Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 45: pattern

It wasn't difficult to convince Michelle Watkins.

Similarly, with Igna's vision and ability, it is not difficult to persuade the Council of Six.

Encountering few obstacles, Ignatius persuaded the City of Silver's six-member council to support the tourism development plan.

This is also reasonable.

Silver City is currently financially tight, and they urgently need to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

The development of tourism resources can not only open up new income categories, but also increase a variety of employment positions, which is conducive to the development of Silver City, and can also help to create the image of Silver City in the outside world, which is beneficial to the Church of Fools and faith. Spread.

The development cost includes 500 gold pounds invested by Mr. Azik Eggers and 300 gold pounds invested by Igna, which together can be regarded as a good start.

In many cases, the opportunity to invest and create money lies in vision and knowledge.

The City of Silver has struggled to survive for two thousand years in the gap between darkness and history, without losing hope of life, let alone falling here.

Therefore, when the sun in Bayam filled the room, Ignatius and Michelle, as well as Anthea Mirren, the elder of the six-member council responsible for the development of this tourism resource, came to the door of the hotel at No. 24, Marigold Street. forward.

Before the trip, Igna had already divination for today's itinerary, and everything went well.

Of course, Igna did not forget to entrust the owner of the Marigold Hotel to deliver gifts to Mr. Azik Eggers the night before, as well as the appointment letter for the next day's meeting.

This is basic courtesy.

Sunday at 9:30 am.

"Knock-knock-" Igna raised his wrist and slammed the door.

The three of them just waited for a while before the door opened from the inside. The gentleman with bronze skin and soft eyebrows was not surprised to see the person coming.

"Please come in." Azik said with a smile, "Finepot Marquis black tea is ready and waiting for you."

It's a simple yet distinctive living room. There are several peculiarly shaped high-back chairs and tea tables in the room, the theme is pure white, as if made of animal bones.

Azik Eggers sat on such a chair with a relaxed expression, holding gold-rimmed glasses, and scrutinizing the investment contracts and development materials provided by the three. He had a Dixie cigar in his hand.


Igna restrained his observation.

Originally, I was a little skeptical when I heard that Teacher Azik Eggers could invest 500 gold pounds.

After all, teaching is only a basic occupation within the university, not to mention that Mr. Azik is currently unemployed.

But according to Igna's attempt to divination on Mr. Azik Eggers' wealth on the gray fog, judging from what he could see, the Loen gentleman in front of him should not be an ordinary person.

But Igna didn't say this out, it was enough for the divination to show that the boss was well-intentioned.

Azik Eggers did not question the plan written by Igna, nor did he have any opinion on the selection of the person in charge. He just signed his name on the contract, looked at Igna and asked:

"Did you write the plan?"

"Well." Igna nodded.

The plan is written in Old Feysac and can be presented to the Council of Six and Mr. Azik Eggers for viewing at the same time.

"Your name is?"

"Lawrence Kyle." Ignatius replied.

This is his newly made ID. There is no way, in the world of occultism, the surname Abraham is too special. But in the cognition of ordinary people, the name of father Liszt Lilance is too loud.

Gu </span> Therefore, except for the core members of the City of Silver who knew his original name, Igna still chose to keep a low profile.

"Okay." Azik Eggers smiled, "I remember."

After sending Michelle Watkins and Anthea Mirren away, Igna made an excuse to stay in Mr. Azik's room.

"I have some questions about the Fourth Epoch that I would like to ask you for advice." Igna took out a coat of arms from the space he rubbed with ritual magic from his cuff.

"Do you recognize this coat of arms?"

As a senior astrologer, Igna certainly cannot go out unprepared.

Not only the smoothness of the investment today, but also the investment motivation of Azik Eggers, and the source of wealth he used for investment, Igna made a divination.

As for whether I can ask Mr. Azik about the secret of that space, how could Igna forget?

Faced with Igna's question, Azik did not refuse.

He smiled and took the paper handed out by Igna, and slowly unfolded it in front of his eyes. Then, when I saw the black background, the center seemed to be animal claws and weeds, and there were some brilliance-like coats of arms around it, my brows were slightly wrinkled.

He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, as if recalling and thinking.

"Tamara..." Azik Eggers whispered.

Igna frowned.

This surname he is familiar with can no longer be familiar with.

The existence of Tamara is indispensable in the history of Abraham.

So, sure enough, behind the silver door that was temporarily inaccessible, was Bethel Abraham's wife, Mariana Tamara?

Besides Zion, she is also the manager of that space?

"Where did you see this pattern?" Azik Eggers raised his head and asked.

Igna paused and was about to speak when Azik Eggers picked up the cigar again and took a breath.

He looked at but his eyes seemed to be looking at infinity

"This is the pattern used by the ancestors of the early Tamara family."

"The family coat of arms currently used by the Tamara family has undergone many evolutions, incorporating some of the characteristics of Solomon's First Empire in the Fourth Epoch and some of the characteristics of the Tudor-Trensost joint empire. It has long been forgotten. The earliest Tamara ancestor, the coat of arms of Mariana Tamara."

"The reason why I can recognize that he belongs to the Tamara family. It is because I seem to have cooperated with the Tamara family once in the fourth era... So, after seeing this pattern, I can also be sure that he is from Tamara. ancestor of the family."

"Where did you see this coat of arms?" Azik Eggers asked again.

Azik Eggers' eyes were soft, and there was no scrutiny or questioning in his expression. It's just an ordinary doubt, like it's no different from before.

Igna opened his mouth, but couldn't speak for a while.



I haven't been in a good state recently, and I feel like I'm not writing well.

I'll speed up the pace a bit and move through the middle of the story quickly.

Mystery: The Star Key https://

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