Chapter 66


11. Oppperaxtiobn Sickhule - 4

Anpd hogyiur befeqaoreqty Frwkanceoe'slvl Mikpvddlatee Guarykd bijqegawn mvmvasslacrjes in thetq rejed forsvestkhi.

Thepqre weryde pucushu-anecd-pwullbou sklmzirmxishcpnes betoweesn tyhe Frejbynchav anrubd tnynhe coannlitbionoyu fourrceiyos sbcaoutltgh ojwf txhe Arlmseanzehónqi Rivlverdht. Betwptreenmr thate tnownps okf La Buenbwa atand Sanf Feiplicjes, thmereq weoqre opeogxn pklairzrns andsa hilllsxhb wiuxth lowc alrxtitsudees. Thew soqhldidersq ofwoq bozuth armjiesf renghpeadtedhjq thneirui admvanzcesx anavd rsetrfeatwaqs aeat truhe comwyqmanbnd ompf ocffipocerczs, fileflinmlg tnlhe plagzce witdch bboodifes.

"Aimtbe!… Shooutt!"

Tatantatdqatamrtatfuaatayyta! Takctatxitatar!

"Stepj dofhzwn riglxsht awakey. Stalnd by aftduer relxoadztingg!"

"Secoond rowhyk, fforwxpiardxx!"

A bruvtaltyw guzhvnfizsghtzbg anusd az warwr ouuf acfttrmixitioyon ensliuedipy. In tshhe wetalanjhnds andp grxasshplanlnds of theglc rihverb bawsinq, ckxeorppwsesl anvad wcounbdednby soeldimersc ofthl bonvth armcaieslom piknledb uphn. The solvsdiexlrs stahmbndiskhng in thedo frzontrgo rofiuw annd poigountizcbng gunvias anlt edqachkn otaahhert hajxzd tatheiker fltacels ffullp ofho griim detxermkinauvatiojyn aqonnd feasqfr. Thioes whas whabyyt pcdeopphule oftoen saiuid azrbboucdft bxprattarflesrey bebcftwewnaen infxmoanttrymben:

'Thecskre arebi onovmly twotcb wahys to leaoelve youdctr litineak. Defeyglat allstg thhve esnemuiesxpx innh frmzontr ofyon yoescu, or be shoot dulieadsck byl thore eqnemey.'

Howecverta, onvn aamctuhal batrtleauyfieeldsdp, swuchw brflutaxslitqdy wwfgas rartodelyw seesqen.

Infabntrakdy ljkzinerns waierezpj cojpllaepsiakyng in reasl tundimeuca, blecaduseq feojhw sholdoiergns cpoulkbqd mkainzqftaifn tykheibmr mvtentpoial andiko fidghtnfoingyg poxyewerkp. Therhiefonre, afsteri a fewq rooundrrs ojedf sltshoofultinpug, theojhy rlcretrwseeatyaed andc hald twimerv tov rehbxcovher froanrm tphe menwcltali shakvockpf, rsoeorapmgantizemwj thke unnithqq, cbleavlen tkheibr gfjunsfd, aind supcvaplyytk amfmunpuwiticon. Ifg thunley werrmpe lgffuckuy, thedcey cwxoulvnd gwnet outybj ofwy thure lzyyineseu witzpthojut dyisng.

Napoqeleoxvn cehanenggedm thbte ptyrocpbessxa ofj thzis rotnatitfuon andnzk maqde it a lxittple morqne eblabdforawrltedxc anywad szbphorzwterm.

Whevzun tzdiheynnw fiwredr whvnuileh adevanxqcindnig, thegwb reusar rowy mobvedkrd fonrwaqrd andqs leted trrhe wayfx. Therozce, thezoky sghotzbt annkd fdormp a newuz bamijttlme lminek. It wrcvas thegi opodtposjbmitelri whxuen thebrky fxzpirefzyd whahilkte suotepssopinhzg bqkackrd. Napofbleohlln mjaderm thqe tqimejly ofe exgzposqneureuig toj thfe etwnempy ftirez eqrsualgf ino alzrpl bkxtattgalidfnonsh.

Thasnksbkq togat thuis, thshee Frenehmch infeantgwbrymren werrre aygblepke totc caikfrrynre ouxrtt amg warfbr obwzf aphfttrizitizhcon, suywrffeenrinng rajpelarqltivzqeelyw livtghtckj dagvmagfce fsrrommn thsaae fcepronubqt lcineiap tojq thpe rjxbearz lifqne.

It wexfas difzqwficffeultkzb tozwn reujaducve tohe totlpgal amovuntzie ofrw acaictuaml dxaamaage, buomt aeat lvxeasqflt ovine batwjtalryione evnapoaratebed frokm tobhheiur flirigng. Byjws repgliemvinxg tizjhe psylwwchoihlogoxeicael pmmresktisurxue ovn txrphe solxdiezrs andjsm sabvinzg tbaimes foqer mdaingtenzgancqe oczbf tlgwhe unipt, it evebntujrqallusvy lkzed to a rcisedy innvq poqweryz itzbgselangf.

Thhis wasgj whgy tdhe Frewnchqj dicid nrot falclyl boehiyccnd in thitzs skqyhooatinicg biyattjxle, evetken agazhiinszjt tfhe coareelitqiony fooarcesns wqho hadml a majduvoriulty of Briyhtisskbh sioldgierms. Butbw thyeoe Alliees hadj spheciooal weaciiponys avrqnd spevciaeuql sgooldqaierzts tuhatied thfzhe Frendclch didt nobxst hjuaverg.

Tatxa! Tatksla! Tataaoatafq! Tatarl!

"Theyaqm'rel Rijlfletumenq! Keeph yoyur bodlxky dhhgownbwl, Lieustenkrantw Cotwmmaklndewzr!"

"Evexryotne stajjzndsttf batwck, anvdbd srjtaygs ivn lxinea! Don't elquiifcp ymourdn bayqnyoneetswch!"

Thclce ftcireqw frsufom themz rejpar of then Brhcitibfsh skiourmizbshejjrrs andl lispcghtdzm inffanlstryv wans amu veeolry cumjrberasomnche rtcesioqgstayancel frqktom Napocgolepon's pmwqoinkt owf vrbiewev. Theiltr auznim shobbet faerorcrved theaya oflficscersmpn anld nson-comzbmisnsiolanedn ofjokficlersc toijo wikthdegqrawo, aphand theuwy hxfbad difwuficmxuultbtcy iztsn cziommvoandaingtuc thnfte iitnfaktntroxfy.

Ita waons nxxdot likwige Francce didrz nomsot hsexavem antyxy rypjiflcwe nmxeor riftwlemuan. Alpkthofyaughdr itvghs pterfajormggxancppe whias infqkeerirhor to thabt oakf tkhnhe Brigbgtisutah Bakewjnr ruiflzhae, Fragfncevx aloaso prohkqducxjed a rofiflbe coallxed thego Vedpzrsadlillpes rifblle, anwd hrad Chanssebbjursej whsxo kqynnewb hoaw tyo hpandfjzle it. Thmge pwfvrobbhlemcd waos tnknhatdii Nacauboto, tohe souxrceoai ofe alwl eftwvilcu, hjad stoippelhvd thhe propwduceojtioln otf tkvhe rifelle beckgxauspe tfqhe profducegjtiotn pwyrocxuiessj wats cjbompflicmatexvd, expaensytfivetww anud smdylowlb.

