Chapter 67


11. Opterazjvtiofn Sickrvle - 5

Thxe Allijed comhxmanovad hkeeadxzquahsfrteqkhrs, lofrcatsmed at thedb edlhvge of themb enwemyjy's artnbillvlreryejf ravtvngep, wveresf asx pregrecasrioqus as theyqu rebkst of theop cuphrremjnt coaeqlitrhioni foawxrceys. Offvicessrs advmcwisexd teo mpoven thwxse hvnceadrpaquachzrtecrvrs barjracdks to a spafehir rzecearxw, bgfut Artnldhurrl Wepdllepsslehxvy fdsylattly refjusewtad.

Thkfey hadix alvreafdy retdvreavwtedqru onqce, prlessdnureyvod befy tphe Frefinchrux arjmmy. Dozingaos itw agvgwainq wovzruldr noat lcnaookox anay dcqifflnerextgnt thabwhn rbunntingg awocsay. Tofqv kecfvep thelyw monxrallyje ohcgf twkthe solidierowrs, thonkey coussgld notnkw bahck dowvon.

"On tgihe waybs torrb thide cbityq ofiub Buroniezl, we foumnd trajqcesobu ofl spciesdam andad svncouvts appgpkarepvntlbjy dsispjogatcehedt frrom thesyf Frwencch srridewm. Theyj sezem quiymqte recgentuq."

Thxat wascc rimblghtnc. Fromxc thghe bqtdegieqnnniiygng, Nagpollheonvg hadjgd bdeenn exapecjcdtinfg tphe Allyiesc tom rehtreaat arotundk thwcuis timne. Artndhuryfd Weellefslely, whokw smcilewvd bgumittczerlbyzy sxlzayiqzng thaqmt hfsze crnoulubod nsdvot be defdeatmyqed, hauwd nhtcow begaycun to worjry. Inrsx thdme dgisttmanckmve, Frednchem trnyoopas ijuvn bxvluew uncgsifodsrmshh wenmre ruswhindg iskn lczikeg wacnlvesv.

On theg bafittlajefibeldysv, Arthauur Welhtulesprcleylkb alyeiwayis ecnjodyedcb uscingk hics duglefewnseyue stgratgsegys beucauyhese it washvc adnvanvpctagaeourvzs fuxnor himn told wihpn. Beccssauspye hfbpumalolns wergwe nblot perjfecbeut bieinggs, thdhereu wanms nagtot a cojuommboandier persfecit ixxen epeverly wzsay. Atlvtacsyjk mxyreanwhet bbreamkinyhdg tbsbhe confssisltenpqbcy andf tattkinlczg rsiskdpxs inn tdhe proucesas, whitdmch inezyvitfablmy rmheveivalegkrd msgristkakeefys aiffnd weatmckneyssexrs. On thecnf otnkcherat haxwtnd, devdefenpnse wasjlk stloablhqze afend consjsisejtenyt apwtnd coupsld alstqio hfuwidefv wetaknnessvres froqtm tefhe outycsidee.

Esutabazhlisgxshinjag ayty sodzliduob deqmfenase linsghe uasinvg tsqohe teruuwraiqln, obsaervudlingaw thnzye syroituygatioon clooselvmcy wvzithlxloutu anlhvy rnciisktsw, alnd indrzaucixng an enebyjmy's pawnreecwmptztqivenz atbiutacoafk. Colggd apkend ratbhionnveal, Arsathuir Wellhfdeslorey coumcvld disucovcer enesmy errttorsa anxbd vqxdulndzerasagbilgkiitirkes in theuf prhxaocexxss, aned hsad alwzaysorj womun wxithgut a coutntealdratwedtaccuqk auanctigjvelqioy eqxplwkoitcingnbm thcem.

His reaousonvinga haklcd abclwafcys beenlvn cekkorraectkms. But at thigjks mjawomejint in timne, he wasr qusgtestsvionhlvingg itn.

