My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 146: 300,000 credits

Going back to the house, Meng Fan screened out the chat records of the seven dockers today, and transmitted them to the live broadcast aid along with the information, and then took out the computer, iPad, and turned on the TV. In the past, the virtual screens of live aids, black technology headsets and even black technology running shoes were also used.

For a time, this living room became the battle room of a spaceship in the future, full of screens and virtual screens, full of technology.

In such an environment, Meng Fan’s S2 property is directly exploding!

After playing for ten minutes, Meng Fan was calmed down and began to carefully organize and arrange the content.

Up to now, Meng Fan has gradually adapted to the virtual projection of these black technology products. It is not as uncomfortable as watching the eyes for a long time.

Black technology products, especially the live broadcast aids, have the same good function, that is, they have certain artificial intelligence, which is very helpful for helping Meng Fan extract effective information from so many contents including conversations, materials, videos, pictures, etc. of.

In addition, Qin Hao helped us to pick up a total of eight sets of hand-painted posters. After Meng Fan finished finishing it, he arranged them according to the order of delivery, and then tried to put the styles closer together, and then started the first. Two combs and abstracts.

After the second pass, Meng Fan selected the latest set of hand-painted posters to be painted, and then went to the study with black technology products. The virtual projection of the headphones was placed in the place where Meng Fan looked up. The live aid continued to rely on artificial intelligence. Help Meng Fan to analyze and extract the rest of the content.

Although, Meng Fan can be sure that he will be able to pass his own painting skills, and he will definitely be able to pass it on the side of Party A, but after all, it is the first batch of customers, and it is also collecting money, so it still has to be treated seriously.

These eight groups of posters have a lot of money, and the first batch has done a good job. If there is a change in the first batch, then a few more batches will be able to complete the task of [Fallen Boys] by himself. In general, even if there is no system task reward, the sense of accomplishment is also very strong.

Of course, the sense of accomplishment is stronger, and the **** attribute of the lucky +1 is also weaker.

The first group to start is a propaganda poster for a TV series. This TV series was adapted from a web novel. It is just one of the few historical webs that Meng Fan has seen. It is the legendary story of the six doors of a small prison head that entered the Ming Dynasty officialdom.

Meng Fan took a look at the main lineup. To tell the truth is very general. There are several people in the starring role who don’t know each other, but there is a little surprise in the next pull. There are even a dozen old bones who participated in the show. Some of the stills, videos, etc., the production is still quite good.

The facts prove that Meng Fan's eyesight is still there. After the drama was on the line, the word-of-mouth was excellent. It was a clear stream in the adaptation of the male-fiction novel. It is a pity that the crew is a bit poor, and the propaganda relies entirely on running water.

The most important reason for choosing to start from this group is familiarity. Combining these stills and videos and related materials, Meng Fan’s mind has also revealed a lot of novels that I have seen before.

When docking, Party A said that the scriptwriter of this drama is the original author. The character of the plot character, the main line and other original works are extremely high, so Meng Fan can also combine his own impression and understanding of the novel. Existing materials are created.

The black technology virtual projection moment will project the materials and contents that Meng Fan needs. Meng Fan can see it with a picture and it is very convenient. This also improves Meng Fan's efficiency to some extent.

The group requested by the crew is 10 pieces. Although Meng Fan has finished painting 10 chapters, it is certainly enough. However, because of the relationship between the original powder and the original one, two more paintings have been made.

Although this is the least money given in the eight groups.

Twelve, before and after painting for three hours, four hours an hour, and all of them are of high quality, but the speed can be compared with the simple illustration before painting, showing the changes brought by the painting super god.

Take a break, eat something, and continue to paint.

The second group is a film with low cost. The content of the speech is also related to the Ming Dynasty. The main lineup is still a success. The male starring is an actor that Meng Fan likes. As for the quality of the whole movie, tell the truth. From the information on hand, it is very general, at least in Meng Fan's view.

But regardless of the quality, the quality of the hand-painted posters that Meng Fan gave is definitely not bad.

A group of eight, Meng Fan also painted only eight.

More than two o'clock after the completion, these 20 posters are still very expensive for Meng Fan, so the drowsiness will come directly.

In the next two days, in addition to the two basketball games, Meng Fan almost painted posters at home, and had three classes, all of which were taken off.

Another afternoon, the animation department ushered in the last opponent of Group A. It was also the most difficult part of the A group, the art history department of the Art and Humanities College. This is the hot spot for this year.

At the beginning of the game, the two teams played hard to understand. In fifteen minutes, the art history department barely opened the gap of 3 points. Before the end of the first half, it was only a gap of 6 points.

In the second half, everyone thought that Meng Fan would start to force the rim, but he didn't even play on the court.

In the end, the animation of this game was lost with a score of fifteen points, and at the same time advanced to the final four in the second group.

According to the president of the Aning, it is ok to enter the semi-finals, and if the group enters the second, it is the industrial design department that has already determined the first group B, rather than the more powerful sculpture system. .

The key is to hide the strength.

For this, Meng Fan is turning his eyes and saying that you know my strength is the same!

As usual, I did not go to run. I went back home and checked all the eight posters that had been completed. After confirming that there was no problem, I sent a message to the dockers of the eight crews.

Then just wait.

Although Ming knows that he will be able to pass the trial, Meng Fan is still a little nervous, which seems to him to be the first time to make money.

Before this Meng Fan earnestly earned money, fearing that it was going to be traced back to the childhood when he took the pistachio shell and Meng Caihui said that the beautiful little shell brought by the seaside had cheated her lucky money.

It took about ten minutes. The first crew had the rest of the money to Meng Fan. At the same time, he told Meng Fan that he was very satisfied with the crew. He also expressed his gratitude and expressed his willingness to cooperate again. .

Soon after the second crew, the third...about three hours before and after, the eight crews gave the rest to Meng Fan, all over the trial, no one was in arrears.

Counting the previous advance payment, these eight sets of posters brought a total of 305,000 credits to Meng Fan!

The most two of them are 60,000 and 50,000, and the rest are two 40,000, three 30,000, and the least two are also 25,000.

There are fifteen and a small number of eight, and most of them are ten, and the average is counted. One poster is three thousand up.

More realistically, this price is not the top one.

However, Meng Fan, who has been working in the general studio for a month or more, has been exaggerating for more than three days. ()

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