Lu Xingfan gave his general idea for the ‘Emperor’ movie to Ling Xin and asked her to tell the editors and directors of Galaxy Entertainment Group to produce the ‘Emperor’ movie at the highest level.

While Lu Xingfan was concentrating on building the emperor’s armor, the capital cabinet welcomed several special guests.

The leaders of five countries from Africa: Tanya, Ludan, Limo, Nila, and Spike came together to visit Yanlong Country. The Prime Minister of the Cabinet met with the leaders of the five countries.

The leaders of the five countries first praised the Yanlong Kingdom, and then proposed the idea of purchasing some weapons, equipment and food. Naturally, the Prime Minister would not refuse.

But the subsequent requests from the leaders of the five countries put the Prime Minister in a difficult position.

The five countries of Tanya, Ludan, Limo, Nila, and Spike are all black countries, and they are all coastal countries, but their international reputations are not good.

There are four races of different skin colors on the entire Ancient Blue Star: yellow race, white race, black race and brown race.

Among them, the yellow race is mainly concentrated in Yanlong Kingdom, Yingzhou Kingdom and some surrounding countries, with a total population of about 6.5 billion in the entire world; the white race is mainly concentrated in Western Asia, Federal Continent, Oriental Continent and Among the capital countries of Gu Yanzhou, the total population in the entire world is approximately 6.4 billion.

As for the black race, they are mainly concentrated in Africa and Lampang, with a total population of about 7.6 billion; the brown race is mainly concentrated in East India and countries in the Middle Ages, with a total population of about 4 billion.

The total population of the world is about 24.5 billion.

According to statistics on global economic data over the years, more than 93% of the global economy each year is created by yellow, white, and brown people. Black people have the largest population in the world. Human race contributes less than 7% to the world economy.

And among the elite talents in all walks of life around the world, the proportion of black people is less than one percent.

Lazy, greedy, barbaric, vulgar, dirty, diseased, uneducated, uneducated, etc. It seems that all derogatory words to describe human beings can be very suitable for black people.

Most of the black countries in Africa have fertile land. As long as they work a little harder, they will not starve if they farm the land. But black people in many countries are lazy and would rather go hungry and eat wild fruits than farm.

Moreover, black people in many countries see the superior environment and complete social welfare system of Western capital countries. Every year, many black people smuggle into those countries in Western Asia and the Commonwealth.

The arrival of these lazy black people has not only brought a heavy social burden to developed countries, but has also significantly increased the crime rate in various countries.

But because of the ridiculous human rights and democratic freedoms of those developed countries, more and more black people are sucking blood from various countries, and it has also caused social unrest in various countries.

Although the governments of those developed countries cannot expel black people due to public protests, they still have to happily fight for the rights of black people and resist racial discrimination, but only they know what they are thinking.

Therefore, the reputation of the country of black people in the world is actually not good.

This time, the leaders of Tanya, Ludan, Limo, Nila, and Spike came to visit Yanlong. They were actually eyeing the increasingly better development environment and development environment in Yanlong. strength.

Five countries want to send international students to study in universities in Yanlong Kingdom, and they also want Yanlong Kingdom to help them solve the problem of unemployed black people in the country.

What’s more, they even put forward the condition of leasing their country’s port to allow Yanlong Kingdom’s warships to dock in exchange for their country’s foreign students and unemployed people to enter the city of Galaxy and Galaxy University.

Although it was a good thing to lease the ports of the five countries to allow the warships of the Yanlong Kingdom to dock, the conditions proposed by the five countries were too embarrassing. The Prime Minister of the Cabinet did not agree, but said that he would discuss it with the Cabinet.

After the Prime Minister of the Cabinet went back and mentioned the requirements of the five countries, all the cabinet members felt dissatisfied: These people really dare to think. If it were so easy to enter Galaxy City and Galaxy University, I would have arranged for mine a long time ago. The grandson and granddaughter went in.

It doesn’t matter other places, but the City of Galaxy and Galaxy University have extraordinary significance and status to the Yanlong Kingdom and the entire Yanlong nation.

Galaxy University is a gathering place for the most talented geniuses in the entire Yanlong nation, and Galaxy City is the scientific and technological research and development center of the entire Yanlong Nation, and is a holy place in the hearts of countless scientific researchers.

The people gathered in the City of Galaxy are the best talents in the entire Yanlong Kingdom. They are all the purest people of the Yanlong nation in terms of ideology and blood. There are no foreigners, and even the mixed-race people of the Yanlong nationality are almost No.

Not only countless people from the Yanlong Nation, but also high-level bosses such as cabinet members do not want to change the current situation of Galaxy City and Galaxy University. They do not want to see anyone other than the Yanlong Nation in Galaxy City and Galaxy University. people.

All cabinet members can guarantee that they will definitely refuse without asking Lu Xingfan.

But I know that since this matter involves the City of Galaxy, the cabinet will naturally contact Lu Xingfan.

The Prime Minister called Lu Xingfan in front of all cabinet members.

“Hello, Prime Minister, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, Xiaofan, it’s like this, yesterday······, but we did not agree. We are making this call to inform you and ask for your opinion.”The Prime Minister briefly explained the matter to Lu Xingfan.

“What? Just those lazy, greedy and shameless black-skinned things, they want to enter the City of Galaxy and Galaxy University, and they are dreaming about riding horses. They are all quite ugly, but they are really beautiful! I@#¥@%¥”

In the cabinet meeting room, the Prime Minister, the Head of State and other cabinet members looked at each other and listened to Lu Xingfan’s cursing voice coming from the phone. The atmosphere was a bit strange for a moment.

Frankly speaking, they knew that according to Lu Xingfan’s temper and character, they would definitely refuse, but they didn’t expect Lu Xingfan’s reaction to be so big. Lu Xingfan, who never cared much about anything, this time reacted violently and cursed when he heard black people, It really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Is it possible that the groups and companies below Galaxy City have some conflict with the black countries in Africa?

“Prime Minister, you should really ask the people below to collect intelligence for you and take a good look at how many evils those lazy black people have done in our country.

The people below are hiding it from you for the sake of their own official status. Not all of these black-skinned people are scum, but nine out of ten are scum.

What’s so good about a group of gangsters leasing ports? If the military wants to establish military bases overseas, they can come to me. I can do it. Five ports is nothing, I can find you twenty.”

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