Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 35: Steps of the Fall

"Shepherd" Lovia's response made Joshua even more vigilant. He looked at the other members of the exploration team and asked eagerly, "Have you heard abnormal footsteps?"

Derrick, who was holding the "Thor's Roar" hammer and the straight broadsword, recalled for a few seconds, shook his head and expressed denial. Heim, who was holding the "No Dark Cross", glanced at the sealed artifact whose light had not changed, and responded. "Maybe it's your hallucination?"

"No, I heard it clearly." Joshua in red gloves frowned and expressed his opinion.

Hearing this sentence, Colin the Demon Hunter who was walking in the front half turned his body and said calmly, "Heim, Antirna, check Joshua's condition."

"Yes, Your Excellency." Heinem immediately walked to Joshua and placed the "No Dark Cross" composed of pure light on the forehead of his teammates.

And this Sealed Artifact has not changed.

Immediately afterwards, the wine-red-haired female warrior Antirna also came to Joshua's side and raised her left hand.

She wore a pale gold bracelet around her wrist, with three small bells covered with golden scales hanging from it.

The tinkling sound followed, echoing around, making Joshua's mind calm down, no longer so tense and impatient.

"No problem." Antirna turned her attention to Chief Colin Iliad.

Colin's eyes were already highlighted by two dark green complex symbols. He looked at Joshua for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "It may not be an illusion, but you should always pay attention to whether there is anything abnormal about yourself."

Seeing the chief support him, Joshua secretly sighed and said, "Okay."

Putting aside their doubts for a while, the City of Silver exploration team continued to descend down the huge stairs sprinkled with twilight light, layer by layer.

Suddenly, everyone heard a groan.

Derrickberg saw from the corner of his eyes that Joshua raised his hands and squeezed his own neck tightly.

Because he is a "Knight of Dawn", his own strength is extremely strong, and as soon as he groaned, his hands snapped and his neck bones were broken.

Joshua fell down with a gloomy and twisted expression, his eyes filled with disbelief

It was him who killed him!


Although Derrick and the others failed to react to what happened in time, their long-term training and experience in groping in the depths of the darkness made them instinctively form a battle formation and be alert to possible follow-up attacks.

Then, they heard another muffled groan.

This came from the "shepherd" elder Lovia.

This lady with long silver-gray hair tightened her facial muscles, showing obvious convulsions and squirming, as if she was growing another face.

She fell to her knees on the wide steps with a thud, the pain beyond words.

Slowly but uncontrollably, her hands lifted up and pinched her neck.

Just when Lovia was about to exert her strength, two straight swords smeared with silver-gray ointment stretched out and opened her palms separately.

Colin the "Demon Hunter" who had been prepared responded in time.

Lovia twitched all over her body, buried her head lower, opened her mouth, and spat out pieces of broken flesh and incomplete organs.

She took a breath, and seemed to have finally recovered, then propped herself on her elbows, took a step forward, and swallowed the flesh and blood organs that she had just spit out, piece by piece, pious and humble.

Colin the Demon Hunter with several old scars on his face watched this scene quietly and did not stop him.

Finally, Lovia raised her head and said with her pale gray eyes out of focus.

"It's a fall.

"It's the fall that everyone has."

"Do you have a solution?" Colin asked unchanged.

Lovia nodded without hesitation.


As soon as she finished speaking, she had already grasped the index finger of her left hand with her right hand, snapped it off, and pulled it out abruptly, stuffing her mouth with blood and bone, and whispered while chewing.

"The Creator of all things;

"The lord behind the veil of shadow;

"The fallen nature of all living beings..."

The honorable name of the "True Creator"...

Ignatius, who was standing beside him, twitched his eyelids. This was the first time he had heard the full name of the Heretic God. Suddenly, he felt that a subtle change had taken place around him.

The orange-red dusk light was a little more intense, closer to the color of blood.