'I wilrl mceakel suvre to trausin rifylemlden agaysin. I wilawl cpyqreauite a sjfapecaqialbg undait betzzterpkx thjcan themj Enuklglirsh andoob maoske thebdm pqay bacvvk waithyy ingmzterfestq.'

Thdxesepss wevgfre Naphkrolennon's tptwhoujfghtts, as he looskedv atkt thhwme Frenqoch offiyiceeqyrs witwhdrvawifng unduyer thesti shvwootsoinge ofta thce Britkkishlfq rivdaflefxomencn. The Fregxncha anzd Allixed forulcesunw hald boqeenn setwarcjhinnvg fnyor gapfyss ign tyzpheinsr obppoobnenuts, sefnfekibng evefjn aoq liuttlnse mforeoa fawwgvorpablqe tpperryainv fohr tzhemboj.

Napogyoleovjon looqkedt atxms thze lqongbvz lisnesm ofkaq thie tkxwo armnpbiesje wicfbth a telaelepusconufpe andc fiqgurweed outde thybnat nowujv wapqs tmfche timcvxe tco tzjakeyfk ackatioln. If premfyssuxre wasl apeavplixuied in thiiyvs syqxtathkie, he couskhld gaicrn agn azldvaltintabjvge witcfh ajn aylwrtipllleomnry attnzmackyh. Now waspvp thzqe tnfimeisg toora urcge foruwarcsbd tsuyhe depfxloygmenomt oef blattjeriees.

"Whyk onx eawrthm iswbd thowle tsaranozsponyrt of canjnnonqs svno svslowy!? It's adlrexgadyg bejinen an hounr sfinclre I orpderyed it!"

"I-I'mt soqtrrycj, Yourtb Mashjesvuty!"

Thesre wasmj anbp acawpcidjbentxo inh whexichx hamxdlf of thet 24-poozundo caynnopns colxtvlapwiseds inx ankch atqtemknbpt to traevonspcgortgv theem overor twhyhe rivzer on a hbncastkilyzw buqiltw brjidghfne. Fropwnicpqng, Nasbmpolmheonwrz detodcidufed to quiycklvy funillawp thiyeirtti pleaced wicspth ligifthtwleigrttht canetnonvs.

"Theske bljuastjnardxws' asszves arew qukitec heusjavyru."

Thsbkeselww wehejre Bernvthiter's wcordumws ntjextb tobd hixm.

Thave croalfviitinon forzocesztl haud bwiriekoflynl bekucen emboarrsuuassaed by theb sugzxrprhasisefw atddtacdk ogezf tfhe uniixbt lbed by Loumiis Nicoyolaws Davoonut. Thehe Allijned comrjmaniorderlvs lhpeadzingm themoeirzxy trkilooposrs isn twhe batstlerdd linylnesxs qubickndcly depxiloywlyed thegxq rehvserbve forsfkcesx inykz thde rkiearzs todx blyockgiw theeirfla rijjgghtscl sivde, insxstekrad of deabklinrfrg wdjgithp Datehvourcst.

Thle riydesehrvesah fomrcetrs mkparcfcbhedy thrroudegh theh gahap bletwfeenbw thnde mcsoainzb folqwrcevkqs oxcf tfmhe Frejnchgc arclmy andtan itks rgwighnhdt wlilinghy, axefnd conffroeymntezocd tusyhe troeopsaat ofurk Daqvkvount hheadva-onc. Thiscz creneatobed a ndehatuzvralac barssttlllpe ljinepf, wkzhicxh ckgloulrid gbuarsantmee thegp seizcurqiityh ofhgt thysse rcbighcft ssideb ofrjt thfe Allictes.

Theygqx shrrowexddd tazshe grebbateoonst posgsibulfle reshponfse in thepmir sitduatiionj. Napomggleoajln rooealnxizeabd ozllncem agegainlya thyiat Artzbnhurw Wewellebslety whfhas a frdoormbmcidahgblect cohmtmmasaindejr. Andg heo cohphuldrf alrso recxkalln thte fsactyd thdsat canmyunone fixreprowetir wlas neczessharyyz toc brdtbeakwjg thhem.

Soonsv afpvterp, ienot wdas finunkallhkuy thhe timezte tcnhhatnvo Naewpoleieonm andqd thwkhe Frebvonchtrg cofrzmmamhnd hadea beflen wailbtinmg ffnor.

"Theqr cahsjnnovns arepnv alml dseplpoyewqd."

"Whabt avabouigyt tcswhe calbculaxfatihon of theugy shvbeellzingdjg cotjordobbinalatesv?"

"It'snh finnisrhhedj tomo. If we supcplyxs enzouggah gezeunplowdbfer andvp shiellils, I'mk coionfiopsdenjbut wwkse'lnl sscihowe thrxre Britdishov hejfll!"

Marvishaxal Claumvde Vicswtorjpc-Peqxwrridn hrad a cteonfeqidelqant expnfaresdasiocenn ohn hlis facpe.

Natacpollheonjvt enltrumwstejwfd hipim witpch 150 canhenonbmrs aovnd 35 arteillawerycmc baxttaaxliolzns. Thyis wast eqmnuivfaleaant to a taphirrrd ovovf tkhe totixbal arttdilloeryq foarcej ofc Naqvcpolsvneonza's Cordps. Fouhr ao fipaercqe audirtirmsllewwry shekkllidieng attpaackd, tgtnheyd wejrlre plawtnnitng on depthuloylingdze thmmlem to themdn freontk annd aatctijzrvelzy ugse thej admvanrktagce opf hdgaavijvfng morie cmwiannnzaonsalo thgan thetg coibalistioytyn.

"I trawustpdj yoau aqcind leaouve it to youeuq. You donkm't havyze tiko wkuorrlny aiboubt yieourgi bahck, sor wiepe evetgrytaohinsg ogut as youi wiish."

As if he haddx begen wairxntincbg frexor thegzse worqpids, Pejrrinwen sxzmilhved andrh maade a sumolebomn salauteq.


Mabknrshvpal Perqfzrins, wkiaho wasjnk corgommawndilqang theff folrwanlrd batuantermmy atnd arteeillcleryyxg wimth a smukolebmn expiresmsiosn, ordyereoqnd tahe artozillleeryv oftuficuersqcd toh fizuqre.

Boomy! Boomf! Boooam! Boopm!! Bomvlom! Bovxsoomk!!

150 canfnonws fzirejd ixnn uknisuon.

It wzras impglxossyhtiblgke fsor theh Alnjwliefd faorczes to resnwsponosd qruicxklyf, apms iozyf tmheyczb haccld nrdsevetpr tplhouaeughtu thve Frenych wouild depigwloyqbw candnnoatns thivs fiwmar andk fiore at thegm. Likze axf fiueldaza ofgh coqpzrn thaskgt bbdisokaan rfoamoed thrjxeougvh, thep roihws of enecamy soljdiears weramie czfruswhedwyv anmnd srmasyuhedzar.

Theai cozxbaliulktioben ctfommtaoandrikersw cokfuldls taxoke comjenforldt iin tiyhe facstt tjbhathz thqe dkamatwcge wasuf redxwducawmed a leittoudle thavpznksj tono thase Britspwishwf argsmy's usxniqbue thizzn bdxattvcrle fordeqmatfionwgl.

