My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 147: Turn off the headlights

More than 300,000 in three days, Meng Fan is very satisfied with the speed of making money. It is not comparable with the top presence in this industry, but it is enough for most practitioners. Free serial novel reading network

Of course, with Meng Fan's painting skills, these 300,000 are not too much to say, and they are winning with quantity and a little shame.

But in any case, happiness is definitely very happy, this happy, hey, the stomach is called, look at the time, more than 6 o'clock, it is indeed time to eat dinner.

I called Chen Daqiang and others and thought that I would like to ask them to have a good meal today. I didn’t expect to say that they were already outside. I only knew when I asked them to meet my girlfriend on Friday. went.

This makes people a little embarrassed!

Suddenly thought... I gave a call to Wu Tong and asked her if she had dinner. Wu Tong’s answer was very simple and she ate.

He quickly said with a smile: "However, you can eat a little more."

Ten minutes later, the two met at the school gate and appeared in a restaurant on the fifth floor of a nearby shopping mall ten minutes later.

"You have been busy lately?"

After Wu Tong took a few mouthfuls, he stopped and looked at Meng Fan’s devouring eating method, then took a sip of juice and asked.

"These days are busy enough. I picked up some hand-painted posters and I will get it all before I call you." Meng Fan slowed down the speed of eating a little, and he looked a little excited. He said, "I still earn a lot of money." ""

"Are you not currently serializing comics? How do you still pick up hand-painted posters?"

Meng Fan's cartoon Wu Tong has seen it. Although she is not learning comics, she also knows the difficulty of comic creation. Even if it is adapted, it takes a lot of time. She knows that Meng Fan is serializing two comics and updating them. There are a lot of them, and I can’t help but be curious. I ask, “Two comics are serialized, you still pick up the hand, how fast is your hand speed?”

"It's still a good thing. I can get two or three days of update of the two comics. I can't find something to send and send in the rest of the time." Meng Fan's statement is still modest, it is not concealing, but one day. The four words are really exaggerated.

"You are really busy enough, is time enough?"

"This is not to become a better self!"

"...I should say cheering at this time?"

"Haha said anything!"

In the pleasant chat, some of the cockroaches that were not mentioned in the day after the sudden confession seem to be slowly being eliminated.

After eating, Meng Fan proposed to go to the movies, Wu Tong did not hesitate to respond.

If you don’t watch a movie, what do you want to eat here? The food here is really delicious at the waterfront restaurant at the school gate.

After watching the movie, the two went out of the mall, did not stop the car, but blew the night wind and walked back.

Nearly in November, Hangzhou City is still a little cold, and the jacket that Meng Fante wears is put to use. Otherwise, although the fat thickness has recently decreased, the body is also strong, and the weather is not wearing a coat. .

Meng Fan's coat is quite big for Wu Tong, who is one meter and seven meters. He wears a coat like Wu Tong and looks like a bloated, but not too cute in Meng Fan's eyes!

The two chatted about the sky, the wind came very honest and only took the laughter away, and did not blow the content of the words... Well, the atmosphere is very good, when the school is near, the atmosphere has been broken.

At the corner, there was a car waiting on the side of the road. The car did not turn on the double flash, but instead turned on the headlights.

Meng Fan and the two saw two people coming across the car. One of them approached the car and knocked on the window, letting the people in his car turn off the headlights.

The window shook down, and there was a pretty loud voice inside it: "Is it related to you?"

"I said let you turn off the headlights!"

"I said that it has something to do with you?"

So they called a few words across the door. Then, Meng Fan and Wu Tong saw that the person outside the car reached into the car and pulled the person inside out of the window and got started. It’s just a meal.

"Can't understand people? Is it closed?"

Outside the car, it didn't look strong, but the buddy who started the game was stunned. The people in the car finally turned off the headlights honestly, and then they left with the little friends around them.

After Meng Fan and Wu Tong were around, they still had a hard time, and Meng Fan looked at it: "Look at what you see, don't look at you big, just change it to be you, and I take care of it. We are a civilized city." Must tell civilization to know no!"

What can Meng Fan say, give a compliment: "Big Brother, you are right!"

The little friends around him quickly pulled him away. Didn't see that this arm is thicker than your thighs, how can this cow not come down?

Wu Tong smiled on the side.

After they walked through the car, they both stunned. The people in the car looked okay, and there was no nose and swelling. It was obvious that the buddies were left with a measure. Therefore, both Meng Fan and Wu Tong recognized it at a glance. It is Hu Tingsong!

However, Hu Tingsong in the car has been glaring at the mirror to see if he has broken the phase, and did not see Meng Fan and Wu Tong.

After Meng Fan and Wu Tong saw Hu Tingsong, they looked at each other and saw nothing.

After walking a few steps, I saw a girl walking quickly from the school gate, with special exquisite makeup and decent clothes, and Meng Fan Wu Tong took a face, squatted, face Full of smiles nodded and said hello, then faster to the Hu Tingsong BMW.

I was afraid that Wu Tong couldn’t hear it, and raised the volume. Hu Tingsong, who was facing the car outside the car door, said sweetly: "Dear, I have kept you waiting."

This is the other side to drive in and sit in.

Wu Tong didn't deliberately avoid it, but she calmly and helplessly shrugged her shoulders. Of course she knew that the girl was specifically told to her. She also knew that there were quite a lot of girls in the school because Hu Tingsong regarded her as a rival. .

Meng Fan also learned to shrug his shoulders. When he was in the micro-horse, he did not regard Hu Tingsong as an opponent of the grade. However, he did not expect that the opponent had actually delisted himself, and he felt quite amazing.

When I arrived at the school gate, this time was less than the time when the door was banned. Therefore, when the doorman saw Meng Fan, he also gave a look that he could not help, and made Meng Fan quite embarrassed. Grandpa, the last time you freckled, you really misunderstood, this time... I think I don’t have time to think about it, and then you will use it in a few minutes.

As for whether the uncle saw that the girls were not the same twice before, Meng Fan would not know.

Wu Tong was sent to the girl dormitory, Meng Fan also returned to the boys dormitory, not ready to go to the house tonight back to the bedroom, Xing Tie song came back, Zhang also came back However, Chen Daqiang did not come back, and at this point in time, it is basically difficult to come back.

Taking advantage of the time, after the point, Xing Tsai said: "Before, Daqiang is really more than your cattle!"

Meng Fan agreed with this.

Zhang continued to play the game silently.

The time soon reached 11:55, Meng Fan's mobile alarm clock rang, and at first glance, Meng Fan stunned, this is a reminder that he set up in the mobile phone before he was born again - A silver Brother birthday.

This Ayin brother is not a relative of Meng Fan, not a classmate or a playmate who grew up from a young age, but a friend who is quite meaningful to him.

"A silver brother, happy birthday!"

After waiting for the zero point, Meng Fan sent him a blessing and transferred a sum of money: "This is your salary for one year. Please come to the rest of the year for the rest of the year. I really want to see what you said last time. That story is written!"

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