My Star Teacher

Chapter 457: [Preparing for military training]

Yeguang also saw their little emotions, said. "You guys, when you signed the contract, you did n’t want to participate in military training. So, it ’s okay to choose whether you want to go or not. If you do n’t want to go, it ’s okay. Let ’s get together and terminate the contract. The entertainment club will give you a compensation based on 100% of the signing of the contract. You can find our manager Jiang for specific matters. "

The twisted melon is not sweet. If anyone does not want to go, the night light is not forced, so get together and relax, everyone may have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

After the day of the conference, some actors were really gone, some because of time, military training for two months, not to mention hardships, which is equivalent to an extra two months of filming period, ordinary supporting actors, drama Many, but also have to participate in military training, after calculating this account, I feel that I ca n’t make it, and I do n’t want to go.

The other thing is simply the pain of not wanting to go to military training. Military training or whatever, most of them have a little pediatric experience when they go to school. At that time, I felt tired and panic, let alone two months now, What's more, it's the same thing.

Some actors have gone, but fortunately, they have little influence. They are all supporting actors. It is not easy to hire a large bowl in China, but please write a supporting actress in a dragon set. Don't be too simple.

The next day, Jiang Xin contacted the artist to fill the staff gap, and explained in advance that because of shooting requirements, military training for at least two months was required before shooting.

The main actor is actually just a dozen people, and the running group still accounts for half of it. The brothers' support for Ye Guang cannot be said. The military training is a bit bitter, but in the entertainment industry for so many years, everyone is still suffering. Bearable.

Speaking of them, except for Xu Chen, who was considered an idol before, most of the other stars had suffered a lot and came over.

Oh, and He Xing. His main business is a singer. During this time, he was making movies and TV. It seemed to be a bit unworkable.

He Xing's physique is also relatively majestic, but usually because of lack of exercise, he is a bit fat. He Xing does not reject military training, but jokes, "No military training, just right, I can't make up my mind to lose weight. Right now I'm taking advantage , Cut this fat down! "

Zhong Jing feels indifferent. He is the most burly among his brothers. He was still an athlete. Training is not easier than military training. Now he insists on training every day.

In fact, Liu Tianwang did not need military training. In the failed shooting of that day, most of the actors were not qualified. However, Liu Tianwang was one of the few qualified.

King Liu Tian has never been a soldier, but for so many years, he has also filmed a lot of movies and TVs, such as fighting in the military. Therefore, because of filming, I have experienced months of life in the army. The movement he did was quite standard.

On the third day after the crew disbanded, Luminous convened a group of artists again.

"The matter of military training has been implemented." Yeguang looked at those present. "Even more people here have different plays, so the content and time of military training are also slightly different. I have initially divided into two groups. Let's read it. If you have any questions, please pull. "

"In the first group, the military training lasts for one month. After the military training, it is required to master the military posture, military salute, and a series of basic movements of the soldiers. In the first group, we have discussed with the Cultural Regiment, and the Cultural Regiment will send two instructors to conduct a training session for everyone. Military training for the month, members of the first group are: Maori, Zhou Tao ... "

Ye Guang read a list. These people belong to the kind of masters who say no more and no less. Ye Guang considered that if they were taken to military training for two months, they were not really necessary. They You only need to master the basic movements, and it is enough to be able to get on the shooting requirements. After all, military training is a hard job. Luminous thought, if you can not toss others, you will not toss others.

"The second group, the military training lasts two months. This group will directly enter the army and receive the same training subjects as the army. I do n’t know about the troop establishment at that time. Comrades from the military region will come to arrange it. Uranus, Xu Chen, He Xing, Sapphire ... "

This group belongs to the main actor. Liu Tianwang He Xing and others are listed, but in the end, everyone didn't hear Yeguang read his name.

Xu Chen asked, "Oh, Xiao Ye, I don't have you? Don't you want to be lazy yourself?"

Sapphire, "Yeah, Xiao Ye, what's your name? Forgotten?"

Ye Guang smiled and said, "I belong to the third group."

"A third group?" Liu Tianwang asked.

Luminous, "The third group is just me, and I will be trained by the real special forces."

"Special forces?"

"Xiao Ye, are you crazy? We are filming, not really!" Zhong Jing said.

He Xing also said, "Although the name of our show is special forces, there is no need to actually go to special forces for training, right?"

Sapphire. "Small night, you can join the army with us. Why do you go alone? How lonely, special forces, that's not a joke, maybe something will happen."

Luminous waved and smiled, "Say, it's okay, just right, I can also personally feel what the real special forces look like, which will also help our future TV shooting."

King Liu Tian, ​​"Xiao Ye, since you can do training for special forces ~ ~ then see if there is no problem, you go and see for a few days, you do n’t know everything, there is no need to go by yourself Be trained. "

Xu Chen, "This is really not a joke. I don't know how to train special forces, but it must be much better than the general forces. You haven't been a soldier. So if you are trained, you won't get any problems."

Ye Guang also smiled bitterly, then shook his head and said, "Okay, don't persuade me, this has already been settled, and the specific reason, I'll tell you later, let's do it now, and let it go."

The crowd dispersed one after another, Liu Tianwang He Xing and others were still sitting, and there were many people in the past and many people in the luminous field. It is inconvenient to say why. Everyone has gone now, and everyone started asking questions again.

King Liu Tian, ​​"Xiao Ye, is there any other reason?"

Ye Guang laughed bitterly, and said with a sad face, "You think I want to go. I experienced military training when I was in college, and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I'm a lazy bone, and I'll deliberately go to nothing to find abuse.

Xu Chen, "Then why?"

Ye Guang sighed, "Hey, your wife is making trouble at home."

Sapphire, "Chi Yan?"

Luminous, "Ang, her grandpa had to let me go and killed me if he didn't want to. What can I do? I'm helpless!"

It ’s not Ye Guang ’s own intention to go to special forces training. He just made a show. There is really no need to go to that kind of place for training and abuse. At most, he enters an ordinary army. Like Liu Tianwang, they train for two months. , The other side is more than enough to shoot.

This is, by all accounts, a coincidence.

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