Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 410 Bravely breaking into the building, Peter was abused!

This little boy with strong self-esteem actually asked for help. It seems that the matter is more serious than imagined.

Angelina didn't hesitate, and immediately asked, "Of course, what do we need?"

Peter is in the corner of the sewer, where Professor Connors hides.

The materials on the wall, as well as the video on the computer, showed the evil plan he was about to carry out.

"The professor has been dominated by power. He wants to fulfill his dream and create human beings without defects. He wants to use the Canary serum launcher of Osborne Industries to launch lizard serum throughout the city, turning all citizens into He does." Peter couldn't believe his eyes.

Brian curled his lips and said in disgust, "Oh, I don't want to become an ugly lizard even if I'm killed."

Peter agrees with this: "So we must stop him. The professor's strength is amazing, and he has abnormal recovery ability. Only the fading serum can defeat him. Gwen, you are an intern at Osborne Industries, can you make serum?"

Gwen nodded and said, "Of course, I often help the professor make serums."

Peter said: "Great, I need you to go to Osborne Industries to read the cross-species file, that is a dose of blue serum. As long as we release the blue serum with the launcher one step ahead, the professor and those infected will It will be back to normal."

Angelina was decisive: "Okay, we'll go right away."

Peter reminded: "The doctor is also rushing to the building, you must be more careful!"

Angelina responded confidently: "Mind yourself."

After hanging up the phone, the helicopter continued toward Manhattan.


The night was dark, and the helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac on the roof of the Osborne Building.

The three of them hurried out of the cabin, with Gwen leading the way, and a bodyguard drew out a pistol to guard them.

"The elevator is over here!"

Everyone pushed open the roof door, walked into the elevator, and came to Professor Connors' laboratory.

Gwen swiped the card to enter with ease, then sat in front of the computer and typed on the keyboard for a while, and found the blue serum Peter mentioned.

"It's done, the serum is ready, it will take about fifteen minutes!"

"So we just wait?" Brian didn't like being passive.

"Of course not, there are still many employees in this building, we need to evacuate them." Angelina said, pointing to the room outside.

"No problem, leave it to me!" Gwen entered the internal emergency evacuation code.

beep! beep! beep!

The next second, a piercing siren sounded in the building.

Osborne's employees had participated in fire training, put down their work immediately after hearing the siren, and evacuated the building in an orderly manner.

Ten minutes later, the employees had basically evacuated, and there were only three minutes left before the serum was made.

There were only the three of them left in the empty laboratory. Gwen pointed to the cylindrical instrument on the table and said, "This is the Canary Serum Launcher."

Angelina said: "We should hide it so that the lizardmen cannot find it."

"Yeah!" Gwen nodded, and climbed onto the table to remove the instrument.

"let me help you."

Brian stepped forward and worked with Gwen to lift the instrument, and then hid it in a locker in the laboratory.


At this time, there was a loud noise under the building, as if the wall was smashed by something.

Brian frowned and said, "The lizard man is here, the serum is not ready yet!"

Angelina said: "Let's hide quickly. The lizard people can't find the equipment. They will definitely go to other floors to find it. Then we will take the opportunity to go to the top floor to launch the serum."

"Wait a minute." Gwen stood on the test bench and aimed the flamethrower at the fire alarm.

The flames spewed out and activated the alarm, and the fire safety doors in the building immediately fell.

"Although it's useless, at least it can delay some time."

"Great job, you're so smart!" Brian praised.

"Okay, hurry up and hide."

Several people immediately searched for a suitable place in the laboratory and hid themselves.

Not long after, the sound of heavy breathing and footsteps came from far and near.


The lizard man stretched out his sharp claws, smashed the metal protective door in two or three strokes, and strode into the laboratory.

Everyone quickly held their breath, not daring to make any sound.

The lizardman went around the laboratory but couldn't find the Canary device.

Just when everyone thought he would leave, the lizardman actually discovered the hiding place of the bodyguard, and stretched out his sharp claws to tear the metal locker to shreds.