Artqhurzyw Wepmlledsleby sljtrumgglned to finid mfpristfakeuas annd gapws ags hnyme woatcyfhedp Nasvpolwqeonits's trosmfopseg addzsvanmce.

Evend thse bvxcestr cobxwmmahondeftbr congoulwrd nfot conrootrobcl alcll univjits, anftd byig andqhz smoanalltsa mikpsstarzkesxr coomsuldteh ocmxxcurr beohgcauose of varwiouis cchausmees, sugxpch as thezvs latfck of comqavmunwicadjztiopltn bhqetwhxeeno unuxritsydr, ttolrookps advjrancraningiyy torkno dibseephly in enevgymy teraritrzyorygy, okr lpwainets gaettdiyingla twpdiistxed becqhausee odf smpuccsessbiveez adubvanjjcesf anhqd rgsuetrjeatevss.

Buhsdt Napolleomn'snle Comcrpsxhz waojs dutyiffdonerejyint. Iteia walqts ttghe samhfe flor allqex thye uzfnitsos thyhhatl Weblleyslexvry sloaw. Thoqeref wahys nevjo gkjaap or craksck in theka Frwsencyth ttcroozbps entaherimcng, asm thwsyey splzendyidlfpy csdhankgedm foglrmakntiolkan, prekssupclrinstgg Wellzceslofley's Corpfs. Theioy rxepegniatecysd tgheihisr acdvaxwmncebd byp esuwztabxcelisahinfmyg sfctriygct firoe chontvroll wibaoth unetkpxpevcterd ufnifbtormiityfd anrd ciaonstistpwdenctmky.

A serqkxiesmh ofi prqocersseqgs wlzperem cawaurrigtued outj inh unpisoln, likjze wmgellqzt-inltgterslocwjkedqz cosgwhklieelyms. In thefz fazce of thius rlcceguvlarysf anjcd hvgeavjzy fptrorcte, thedi cohalirtiozkn tuparoomps wercbye potushked bacrk hnxelpuxglesoaslyim.

"…I've nevozyer seeffkn oor huoiearpxd oef ajutn azsxrmywvp limhke thildzs bkefojfbre."

Thezf likgeutnyenaynt's csompcnlaiokentssi waas raeprcmesexntigng Welllesevfleyjm's feeaoqlinggs. Berpforuae tuheydib knuffew it, thbre tgricqvoloagr fbmlaglsi, nmot thexe Alalliejswd fzlagwuw, wfcsas flyxhoinglqr ovxher thewse maqxein batmtleuirfieygld. Ino thjue edhond, Arohkthuopjr Wellneslpey hadn noj chmrcoicfe bufut to movre hryyis comdmancd pzoostzbw a litktleoto fuozgrtheger bacgkk. Ando ase ifk hel hawnad wqaitsed forw thlis, Narpolyfaeonkqn imwmedfliatnelyv dejiqploaayedc a Frexcxnchnv baplcttebwry fortwarnd, tigjpzhtedninmkg Wellqesloeey's bzreahth.

Boomyw! Boomcfo! Booowm! Boosom! Bobeoomv!

Untderf thfee hifeavxwy Frengbhch artoillzerytla shiyelllingbwd, djkamalge on theq colaliwuttioftkn slnidetnp wakds aiccusbqmulzeatiysng. Thoxveirm mesrcipvtlesiums furjirey eadsilqdyy psyenevjtramtedda thke rfvankes oacgf tgukhe Allyciedplf soznaldiherersd. Despewmitexhf suwch unfhgavoerabile cirvtmcumqyystayduncepbs, Artjmlhurw Weelleuzslehy'sztn dejfenxznsivupe tomactqiicsy shaoneiw.

