?"

In one sentence, everyone was left speechless.

Yes, the Infinity Stones possess the most powerful power in the universe, and there is absolutely no problem in fighting against Thanos's army of millions.

"Infinite Ultron can use the Reality Stones to create countless robots, so why can't we?" Tony Stark continued to talk, "What we need now is a person who can carry the power of the Infinity Stones, that's all! "

"Stark, we need to consider this matter in the long term! If it is not necessary, we should not use the Infinity Stones." Captain America said in a deep voice.

"If you don't use the Infinity Stones, then use the lives and blood of countless warriors to deal with Thanos. Would you rather do this?"

Tony Stark's light words left Captain America speechless.

"Stark is right, we need to use the power of the Infinity Stones." Dr. Banner said, supporting Tony Stark, "Captain, I know what you are worried about, but your worries are unnecessary."

"We collected gems once in the main universe, but we did not get lost in this power, let alone abuse it. We just used this power and did what we should do."

"We did this in the main universe, and we will do it again now."

"Rogers, there is really no other way." Black Widow also echoed.

"We do need the Infinity Stones. Don't forget, our enemy is not only Thanos, but also Infinite Ultron." Hawkeye also made a fatal addition.

Everyone in the hall unanimously agreed. Even though Captain America still hesitated, he could only agree in the end.

After all, what everyone said makes sense.

Even if the Infinity Stones are not used now, they still need to be used when dealing with Infinite Ultron.

Captain America is not so arrogant as to think he can do Infinity Ultron without using the Infinity Stones.

What's more, what Dr. Banner said is right.

What Captain America is worried about is nothing more than that everyone is addicted to too much power and develops ambitions that cause destruction to the world.

But this matter has also been verified by everyone in the main universe.

That was how things were agreed upon.

"Since everyone has no problem, let's discuss the specific plan." Nick Fury spoke again and said to everyone.

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