My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 565: Hope of the whole village

After Bai Yu returned to Haogang, all his focus was adjusted to heal the wounded. When they got better, they were sent to the Zhenfeng Tower, and a black tower of more than 80 meters was erected at the Tiangongmen site. .

Although everyone is seriously injured, like more than ten beaches of rotten flesh, after Bai Yu reaches the fit period, it can be said that as long as it is not limited by the age, as long as there is a breath, it can be saved. The first to wake up is naturally Ouyang San Sword, with his distraction and cultivation, it is not a difficult method of treatment such as staggered limbs lengthening, but in five or six days, all the rotten flesh will fall off, and the flesh will be regained, or it will not break or stand, and the cultivation base will also be distracted. Late.

"Xiao Yu'er, I'm useless, I didn't save your other masters." Ouyang Sanjian was a grumpy and grumpy man, so he burst into tears.

"Master Five! It's not your fault! You rescued Ruiheng and Shishi. Their two brothers and sisters were unscathed. That's enough. The others... it's fate, our Tiangongmen is not dead yet! We can still Pass on the Taoism!" Bai Yu also cried.

Ouyang Sanjian received his tears and his eyes flushed red: "Yes! Yes! Tiangongmen is not over yet, as long as you are here! Tiangongmen will finally come back! Xiao Yuer! From now on, Tiangongmen will be full of your revival!"

Bai Yu swears: "The disciples will not dare to let the masters expect you!"

Ouyang Sanjian tremblingly took out an object from his storage space. With his distraction in the late stage of cultivation, it was difficult to control his hand. Naturally, it was because of the excitement of his heart: "Xiao Yuer, this is the head of the fourth division and me. ...When the senior brother was protecting them, it was handed to me. I said: "Just start the big formation, like many spirit stones, even if it is an attack?" The head said: "Be prepared for nothing, since I am going to pass the throne to Xiao Baiyu, I want to defend the line. If things are inconsistent, don’t you still have you? Be sure to give this ring of the master to Xiao Baiyu! There are tens of thousands of years of inheritance from my heavenly craftsmanship, and you must not lose it!'"

Bai Yu trembling hands took the ring. He was originally trained by six masters with the idea of ​​the future head of Tiangong, and he knew that this position would belong to him sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be this way, but in any case, he did not push back. And resist the idea.

Ouyang Sanjian stood up and landed on one knee very solemnly: "The 377th disciple of Tiangongmen, Ouyang Sanjian, head of the Jie Xue Academy, see the head."

Bai Yu quickly picked up Ouyang's Three Swords: "Master, the apprentice dare not accept this gift. In the future, please ask Master to help his disciple Zhongxing Tiangongmen more."

Ouyang San Jiandao: "It will definitely live up to the trust of the head."

Bai Yu said: "Fifth Master, you are my master, please don't show great gifts in the future."

Ouyang Sanjian said: "Except today, when the Tiangong disciples have recovered, there will be another kneeling ceremony for your inauguration ceremony. You must accept it. After that, Ouyang will not be a kowtow, so I can kowtow to my apprentice. Well?"

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Now that I have such people in Tiangongmen, what ceremonies will be held?"

Ouyang Sanjian stared at him fiercely and said: "You are the head of Tiangongmen! Tiangongmen is one of the best in the world! Your cultivation level has reached the stage of integration! Who dares to perfunctory? I Ouyang gave him three swords!"

Bai Yu sighed: "Okay, OK, Master Five, I will do what you say."

Ouyang Sanjian only then eased his expression, but in a blink of an eye he was full of grief and screamed up to the sky: "Patriarchs of the generations! Brothers! Brothers! Xiao Yuer is already in fit! The current overhaul! You can look down! His cultivation base has surpassed us! Don’t worry! Now Tiangongmen is scarce, but he will surely let Tiangongmen revive! Soul~return!"

Ouyang Sanjian burst into tears, and Bai Yu also cried, but it was a pity that he didn't come back earlier and couldn't **** the Fourth Master back.

For a long time, Ouyang Sanjian stopped crying and asked, "Xiao Yuer, do you have a plan?"

Bai Yu said blankly: "The disciple's mind is in confusion now, I really don't know what to do."

Ouyang Sanjian said: "The top priority, when Qiaoyin recovers, you can get married with her."

Bai Yu smiled bitterly and said, "How can the disciple feel in the mood to manage the marriage?"

Ouyang Sanjian said: "At this time, you are cultivating in a fit body, which just unifies Tiangong Qiqiao. May I ask any other disciple who can reach the state of fit body in your twenties? I am afraid that no one can compare? You know, you But the hope of the whole Tiangongmen!"

Bai Yu touched his nose and said, "Qiaoyin's cultivation base..."