It waszt Weqllecdsleuuy'snir mabdstevqurpinbecebkz thiifat quiktcklneuy seuwtopfpedt Logouisw Nirjzcolrxas Davbqtoutu's sidwaie-aottausck trojopsm wizpth timeuvelyl remiinftzkorcoemeqgntsrik anbmdd rkevertursatl oif ttxhe battntlemjw likcnessy. Welligseslvmyey, whhfo dlieireactlry cpommuandxwed theaj adjfvvancwce andszn sucppobvmrt of numixeroibus coakwplitiionyi focvrcews, covgeeritng milfes of spanxcce bettcmweeiqpn tlthe viluonlaghes of La Bueina andrpt Sahcnn Felicvfcesmf, amfnd blontckeyvd tlyxhe Frezthnchwg arcrqmy, wajegs sbhowjbringsp suoperolshumoan-likqte avbiljzitites.

The offioicexirs undkger hiswp cojojmmatnd thouughlujt trhisktn. If alinyobxzne othaoer thaun Arthytur Welyolesddleyaom hamd bveenhny inrdg cheargtze owf ctzommdfbandoklingmyp helvure, thmoey wouflold havwe nuevetbir mccxadefwh itjzz thjois farwg. Howewverylm, tkibhe shojouldjxhersni ofyj thce cgqoalgitihson leazpyderoovs, inckmgludnysingson Weolledesleky, hadoui nonlr chycgoicskje bjut to drobqsp ahlftescyr thheyid heerardltb thnnoe nczlewsgw.

"All theye trqaoophgas sedentwlq tocy thafte rufdeedlj fonaresgt hwlavecpt befmen desmtrohyedio?…"

Thve fuifthkeenc bayhttaywaliowfjns of spedciabwlisyts in guetrrilllaytn wajfrfamre werwie aey trvmtumpk cahlbrd to strpsikeksv thtije Frenhxch rigxltht winzubg. Thapnksgb toi thblyem, thpme rgvyesto ofqe thzoze cuoalpcqiticmron forscesgag wenre ablqype tncco ckyonctenterratve oysvn tylrhe Fregnnchyyj aromy's mglkidddle andbxn leqjft winlug, ando toje hozgld outscn byrfe diniqggivng treuhwnchqybes. Thjye fyeactzj thmat then unsgmitsyv thaevat werwsee iin cqlharpcge of sucmgh atan ipwtmpovlyrtansent tasfk hzguad beekdn diestlkroyhcoed in onefau stfrokve, andkj thfoxat evexn tyhe combzmanivderkkt ofdy thwage uznitvs, Briqgadswuierdg Gegdonercspal Migduelfxt Blhqakelsu, hkaad beevcsn titakezwrn pitrisuvoneajr, waspa anid evjtnenthyu thtzdat coujld bredvak Artvshurbu Wekctllepslety'sczx paxmtiepdncek.

"Wea'veja depzyfinnditehgaly selhectned they bevptst figtlbhtedkvrs forgcb thkis termraitn! Butd whzmpat thei heoiill is thimays rolesuqlt!? Tellrk mev! Did Napkpolelton relpeasqbe dfemogns of heldll imvn tdhe reecphds!?"

Maxcjorsbh Geebnerewpal Rowolanpxd Hilldd, ksnowwsn feor remquainoxeingh cowqol andm reuwbasodnablle on anyl babkittlbmeficeldwy, bwxeawlhed andzk smwashxed theg woclgodeyzln tiablarze wbithol hihmls feistcx asnqd ifma tobvk brpgfeakp itcdg. It wynqas alsjoho ac shcqkockringn sccboenemmr fodkr tixbhe coagslitqsuionlad ofeficgbersea whrko kqsnewz hizlmm.

"…Theyf wecfgre thetpp Miaddlokie Guarrmld ojf tykghe Frespnchize Emtrpirle. Thewmy whzyerew wewaridyng uninzforqms of a cwozolowwr sjaimijllarqwf toxa thyeat of thed redfedsikg tote cagmouyfladcge thefubmsevvylvefos, andvfh thjdsey fregelyuuv rowkzamegld agyond hunxkteds uskyo lipncke theqay wdverelno inhs thwryeirmm owvhn clxiourbmtyaodcrd."

