Marvel’s Big Villain

Chapter 411 Brother and Sister Merit, Amazing Discovery!

Brian punched the lizardman's head into minced meat, and vented the accumulated resentment fiercely.

When he turned around, Gwen and Peter stared wide-eyed, as if looking at an alien.

Hey, what should come will always come.

With a trembling voice, Gwen asked, ""

Her clever mind was blank at the moment, and the huge flow of information directly caused her brain to crash and her thinking to stagnate.

Peter was better able to bear it than she was, but judging from the arc of the mouth and the opening of the eyes, the two were equally frightened.

Since gaining super powers, Peter's self-confidence has been extremely inflated.

Although there is still a little respect for Brian, the king of the campus, there are factors of Angelina and social background in it.

From a personal point of view, Peter is confident that he will not lose to anyone, and his future will be brighter than them.

However, Brian's earth-shattering punch shattered his inexplicable self-confidence.

Peter knew the lizardman's strength best. His fists couldn't penetrate the opponent's skin at all. Even under the indiscriminate bombardment of the guardian armor, he only suffered a little skin trauma.

But such a rough-skinned and thick-skinned monster was instantly killed by Brian's punch, which is too unbelievable.

Possessing this perverted strength shows that Brian is definitely not an ordinary son of the rich and powerful!

But why did he hide this power?

Is it indifferent by nature, unwilling to punish evil and promote good like yourself, and act chivalrously?

Or there are other deeper reasons.

Peter gradually calmed down, frowned, and looked at Brian suspiciously.

"Peter! Don't be dazed, replace the serum quickly!" Angelina urged.

"Okay!" Peter was interrupted from thinking, and immediately stood up and acted.

Brian walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the street on the ground with eagle-eyed vision.

The lizard man fell from a height of several hundred meters, and stuck to the ground like a big cake, which he couldn't even pick off.

Suffering such a severe injury, even that perverted resilience could not save him.


The Canary instrument shot the replaced serum into the sky, and it exploded into a cloud of blue mist.

As the cloud and mist slowly descended, those humans infected with the lizard serum gradually returned to their original state.

At this moment, a bright light like a comet flashed across the dark night sky.

Everyone looked closely, it was a brand new steel armor.

"Hmph, what a coincidence!" Brian sneered.

Since when did New York's patron saint, Iron Man, like the New York police, it's long overdue.

"The lizard monster is dead! It seems that I missed a good show. Children, did you solve this monster?"

The Iron Armor was suspended in mid-air, and Tony Stark's voice came.

"Uh..." Gwen glanced at Brian carefully, but finally didn't speak.

"Yes, thanks to New York's new hero—Spider-Man." Brian introduced him grandly.

Hearing this, Peter looked at him in surprise.

He actually handed over such great credit to others, and Brian really didn't want to reveal his strength.

Could it be that he, like himself, also has unspeakable difficulties.

Unbelievable thoughts flashed through his mind, and Peter finally decided to take the blame for him.

"You killed the lizard monster?" Tony reconfirmed.

Peter stepped forward and nodded politely: "Yes, sir!"

"You've done a good job... You're still a child, so you're really a formidable young man." Tony said with a little appreciation.

"The times are changing, and this city also needs new forces." Brian was angry.

Of course Tony heard what he meant, but it was indeed his responsibility.

"Sorry, older people will always have slower legs and feet." Tony apologized rarely.

Over time, Tony's character is no longer as aggressive as he was when he was young.

What's more, this time the object is only a high school student, he can't afford to get angry with the child.

"Anyway, as long as it's settled. Thank you, Spider-Man, it was my job."

"It's my duty too, sir." Peter responded politely.

Tony nodded, quite fond of the polite kid.

Before parting, he also sent an invitation to Peter: "Son, come to my place if you have time, your clothes are your passport."

After walking around the scene, Tony left.

There were only four of them left on the roof, and the atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

"Brian..." After a moment of silence, Gwen was the first to break the silence.

The two have known each other since they met and fell in love for half a year.