Ouyang Sanjian said angrily: "Although Qiaoyin is talented, she is still far from your realm. Could it be possible that Kit Kat Hall swallowed my Tiangongmen? Your cultivation base, which dare to let Are you at the bottom? Can you convince the crowd?"

Bai Yu hesitated and said: "It's just that, due to this catastrophe, even my Tiangongmen is on the verge of annihilating the faction, and the Temple of Qiqiao is so different from us..."

Ouyang Sanjian said: "What are you worried about? We have suffered this catastrophe because the formation is connected to the twelve suspended peaks. The rules of the world have changed, leading to the falling of the suspended peaks, the invalidation of the formation and the lack of suspended peaks in the Palace of Chiqiao. It's just a hard top, and it must not be too difficult; it's just that they don't know what their spiritual stone reserves are."

Bai Yu said: "The reserve of spirit stones is not a big problem. Qiaoyin had also allocated some spirit stones in Fu Shi at the beginning. Presumably, the Qiqiao Palace will not be too short of spirit stones."

Ouyang Sanjian said: "After some time, when everyone is healed, we will go to the Kiki Hall, one of them."

Bai Yu said, "Master has any other suggestions?"

Ouyang Sanjian said: "When you think of your master as a brash man who can only wield a sword? It's just that the brothers used to make decisions. I don't like to use my head."

After hearing Ouyang Sanjian's bragging, Bai Yu smiled politely and yet awkwardly.

Ouyang Sanjian said: "I heard Elder Huang said that you saved tens of thousands of people from Qingcheng to the Qingling Sword Sect. This Qingling Sword Sect is just a middle school. Let them join me in the Heavenly Sect. Sword repair... …Hehe, can the sword cultivation method of the Azure Spirit Sword Sect be stronger than mine?"

Bai Yu hesitated: "Disciple...the disciple thinks that someone in the Azure Spirit Sword Sect has a good relationship with me. I am afraid that the annexation is a bit wrong, and my Tiangong Sect is very small now, so I will swallow the elephant like this. Good operation, right?"

Ouyang Sanjian waved his hand: "I see you in this world in the tower, with ample aura, but it can be operated as a sect resident. They are struggling on this Haogang star. Life and death can only be reached by subspace between nights and nights. Are the other worlds bad? But can they manage it? As long as they ask us, they can only choose to merge into my Tiangongmen and want to come to Haogang. There are still many sects who have survived and will all these people. Collect one by one to preserve the blood of Haogang, who can convince the crowd except you?"

Bai Yu suddenly remembered something: "Master, in fact...the disciple has something to do and forgot to report it."

Ouyang Sanjian said: "Apart from my existence, Haogang and Tiangong, what else can I be interested in?"

Bai Yu smiled: "Master, you will definitely be interested, the disciple has a private world!"

Ouyang Sanjian said: "What's the use, just...wait, what did you say?"

Bai Yu pulled out the Great Thousand World from her neck, and said to Ouyang Sanjian: "The disciple got a big thousand world by chance. It's just that this big thousand world will be upgraded to completion, and it needs to evolve slowly. It's just that, under the catalysis of the disciple, It should soon become adapted to the survival of the human race!"

Ouyang Sanjian stared at the beads hanging from the leather in Bai Yu's hands: "Are you afraid that you're not slandering me? This is the Great Thousand World?"

Bai Yu nodded: "Master can put his spiritual thoughts into it and see."

As Bai Yu said, Ouyang Sanjian devoted himself to divine thoughts. After a long time, he retreated and looked at Bai Yu with an incredulous expression. He trembled and said, "This...this...this is too outrageous, how about you? Get this, this great world?"

After he penetrated into his spirit, his eyes were full of silence, but all kinds of unheard and unseen materials were everywhere in the world. At any rate, I saw a lot of materials that I had seen in ancient books, and all the planets were like purgatory. The magma and poisonous gas made him believe that this world is indeed a new world, and no habitable planet has been produced yet, but the aura in this world that is so rich that it almost makes him drunk makes him want to get into it right away. The Great Thousand World Practices well.

But he woke up immediately, possessing an entire world...

Mastering the resources of an entire world, who else is qualified to bargain with Bai Yu? do you have any opinion? Okay, this Haogang world has been unable to fly into the sky. That day the evil demon Cthulhu didn’t know where he was holding it bad, and you couldn’t escape to a better planet for survival. Then die on Haogang star. ! It is estimated that no idiot would really give up the hope of life for the inheritance of some sect. No one can see that at present, it is just struggling for survival on the Haogang star. One day the monks will run out of ammunition. Jue, when the ordinary people can no longer be protected, it is when the blood of Haogang is severed. At that time, if you refuse to accept integration because of some inheritance, you can only wait for death. If Bai Yu does not have the ability to fight against the Mahayana monks, Ouyang Three Swords must let him collect this thing, and it must not be exposed to outsiders, but Mahayana is already the highest combat power in the Great Thousand World. In theory, there are cultivators of Cross Tribulation, but cultivators of Cross Tribulation can only be in one place. Waiting for the fate, how dare you do it at will? I'm afraid that with a little effort, there will be a free random gift from Heaven, so even if there is a monk who is stronger than Bai Yu, under Bai Yu's combat power, you can only say it well, or you can stay here by yourself. Let's go play with Gang Xing.