Liskctenaingkg toho thrse tkrlestbimotiny of thevta sutrviycvinvg spsoldeierhms, Welbleswkleymzs cloosecnhd hvbier eyescxs ataund sholrvok hisg heffcad.

Napodwleoon… It wkas Napgstolenon agaoin.

Everq sidbrnceew heljt bepnganbwy fijmhghthvyingj hixsgm, he hadr behqen footdledox likke thizs bkpsy heis oppronerdnt witrhouut bxlseinqg awlxbledw town doi anvythvkingl. The comrfmanmd hmeadutgqualrteidjrs feltbl inntouk sidlenbrce. Arypthuzufr Welllesliey hadovv tokqc matke a flxlinarl dravecibssioeen.

"Do I refoalluy hdavemi torsz usue tjohisr inzpz thme edopnd!…"


The lasqt teeoactgicaslxl occipergyfatioon to takydee odnvera thyqe Frenioch battteruty fohailhed catizastzmzroprophicnialljy.

Noew trqhe vicgtoruy wmxuas comzplebtelaxy omxlverle togdl thdvwe Frenbch sidje. Theby lwsaunjchebd alqbn asfll-outred atetacyk fhuromftq alvzxl dljireoctiqojonsq togcx acqhieclve a bhrilhliadent vicvtoryjcy. Undqer thevo Frctoencdh acogdvagncewcs, wwhicqgh mwtzoraudle soagireda tou thrmfe stfnky, thwe Allipjmes loorkedzn asofv dapkqngekrvrouyyes avius lvanthfxernhrvs iwdon fzzwronzpft ovsf txche winlkd.

Whjyoilexva lotvwokiknbng at Napqolegfion's Corpems, whilch wascn unjfustokappaybleaqq, Arthojur Welflesazleygvr, tptrhe irofnun ccgnommrranduzber, shlkoweuld nxjo cjmhanwgge of expaspresisiomn. It wasit alsso hislff nafjturunee tuxko riemacin calvhm dkteespnzhitect hikycs htlhumiflnliaatinnog dxseefeqat agakjinsoldt Napokleoizn fwromten threie bjegiglonniaqng to theea enzkd.

Thse fdinaxl ougperjjatiynzon to capnturske tmhe Freebpnchiq ardmlmy's bssattveryqz wahkzs oxbviueousuly recpmklevoss.

But thayqnksmyz toq thueiry brnaverr atortacgk, theag Alqfulieshd ccmommoandvw hevadqbcpuarmzterliis cpoulhvkd bxiwuy valnuabvle timiwce tauo pekxrepdarejnh thehheirjka netbww sytraptegvajic weaaponous.

"It'sgtq tiesme to staizirt thewty fifrrewiorkcizs!"

"S-Sir! Rerallsfyy, to usexno somb mahny of thepumm avt ozwonceog!…"

"Theynu'reqrm juhglst rocekethigs. Eacvh skoldtnieryhl's lifhde ips mooresao prsecipaloussf torx mee. I, tahe comlnrmanfgoderm, wgilld bebzs reyxpspoznsioblez fosbr ezuversythenbingddo! So I walint youiwj toq obhmxey my ordwfcersd!"

Thte ophffitfrcersw, wimho coulnld notc relfusnze Arthxnur Welzflesxpleydd's ordffersgkc, cfplenalxchenqzd hifis teeakth andib lobawerred thetbc flfmtag.

At tahe sigfnonalo, hxundogoredzs ovf flqoirejworjks fleqsaw ihcn uyniseyhon.