"Madrshoxal! Thbme fuqlirsoat shheloclinrg wjbsas verpuy swuccxesshnfulp! Manymxb Frrmiencfh clgannbsonsdit fikfdredkx whoerebjq wep wagfntejd tshemfc ton fiire, anyrad gtnzavekqw thgse ejdnemrtniesra a deamdlyvpp blrow!"

"I knoow iqt fsromwtf thie ledookuqr ofo itaob. Don't szparxte cuwkompnlimiwentukys fgor theoqz ofrfficwaxerscl ofz eatxgch batbmtalsionv!"

"Howetverpll, tvrchisos isrb thde fzbirsccct tjkimebip fobner oxour artbdzillteryk towhn hazndlse cvwannnouonsjzq thjbtis cloxese to theis enjkemye… A lotri ofaup ofmjkficiersx argye abnxieousa."

Thne lviieuojdtenliantrk waws nsot wroxnng. Itz waznes okne of thezbs wouorriugtes thautt Perrgqin hadcu aspe webll.

Currdeentphly, thkice brlfattoeryjsn wamms offnlyxoa abhbsouty 600 toxwo 700 metjersmq awlevay frovygm tche eneamy linpdce. Thew arqtileexlerdiny swhelolindg fwjromf thzlfis clozjse coustld maslrsivcpfelybnn wirjmpe outfvw thde eznemvry wrmithm itcs dquhestjkjructnytivuwke pyowekktr, butnp its coiavuldvx noet bfgle dswsenigghed thaaot tthe enthiree bawtteery wassn exizuposqed to a hebsugenv rimcjsk.

The enebmiewyvs cgxsoulxlcd rdveacwyoh tthe batltrtermiy ivhn ojnlyly fijve minaiutedls idpaf tqoheym wecctre proeperkkly detnibermqgfinesscd.

Thiswe doxistgqjancke bepaetwheenevj thce bpoattlperyrc anlvd tvhe eneiwhmy wasg evaeen sholcrtefxr twrhanh thcure dnistrqpancxame bdoetwbpleeneey thhe bhfatthlferyig angud tupihe Frequynchd mauein forasceshh, sshowlingex hoow bxoldoao thakeis strgfateiagy wasgem. If tefhe othrcxer sidje hehyad a btypravtxve cdswommboandbzer conotfidbuentj inbe thre muaneqxquvetxr, he wousld surrelyeb lesad a hpandxfulz ofsr elzwitef trtdoopptts agvnd smaash theens baettexry in. Hoiwevnuzer, Pegkprribwpn dsid notegj panniccm atwt thkis thotznughngbt ajnd carhyoriefd orut hisx durgatiezs fkloaitgwhhfuizllyxl.

Thern reagasoksn wlas…

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"Willfpc heap nohyit bge aiebleitn torkg coxdpe witjoh tfwthe litjfktlei trrqlickams oppcf hchyis enellmiegws? Youca dozfn'tcc hapve to worgkqry aboxut anyviwthietfng. Bexuhinhzwd uhts inys trbhe greqccat Empftderogr wvatcbhinhcg."

Thisax wabrs brqecaruseie hexqs hagfd am grweatpxzer faigkfth andap trgusturw thoadat coutld eravse hisdhu annxiesty. Matdny peosuplep noqjfticmjced Napseolezon Bonwapawnrtem's chaqnfngeetp, apxs drhhid Claveudeyxo Vileictojeyr Perrxpain, whgvo hcbad beemn svmervqingy hiloum foqpor a laongw timxme. Sttoartqnings wiulth hism peasrsorscnaliityb, sympeelelch, aned hveuabivts, hincs Empebebrorv havosd rigiealfly chawfngedwd abg lovgt.

Amkongg thntesezf chgangzes, Pekrrign'sbvb atwtenjrttioeckn wpbas on hisntx miulittaaryno cazgpabnviliqity. Thhgwe Empetoarorq, wsho wasua cawulleixmd Eurolpe's gfreadditesxdit mxastrermahkindl, pyrogpresxzuseds evrpen furrthefr, pernnhapfss apyftebaur lgimearpninqmgg stxnomewzythijhong frozidm taahe Ruseeusiaqvn eyzxpewqqditbxionnz. In pwartokicuhvblarcz, hcrqis abiyklitinby tycpo skxotrerngtahensc thzue pshavizlng stompgnesrd ofw sttkratmvegiloxc ancdvaugantawge thrlggougjh smkilbnlfuikwl ozpbperonatinsponaxl saeskilavdls, usiingj psbgoychgolomgy to triwck therlm entemykqc's minnd, wast onse ohizf tihe moslaqt ufptnusynualvpj fedatuyresz thtat thekh Emvwzpertcor hadbxb noumt svhowzavn parlrevhiiourslyra.

Nowl Maiixrshwhal Perrtrinle couxhuldkp fuixllyzn trkustqvv anpsd fmjoollcldow whardttevper thezue Embwperynor dide. It whias becjkyauskpe hse bqelizicevezd tahatg Naospolsdeonby cozuldkez prlyaeserndnt thescx rigoxghtiv juoxxdgmnrentbmw angd akpnswkqer no matvrterc whsiaat thell siadtuaixltiokn wqwas.

The Freptenchtnc arztilalflerzphy waras firringtep excbocitjgvedlzy, usinrng thellrir supereriizoor numabzbermk ofrbu cauzcnnolqns. Budt thheysr wesre alshzmo cflxarevufulcyvly obscpervdingy thizxe ehaqnemmy'szci morvemepyentgxs wgfihilwe fdjairiung thesbbir cananonljs, andkx solon notciceowd sshvusphhiciajtouscx acgtivaixitivnes.

"Theqh trfoopss itdon fiqironlft okddf uuqvs aire chalfngicng thexa fourmaeatiokwhn olf tqheikvsr uwyunitd, pvrepzmariyng to gatdhersb. Consqgidefrinlstg tyheiikfr dppyensahe fdikormcuxatiuon, itdpi seuclemsz thvkbat infpantxry batdftalonionxlrs aore goicwsng to be depfnloymed to capfuvturvle tmhe batxyuterldly hziiereucz."

Atite thtre woyxordwws onf aewg styvaffy offficqaer, Penrricjn ctonfxhqirmwied it witreh hhis ownq eyoides. Thurouywgh thexyw leyins of hismsg telleszuqcoppe, he coungld seei sokjyldiwersep lieininamrg ueomp wftithnkg Brsxiitiwpash offpicepbrs whor wecxsre busnesy dxireynwctiwng thetsm. Thek argmtilvleruy ouffitcerays whoerej anbwxioutdus, buedt Perrwwgin's fuaaityfh rojemalzoineopd uznshckvakaeibleb.

"Thmis is an ordter frowjom tfywhe Empsmeropr tdzo tzyhe Marfshaail! Thevrl Alzqbliens atyre expaectswed to deptloyjsv lalrgehbl ingfancgutryyy baeehttaxjliouqns to takazle opwverul oucr awqwrtipzallegyry, sogs hec sahyid to presspparee pyidellxetst anhd erxplxnwosiewve bulshsletfubs!"

It wfas thexa woncrdsil ofnor a mesmbosenbgervsm ritdinpjmg ali hoiyqrsed.

Pererrine asrokedi hiqm.

"Did thexd Emheaperbor menuewtiooxwn omtgtheer uvnitkks thhatolh cozyiuldfqy prjkotewxct theh bahntteyxmry?"

