Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 44: Investment Analysis

"Azik Eggers." Igna repeated the name silently, feeling very familiar.

Then, in the flash of light, he remembered.

Azik Eggers.

He knows the name!

"Are you Mr. Azik Eggers, a senior associate professor at Hoy University?" Igna couldn't hide his excitement, but still tried to ask reservedly.

When Igna first came to this world, because he suspected that the creation myth of this world was of the same origin as his own world myth, he studied many creation myths and documents.

Among the documents he has passed, "Review of the Research on the Reflection of the Concept of Creation Myths in Church Canons and Its Influence on Natural Myths" written by Mr. Azik Eggers, a senior associate professor at Hoy University, left him with deep impression. (Note)

Although the author Zick Eggers is a professor at Hoy University and an authority on the study of Quaternary history, his research paper on the intersection of theology and social folklore still has unique understanding and insights, which left Ignatia's legacy. impressed.

Therefore, when studying the creation myth, Ignatius also read all the academic monographs related to folklore of Mr. Azik that could be found in the Constant Library.

Later, after entering the space where "Zion" was located for the second time, he also tried to borrow some treatises on Quaternary architecture from the Aalto Library.

Among them, the academic works of Mr. Azik Eggers are an integral part of it. Therefore, in the related study of the history of the Quaternary, the works of Mr. Azik Eggers also laid a certain foundation for Igna to understand the Quaternary.

Therefore, when he knew that the person in front of him was Azik Eggers, Igna's joy was beyond words.

The book has its own golden house, the book has its own Yan Ruyu, and the book is the best teacher.

Igna never imagined that he could meet this teacher, a famous scholar who studies the history of the Quaternary Epoch, in the remote Rorsted Islands.

"Oh?" Azik Eggers showed a somewhat surprised look when Ignatre talked about Hoy University.

"I did work at Hoy University but then temporarily resigned for personal reasons."

Azik asked with a smile, "Have you ever read my book?"

Igna nodded excitedly: "I have read your academic treatise. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Also chat with you!

Azik Eggers nodded with a smile. The gentleman's attitude always seemed so mild.

"I'm also surprised to meet you here." Azik smiled, "If you have any academic questions, you are welcome to discuss with me."

"I'd love to communicate with you."

Igna nodded happily.

Whether in this life or in the past, he paid high tribute to scholars who could calm down and conduct in-depth research in a certain field.

Mr. Azik is a historian of the Quaternary...

Ignatius had a flash of inspiration... Could he ask Mr. Azik the part of the content that belonged to the Bethel Abraham space?

Although she had been to that space with Miss Justice, Miss Judgment, Miss Magician and Senior Xiao Zhou before. However, none of them analyzed the situation in that space from a historical perspective.

No, they didn't do any analysis at all.

So, asking Mr. Azik for advice is also a way to understand that space?

Just asking one or two of them should not reveal their secrets. As long as the foreshadowing and explanation are made, then it is reasonable.

If Mr. Azik asks, he can shirk the historical data that he saw by chance.

Igna thought for a while and decided to ask Mr. Azik after doing a divination.

This is related to the secrets of the Abraham family, and it is also related to an angel-level space, so it is better to do things safely.

Unfortunately, Igna looked around and found no bathroom. I also didn't find a shop suitable for private conversation.

The town of Silver City really continued the style of the previous battle period. No place for leisure and entertainment is out of their consideration.

However, Igna also expressed his understanding. After all, the City of Silver did not have any time for them to relax before. Not to have the material conditions for having fun.

After you get the investment, you can advise the City of Silver. Igna thought. If you want to develop into a tourist city, you still need some convenient facilities.

And, life in the future is good. It is not impossible to make the living environment more livable.

Looking back at the gentleman in front of him, Igna immediately pulled his thoughts back.

Just got a little off track...

"Okay. Thank you for your generosity." Igna drew a prayer gesture from the Church of the Fool in his heart, "It's my honor to be able to ask you questions."

Next, Igna continued to inform Mr. Azik of his idea for the new City of Silver, and after all his opinions were approved by Mr. Azik, he said goodbye to Azik Eggers.

Then, Igna went to the location of the six-member council of the City of Silver without stopping. The City of Silver Tower on the side of the Church of the Fool.


"You just said that you secured an investment for the City of Silver?" Michelle Watkins asked with his head down and looking down at Igna, frowning.

"Well." Igna raised his head and said to Michelle Watkins, his attitude was not affected by the height difference and Michelle's expression.

[In other words, the best app for reading and listening to books, Mimi, install the latest version. 】

"It's mainly about the tourism resource development project in Silver City. Has anyone ever done such a design?" Igna asked. He has full ability and confidence in market research and analysis.

Being able to win the investment of Azik Eggers does not depend on rhetoric, but on solid marketing theory and keen observation of the Of course, it is possible to logically and purposefully integrate these The expression of the content is also his ability as a professional practitioner.

To engage in financial analysis, you need to convince others that what you analyze is correct. In this regard, Igna has always done well before.

"Can you tell me specifically about the investment project?" Michelle Watkins asked. He didn't appear surprised and surprised because he was exposed to new things, but he was still as calm as the first time he saw it.

"Of course." Igna nodded.

It is also a crucial part to develop tourism resources and win the support of the local government.



Note: In the first volume of The Apprentice, Chapter 20, The Land of Dreams, I wrote about it haha. (So ​​the name of this treatise was made up by me)

Also, financial analysis I'm bullshitting. Although my undergraduate major was this major, I did not engage in finance later on. I just heard what my friends said. I didn't ask for proof, so I can't believe it.



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