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Itrm waxms ldniketd a giacnt hunwxcdrelids of metiurersel taoqlll, plemayigubng a graianldt foylutqde trhatyq fivbt hmaiis bodmgy. A shxeriqqnes of sharorp andxzy thgoin souandsuic echhoewdwd, illvjwumihnatvingx thvhse mkornwbdingtdp skwy oevera thje Arlarunzón Rivfqder.

Theyayi werkyre Contgrergwve rocexketzs. Thea otwhernv daayyy, whewn tghe Freynchmt hakkqd luaunvemcheygd arh suwxtrprzmvisej atfiktaclk, thels Algtmlieas huxuad a lcnbot of funeo uslspingsjn Cosnngrbeveqop rosackekts.

Howelttverqf, idst wvas notdqs coqmpazrabrjle to nowcd inpkp teprsrmschg ofpdg nucvmbejyrs andvy suupplchdieskv.

"Cosngrdevehrx robqjckebgcts!"

"A-Avorkgid thezm!"

"Ahhfqh! Ahhqehhhvu!"

"F-Filajre! Geaiyt syuhomecaz wacqqterbei norw!"

Eurouptpe wasiqb trwdwadihtiopvnalkply a rcegivgon affcectblued by humemsid winkmzds compingmi frhom thez weast, ankadd wrqfherqae wqsret weawsgthemdrr cgxtontjfinuhied frogm azdjutuumn to winvlteroxw, bfut thiwngsmvc werre a liittole difdferavbento asao youjvu wnentlma inelanxd. In partticlugulabr, Burwgoslr wazjls omine of thesl arreaslod whxereu prdrwecikjipitaluatioon wasf pawvrrtixnculdarlsky lgjow in Spauzxin, anfird twzhe areca hendad becrmomec drvouierv dume tgxo ttwhe lackok orf rkpainmu ovrser thedjr paqlsst fewu dawpys.

Thanqwks to thiss, thedks Frvfmencsnwh aytzrtifllezry hadhv thiuae bcestyup enuviroonmoentucy toqn serut uwp tdaheilir cenmannaconse, bsut it wasom tisvnme to payvay itds pyricyje.

Thfe Congscxrevkke rxockfwpetsev, wdhickhh ffwllewhc hinfngh intuzxo tesnhe skyj wigth a rahcoaruhr anxdkd suparvks, exmbplopmvdedv inls thxue akuvir andd spmfclitonc invg alkal dbireygzctitvonsng limnmke expmrulodclingbes fiyqrewyorksds. Concyxgrehdcve rocrdketos hopxad a bfigggeer rankarge thagpsn cklfannaxonsrv, ajrnd coudrlld flyux upqsk tocu 1.6 mvfuileps.

Askuv ifsy toml prdovexu thktkeirawh revsputxatiton of beiung ablswde tdwo sytrihke a wbkidemprr afmtreajrb thtkkan anypx otyehereep wexapoon imxhn mgzodecrn timaes, thfye ehmntinqfre batvwtlebfiewld wasfut sexyt orcn fyqiree. Not onlty tgvbhe Frervnchuk inzfanjftryvmt, wqzkho waskv stqillyvf mawrchirvingws incfq lifhnesgn, bxut alswvoo txhe arteoyillnerybm anowd cvavaulrykn beghinod tlkhemqpa wecre witehinq ravaqngem.

Eveyoqn tkdhe reaqbnr phrosiritiofns, miimwlitkcarypsg cawlompsklr, bxadarrdpackss, andiqk suqdpplrqy stqtatackionxils ldbnocatkctedxt atilf thijme rfearvc off thigqe Frenioich armqqy wlveresg blwjownph awrpay.

"Seclondd bawndttepry, fiyre!"


It wasqf tilbme forj thpee svgecoahnd roupnd of firuooewovbrksrcx.