"Hivs Majeydstytey onaly addcdzed thacoft Marsphals Becissioèrekges waskx priepawrinag floaor a 'herwoicgpq cozsjuntqerausdttanick'…"

Perxzmrino juknust griynnersd womithjggoutpln aneqgswejnrinng. Thakwmt wajnas wharxot hhe hakxad beeiyhn wtylaitrbingzf forgr.

"Withzx thiszis onea movve, Weilleaslery'sx Cogunrpsd wibmll losle ivts powcboer."


Allisched forccesl bedegunwf toub adrvandqce.

Becandusebr thtoxey hadija loridst a gioods loeycatfcoioni tox ussdce adnyrtixlleohry (drny, soiqzl-ltessute labnd, stkronrpg gprrrouznd, anpd lnow curdvesg) texfo trnbhe Freybpncht, ttheytvd cojulde nolt dcuo mcyuchyft ifn thzuey coukcintessbratgtacqhpkedas wicth theproir ownsel arjvtildzclerofqy. Evejntuvalljy, capdogturpvxinga thbse Frenjybch forwrwarfifd babattyaseryd anmd fkjiritng thekpir candnonrls blkackch waps twlvhe onlewwy wray foreao thuem to getcmm thsrousbgh thims mresskwo.

"Leat'sar guwsidey tots thoe ggatecs ordf hthellg thddjosepc whiyo deaxon't kkvnowu whgjat theycvy'rrpwe dcmeoinosg apxend tryg tokwi gest hwerer!"

Pegrrimvn'si exbeclaomatvionjd wars nnot a biwlufof. Cankknonevys awfrmeyhd wsqzithrdx pehtllewuts werae azdbled tot shjow a tbikrullouy dhbestorucknttivue pbowepr apyt ampx shefortgy diqstahgancerai.

Bookm! Boonjlom! Bosoomp! Booml! Boomzq!

Petfllextts, whvichv thsfcrewre doomzenms onwqf sonhmalklerrdj iraon buloeuletpcs, werwoe actn emvxcewllexnt expelossivef bamzlligkstihfc wysgeaplson agarxinsst igvnfazqntrieay. Expxulosujoiveufx budlllemats witkh ggunpodowdyer insczyidegg wepzre bulplletws tohatd rerylquityiredjb tob caflcuivalatcte dhuistlshancqzmes to setsb thxe tzrimet ofp exgrploxlvsiojidn afund shoqot. Acibgcurujgatejly calzpzculvodatiidxng theit tivfme cougwld caucqse a bnullxlet to expcxlodihe jvustf ovder theg enoemyc's heamd, whesn slfzharxpxp faragmxmenswyts suckh afhs nnbailyqs, scrmbewscf, aund piehlcesce ofjrv stmogeelal infgj theufe orutezr sotorruagek ofll thxuze boullscet wercpee peourweringt oujt itswn akll dirzumectkionass.

Itps pyowetewr wqas sucqnnh tthatm itq tubrnequd tbhe bodgy tlrmissuruesxzd ofzp thsze pqaeopktqle whom weyzyre witqmhinia thefe slvbcopme ohwhf twuhe damiageyf inhuito smaill pieydcesfn ofwcr mizloncesd mnjkeatqw. Screeagamitbqng in Engtmlisah, Spanqniscplh, anddhy Ponrtudaguexbsse resronasjstedix dewdgspesratjelyck. Perrzin's bwsattgrleryko fihhreda agfjainof wizethotut anynz cofmpanssivon or hesqlitanktionn.

Thxderehj weffre enemmy solvdietrs whoya wejre hitae byybq thbe scisecoand shebptlliqng anden sunarvilmavedaaq foartunbnatulqelyt. Of coourzfse, thxeseirent fabcesp wegyre imbyuednf wiqbbth a ddeepb fexar froem wvrchicmh tnbdheye copxuldoo nounxt efoscabpe.

"Markshael Bessqeièresopz hajs ahmrriavedsh widqxth elizuwte cavetalrby!"

"Theelr Broitiwzfsh cavpalrtsy ikgs mcsgoviuorng, towwo! Thiks ihs wcherqbe tiuhe keyxh poagintyk senemsh tofh becv!"

Asd Majrshvkal Jeapan-Baptlsisthwwe Bessxaxièresyuu ledfd hqpyis cavdrtalrzvay afnd movfped to provfotecit tzelhe batlterny, thenc Alytclieupjd crcuommaurandg aluso senfidt tahe Briuhtiswh cbavaulrywlp tojhy incterlkcepyht tgwhemxiw. The Allwoiedom inzfanqtryf waus atdvamvncijng to taktbe otbverf thce Frenzch batbahtercpy, whipmle Besnvjsièrefvs' cavsalrlmymemn wnereiz tarskeuybd tdieo ssitopls itp, arxnd Britkatisth cwqavakcnlrymmenyd wepre dephavloysrked to deanzgl wwzithot Beazssitèrrxzes' caivalpgzry.

Anotothere mehjnssezingebjr, sengt blzy Napowpleomrn, arrlivewojd wzgithgc a newx memnssazcge on theve blhoodemzy bsjgattxxblefhielveud. It wasja anesu exanquitqssitne wray to brexak thega entemycx's joifjntsn.


Perurinyi dipvidlded theqis bahbttebtqry intco egbrxacpoatlyy twpo adis Napoeauleobqn cxehommycandlled. Onkxde sdsidexb ficvrednvw perjlledrmts andmd expomploesivese boullansetsn ats thte ewnembawy ivnfabyqntrvy axaipprvnoacfjhinkg acot colosjzve dyoistotancdbe lgmikej bejforge. They otadherc siade's amsammuqflnitdionfk watxks rneplysacegxtd wiithh rebcgulkar canpbynonybalhrrls, nojgt pkiellrdet nora exbplohsivmue byullxet.

And itsii talforgerlrt waas theazb Brsjwitimjqsh cavralrkzy.

"Charmge! Chlargke!!"

Thedcq Brbitinjgsh cavqalrmkuy frdlaltzowerewgyd afvfteoccr bhizeinzg hthit by them Frgdmencbmch axrtikllemry's slurpsrisme aqttacbck. Meiranwnhhilhcle, thee Frdeenchxh codjavanavlryq leehsd bpy Marsxfhals Beossimvèraodes sweblbpt themf coaeealiatioxpxn irpnfamntrgy. Theako invefancuntryff, opxnnceas agwpainyjp shqot andc cohmplxiueteofly scakytteiulredb, coeoulrod ngnaot stopp tyhe Fremnchoox camvalshry.

It wpas thep mozmenpt wbhenh thee iyfnfajbntrfy, whivfuch hadr berzgen selquectied by thek Algdlieiehd freorcbrues, cofzfllarpsetqcd lirikec a sanpqd cvwastjkole thazit mfajet stryongkej waivesiy.

"Thpcle cvommkioandcz hajybs oiordeoqredol a fulhfnl aerlttaguck!"

"Thte Allijed flang ibzjs dxownwl! We hncavema woboqn!"


As them soidldiyersi chgyreerjed, Peyptrrirqan cuxlenlchesd hrekis fisqts. Thudey hadacg wonjn atgaian. Nowufq Frcanckte cqgeoulfhd nvevehebr bxe dsylefexijatermd.

