Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 34: Inside the Imperial Court (this

One of the two human-shaped skeletons was no more than 1.9 meters, and the other was no more than 1.8 meters. They looked ordinary, but they brought an unimaginable impact to Igna who was following the team.

"This, this is not the corpse of a giant... This definitely belongs to a human... The parents of the giant king Olmir are human?"

Not long ago, he accepted the knowledge that the ancient **** Almir was the king of giants, and firmly believed that there was such a king in this world to rule the giants.

At this moment, his worldview was overturned.

How can a giant's parents be normal humans!

Ignatius' pupils suddenly dilated, as if he wanted to see more clearly.

But no matter how he observed or examined, it was difficult to find the characteristics of giants from the two gray and white skeletons: their limbs were in normal proportions, their skulls had two eye sockets, and they were definitely not underage giants!

Due to his lack of knowledge, it is difficult for Igna to make any judgments, but he just feels that the world may be more complicated than he knows.

At this time, Colin the Demon Hunter led Lovia, Derrick and the others to the front of the stele and saw the corpses in the tomb.

They also fell into an indescribable silence, and no one spoke for a while.

Finally, Joshua, wearing red gloves, hesitated and asked, "Are these the giant king's parents?"

In the eyes of the "Knight of Dawn" from the City of Silver, the height of the two corpses really didn't look like giants, and they couldn't even compare to when he was an adult.

If it is a young giant, the proportions of the body and the facial features do not match.

Joshua's question echoed around, but no one answered for a while.

After several seconds, Colin the Demon Hunter said slowly, "That's why it's a secret."

He did not mention his own thoughts and guesses.

"...Does this mean that the giant is actually a branch of mankind, a differentiation brought about by the mutation of Beyonder characteristics?" Antirna, with wine-red hair, said thoughtfully after hearing the words.

"Perhaps." "Demon Hunter" Colin responded briefly.

The members of the Silver City Exploration Team fell silent again.

At this time, Colin the Demon Hunter looked around and said, "Take two or three people as a group and search the surrounding area to see if there is anything else to gain."

Everyone in the exploration team came back to their senses, and began to explore cautiously according to the chief's instructions.

Unfortunately, this "decayed forest" has nothing of value except trees, stone tablets and tombs.

Without further delay, Derrick and Heinem exchanged the sealed items on their bodies to prevent their own Beyonder characteristics from being discharged by the "No Dark Cross".

Then, they followed Colin the Demon Hunter, walked out of the Decaying Forest, bypassed a boulder protruding from the mountain wall, and found the huge cave that was 30 meters high.

Outside the cave, there was originally a stone tablet, but at this time it was crushed and collapsed, and weeds grew.

In the orange-red twilight light, there is an indescribable sense of decay and decay.

Entering the cave, the Silver City exploration team walked along the weathered stone slabs and the peeled off murals, walking among the withered grass and rough gravel, and explored with great vigilance.

With every step they take, they feel that life is fading and the water is constantly running away.

After an unknown amount of time, the Silver City exploration team finally saw an open gray-blue door.

On both sides of the door, there are pieces of iron-black fragments scattered, which seem to belong to some kind of armor.

"There should be guards here." "Demon Hunter" Colin said briefly, took out the bottle of potion, and Gulu drank it.

His light blue eyes were quickly dyed with a layer of dark yellow, and two complex symbols of dark green were highlighted in the pupils.

After carefully observing the gray-blue door for a while, he nodded and walked into the dark hall.

Everyone passed the gate, and when they came inside, the hall seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand, and in the sound of bangdang, it quickly climbed up.

After more than ten seconds, the hall stopped going up, and a magnificent hall supported by stone pillars appeared outside the door, which seemed to be the residence of the guards.

Igna watched subconsciously from left to right, his eyes swept over the various things in the hall, and saw two murals with ancient characteristics.

The protagonist of one of the murals is a giant wearing silver full-body armor, emitting a clear light, with a group of dawn condensed in the position of his eyes. In the center of the other is a female giant with long dark brown hair and a long skirt under the upper leather armor. She is holding ears of wheat, fruits, etc., surrounded by harvest fields, clear lakes, fruiting trees and brightly colored mushrooms.

"God of Dawn" Baldher...

"Goddess of Harvest" Omi Bella...

Seeing that Igna's knowledge of history is not good, Michelle explained for him.

Igna nodded and continued to observe, while the others followed the instructions of the Shepherd elder Lovia, and formed a team with others to search for valuable items here and check for hidden passages.

About seven or eight minutes later, the Silver City team gathered and followed Chief Colin Iliad to the gate of the hall.

Colin Iliad inserted the two straight swords in his hands into the gaps in the slate in front of him, stretched out his hands, and pressed them on both sides of the door. With just one force, it opened with a heavy sound.

The orange-red and splendid twilight light came in silently, and the palaces and towering towers that the Silver City Exploration Team had seen from a distance before came into their eyes with a very impactful situation.

That kind of hugeness, that kind of grandeur, that kind of epic sense of mythology, because the distance has been shortened to the extreme, it is more vivid and shocking, making everyone subconsciously hold their breath, forget about other things, and immerse themselves in such a scenery.

Following the team, the traveling Igna did the same.

This is the royal court belonging to the giant family.

This is the real kingdom of God.

After about ten seconds, Colin the Demon Hunter drew his swords, turned his body halfway, and said to Lovia the Shepherd, "Try the road on both sides, I can't see clearly."

The two dark green symbols in his eyes are slowly dissipating.

Lovia gave a "um", took two steps forward, and came to the door.

Outside is a platform with steps on the left and right, with a guardrail composed of gray and white stone pillars erected in front, facing the tallest building in this area, where there is a huge blue-gray gate with countless mysterious engravings on both sides. Symbol, very solemn.

Corridors, stairs and other things connect the layers of palaces and towers together, which is atmospheric and gorgeous.

Lovia's silver-gray curly hair floated up, and the stones on the ground bathed in the twilight light bulged together to form a gray-white puppet.

This puppet has no spirituality, just like a manipulated puppet, walking to the left.

It descended layer by layer in the rich orange-red light along the stairs, helping the exploration team to confirm the situation.

Suddenly, its body froze, and fine silver light burst out from the inside, turning it into countless pieces.

"Shepherd" Lovia was not panicked. Following the steps just now, she made another stone man and made it go to the right.

This time, the stone man went all the way to the end of the stairs and stopped at the gate of the palace below, without any accident on the way.

"Demon Hunter" Colin focused on watching the whole process, and only then did he say:

"Let's go to the right, but also be careful."

Although he didn't detect any, the fact that he couldn't see the real situation with his extraordinary ability could explain a lot of problems.

With such a reminder, Derrick and others became more and more tense, and the three of them started to descend slowly with mutual help.

Walking along the high stairs, Joshua, who was wearing red gloves, suddenly heard a sound of dah, dah, dah coming from behind.

It's like someone is following them slowly, quietly.

And the "shepherd" elder Lovia behind them was on the side at the moment, and she could see from the corner of her eyes that the footsteps were definitely not made by her.

Joshua felt cold, and said in a deep voice, "There are footsteps behind me."

Lovia turned her head to the side, letting the figure of the silver knight about five meters emerge in front of her, and looked at Joshua's back with red flame-like eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, the Elder Shepherd shook his head:

"Nothing at all."


Note: The main content of this volume is the fifth volume, The Red Priest, Chapter 169 Inside the Royal Court. Certain changes have been made to match the knowledge available to document the third-person perspective and the protagonist of this article.

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