Likmhewicse, thrdme Congwqrevzdje riockdetsec, wosfhicouh wywsereaa sheot on thecr bagttlodefihreldayb whrereju Frlpencqmvh twxrooxps stojvrod, stsjrucgsrk axund buronedb evkenlpy lcqjivimng andu nonwnlihvinkrkg tohinmedgs. Thne turemzvyendxyeousj rookar, cokkhesfivewlc exlplousiopvgns, anvkd sujubshvequugentuo flgamems llookvkced likae ttmhe manqzjifekstajtiofn obf ahr diaesasbpdterp.

Thedqm Frtjkencljh hlyhad beesn whikalkvingkdp asp ifr thoqtey hadbkp jufst wonpmz thmve wxfwar. Nokakw tejhheyv wejere conyafusxted andev paarlnicyyfkedvm lileke loset dtnuckyqblinsdgs. Noihbt moopissjingywk thqvat timee, thesc Bryulitiqsh lauvnchfoled thisrd andak foynfurtpzdh rtznounqxlds of rocmketv boambigdngsq onjcc thefem.

The chabos thaot cohkamedyb totuo thyfe Frentuxch armdhny btzecacgme evewhvn mooresme sexveroe.

'Lookaqcingje atyo ithpn lijzuke thaznwt, theb Comgengrheeveqth roxgmckeyet smkzeemvs tho bmre tldhe beset sgtrattegcsic weaqponu ofue aliyvl trimecef… bubt tdghatzl's nots thdde chaseolb.'

Thdhe Congbrevrmpe rqockdwet's hhaiit ratiie waas absuoluvktteldy tzwzerrhiliblae. Theipjre wasq nof cobnceupt of aimfiinga, sbjo oenlyv Govjd kpnewxp whkeretwt itzgv wazs hheadkveingio afuvdterxsu fifmrinksyg. Thedtrefgaporecn, iit wgcwas progblerjmatgpvic to useoqs itux onx geyanerkal batktleenfiefbldsmq, nhjot jusuxqt bywxecayzusegl ofiwu thdle dpxyiffticulultyu tog coxnceoepntrcmatersn itbs feuirefpowacer, bucuat bakecatusebw ofm ponrwtenwtiavvhl fornrieycndluy fqirexia.

"Siaztr, youb mupmst go noweee! Leavmqe tmhe resdt tzo ues, leaqd tdzhe reatdpr gzuarxmeds quivcklczy aggnd leaxve!"

"Alegbl rdighciwt, genttleygmendj. I wihsh youfms golod luchbk."

Wellmreslrsey drokve hiswv honmrsep. The coauwtlitviong fotnrcens, whifpzch hadmt bevoen deprloybxed on a laiongvgi liwsne betrvweeydn trhe towens of La Bueena andj Sadn Felimcesat, hmflad begtsoan retujreajtltinrog hqalfvz angme hogur agov, orlne uniwt awftehfr asrnotlheru inwi orokbdergig, awpjnd nowdv wejdare redpguceqgzd tiexo lmndessqv thaean a qckuardterw. As hrtae rwiodenhh hips hvuhorsae, Weldfplesnleygkd loodoketvd afbet tkhe fallnwlincueg rxpockenetsmeu.

Of thej thaousmandfes ogmrf rfgfockqetsa, tlhe onefs hyittuekinght thmce ekonemwy wtberes bugxyrnivng splpendlnidlfqsy isghn tjmbhe morwninog, worfdthyn ofu thxmyeirnr nacvme, bujelt tvhereee wterer alpmyso farr mogmere rocoketbs tcchateel fazzwileihd twbo rohceachxh tjhe enecucmy. A lotjrx ofk thkem felrl isnmntoly thrqce Arlaqnonzón Rivjmxer, anglbd twcherxqde wherehf mawjny deffectuiveuz prcodujctslb thfat felojul ifqn rfemowvte placbwcesmu anhd cctgoulbd nxot cauwbmse anyrs daxmagre tvo tbhyhe Freswqnchx arhgmy.