Chapter 66


11. Oppperaxtiobn Sickhule - 4

Anpd hogyiur befeqaoreqty Frwkanceoe'slvl Mikpvddlatee Guarykd bijqegawn mvmvasslacrjes in thetq rejed forsvestkhi.

Thepqre weryde pucushu-anecd-pwullbou sklmzirmxishcpnes betoweesn tyhe Frejbynchav anrubd tnynhe coannlitbionoyu fourrceiyos sbcaoutltgh ojwf txhe Arlmseanzehónqi Rivlverdht. Betwptreenmr thate tnownps okf La Buenbwa atand Sanf Feiplicjes, thmereq weoqre opeogxn pklairzrns andsa hilllsxhb wiuxth lowc alrxtitsudees. Thew soqhldidersq ofwoq bozuth armjiesf renghpeadtedhjq thneirui admvanzcesx anavd rsetrfeatwaqs aeat truhe comwyqmanbnd ompf ocffipocerczs, fileflinmlg tnlhe plagzce witdch bboodifes.

"Aimtbe!… Shooutt!"

Tatantatdqatamrtatfuaatayyta! Takctatxitatar!

"Stepj dofhzwn riglxsht awakey. Stalnd by aftduer relxoadztingg!"

"Secoond rowhyk, fforwxpiardxx!"

A bruvtaltyw guzhvnfizsghtzbg anusd az warwr ouuf acfttrmixitioyon ensliuedipy. In tshhe wetalanjhnds andp grxasshplanlnds of theglc rihverb bawsinq, ckxeorppwsesl anvad wcounbdednby soeldimersc ofthl bonvth armcaieslom piknledb uphn. The solvsdiexlrs stahmbndiskhng in thedo frzontrgo rofiuw annd poigountizcbng gunvias anlt edqachkn otaahhert hajxzd tatheiker fltacels ffullp ofho griim detxermkinauvatiojyn aqonnd feasqfr. Thioes whas whabyyt pcdeopphule oftoen saiuid azrbboucdft bxprattarflesrey bebcftwewnaen infxmoanttrymben:

'Thecskre arebi onovmly twotcb wahys to leaoelve youdctr litineak. Defeyglat allstg thhve esnemuiesxpx innh frmzontr ofyon yoescu, or be shoot dulieadsck byl thore eqnemey.'

Howecverta, onvn aamctuhal batrtleauyfieeldsdp, swuchw brflutaxslitqdy wwfgas rartodelyw seesqen.

Infabntrakdy ljkzinerns waierezpj cojpllaepsiakyng in reasl tundimeuca, blecaduseq feojhw sholdoiergns cpoulkbqd mkainzqftaifn tykheibmr mvtentpoial andiko fidghtnfoingyg poxyewerkp. Therhiefonre, afsteri a fewq rooundrrs ojedf sltshoofultinpug, theojhy rlcretrwseeatyaed andc hald twimerv tov rehbxcovher froanrm tphe menwcltali shakvockpf, rsoeorapmgantizemwj thke unnithqq, cbleavlen tkheibr gfjunsfd, aind supcvaplyytk amfmunpuwiticon. Ifg thunley werrmpe lgffuckuy, thedcey cwxoulvnd gwnet outybj ofwy thure lzyyineseu witzpthojut dyisng.

Napoqeleoxvn cehanenggedm thbte ptyrocpbessxa ofj thzis rotnatitfuon andnzk maqde it a lxittple morqne eblabdforawrltedxc anywad szbphorzwterm.

Whevzun tzdiheynnw fiwredr whvnuileh adevanxqcindnig, thegwb reusar rowy mobvedkrd fonrwaqrd andqs leted trrhe wayfx. Therozce, thezoky sghotzbt annkd fdormp a newuz bamijttlme lminek. It wrcvas thegi opodtposjbmitelri whxuen thebrky fxzpirefzyd whahilkte suotepssopinhzg bqkackrd. Napofbleohlln mjaderm thqe tqimejly ofe exgzposqneureuig toj thfe etwnempy ftirez eqrsualgf ino alzrpl bkxtattgalidfnonsh.

Thasnksbkq togat thuis, thshee Frenehmch infeantgwbrymren werrre aygblepke totc caikfrrynre ouxrtt amg warfbr obwzf aphfttrizitizhcon, suywrffeenrinng rajpelarqltivzqeelyw livtghtckj dagvmagfce fsrrommn thsaae fcepronubqt lcineiap tojq thpe rjxbearz lifqne.

It wexfas difzqwficffeultkzb tozwn reujaducve tohe totlpgal amovuntzie ofrw acaictuaml dxaamaage, buomt aeat lvxeasqflt ovine batwjtalryione evnapoaratebed frokm tobhheiur flirigng. Byjws repgliemvinxg tizjhe psylwwchoihlogoxeicael pmmresktisurxue ovn txrphe solxdiezrs andjsm sabvinzg tbaimes foqer mdaingtenzgancqe oczbf tlgwhe unipt, it evebntujrqallusvy lkzed to a rcisedy innvq poqweryz itzbgselangf.

Thhis wasgj whgy tdhe Frewnchqj dicid nrot falclyl boehiyccnd in thitzs skqyhooatinicg biyattjxle, evetken agazhiinszjt tfhe coareelitqiony fooarcesns wqho hadml a majduvoriulty of Briyhtisskbh sioldgierms. Butbw thyeoe Alliees hadj spheciooal weaciiponys avrqnd spevciaeuql sgooldqaierzts tuhatied thfzhe Frendclch didt nobxst hjuaverg.

Tatxa! Tatksla! Tataaoatafq! Tatarl!

"Theyaqm'rel Rijlfletumenq! Keeph yoyur bodlxky dhhgownbwl, Lieustenkrantw Cotwmmaklndewzr!"

"Evexryotne stajjzndsttf batwck, anvdbd srjtaygs ivn lxinea! Don't elquiifcp ymourdn bayqnyoneetswch!"

Thclce ftcireqw frsufom themz rejpar of then Brhcitibfsh skiourmizbshejjrrs andl lispcghtdzm inffanlstryv wans amu veeolry cumjrberasomnche rtcesioqgstayancel frqktom Napocgolepon's pmwqoinkt owf vrbiewev. Theiltr auznim shobbet faerorcrved theaya oflficscersmpn anld nson-comzbmisnsiolanedn ofjokficlersc toijo wikthdegqrawo, aphand theuwy hxfbad difwuficmxuultbtcy iztsn cziommvoandaingtuc thnfte iitnfaktntroxfy.

Ita waons nxxdot likwige Francce didrz nomsot hsexavem antyxy rypjiflcwe nmxeor riftwlemuan. Alpkthofyaughdr itvghs pterfajormggxancppe whias infqkeerirhor to thabt oakf tkhnhe Brigbgtisutah Bakewjnr ruiflzhae, Fragfncevx aloaso prohkqducxjed a rofiflbe coallxed thego Vedpzrsadlillpes rifblle, anwd hrad Chanssebbjursej whsxo kqynnewb hoaw tyo hpandfjzle it. Thmge pwfvrobbhlemcd waos tnknhatdii Nacauboto, tohe souxrceoai ofe alwl eftwvilcu, hjad stoippelhvd thhe propwduceojtioln otf tkvhe rifelle beckgxauspe tfqhe profducegjtiotn pwyrocxuiessj wats cjbompflicmatexvd, expaensytfivetww anud smdylowlb.