She told all the secrets, but she didn't expect Brian to hide such a big thing.

As a girlfriend, she felt entitled to ask this question.

But before she could speak, she was interrupted by Angelina.

"Gwen, each of us has our own secrets. Although you are a couple, you don't need to get to the bottom of it. It's not a bad thing to maintain a sense of mystery. You just need to know that Brian is not malicious to you, because it was him just now. Saved us from the Lizardmen."

Gwen hesitated for a while, and finally closed her mouth and swallowed back what she wanted to say: "Okay, I understand."

Peter also nodded, accepting the proposal.


Minutes later, the four emerged on the street outside the cordoned off area.

"Thank you, Brian!"

Peter said thanks and went home on the swing.

Gwen also reached out to stop a taxi and said, "Brian, Angelina, see you tomorrow."

Brian smiled and said, "Well, I wish you a sweet dream!"

Gwen smiled bitterly: "Tonight's party is so exciting, I might lose sleep."

What happened tonight was far beyond the plan, and the brothers and sisters were a little bit overwhelmed.

Instead of calling for bodyguards to pick them up, they strolled side by side through the empty streets.

Seeing that Angelina didn't speak all the way, Brian thought he was worried that things would be exposed, so he comforted her.

"Don't worry, there were a few surprises, but it turned out pretty well. Gwen's tight-lipped and won't betray us. I saved Peter's life, and he's... well, I'll hit him again later. Don't worry, as long as If we continue to keep a low profile, there is a high probability that we will still be able to finish college."

Angelina turned her head to look at him, with a look of resentment, and scolded: "You really can't forget the sex life in New York for a moment, I wasn't thinking about it at all just now."

Brian asked curiously: "Then what are you thinking? So serious."

Angelina stared up at the night sky, and said in a serious tone: "From the appearance of the lizardman to the complete end of the matter, the process took about two hours."

"The guardian armor was activated at the first time, which shows that Tony Stark knew the situation of the lizard people from the beginning. But after the guardian armor was destroyed, no other reinforcements arrived, even Stark himself passed It didn't show up until two hours later. Tell me, what has he been doing for so long?"

This question stumped Brian, and he tried to analyze: "According to the flying speed of the Iron Armor, he...may be on vacation abroad, or be entangled in something."

Angelina nodded and said: "That's right, but I just contacted Uncle Stan Phil, and he said that SHIELD has no information about Stark's departure. If he is on vacation, is it necessary for him to smuggle out of the country?"

Brian put away his smile and said seriously: "You mean, Stark is doing some shameful things behind the back of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Angelina nodded and said: "I think the possibility is very high. Stark showed great interest when facing Peter, a new generation hero. However, the two did not communicate much. Obviously, he was in a hurry Where to go, that's why I asked Peter to go to Stark base to find him."

After listening to this analysis, Brian also noticed that something was wrong, and said disappointedly: "It's a pity that he ran away. If I found out the problem earlier, I could still follow it quietly."

"Don't worry, he won't escape!" Angelina said confidently.

" marked him!" Brian was full of surprise.

"Well, let's go!"

Angelina waved her hand lightly, summoning colorful elemental balls.

Under her precise control, the magic balls collided with each other in sequence, and finally exploded and turned into a piece of starlight falling on her body.

The bodies of the two gradually became transparent, and even the sound of breathing and heartbeat disappeared.


I thought Stark was hiding in some secret corner, but I didn't expect to track it all the way to the destination. It turned out to be Stark's base in the northern part of the state. The brother and sister were immediately disappointed.

But they are all here, and they must still visit. The two quietly went to Stark's private residence.

Tony's house has the highest level of security and has installed many black technologies that have not been put into the market, but Angelina doesn't care so much.

She casts her magic again, leading Brian through the wall that can withstand the missile bombardment.

In the spacious living room, Stark took off his battle suit and put on black home clothes, leaned over and sat on the sofa drinking and chatting with Thor.

The siblings were taken aback when they saw Saul.