Afterwards, Lovia the Shepherd had stood up, and the missing index finger of her left hand also wriggled out.

She looked at Chief Colin Iliad and said

"This area is no longer degenerate."

This also means that the ladder position is less dangerous.

Normally, the exploration team will not care about Joshua's body at this time. No matter whether they are advancing or retreating, they cannot waste time. Staying in an abnormally dangerous area for too long will cause other team members to have accidents, but , since the elder Lovia of the "Six-Person Council" expressed in a certain tone that there is no problem nearby, then you can take a break and deal with it.

Derrick put down Heim's broadsword, walked to Joshua's side, stared for a few seconds, then bent down to pick up the other party's scarlet glove, and put it on his left palm.

Igna also looked at the tall knight of dawn silently.

It all happened so fast and so weird that there was no way to save it. He also has the memory of the Dawn Knight, who shares the same name with his friend, fought side by side many times. But this time, he became a lifeless corpse.

Ignatius felt very sad.

He could clearly recall that when he walked out of the afternoon town camp before, Joshua, who was walking beside Derrick, said that after this exploration, he would be forced to arrange marriage, and he did not know who his wife would be. And an hour later, the knight of the dawn turned into an icy corpse.

However, for everyone in the City of Silver, this is daily life. No one cried or collapsed, but a certain emotion that had been integrated into the bone marrow and blood emerged, a mixture of heaviness and grief.

They watched in silence as Derrick raised his left hand and aimed at Joshua's body with the palm of his hand.

A blazing flame flew out, covering their teammates who were fighting side by side just now.

After being burned, Colin the Demon Hunter put away the extraordinary characteristics that had precipitated out, while the rest of the team members grabbed a handful of ashes and put them in the hidden pockets of their clothes.

In silence, they continued their descent and came to the bottom of the stairs, where there was a towering palace bathed in the light of dusk, and behind it were corridors and stairs leading to other areas.

The gate of the palace was open, and it was dark inside, and no light could shine through.

"Demon Hunter" Colin carefully observed for a while and said

"As in the outside world."

What he means is to keep the light in every way and not to let yourself fall into absolute darkness.

As a result, Heimme inspired the brilliance of the "No Dark Cross" and let it shroud all teammates, while Antirna lit a lantern and held it in her hand to prevent the cross from suddenly failing.

A group of people entered the palace and walked in the hall that seemed to be unusually empty.

Walking, Ignat suddenly felt that his eyelids became heavier, and he felt a strong drowsiness.

At this moment, he heard the chief's low growl "Don't fall asleep!"

Igna woke up suddenly, getting rid of the exhaustion that couldn't open his eyes.

At this time, a female warrior's body softened and fell to the ground, seemingly falling asleep.

Then she disappeared out of thin air, just like that, just disappeared in front of everyone.

Colin the Demon Hunter and Lovia the Shepherd looked at each other for a while, then shook their heads and led the team to move on.

During this they hurt themselves from time to time, exchanging pain for sobriety.

Finally, they passed the heavy arch coupons and saw that the darkness ahead was no longer irreversible.

With the help of the light in the team, they found that this was a hall with countless murals. There was a long dark red table in the center of the hall, surrounded by high-back chairs with intricate patterns.

Suddenly, clumps of light lit up, and there were whispering voices around them.

Around the hall, on the stone pillars that were erected but did not support the dome, crimson flames were ignited one after another, illuminating the surroundings abnormally.

The whispering voice gradually became louder, and it seemed that it finally passed through the long and distant time and space and arrived at its destination, making the hall lively as if it were a party.

Around the dark red long table, blurred and illusory figures suddenly rose up, sitting on different high-back chairs, a total of eleven.

Note The main content of this volume is the fifth volume, The Red Priest, Chapter 170 The Familiar Gaze.

Certain changes have been made to match the knowledge available to document the third-person perspective and the protagonist of this article.

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Mystery: The Star Key https://

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