My Star Teacher

Chapter 458: [Special Forces Military Training]


in the afternoon.

Luminous and Liu Chiyan accidentally received a call.

Uncle Wu called.

In fact, it can be said that the old man called.

The old man asked Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan why he had n’t seen Yiyi for so long. Some thought that his granddaughter was more important than his granddaughter, so he called and asked Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan to sit with him.

Ye Guang said on the phone, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm busy this time, I didn't go to see you. After a while, I was busy. I took Chi Yan and Yiyi to see your elderly for the first time."

Grandpa Liu was unhappy immediately when he heard it. "What time has passed? What are you busy? Come and see if I have no time for this old man? Is it that I am old and I do n’t want to be seen?"

Yeguang said quickly, "Grandpa, no, no, how can you not invite people to see you? I like to chat with you and listen to the story of your army. This is not because I was influenced by you. I am going to make a film now. A TV series about troops. "

When the old man heard this, he became interested, "Oh, filming a troop drama? Okay, okay, okay, this is good, good granddaughter, take a good shot, grandpa likes this kind of drama, right, granddaughter, which battle did you shoot , That troop fight? Don't you fight a devil? "

Luminous, "Grandpa, it's not a battle scene. I'm shooting modern troops, special forces. No, I'm going to go to military training for two months in the army. After training, can I shoot soldiers' style, you say Is it grandpa? "

Grandpa Liu nodded with a smile on the phone. "Yeah, yes, to shoot our soldiers. So, aren't you going to the army for training? Grandpa will find you a troop for you to train."

Luminous froze, and then refused, "Grandpa, no need, I have already contacted here, just at the army training in the East China Military Region, no need to trouble grandpa."

Grandpa, "No trouble, no trouble, you have called me Grandpa for so long. Grandpa has never done anything for you. Grandpa has done it for you! Besides, you can just find a troop training, two months can What's the point of training? It's all empty shelves, aren't you shooting special forces, then Grandpa will find you a special force! "

Speaking, Yeguang heard Grandpa Liu shouting Uncle Wu over there, "Have a son, have a son, come here and do something for me."

Luminous froze on the phone, what? Looking for a special force? My grandfather, you are really my grandfather. If you don't like me to say so, why? Throw your granddaughter into the special forces, can you still come back alive?

Ye Guang is a little bit blamed for talking too much, why do you have to say this to your father? This time is good.

This cannot be promised. If we really promise it, our small lives may not be able to be saved. Let people who have never been soldiers in this day go to special forces training, then we must not explain where they are!

Therefore, Luminous decisively and politely refused.

"Grandpa, grandpa, don't worry, this special force training is really unnecessary. I don't need to worry about it. Where do you need to worry about? I think ordinary troops are just fine."

Grandpa Liu, "No, that's not enough. Ordinary troops can't learn anything for two months. They are all empty shelves."

Luminous, "Grandpa, I'm just for filming, I don't need to learn anything, a little empty shelf is enough, just look like it's OK."

Grandpa Liu did not agree to see Yeguang, and he was already staring at the other side of the phone. "No! My granddaughter, how can you go out to the army just by learning some empty shelves? No, definitely not, if this is known, You must not laugh at me. As a soldier of my life, my granddaughter is still empty and shameful! "

Luminous, "Without grandpa, I am your granddaughter's uncle, but I am not a soldier. I just shot a movie. It is normal not to be a soldier. You can rest assured that no one will laugh at you."

Grandpa Liu was angry when he saw Yeguang's life and death, "What are you doing, monkey cub! What a mess? Grandpa doesn't listen?"

Luminous, "Grandpa, no, it's not because of me ..."

"Because? Nothing because! You just have to go to me! You have to go if you don't! And, I told you, if you can't get a qualified result, you will continue to train in the army, until when When will the training pass out? "Grandpa Liu said angrily.

Ye Guang's face looked bitter, like Liu Chi Yan around for help.

For the grandfather, Liu Chiyan had no choice but to let Luminous take his own life and ask for blessing, shrugging his shoulders, Liu Chiyan shook his hands and expressed helplessness.

Liu Chiyan was unable to point, Ye Guang was thinking for his own life, and he really did not want to go to any special forces, so he insisted in the anger of Grandpa, "Grandpa, let's discuss it again, OK? I call your grandpa I am your granddaughter. You should know more about special forces training than you. Do n’t let me go. Just like me, you may not be able to come back to see you. ”

"Miscellaneous account!" The old man gasped, "Nothing! Manly husband, you ca n’t afford this bitterness? You ’re not a trainee, you ca n’t beat any strongman, you ’ll be eaten to death by this bitterness? I tell You, I ’ll give you the words today. You have to go to this special force. You have to go if you do n’t. If you do n’t, you do n’t want to be able to come back to see me. you."

Luminous, "..."

Yeguang is okay. Grandpa Liu has already taken the scales and iron heart. Yeguang feels that if he still ca n’t persist, then Grandpa Liu will only have two ways. One is to tie him directly, the other is He really sucked him to death.

In this regard, Luminous has no doubt.

As a result, the matter of Ye Guangjin's special forces training was settled.

Helplessly, Ye Guangguang, who was defeated, hung up the phone ~ ~ and sighed, worried about his future.

Liu Chiyan, "Really?"

Luminous rubbed her temples and gave her a white look, saying, "What are you talking about?"

Liu Chi smoked his tongue out and said, "I dare not talk back to Grandpa."

Luminous, "Then you have the heart to watch your husband go to the special forces to suffer? Be careful you become a widow."

Liu Chiyan glared at him, "What are you talking about! Special forces are special forces, what's so great, Uncle Wu originally brought special forces, my brother was also special forces before, and they didn't think what was going on. Isn't it all good? "

Luminous, "Your heart is really big, can it be the same, they are veterans oil, usually used to training, my lazy bones, usually you are too lazy to lift the leg, can you compare with them? ? "

Liu Chiyan grinned, held Nocco's arm to his chest, leaned on his shoulder, and said, "Don't be arrogant, you are very good."

Ye Guang's arm felt a soft touch, and he turned to look at the whiteness that was spilled out because of the squeeze. Some hearts swallowed, saying, "No, I'm going to suffer soon, I have to eat full."

Liu Chiyan, "Then I'll cook! Get you a table!"

Said that Liu Chiyan was about to get up, but was caught by Luminous and flung to the bed.

"I am talking about you."

"Rogue, it's daytime now."

"who cares!"

In the afternoon of the blue sky, Yeguang became a wolf.

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