For some reason, both of them felt that this incident had something to do with Thor.

"The big lizard matter is settled?" Saul asked casually, obviously believing in Tony's strength.

"Yeah! But I'm a step late, the lizard monster has already been killed by a few kids!" Thinking of Spider-Man, Tony smiled approvingly.


"look by youself!"

Tony swipe the virtual screen to start playing the video of Spider-Man fighting for justice in the streets.

Sol watched for a while, without any special expression on his face, but Tony was a little excited.

"I've been paying attention to this kid for a while. He is a malleable talent. It's just that he is too young, unstable, impulsive, and needs to be polished."

Saul asked, "You want to train him to be your successor?"

Tony chuckled lightly, shook his head and said, "It's too early to say who will succeed, this kid still has a long way to go."

Sol nodded, and then changed the topic: "How is the harvest tonight?"

Tony said: "Slight progress!"

Hearing this, Saul cheered up and asked, "What did you find out?"

Tony took a sip of his wine and said: "The geese leave their voices, and the people leave their traces. The Supreme Mage has been on the earth for thousands of years. It is impossible that he has not had contact with the outside world. So I began to investigate the rumors that have been circulating in recent years. One of them is That's what got me thinking."

"A man was paralyzed from the chest down due to a work accident and could barely move his hands. You may not understand, but this level of paralysis happened on the planet, and even the best doctors couldn't cure him. After receiving After a period of rehabilitation, I also gave up."

"However, he suddenly disappeared from the United States for two years. When he returned to China, his spine was miraculously healed, and he was able to walk and jump like a normal person."

"So I found him and paid an information fee. He readily told me that the place where he was cured was called Karma Taj, but it was not easy to find it."

"It turns out he was right, I spent the whole day and no one had ever heard the name."

Hearing this, Saul asked: "Do you think the Supreme Master lives in Karma Taj?"

Tony said: "Of course, who else can create such a miracle except her."

"Okay, then I'll help you find it tomorrow."

"Call Loki again, I don't support idlers here, let alone him."

"Haha, you're right."

After the two drank a bottle of straight barley whiskey, they went back to their rooms to rest.

"They are looking for the Ancient One? Why?" Angelina was puzzled.

"Maybe there's some trouble," Brian said.

"What kind of trouble is that that requires the Guardian God of the Earth?"

The siblings pondered for a moment, then their eyes lit up, and they raised their heads abruptly.

Who else can make the two superheroes sit on pins and needles, and even go all over the world to find the supreme mage?

Only him, only that man!

"Hurry up, you follow Stark, and I follow Thor."

"no problem!"

Angelina quickly ran to keep up with Saul, and after passing through a long and curved passage, a huge metal door appeared in front of her eyes.

Behind the door is an empty underground world, which is divided into several areas. There are hundreds of thousands of people living here, and listening to them speak, they don't use the language of the earth at all.

Seeing Sol, these people surrounded him enthusiastically, chatting about something.

God, are these people all Asgardians?

But they are not the people of Odin, why do they appear on the earth?

Angelina frowned in surprise.

Because of the language barrier, there would be no gain if she continued to follow, so she turned and left the basement to meet Brian.

In the living room, Brian was already sitting on the sofa waiting.

"So fast, did not find any clues?"

Brian shook his head with embarrassment: "Stark is with his wife..."

Angelina rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Let's go, I found a little clue here."


On the way home, Angelina told Brian the truth about her discovery.

Hearing this, Brian said excitedly: "That's great. If the guess is true, then we will have made great achievements, and my mother will also look at us with admiration."

Angelina nodded and said: "But now is not the time to be a hero, we will contact the family immediately and tell the mothers everything."

"I know, let's go!"

Back at the Long Island Manor, the party guests had dispersed.

The brothers and sisters walked into the main hall, screened off people, and then took out special communicators to contact their respective mothers.

Brian connects first.

"Son, what happened?"

Brian controlled the trembling of his body and said as calmly as possible: "We have found news about our father!"

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