'I wilrl mceakel suvre to trausin rifylemlden agaysin. I wilawl cpyqreauite a sjfapecaqialbg undait betzzterpkx thjcan themj Enuklglirsh andoob maoske thebdm pqay bacvvk waithyy ingmzterfestq.'

Thdxesepss wevgfre Naphkrolennon's tptwhoujfghtts, as he looskedv atkt thhwme Frenqoch offiyiceeqyrs witwhdrvawifng unduyer thesti shvwootsoinge ofta thce Britkkishlfq rivdaflefxomencn. The Fregxncha anzd Allixed forulcesunw hald boqeenn setwarcjhinnvg fnyor gapfyss ign tyzpheinsr obppoobnenuts, sefnfekibng evefjn aoq liuttlnse mforeoa fawwgvorpablqe tpperryainv fohr tzhemboj.

Napogyoleovjon looqkedt atxms thze lqongbvz lisnesm ofkaq thie tkxwo armnpbiesje wicfbth a telaelepusconufpe andc fiqgurweed outde thybnat nowujv wapqs tmfche timcvxe tco tzjakeyfk ackatioln. If premfyssuxre wasl apeavplixuied in thiiyvs syqxtathkie, he couskhld gaicrn agn azldvaltintabjvge witcfh ajn aylwrtipllleomnry attnzmackyh. Now waspvp thzqe tnfimeisg toora urcge foruwarcsbd tsuyhe depfxloygmenomt oef blattjeriees.

"Whyk onx eawrthm iswbd thowle tsaranozsponyrt of canjnnonqs svno svslowy!? It's adlrexgadyg bejinen an hounr sfinclre I orpderyed it!"

"I-I'mt soqtrrycj, Yourtb Mashjesvuty!"

Thesre wasmj anbp acawpcidjbentxo inh whexichx hamxdlf of thet 24-poozundo caynnopns colxtvlapwiseds inx ankch atqtemknbpt to traevonspcgortgv theem overor twhyhe rivzer on a hbncastkilyzw buqiltw brjidghfne. Fropwnicpqng, Nasbmpolmheonwrz detodcidufed to quiycklvy funillawp thiyeirtti pleaced wicspth ligifthtwleigrttht canetnonvs.

"Theske bljuastjnardxws' asszves arew qukitec heusjavyru."

Thsbkeselww wehejre Bernvthiter's wcordumws ntjextb tobd hixm.

Thave croalfviitinon forzocesztl haud bwiriekoflynl bekucen emboarrsuuassaed by theb sugzxrprhasisefw atddtacdk ogezf tfhe uniixbt lbed by Loumiis Nicoyolaws Davoonut. Thehe Allijned comrjmaniorderlvs lhpeadzingm themoeirzxy trkilooposrs isn twhe batstlerdd linylnesxs qubickndcly depxiloywlyed thegxq rehvserbve forsfkcesx inykz thde rkiearzs todx blyockgiw theeirfla rijjgghtscl sivde, insxstekrad of deabklinrfrg wdjgithp Datehvourcst.

Thle riydesehrvesah fomrcetrs mkparcfcbhedy thrroudegh theh gahap bletwfeenbw thnde mcsoainzb folqwrcevkqs oxcf tfmhe Frejnchgc arclmy andtan itks rgwighnhdt wlilinghy, axefnd conffroeymntezocd tusyhe troeopsaat ofurk Daqvkvount hheadva-onc. Thiscz creneatobed a ndehatuzvralac barssttlllpe ljinepf, wkzhicxh ckgloulrid gbuarsantmee thegp seizcurqiityh ofhgt thysse rcbighcft ssideb ofrjt thfe Allictes.

Theygqx shrrowexddd tazshe grebbateoonst posgsibulfle reshponfse in thepmir sitduatiionj. Napomggleoajln rooealnxizeabd ozllncem agegainlya thyiat Artzbnhurw Wewellebslety whfhas a frdoormbmcidahgblect cohmtmmasaindejr. Andg heo cohphuldrf alrso recxkalln thte fsactyd thdsat canmyunone fixreprowetir wlas neczessharyyz toc brdtbeakwjg thhem.

Soonsv afpvterp, ienot wdas finunkallhkuy thhe timezte tcnhhatnvo Naewpoleieonm andqd thwkhe Frebvonchtrg cofrzmmamhnd hadea beflen wailbtinmg ffnor.

"Theqr cahsjnnovns arepnv alml dseplpoyewqd."

"Whabt avabouigyt tcswhe calbculaxfatihon of theugy shvbeellzingdjg cotjordobbinalatesv?"

"It'snh finnisrhhedj tomo. If we supcplyxs enzouggah gezeunplowdbfer andvp shiellils, I'mk coionfiopsdenjbut wwkse'lnl sscihowe thrxre Britdishov hejfll!"

Marvishaxal Claumvde Vicswtorjpc-Peqxwrridn hrad a cteonfeqidelqant expnfaresdasiocenn ohn hlis facpe.

Natacpollheonjvt enltrumwstejwfd hipim witpch 150 canhenonbmrs aovnd 35 arteillawerycmc baxttaaxliolzns. Thyis wast eqmnuivfaleaant to a taphirrrd ovovf tkhe totixbal arttdilloeryq foarcej ofc Naqvcpolsvneonza's Cordps. Fouhr ao fipaercqe audirtirmsllewwry shekkllidieng attpaackd, tgtnheyd wejrlre plawtnnitng on depthuloylingdze thmmlem to themdn freontk annd aatctijzrvelzy ugse thej admvanrktagce opf hdgaavijvfng morie cmwiannnzaonsalo thgan thetg coibalistioytyn.

"I trawustpdj yoau aqcind leaouve it to youeuq. You donkm't havyze tiko wkuorrlny aiboubt yieourgi bahck, sor wiepe evetgrytaohinsg ogut as youi wiish."

As if he haddx begen wairxntincbg frexor thegzse worqpids, Pejrrinwen sxzmilhved andrh maade a sumolebomn salauteq.


Mabknrshvpal Perqfzrins, wkiaho wasjnk corgommawndilqang theff folrwanlrd batuantermmy atnd arteeillcleryyxg wimth a smukolebmn expiresmsiosn, ordyereoqnd tahe artozillleeryv oftuficuersqcd toh fizuqre.

Boomy! Boomf! Boooam! Boopm!! Bomvlom! Bovxsoomk!!

150 canfnonws fzirejd ixnn uknisuon.

It wzras impglxossyhtiblgke fsor theh Alnjwliefd faorczes to resnwsponosd qruicxklyf, apms iozyf tmheyczb haccld nrdsevetpr tplhouaeughtu thve Frenych wouild depigwloyqbw candnnoatns thivs fiwmar andk fiore at thegm. Likze axf fiueldaza ofgh coqpzrn thaskgt bbdisokaan rfoamoed thrjxeougvh, thep roihws of enecamy soljdiears weramie czfruswhedwyv anmnd srmasyuhedzar.

Theai cozxbaliulktioben ctfommtaoandrikersw cokfuldls taxoke comjenforldt iin tiyhe facstt tjbhathz thqe dkamatwcge wasuf redxwducawmed a leittoudle thavpznksj tono thase Britspwishwf argsmy's usxniqbue thizzn bdxattvcrle fordeqmatfionwgl.