Ouyang Sanjian was overjoyed, rubbing his hands and said: "Good apprentice... the head! This is the road to heaven. I also said that we have to slowly find opportunities to find another world. Unexpectedly, at this time you have already retreated. It’s all arranged, tsk tsk! Good! Great!"

Bai Yu said: "According to what Master said, in fact...we can sweep away Haogang Star as soon as possible and take everyone away. Besides, there is a God Realm continent in the subspace, and there are many human races on it, although it is a little different from us, But it's not too far away. The merger of the two clans will also be of great benefit to the inheritance of Haogang's bloodline."

Ouyang Sanjian: "Good!"

In the following time, Rao Shi Baiyu tried to stabilize the injuries of everyone. Only Sun Qiaoyin and Lao Huang woke up one after another and repaired their bodies on their own. The others had limited cultivation and could only recover slowly, but they still had to wake up. A lot of time, and Fan Ruiheng and Fan Shishi, the two little guys, after entering the tower, they are well-nourished and properly nurtured. They also slowly grow flesh on their bodies and become lovely, but without their parents, these two little guys are Become a little timid and introverted. Although Bai Yu feels distressed, he can’t do much with this. Fortunately, Ouyang Sanjian completely regards these two little guys as the future of Tiangongmen. Momentum surrounds them, which makes their character a little more cheerful.

After Sun Qiaoyin and Huang Zhai finished repairing their bodies, it has been more than three months, but Bai Yu's heart became heavier and heavier and more frightened. He knew that this was the power of induction from the top monk.

Not Zhou returned to Bai Yu's side.

After Bai Yu stabilized everyone’s injuries, Huayuenu went to pick him back, because Huayuenu and Er Yatou were also very familiar with each other, and Bai Yu had a hardened mouth, but deliberately missed some news, suggesting that Huayue The slave will pick it back accidentally, a creature of life! Can you throw it?

When the second girl saw Bai Yu, she ignored him, and she went into the middle of nowhere. Bai Yu admitted her mistakes and ignored her self-examination. In any case, after Bai Yu finally scolded herself, the second girl showed her head in the rain. .

"Dead Baiyu, you are too much!"

"Yes, yes! I deserved to die and broke the heart of the beautiful and lovely girl sister, I was wrong!"

"You can't fall down!"

"Yes, yes! I am covered with lard, and my own destiny has also fallen. That is to say, I am an idiot who is loyal to you!"

"They kindly advise you! You actually scolded them!"

"Yes yes yes! I will avenge my gratitude! Wolf ambition! Unpredictable! Shameless to ask! Short-sighted! Handsome! Narrow-minded! Cover your ears and steal the bell! Fierce and evil!"

"Bah! Shamelessly ask if and handsome can be on you? Do you think I can't make out a few good words?"

"Yes, yes! Sister girl is too smart, I'm a fool! I'm such a fool, sister girl, I want to mention more!"


In short, if you are angry with your own destiny creation, it is not that it does not hurt your self-esteem to be with your own destiny. But the destiny creation, born as a monk, is nothing awkward and troublesome. Bai Yu's sweet talk and sweet talk, plus the cursing of himself as a dog, it is finally Let the second girl let out a sigh of relief, and this will be considered a reconciliation.

Bai Yu asked Er Yatou to test it, and he found that he could jump higher.

Er Yatou said melancholy: "Bai Yu, the quality of Haogang Star has been reduced by about two-fifths, and the current gravity has become much smaller."

Bai Yu also asked with an ugly expression: "Do you have any guesses?"

The second girl said: "Where did Cthulhu go?"

Bai Yu asked: "Will it be underground? What else is underground besides mud, minerals and magma?"

The second girl said: "I heard you said that Cthulhu aims to destroy the world. Is it doing any bad things down there?"

Bai Yu said: "I don't know, but I always feel that we can't stay at Haogang Star for a long time."

The second girl said: "What should I do?"

Bai Yu said: "I design a large flying machine and go around the entire Haogang world, trying to save people as much as possible."

The second girl said: "Then what?"

Bai Yu said: "Then we go to the subspace and converge on the Continent of God's Domain. Our current resources, even if there are tens of millions of people, can survive on the Continent of God's Domain. After all, in cities like Zhongji City, we can give They provide enough spirit stones, and then we will think about what to do. After all, the human races on the Gods' Domain are also human races. If possible, I want them to melt into the Haogang human race."My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 565 Hope of the Villagers) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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