After Lu Xingfan’s voice came out on the phone, the head of the cabinet, the prime minister and other cabinet members immediately looked at each other. The prime minister immediately asked:”Xiaofan, what you just said is true. You can really find twenty places abroad.” Our country has military bases overseas?”

At this moment, the entire cabinet couldn’t help but become a little nervous, expecting to get a definite answer from Lu Xingfan.

Lu Xingfan on the other side of the phone seemed to be thinking about something. After ten seconds, he said angrily:”Oh, I’m just being silly. I spent a long time to get those places without telling foreigners.” , I can’t rent it to you for free.”

Good boy, I really have you!

After receiving Lu Xingfan’s answer, the Prime Minister, the Head of State and others were overjoyed, and could not help but admire Lu Xingfan’s methods.

Overseas military bases play an extremely important role in expanding Yanlong Kingdom’s influence and deterrence in the world.

No matter how advanced and powerful your warship is, the ammunition and supplies it carries are limited. With overseas military bases, when the warships are performing missions and cruises overseas, once the warships are short of supplies and ammunition, they can be resupplied nearby, and the warships can also dock at ports to provide soldiers with a place to rest.

There are also overseas military bases that can not only serve as ports of call for naval ships, but can also deploy army and air forces to expand the Yanlong Kingdom’s deterrent power and protect the Yanlong Kingdom’s overseas interests.

The Eagle Federation has huge deterrent power around the world and the reason is, on the one hand, its invincible thirty aircraft carrier formations, and on the other hand, it has more than one hundred overseas military bases around the world.

There are more than a hundred military bases spread overseas. Once a military conflict breaks out in any place or country, as long as the interests of the Eagle Federation are violated, the army and air force in the Eagle Federation military bases can quickly intervene.

Since the military wanted to establish military bases overseas two years ago, the cabinet has made a lot of efforts and has not hesitated to give up some interests in cooperation with other countries.

However, other countries in the world rejected the Yanlong Kingdom’s idea of leasing ports to establish military bases due to threats from the Eagle Federation, the Kingdom of England, and the Kingdom of Ceylon.

Otherwise, the five countries that came to our door this time, including Tanya, Ludan, Limo, Nila, and Spike, would not have asked to rent a port to Yanlong to enter Galaxy City and Galaxy University..

Because they all know that Yanlong Kingdom wants to establish military bases abroad, but there has been no result.

Unfortunately, they failed to calculate that Lu Xingfan hated their black country and inadvertently gave his trump card to the cabinet, allowing the cabinet to see new options.

Of course, only Lu Xingfan himself knows whether this inattention was accidental or intentional.

But whether Lu Xingfan did it intentionally or not, for Lu Xingfan to be able to hide from the Eagle Federation, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Ceylon and other countries, and quietly obtain 20 places suitable for establishing military bases overseas, the big bosses in the cabinet We were quite surprised.

Is it the same difficulty and cost to rent land from foreigners as to rent land from our own people?

At this time, the head of state spoke directly to the mobile phone on the desk:”Haha, Comrade Xiaofan, don’t worry, we are all family members, and we will definitely not let our family suffer.

Regarding the establishment of a military base, I will Let General Lu tell you. After all, it’s easier for you to communicate with your own family.”

“That’s fine, I don’t care.” Lu Xingfan replied.

After hanging up the phone, the head of the cabinet said to the Prime Minister and others:”It seems that our little Comrade Lu has hidden a lot of good things. His methods are very good. He is sneaky. He has obtained twenty places to establish military bases overseas. It seems that he has a lot of resentment towards countries such as the Eagle Federation.”

The Prime Minister said with a smile:”Those countries are eager to find ways to kill Lu Xingfan. Although Lu Xingfan stays in the country and does not go out, he obviously also has a lot of revenge against countries such as the Eagle Federation.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to secretly find a place overseas to build a military base.

But now it seems that it is good that Comrade Xiao Lu has a vindictive mentality. It just saves us countless troubles and energy and can pick up what is ready.

In this way, we can clearly reject the requests of Tanya, Ludan and other five countries. The head of state heard the words and said:”Then refuse, but it’s still early now. Let’s just wait for a while. I’ll ask Xiao Zhang from the security department to check and see what those black people Comrade Lu said have done in our country.” What a sin.”

Twenty minutes later, the ten big bosses in the cabinet looked at some information in their hands, and their faces became uglier as they looked at it. Finally, they threw the information on the table angrily.

The head of state patted his forehead, and then felt helpless. He shook his head sadly and said to the Prime Minister:”I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect that the people below would hide so many things.

The requests of those five countries must be rejected. We welcome those who want to buy weapons and food, but don’t even think about letting our country absorb those unemployed people for them.

Our country’s current achievements and strength are the result of the hard work of countless people of our Yanlong nation. We must not allow foreigners to pick up what is already available and ruin the fruits of our people’s hard work.”

The Prime Minister said with a heavy face:”I understand.”


The next day, after learning the news, Lu Jianlin took several generals from the military to the City of Galaxy and came to Lu Xingfan to discuss overseas military bases.

“There are a total of 150 countries that can be named in the world today. These countries are all member states of the United Nations. Each country has a land area of no less than 2 million square kilometers and a population of no less than 10 million.

But in addition to these huge countries on land, there are tens of thousands of islands of various sizes in the sea area that is wider than the land.

Among these tens of thousands of islands, the largest one covers an area of 260,000 square kilometers. For example, Beiland Island is only less than one square kilometer in size. Different indigenous people live on these islands of different sizes, or some islands are simply private territories.

An island as big as Northland and Iceland has more than one million people living on it. It has an autonomous government and is not considered a country. It is nominally a territory belonging to the Kingdom of Max.

In the three oceans: the Daping Ocean, the Eastern Indian Ocean, and the Western Eagle Ocean, our satellites have discovered more than 300 large islands with an area of more than 100 square kilometers and a population of more than 10,000 people.

Among them, there are 220 large islands belonging to the colonies of the Eagle Federation and developed countries in Western Asia. Many countries in the Eagle Federation and Western Asia have established overseas military bases on these islands.

I used some means to obtain the ownership of sixteen large islands. These islands have an area of 100 to 200 square kilometers and a population ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 people.

On these islands your military can establish its own military bases, these are sixteen places.

In addition to these sixteen islands, three African countries, and the Soko Kingdom in the Medieval Region, can provide places to establish military bases. My Deep Blue Mercenary Group also paid a high price to negotiate for these places. right to use.

There are a total of twenty places where military bases can be established. You build yours and I will build mine. However, as a condition, you must take the lead first when encountering problems. There is pressure from the Eagle Federation, the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Ceylon and other countries. You guys carry it.”

Lu Jianlin smiled and pointed at Lu Xingfan when he heard this, and then agreed to Lu Xingfan’s conditions on behalf of the military.

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