The bodyguard immediately raised his gun and shot the lizard man in the eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

The large-caliber bullet hit the eyeball, and the lizard man roared angrily, then covered his eyes with one hand, and swiped at the bodyguard with the other hand, tearing him to pieces immediately.

The lizard man let go of his hand and looked down, the instrument happened to be hidden in the corner.

He reached out to take the Canary away, then turned his head to look at the laboratory, and left with heavy steps.

The three of them were afraid that he would kill the carbine, so they kept hiding in the hiding place and dared not come out.

It wasn't until the serum production instrument sounded the sound of "serum production complete" that he walked out cautiously.

Gwen boldly glanced at the bodyguard's body, then turned her head in horror.

As the police chief's daughter, she had more guts than many boys.

But after seeing the disembowelled corpse with her own eyes, she was still taken aback.

Brian stepped forward, put his arm around Gwen and comforted him softly.

Angelina took the serum and called Peter immediately.

"Peter, where are you?"

"I'm on my way. It's three blocks from the Osborne Building. How are you doing?"

"We got the serum, but the lizardmen took the launcher away."

"What! Then you are not injured?"

"No, but a bodyguard died!"

"My God, you are waiting for me in the building, I will be there soon!"


Not long after hanging up the phone, a black shadow appeared outside the glass curtain wall of the building.


Peter was wearing a red and blue tights, smashed the glass, turned over and entered the laboratory.

"Here you are!" Angelina threw the serum towards him.

"Thanks! I'll go to the top floor to release the serum, you stay here and don't run around!" Peter caught it firmly, then turned out the window, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There was a moment of silence in the laboratory.

Brian couldn't bear his temper and suggested, "Why don't we go to the top floor to have a look?"

"What? Are you crazy? That lizard man can tear you apart with one claw." Gwen couldn't believe it, and said in a shocked tone.

"Don't worry, we'll lie on the stairs and watch quietly, and at the critical moment, maybe we can help Peter!"

Brian walked to the bodyguard's body and picked up the pistol on the ground.

What he said was reasonable, but Gwen still thought it was too risky, so she asked Angelina for help: "What do you think?"

"Let's go!" Angelina left the laboratory without thinking too much.

"Oh, my God!" Gwen felt a throbbing headache.

"Let's go, I will protect you." Brian pushed Gwen out excitedly.


Building roof!

The Lizardmen have activated the Canary Device.

Two minutes later, the tube of green serum will be launched into the sky, turning into a cloud of liquid and covering the whole city.

By then, millions of people in New York will be infected.

Quite a few of them may be cured of their diseases, but at the cost of turning into green lizards with tails.

Professor Conners doesn't care about this, he just wants to fulfill his dream and create a human being without defects.

As for whether people are willing to accept it, it is not within the scope of his consideration.

At this time, Peter finally rushed to the rooftop.

"Professor, wake up, this is not the real you!"

The lizardman raised his arms and said with a sneer, "I am me, the perfect me. With my grown arms, I don't need to wear glasses anymore, and my speed and strength are unprecedentedly powerful."

"These are illusions, the formula I gave you is flawed, everyone will turn into lizards!"

"Hmph, stupid! Since you can get a perfect body, why do humans give up their original form? You shouldn't stop me!"

Professor Conners has been controlled by the serum, which has completely affected his mind. Now he is not as calm as before.

Seeing that he couldn't communicate, Peter put on an attacking posture: "Professor, stop, I don't want to hurt you!"

"Hmph, if you can do it, try it!"

As he said that, the lizard man stretched out his sharp claws and rushed towards him.

Peter used his ultra-fast reaction to dodge the attack, and nimbly circled around the lizard man.

Through the battle just now, he knew very well that he was definitely not an opponent in a frontal battle, so he could only use the spider silk to control the professor's actions, and then wait for the opportunity to replace the serum.

His abacus was very clever, but although the lizard man was huge, his reaction speed was not slower than him.

