My Dreams Can Come True

Chapter 566: Alarmist

Haogang Star has become like this, Bai Yu can no longer consider what to re-introduct Haogang Star to find a suitable star, and then merge it into the orbit, which can take most of the survivors away and ensure that the Haogang race will not. Even if the extinction is successful, as for recuperating and regenerating, letting the Haogang tribe slowly regenerate, is something to follow.

At present, the people who have fully recovered include Ouyang Sanjian, Huang Zi, and Sun Qiaoyin. The others are also recovering gradually. They are only injured by high temperature and radiation. It takes a lot of time to fully recover from the conditions when they want to fully recover. Everyone has stabilized their injuries and no longer deteriorates, but the positive development is visible to the naked eye. Even the five people from the Sanctuary Continent have fully recovered their sanity.

Next, Bai Yu concocted as before, refined and manufactured several large aircraft. Because it considered that a large number of ordinary people might be picked up, the aircraft was equipped with a large number of formations for survival, and the Jindan brothers were already there. It has a strong ability to resist the temperature around Baidu below zero, and will not be hurt by the low temperature, but how can ordinary people have this ability? If you don’t consider this point, I’m afraid that these people will freeze into ice sculptures in a few minutes on the ground. For this reason, Bai Yu has also made dozens of boarding bridges and arranged the formations so that ordinary people can be protected. When he came out of the settlement, he was injured by the low temperature.

Everything was ready, and more than ten days passed. Finally, Bai Yu, Ouyang Sanjian, Huang Ze, and Sun Qiaoyin were ready to set off. The newly refined aircraft had a load of 1,000 tons, and Bai Yu placed a mustard seed in it. The formation seems to be only more than 20 meters long, and the entire triangular fuselage is only more than 20 meters wide. However, Bai Yu has a large number of propulsive formations under the tail and belly cloth of the aircraft this time, so the solid mountain talisman is fixed. Superimposed to the limit, the entire aircraft is extremely strong, so there is no need to worry about the lack of structural strength of the fuselage. High-speed flight will cause the fuselage to disintegrate.

These propulsion formations are enough to allow the aircraft to reach 20 times the speed of sound. The entire Haogang planet is dozens of times larger than the earth. The equatorial circumference of Haogang star totals more than 2.4 million kilometers. The maximum perimeter is calculated to fly around the entire Haogang star. It takes about 4 days to circle, but according to the power of Baiyu’s divine mind, a small half of the entire Haogang star is covered by his divine mind. At present, where there are survivors, within the range of his divine mind, he is basically in his heart. There are counts.

The surface temperature of Haogang Star is now about minus Baidu, but there are still monks of Jindan and above looking for resources. Whether it is firewood or other resources, no surviving point has a sect that can be completely self-sufficient, and Bai Yu will still have it. Mark the location of the survivor's activities, and let Er Yatou mark it on the map.

The four aircraft finally rose from the ground and departed in all directions.

Every time you reach a hundred miles, you can see that the aircraft opens the belly compartment, and something the size of a bucket falls from the aircraft. This is an item that keeps the signal in contact. Since the Haogang Star Law was chaotic, the previous messenger talisman has long been unable to take effect. , Even the communication network built by Tiangongmen was destroyed by the power of the explosion of the sun and stars. In desperation, Bai Yu had to refine a number of information transmission nodes. In the words of the earth, they were base stations and relay stations to facilitate four aircraft. Being able to keep in touch is only the lack of the central processing machine of Kaitian. The mathematics of these information data can only be replaced by faults. Fortunately, the processing power of faults can be completely improved after several major improvements.

In Baiyu’s Divine Mind, the first monk to go out was about 2,200 miles northeast of the Tiangongmen site. According to Eryatou’s record in the ancient book "Haogang Zongmen Kao", there was a It is estimated that the formation of formations is the main inheritance of the sect. It is estimated that it has taken a big advantage in this regard. When Bai Yu arrived, he discovered that the mountain gate here was basically in a nearly intact state. Bai Yu couldn't help but sigh. , A big faction like Tiangongmen has a profound background, a greater chance of survival, and a higher chance of survival. As a result, who knows that there is an undercover from the demon clan at a key position. This undercover agent is also good enough, Tiangongmen Unexpectedly, I was really taken advantage of by Xiao Xiaosuo, and almost destroyed the door!

Seeing a huge creation flying in the sky, slowly falling, the entire Heluo Sect was like a great enemy. Amidst the White Feather Spiritual Mind, a large number of monks appeared in the formation and stood at a key position.

"Which sect master is outside! What's the point of coming to my Heluo Sect?" a monk in the Yuan Ying stage asked boldly.

Bai Yu opened the cabin and said, "Bai Yu, Tiangongmen of Poor Dao, we have found a whole new world. Are you fellow Daoists of Heluo Zong willing to leave with us?"

How can the monk of the Yuanying stage believe: "The poor Dao only heard that Tiangongmen is one of the best schools in the world, and the head is highly respected, but it is the old You Dao Quanzhen. It seems that the Taoist is not very young. ..."

This meaning is very obvious, you look so young, you can be the master of heavenly craftsmanship.

Bai Yu suddenly released the aura of a fit cultivator, and suddenly, the heavy snow in the sky suddenly fell, and then it slowly fell.

The defensive formation shook in bursts, Bai Yu stretched out his hand, and the ring on his hand suddenly glowed, casting an image of the word Tiangong, and slowly withdrew his momentum.

