Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 322: New round of answering questions, Thor: Have I become a 300-pound fat man?

"First of all, no matter what the plan is, we have to make a clear premise."

Black Panther T'Challa spoke slowly and said to everyone, "We must do our best to prevent this war from happening on earth."

This of course goes without saying.

Now that everyone has decided to take the initiative and take the initiative in the war, but the result is that the earth has become a battlefield, then everyone has failed too much.

The earth cannot bear the flames of war with an overlord like Thanos.

"Regarding this, we can use the Infinity Stones as bait to attract Thanos to a specific planet, and then attack Thanos on that planet."

Scott Lang immediately said matter-of-factly.

"Maybe we don't need to be lured at all. Thanos might go to Nidweal first to build the Infinity Gauntlet." Thor added leisurely.

"That's right, we can't relax on the Nidweal side and must make corresponding arrangements in advance." Captain America nodded and said to Thor and everyone in a deep voice.

But if Thanos really plans to build the Infinity Gauntlet first, it will be a good thing for everyone.

Because there are only three hundred dwarves in Nidweal, that's all.

With such a small number, it is impossible for Thanos to send many people.

Everyone wants to deal with it, but it is much easier.

However, the Power Stone is the first stone that Thanos obtained. Whether Thanos intends to snatch the Power Stone first or forge the Infinity Gauntlet first is unknown.

It can only be prevented through multiple lines of prevention.

"Of course we have to make arrangements for Nidweaar, but in addition, we have to make other arrangements."

Nick Fury, the great braised egg hero, also joined the discussion.

He looked at Star-Lord and Thor, "Thor, Star-Lord, space is your domain, so just like last time, choose the right planet and spread the news among the stars. This kind of thing will be left to you. ”

"No problem. I know that there are many planets in the universe where villains gather. This matter is on my shoulders." Star-Lord didn't even think about it, and clapped his chest loudly to assure himself.

"Don't rush this matter." Black Widow interrupted Star-Lord in a deep voice, "Before we do this, we must be prepared to deal with Thanos. Yes, we plan to use the infinite stones to fight Thanos, but how to use?"

The Infinity Stones are not Tony Stark's steel armor that everyone can use easily. They are the most powerful things in the universe.

The threshold for use is extremely high.

Now, except for Vision, who can use the Mind Stone, others cannot use the Infinity Stones even if they are placed in their hands.

"Give me a certain amount of time, and I will definitely create a suit that can use infinite gems." Tony Stark said confidently.

In the future, he will create gloves that can hold six infinity stones. This should not be a difficult task for him.

In addition, Infinite Ultron is also a robot and can use the Infinity Stones with great success.

What's more, Infinite Ultron was also created by Tony Stark!

There is still no doubt about Tony Stark's abilities.

"Stark, only you can complete this matter." Nick Fury agreed. No one else at the scene had this ability except Tony Stark.

"No, Nick Fury." Thor also jumped out to find his presence at this time, "I can also go to Nidweal and ask Eitri to help me build an Infinity Gauntlet!"

The eyes of everyone at the scene couldn't help but light up, and they had to say that this was indeed a feasible method.

In this case, everyone will have one more method to choose from.

At this point in the meeting, it can be said that the basic ideas for dealing with Thanos have been determined.

First, Tony Star or Thor can build a battle armor or forge gloves, so that everyone can truly have the power to use the infinite stones.

On this basis, some more operations were carried out to use the news of the infinite stones to draw Thanos out and fight against Thanos.

Of course, this kind of operation is a very complex and grand matter, and cannot be finalized in a simple meeting.

What's more, until everyone truly grasps the power of the infinite stones, everything is in vain.

"So Stark, your next focus is to develop a battle armor that can use gems."

"Thor, you go to Nidweal to make arrangements to prevent Thanos from going there first to build the gauntlet."

"In addition, you must also be prepared accordingly. If things don't go smoothly here at Stark, you will need to build the Infinity Gauntlet there."

"Star-Lord, please cooperate with Thor and pay attention to Thanos's movements while paying attention to relevant intelligence to prepare for the fabrication of the gem illusion."

"Do you have anything else to add?"

"Very well, let's break up the meeting!"

In the next few months, Tony Stark once again fell into unprecedented busyness.

Because of the need to research the corresponding "Infinity Stone Armor", the research on Hex's Flying Gate can only be put on hold temporarily, which makes Tony Stark quite distressed.

Right now, his biggest interest is actually Hex Flying Gate, not the armor.

However, under the pressure of reality, he had no choice but to give up his favorite first.

But what is even more helpless is that there has not been much progress in the development of the Infinity Gem Armor. The power of the gems is too overbearing. Tony Stark has experimented with many materials, but none of them are ideal.

Even though Edman alloy, the hardest metal in the universe, can greatly improve this resistance, it is still not ideal for use.

The metal is just hard, that's all.

But hardness is not the only indicator of the infinite gem armor.

Tony Stark desperately needs another brand new material.

"Mr. Thor is here."

While he was busy, Jarvis suddenly reminded him.


Tony Stark responded casually, researching in his hands non-stop, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"How's it going? How's it going?"

After a while, Thor strode in. He did not greet Tony Stark, but asked directly.

"How did you come?"

Tony Stark didn't answer, but asked back without looking back.

"I went to Nick Fury's place and exchanged information with the captain and the others. I didn't see you. They said you were still studying the armor, so I came over to take a look."