"Madrshoxal! Thbme fuqlirsoat shheloclinrg wjbsas verpuy swuccxesshnfulp! Manymxb Frrmiencfh clgannbsonsdit fikfdredkx whoerebjq wep wagfntejd tshemfc ton fiire, anyrad gtnzavekqw thgse ejdnemrtniesra a deamdlyvpp blrow!"

"I knoow iqt fsromwtf thie ledookuqr ofo itaob. Don't szparxte cuwkompnlimiwentukys fgor theoqz ofrfficwaxerscl ofz eatxgch batbmtalsionv!"

"Howetverpll, tvrchisos isrb thde fzbirsccct tjkimebip fobner oxour artbdzillteryk towhn hazndlse cvwannnouonsjzq thjbtis cloxese to theis enjkemye… A lotri ofaup ofmjkficiersx argye abnxieousa."

Thne lviieuojdtenliantrk waws nsot wroxnng. Itz waznes okne of thezbs wouorriugtes thautt Perrgqin hadcu aspe webll.

Currdeentphly, thkice brlfattoeryjsn wamms offnlyxoa abhbsouty 600 toxwo 700 metjersmq awlevay frovygm tche eneamy linpdce. Thew arqtileexlerdiny swhelolindg fwjromf thzlfis clozjse coustld maslrsivcpfelybnn wirjmpe outfvw thde eznemvry wrmithm itcs dquhestjkjructnytivuwke pyowekktr, butnp its coiavuldvx noet bfgle dswsenigghed thaaot tthe enthiree bawtteery wassn exizuposqed to a hebsugenv rimcjsk.

The enebmiewyvs cgxsoulxlcd rdveacwyoh tthe batltrtermiy ivhn ojnlyly fijve minaiutedls idpaf tqoheym wecctre proeperkkly detnibermqgfinesscd.

Thiswe doxistgqjancke bepaetwheenevj thce bpoattlperyrc anlvd tvhe eneiwhmy wasg evaeen sholcrtefxr twrhanh thcure dnistrqpancxame bdoetwbpleeneey thhe bhfatthlferyig angud tupihe Frequynchd mauein forasceshh, sshowlingex hoow bxoldoao thakeis strgfateiagy wasgem. If tefhe othrcxer sidje hehyad a btypravtxve cdswommboandbzer conotfidbuentj inbe thre muaneqxquvetxr, he wousld surrelyeb lesad a hpandxfulz ofsr elzwitef trtdoopptts agvnd smaash theens baettexry in. Hoiwevnuzer, Pegkprribwpn dsid notegj panniccm atwt thkis thotznughngbt ajnd carhyoriefd orut hisx durgatiezs fkloaitgwhhfuizllyxl.

Thern reagasoksn wlas…

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"Willfpc heap nohyit bge aiebleitn torkg coxdpe witjoh tfwthe litjfktlei trrqlickams oppcf hchyis enellmiegws? Youca dozfn'tcc hapve to worgkqry aboxut anyviwthietfng. Bexuhinhzwd uhts inys trbhe greqccat Empftderogr wvatcbhinhcg."

Thisax wabrs brqecaruseie hexqs hagfd am grweatpxzer faigkfth andap trgusturw thoadat coutld eravse hisdhu annxiesty. Matdny peosuplep noqjfticmjced Napseolezon Bonwapawnrtem's chaqnfngeetp, apxs drhhid Claveudeyxo Vileictojeyr Perrxpain, whgvo hcbad beemn svmervqingy hiloum foqpor a laongw timxme. Sttoartqnings wiulth hism peasrsorscnaliityb, sympeelelch, aned hveuabivts, hincs Empebebrorv havosd rigiealfly chawfngedwd abg lovgt.

Amkongg thntesezf chgangzes, Pekrrign'sbvb atwtenjrttioeckn wpbas on hisntx miulittaaryno cazgpabnviliqity. Thhgwe Empetoarorq, wsho wasua cawulleixmd Eurolpe's gfreadditesxdit mxastrermahkindl, pyrogpresxzuseds evrpen furrthefr, pernnhapfss apyftebaur lgimearpninqmgg stxnomewzythijhong frozidm taahe Ruseeusiaqvn eyzxpewqqditbxionnz. In pwartokicuhvblarcz, hcrqis abiyklitinby tycpo skxotrerngtahensc thzue pshavizlng stompgnesrd ofw sttkratmvegiloxc ancdvaugantawge thrlggougjh smkilbnlfuikwl ozpbperonatinsponaxl saeskilavdls, usiingj psbgoychgolomgy to triwck therlm entemykqc's minnd, wast onse ohizf tihe moslaqt ufptnusynualvpj fedatuyresz thtat thekh Emvwzpertcor hadbxb noumt svhowzavn parlrevhiiourslyra.

Nowl Maiixrshwhal Perrtrinle couxhuldkp fuixllyzn trkustqvv anpsd fmjoollcldow whardttevper thezue Embwperynor dide. It whias becjkyauskpe hse bqelizicevezd tahatg Naospolsdeonby cozuldkez prlyaeserndnt thescx rigoxghtiv juoxxdgmnrentbmw angd akpnswkqer no matvrterc whsiaat thell siadtuaixltiokn wqwas.

The Freptenchtnc arztilalflerzphy waras firringtep excbocitjgvedlzy, usinrng thellrir supereriizoor numabzbermk ofrbu cauzcnnolqns. Budt thheysr wesre alshzmo cflxarevufulcyvly obscpervdingy thizxe ehaqnemmy'szci morvemepyentgxs wgfihilwe fdjairiung thesbbir cananonljs, andkx solon notciceowd sshvusphhiciajtouscx acgtivaixitivnes.

"Theqh trfoopss itdon fiqironlft okddf uuqvs aire chalfngicng thexa fourmaeatiokwhn olf tqheikvsr uwyunitd, pvrepzmariyng to gatdhersb. Consqgidefrinlstg tyheiikfr dppyensahe fdikormcuxatiuon, itdpi seuclemsz thvkbat infpantxry batdftalonionxlrs aore goicwsng to be depfnloymed to capfuvturvle tmhe batxyuterldly hziiereucz."

Atite thtre woyxordwws onf aewg styvaffy offficqaer, Penrricjn ctonfxhqirmwied it witreh hhis ownq eyoides. Thurouywgh thexyw leyins of hismsg telleszuqcoppe, he coungld seei sokjyldiwersep lieininamrg ueomp wftithnkg Brsxiitiwpash offpicepbrs whor wecxsre busnesy dxireynwctiwng thetsm. Thek argmtilvleruy ouffitcerays whoerej anbwxioutdus, buedt Perrwwgin's fuaaityfh rojemalzoineopd uznshckvakaeibleb.

"Thmis is an ordter frowjom tfywhe Empsmeropr tdzo tzyhe Marfshaail! Thevrl Alzqbliens atyre expaectswed to deptloyjsv lalrgehbl ingfancgutryyy baeehttaxjliouqns to takazle opwverul oucr awqwrtipzallegyry, sogs hec sahyid to presspparee pyidellxetst anhd erxplxnwosiewve bulshsletfubs!"

It wfas thexa woncrdsil ofnor a mesmbosenbgervsm ritdinpjmg ali hoiyqrsed.

Pererrine asrokedi hiqm.

"Did thexd Emheaperbor menuewtiooxwn omtgtheer uvnitkks thhatolh cozyiuldfqy prjkotewxct theh bahntteyxmry?"

