System, if I used this Hex Bomb, would me and Florin get cursed as well?
That's comforting to know.

There were no windows inside here, and I assumed that we were probably in the basement as the air was stale and humid.

I didn't know the house's layout, and the inhabitants here mostly have their ATP nearing the hundreds. Their ATP was a little higher than the inhabitants in Euclid Village from before.

Though I could easily kill them now, I would have a problem if they came at me in groups of five.

But with the help of Florin and Minion 0, we could probably finish their numbers. Though the same couldn't be said about ten to twenty soldiers.

I turned the knob off the door. It wasn't lock, and there weren't any guards guarding the exit.

They probably put their confidence in that guy from before.
By the way, I've been meaning to ask . . . do inhabitants level up as well?

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