Thor casually sat down on the sofa behind Tony Stark.

"That's right, Thor."

Tony Stark's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he thought of something, and stared at Thor with flickering eyes, "Can you get me some metal from Nidweal?"

The materials on the earth can no longer meet Tony Stark's requirements, and he has no choice but to set his sights outside the earth.

"Stark, even if I give you these metals, you can't use them with Earth's technology." Thor smiled.

Nidweal's forging uses a dying neutron star as its energy source!

Is this really a joke?

"And those guys in Yitri value those metals more than their lives. Even I can't do it." Thor then shook his head.

Tony Stark just asked casually and didn't force it.

He was about to say something more to Thor, but at this moment, Tony Stark suddenly felt his eyes blur.

He and Thor once again appeared in the familiar pure white space: the answering space.

Glancing around, I saw that the people taking part in the questions this time were all familiar faces: Captain America Steve Rogers, Ant-Man Scott Lang, and Spider-Man Peter Parker.

Also, Strange in mage costume!

Strange has become Doctor Strange.

"Mr. Stark, hello everyone, we meet again!" Peter Parker waved to everyone excitedly and greeted everyone.

Everyone else nodded to Peter Parker in response.

"So Strange, have you finally become Doctor Strange?" Scott Lang couldn't help but smile and said to Doctor Strange, "I knew you would!"

"Cool! Doctor Strange or something is not much cooler than a doctor." Peter Parker looked up at Strange and said with interest.

"I regret it a little now."

Strange showed a wry smile, "Being a mage is not interesting at all. Whenever I complete a difficult operation, I will never feel that sense of accomplishment, excitement, and joy again." I can’t feel it anymore.”

In the past, becoming Doctor Strange was out of necessity, so Strange naturally wouldn't be picky.

But now that he could obviously choose to continue being a doctor, his mentality was naturally different, so he naturally compared his two different options.

All I can say is that it takes some time to get used to the new job.

"It's not too late for you to quit Karma Taj, right?" Tony Stark couldn't help joking.

"I will not quit. Now that I have chosen this path, I will not regret it." Strange said.

"N! That's perfect!" Tony Stark nodded, "After you turn from a magic waste to a magic genius, you can serve as my magic consultant in researching the Hex Flying Gate."

Tony Stark has arranged for Doctor Strange.

Please listen to the question: After learning that the Infinity Stones were destroyed by Thanos, Thor gave up on himself, drank and indulged in alcohol all day long, and turned into a fat man weighing 300 pounds. Which of the following characters helped Thor get out of his haze?

, Iron Man Tony Stark

, Captain America Steve Rogers

, Dr. Hulk Banner

, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff

Friendly reminder: Those who answer the questions correctly will receive the bonus skill Storm Symbol

Those who answer the question incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, possessions, etc.

After a few people exchanged a few words, the system's beep interrupted everyone.

On the big screen, the latest question appeared.

As soon as this question came out, everyone couldn't help but cast strange eyes on Thor.

"! He has become a big fat man of three hundred pounds. Oh, Thor, I really can't imagine that kind of scene!" Tony Stark's face suddenly showed a look of great anticipation, "I can't wait. Saw that scene.”

"It's such a pity that mobile phones cannot be used in the answering space, otherwise I would have taken pictures." Scott Lang said with great regret.

"Three hundred pounds of Mr. Thor? God, I really can't imagine it!"

Peter Parker's eyes widened in shock, as if he heard something incredible.

He also asked Thor with a thirst for knowledge, "Mr. Thor, does it mean that gods can also gain weight? I always thought that gods are perfect and cannot gain weight."

"Of course not!"

Thor quickly denied it, shaking his head like a rattle, "That's a mistake. This question must be a mistake. How could I become fat? This is ridiculous! This is absolutely impossible!"

"Thor, stop quibbling. Do you still remember the question that Banner asked when he snapped his fingers? You were a fat man at that time, but I didn't expect you to be three hundred pounds! This is an exaggeration."

Strange mercilessly exposed Thor's excuses.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not, I'm just wearing a little too much clothes!"

How could Thor admit such a shameful thing? He was still stubborn and kept denying it.

"Okay everyone, let's get back to the topic."

Captain America's voice sounded, and he spoke to bring everyone back to the topic.

Thor immediately couldn't help but cast a grateful look at Captain America.

But he didn't expect that Captain America added leisurely, "As for Thor's weight of 300 pounds, we can wait until the information is shared and discuss it slowly."

Thor: ""

"Rogers, I thought you were going to be different."

Thor yelled at Captain America with a look of resentment, and hinted meaningfully, "When sharing intelligence, there are some insignificant details, so there is no need to talk about it, right?"

In order to prevent everyone from continuing to criticize him on the topic of "being three hundred pounds fatter", Thor immediately began to urge, "Didn't you say that we need to analyze the topic? Rogers, what do you think?"

When Thor asked this, Captain America straightened his expression and entered into analysis.

"The background of this question is that Thanos killed Thor's brother and then massacred half of the population of Asgard. Although Thor killed Thanos, he found that the gem had been destroyed and he could not let himself My dead brother and his people were resurrected, so I fell into negativity.”

"Since the person in the option can help Thor get out of his haze, does this mean that that person is likely to help Thor open up his heart?"

"For example, that person gave Thor hope? Hope that could change everything Thanos did?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Tony Stark immediately said on the side, "But it is only one of the possibilities."

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