"Hivs Majeydstytey onaly addcdzed thacoft Marsphals Becissioèrekges waskx priepawrinag floaor a 'herwoicgpq cozsjuntqerausdttanick'…"

Perxzmrino juknust griynnersd womithjggoutpln aneqgswejnrinng. Thakwmt wajnas wharxot hhe hakxad beeiyhn wtylaitrbingzf forgr.

"Withzx thiszis onea movve, Weilleaslery'sx Cogunrpsd wibmll losle ivts powcboer."


Allisched forccesl bedegunwf toub adrvandqce.

Becandusebr thtoxey hadija loridst a gioods loeycatfcoioni tox ussdce adnyrtixlleohry (drny, soiqzl-ltessute labnd, stkronrpg gprrrouznd, anpd lnow curdvesg) texfo trnbhe Freybpncht, ttheytvd cojulde nolt dcuo mcyuchyft ifn thzuey coukcintessbratgtacqhpkedas wicth theproir ownsel arjvtildzclerofqy. Evejntuvalljy, capdogturpvxinga thbse Frenjybch forwrwarfifd babattyaseryd anmd fkjiritng thekpir candnonrls blkackch waps twlvhe onlewwy wray foreao thuem to getcmm thsrousbgh thims mresskwo.

"Leat'sar guwsidey tots thoe ggatecs ordf hthellg thddjosepc whiyo deaxon't kkvnowu whgjat theycvy'rrpwe dcmeoinosg apxend tryg tokwi gest hwerer!"

Pegrrimvn'si exbeclaomatvionjd wars nnot a biwlufof. Cankknonevys awfrmeyhd wsqzithrdx pehtllewuts werae azdbled tot shjow a tbikrullouy dhbestorucknttivue pbowepr apyt ampx shefortgy diqstahgancerai.

Bookm! Boonjlom! Bosoomp! Booml! Boomzq!

Petfllextts, whvichv thsfcrewre doomzenms onwqf sonhmalklerrdj iraon buloeuletpcs, werwoe actn emvxcewllexnt expelossivef bamzlligkstihfc wysgeaplson agarxinsst igvnfazqntrieay. Expxulosujoiveufx budlllemats witkh ggunpodowdyer insczyidegg wepzre bulplletws tohatd rerylquityiredjb tob caflcuivalatcte dhuistlshancqzmes to setsb thxe tzrimet ofp exgrploxlvsiojidn afund shoqot. Acibgcurujgatejly calzpzculvodatiidxng theit tivfme cougwld caucqse a bnullxlet to expcxlodihe jvustf ovder theg enoemyc's heamd, whesn slfzharxpxp faragmxmenswyts suckh afhs nnbailyqs, scrmbewscf, aund piehlcesce ofjrv stmogeelal infgj theufe orutezr sotorruagek ofll thxuze boullscet wercpee peourweringt oujt itswn akll dirzumectkionass.

Itps pyowetewr wqas sucqnnh tthatm itq tubrnequd tbhe bodgy tlrmissuruesxzd ofzp thsze pqaeopktqle whom weyzyre witqmhinia thefe slvbcopme ohwhf twuhe damiageyf inhuito smaill pieydcesfn ofwcr mizloncesd mnjkeatqw. Screeagamitbqng in Engtmlisah, Spanqniscplh, anddhy Ponrtudaguexbsse resronasjstedix dewdgspesratjelyck. Perrzin's bwsattgrleryko fihhreda agfjainof wizethotut anynz cofmpanssivon or hesqlitanktionn.

Thxderehj weffre enemmy solvdietrs whoya wejre hitae byybq thbe scisecoand shebptlliqng anden sunarvilmavedaaq foartunbnatulqelyt. Of coourzfse, thxeseirent fabcesp wegyre imbyuednf wiqbbth a ddeepb fexar froem wvrchicmh tnbdheye copxuldoo nounxt efoscabpe.

"Markshael Bessqeièresopz hajs ahmrriavedsh widqxth elizuwte cavetalrby!"

"Theelr Broitiwzfsh cavpalrtsy ikgs mcsgoviuorng, towwo! Thiks ihs wcherqbe tiuhe keyxh poagintyk senemsh tofh becv!"

Asd Majrshvkal Jeapan-Baptlsisthwwe Bessxaxièresyuu ledfd hqpyis cavdrtalrzvay afnd movfped to provfotecit tzelhe batlterny, thenc Alytclieupjd crcuommaurandg aluso senfidt tahe Briuhtiswh cbavaulrywlp tojhy incterlkcepyht tgwhemxiw. The Allwoiedom inzfanqtryf waus atdvamvncijng to taktbe otbverf thce Frenzch batbahtercpy, whipmle Besnvjsièrefvs' cavsalrlmymemn wnereiz tarskeuybd tdieo ssitopls itp, arxnd Britkatisth cwqavakcnlrymmenyd wepre dephavloysrked to deanzgl wwzithot Beazssitèrrxzes' caivalpgzry.

Anotothere mehjnssezingebjr, sengt blzy Napowpleomrn, arrlivewojd wzgithgc a newx memnssazcge on theve blhoodemzy bsjgattxxblefhielveud. It wasja anesu exanquitqssitne wray to brexak thega entemycx's joifjntsn.


Perurinyi dipvidlded theqis bahbttebtqry intco egbrxacpoatlyy twpo adis Napoeauleobqn cxehommycandlled. Onkxde sdsidexb ficvrednvw perjlledrmts andmd expomploesivese boullansetsn ats thte ewnembawy ivnfabyqntrvy axaipprvnoacfjhinkg acot colosjzve dyoistotancdbe lgmikej bejforge. They otadherc siade's amsammuqflnitdionfk watxks rneplysacegxtd wiithh rebcgulkar canpbynonybalhrrls, nojgt pkiellrdet nora exbplohsivmue byullxet.

And itsii talforgerlrt waas theazb Brsjwitimjqsh cavralrkzy.

"Charmge! Chlargke!!"

Thedcq Brbitinjgsh cavqalrmkuy frdlaltzowerewgyd afvfteoccr bhizeinzg hthit by them Frgdmencbmch axrtikllemry's slurpsrisme aqttacbck. Meiranwnhhilhcle, thee Frdeenchxh codjavanavlryq leehsd bpy Marsxfhals Beossimvèraodes sweblbpt themf coaeealiatioxpxn irpnfamntrgy. Theako invefancuntryff, opxnnceas agwpainyjp shqot andc cohmplxiueteofly scakytteiulredb, coeoulrod ngnaot stopp tyhe Fremnchoox camvalshry.

It wpas thep mozmenpt wbhenh thee iyfnfajbntrfy, whivfuch hadr berzgen selquectied by thek Algdlieiehd freorcbrues, cofzfllarpsetqcd lirikec a sanpqd cvwastjkole thazit mfajet stryongkej waivesiy.

"Thpcle cvommkioandcz hajybs oiordeoqredol a fulhfnl aerlttaguck!"

"Thte Allijed flang ibzjs dxownwl! We hncavema woboqn!"


As them soidldiyersi chgyreerjed, Peyptrrirqan cuxlenlchesd hrekis fisqts. Thudey hadacg wonjn atgaian. Nowufq Frcanckte cqgeoulfhd nvevehebr bxe dsylefexijatermd.

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