"Looks... as if it were real?"

"Have you seen it really?"

"Uh, I haven't seen it"

"But his cultivation is so high, he wouldn't lie to us? What good is it to lie to us?"

"If there really is a whole new world, it would be better to move there than to suffer in Haogang."

"What time is it now? We are short of everything. We are almost unable to support ourselves. These wild cultivators must be even more short of resources. If he is going to deceive the formation..."

"How high is his cultivation base? Isn't he distracted?"

"It's not like we haven't seen the distracted monk. Doesn't it seem to be as good as him?"

Seeing the monks of the Heluo Sect, Bai Yu kept talking, and I was a little impatient: "What do you fellow Daoists do? If you can find a place to talk, Pang Dao won't stay here for a while. He left, and never returned to Haogang."

"Why don't you let the leader come forward?"

"No, I'm already here." It was Chu Zhonghang, the Sect Master of Heluo Sect who was speaking.

"The opposite is Tiangong's head friend Bai Daoist?" Chu Zhonghang asked with some caution.

"Yes, it's the poor way. Sovereign Chu only needs to say yes or no, and Bai will never be entangled." Bai Yu said, "Haogang Zongmen Kao" is updated in real time, so the name of the contemporary Sovereign is also recorded on it. He broke his last name.

Chu Zhonghang was secretly surprised that Bai Yu knew about him, but still wanted to ask: "This is a big deal, why don't Fellow Daoist Bai talk about the future of the dragon?"

Bai Yu said patiently: "Haogang Star is already uninhabitable, and there is a major change underground. If you want to come here, you can also feel that the gravity of Haogang Star has been much smaller recently, and you can jump higher. Something is devouring Haogang. Xing, Tiangongmen found a passage, but it can go straight to another great world, both of the Haogang bloodline. Tiangongmen does not want to enjoy this life alone, so he came out to pick up the survivors on Haogang. What does Sect Master Chu think?"

Chu Zhonghang thought that this world could have a free lunch? He opened his mouth and said, "White Sovereign, what are the conditions for Tiangongmen to give us this line of life?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "If I don't say the conditions, Sovereign Chu will definitely not believe it. Tiangongmen hopes that when you arrive in the new world, you will merge into my Tiangongmen!"

Chu Zhonghang sneered in his heart, and he had been fighting for a long time because he came to annex Heluo faction? Anyway, the Luo school is also a middle school. Even before the disaster, it guaranteed the inheritance of its own sect, and never attached to any major school. The disciples of these major schools are really dark in heart, do they take advantage of the fire? When the time comes, I will be tricked into getting on the thief boat and I will not be able to help Luozong! This person seems to have a very high level of cultivation, but he has a defensive formation to rely on, and the whole family is here, is it really afraid of him?

Thinking of this, Chu Zhonghang said: "Thank you for the kindness of the head of the school, but since I took over as the head of the school, I have been conscientious and dare not let the inheritance be broken in my hands. As for, what has changed in the underground..."

Bai Yuji said: "Farewell!"

"...So, I'm afraid it's the head of Bai's guess..." Before Chu Zhonghang finished speaking, he saw that Bai Yu had jumped into the aircraft, his face was ugly: this servant is too rude! What conditions can be discussed, why did you leave? How dare he just leave like this?

Chu Zhonghang, who felt that the dignity of his head had been violated, was discouraged in a blink of an eye. This man has a very high cultivation base. Who would dare to attack him? Seeing Bai Yu flying away in the aircraft, Chu Zhonghang was a little flustered again? Why did he leave without arguing? Still in a hurry?

Could it be that what he said is true? Could it be that he slapped a shot, in fact, he has arranged some other means, ready to wait for us to relax, then shot at us?

Bai Yu’s voice came from above: "My words stop here. Haogang is already dead. Two days later, I will receive the survivors of Haogang in the distance and come here again. If you want to stay here and wait for death, it’s up to you. Willingness."

When the complete news of the aircraft was in the spiritual thoughts of the Heluo Zong cultivator, Chu Zhonghang couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and then another discussion came from the clerks:

"This...I'm afraid it's not true? I think the aura has become much stronger recently than before. How could it be dead?"

"But that person didn't want to say more and left, I'm afraid...I really want to annex my Heluo Sect, I have to use some means to entangle him?"

"If it's really as he said, what the **** is there in the ground..."

"Head! Head! What should we do?"

Chu Zhonghang was also very contradictory. It seemed that the young man in Gongmen looked too alarmist that day, but his appearance that he didn't even want to explain more was not like the way he took over and annexed the foundation of Heluo Zong by accident.

But the problem is that apart from a few respectable elders and a few ancestors who are about to die because of their lifespan in Heluo Zong, they can basically be regarded as eloquent. Incorporating into his Tiangongmen will definitely only be powerful. Although he won't be reduced to an ordinary doorman, at least he won't be as free as he is now.

However, if Haogang Star really became a dead place, wouldn't He Luozong also cut off the inheritance?

"Why panic? That fellow Daoist Bai has two days to come back. I will discuss with the elders and ancestors in the door! The cultivation has gone to the dog's belly? As a monk, don't be surprised. Yes!" Chu Zhonghang scolded. My dream can come true latest chapter address: dream can come true Full text reading address: dream can come true. txt download address: dreams can come true Mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 566 Alarmism) reading record, and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "My Dreams Can Come True", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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