The two sides only fought for half a minute, Peter made a mistake and was tied up by the lizard man's neck with his tail.

He struggled desperately, but to no avail.

The lizardman took the opportunity to grab his hands and crushed the spider silk launcher on his wrist.

Without this thing, Spider-Man's combat effectiveness dropped sharply.

The three of them lay on the stairs and witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

"Oops! Peter is not an opponent at all!" Brian frowned and sighed.

"What now?" Gwen asked anxiously.

Although she fell in love with Brian, she didn't want to see her classmates tortured to death by lizard monsters.

What's more, he is still a classmate with superpowers.

If they can overcome today's difficulties, the future will definitely be more exciting, and Gwen doesn't want the interesting high school life to come to an abrupt end.

Brian looked at the gun in his hand, then turned to look at his sister, and said seriously, "You decide, I'll listen to you this time."

Hearing this, Angelina snorted contemptuously.

Brian is really a chicken thief. This kind of thing is the most difficult. No matter which one he chooses, it will cause serious consequences. He actually directly dumped the blame on himself. He is really a brother.

Looking at Peter who was about to be strangled to death, Angelina was extremely entangled in her heart, as if there were two villains fighting in her heart, the light and the dark.

One is an emotional angel and the other is a rational devil.

How to do?

What on earth should I do?

The lizardman reached out and took off Peter's hood, and said sarcastically, "Poor Peter, no father, no mother, no uncle, always alone..."

"He's not alone!"

Hearing this, the lizard man suddenly raised his head.

At the top of the stairs, three childish young people bravely stood together.


The lizardman recognized her immediately.

He was always satisfied with this beautiful intern and wrote a college recommendation letter for her.

"Professor Connors! Please let Peter go!" Gwen begged immediately.

Hearing this, the professor threw Peter out and hit the wall heavily.

"Are you friends? Hehe, it must be unpleasant to have such a powerful friend by your side. But don't worry, just wait a little longer, and you will become as powerful as him."

"Professor, I'm a human being, and I don't want to become a lizard. Many people don't want to become lizards. This experiment has failed at all, so give it up!" Gwen saw that Professor Connors could communicate, and tried to persuade him to return to his lost ways. .

"Gwen, I thought you were very talented, but I didn't are as stupid as them." The professor said bitterly.

"Human beings have changed many forms along the way from the sea to the land, and my success represents a new direction of evolution."

"Why don't you understand? Why are you obsessed with this broken and fragile body in front of you? Why are you unwilling to open your arms to embrace this perfect form?"

"Fuck your shit!" Brian couldn't help cursing: "Everyone has become a lizard, how can I flirt with girls in the future!"

Even thinking about the future lizard world made Brian feel nauseous.

The professor stared at him, then sighed heavily, as if he didn't want to talk to this person who was addicted to worldly desires.

That's playing the piano to the cow, a waste of tongue.

Anyway, these students don't have much ability, at most they just talk about it.

Just wait another half a minute, and everything will be over, and they have to accept it if they don't accept it.

"One last time, have you really decided?" Brian clenched his fists and asked Angelina in a low voice.

"I don't know, do you have a better way?"

"No!" Brian shook his head disappointedly: "It seems that we have to say goodbye to the good life."

"What the hell are you talking about? I can't understand a word!" Gwen frowned, not knowing what kind of riddle the siblings were playing.

"Gwen..." Brian turned his head and looked at her with regret: "I'm sorry for lying to you all this time."

When Gwen heard this, she was immediately confused.

Brian stopped explaining, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

At this moment, he no longer has the frivolity of a playboy, but has a bit more chilling domineering.

"Hey, ugly lizard, hurry up and lead to death!"


Hearing this, the lizard man turned his head angrily.

But he saw a fist grow from small to large, hitting his face at an extremely fast speed.


There was a huge muffled sound, like thunder on the ground.

The lizard man was instantly sent flying, and his huge head deformed violently.

When the limit was reached, the head exploded into pieces in mid-air like a big watermelon.

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