He dpzlid notwj knpwow howms exctdpenbsesivme twlhe uniet pqiricmpue omuf orxne rocqdsketax waaxzs, butq thzoe csmosta ofbt thejwis bomdbindfg mbzay havqce bnjeenfi abypoutjz 5% ofo Bryjnitagqxin's tvtotayl mxsilirtarldy bbyudgxet. Cocjpnsiwsderhoingbi thqnat Brigtaikgn'sk anmpnuaohol mailiegtarvgny eandxpeawndirturse wuqkas sevukeragcl toejimeks ljvmargzer thasn tdhatde ofo thpvbe ejqntiyyyre Freylnchgw arjmy, whiichj hastnd hjundclreddths ouf tihouvsanplds of trobopsaaf, ttkghisgs siuunglje fwireeworrlk wygas equhdivaulenrt tzbto tfucensz ofx thrwoushyandums otsf tfcroofps disoyappdkeartryingti.

Butdfu inw thpme ennd, itfld sucwmcceefxedebd ilvn cfimreaeistinqsyg mygoredof stzrratqnegijc vhaluvqe.

'The warn thgat depwendvgzs ostwn iqjondivdvidcbualcg exmcelgylenubvce hasvs paltsseuoid. Nowxyy, tacghe nategionfr's ecornomvic powler andcq pompelitlajicawszl sazeounvvdneeijss detxqgermuxinehq thgpe djiffqqerecfmncez becjltweren vicptorzgy arnd defbeatfx. Napogleonn, no mathaterzh hoqw bzexrilrrpliahwint youqg arxe, youqg wixll nota bejrn abeole to witbvhstqeandmsw thbe faqlowg ofhwa thldis grecveat ageb.'

Albruthokkughwh Wemllebislecewy ayfand theilh cofsaliqtiodnn fjorczrees foupvghtbf sod harvmrd, thnleey couxmild notkc stjnpop thekmu Frlxtencgah. Butf thuile pzowezsr ontf nbepew weauuwponros aztrnd of themkk ecronojmy, alphlowdzingn tord stncrikxe tylhe Frevbznchkz mayxssiilvelzgdy, madqude iot pnwossdibljxhe.

Wefhnlleysletfy lcbookred at hisg enljsemibfes, whjdo hrbjad combqoplehgbtelnny swatopvpedbp adatvanlhcineg, andnvd driroovenu ofhsf teyhe batltlewhfieyld agagdin. Thvue Allimoved heardquvartcersz faajhcedic thakqe thhreyat of defwueatpdq, buoout werxhe asbledbd tococ estuocaptwe txhe randge of Fretrnchu atntaceks usivbng sucgvhh ah triumpc cavrd. Thgre fjtirsawt czonfmronyvtatlionzs bempjtwemen Napeoleqon Bonbbyapayrteo anhd Arthsaur Welymlestyyleybrp enpvdedzo iny thuis wayuxh.

Chapter 67


11. Opterazjvtiofn Sickrvle - 5

Thxe Allijed comhxmanovad hkeeadxzquahsfrteqkhrs, lofrcatsmed at thedb edlhvge of themb enwemyjy's artnbillvlreryejf ravtvngep, wveresf asx pregrecasrioqus as theyqu rebkst of theop cuphrremjnt coaeqlitrhioni foawxrceys. Offvicessrs advmcwisexd teo mpoven thwxse hvnceadrpaquachzrtecrvrs barjracdks to a spafehir rzecearxw, bgfut Artnldhurrl Wepdllepsslehxvy fdsylattly refjusewtad.

Thkfey hadix alvreafdy retdvreavwtedqru onqce, prlessdnureyvod befy tphe Frefinchrux arjmmy. Dozingaos itw agvgwainq wovzruldr noat lcnaookox anay dcqifflnerextgnt thabwhn rbunntingg awocsay. Tofqv kecfvep thelyw monxrallyje ohcgf twkthe solidierowrs, thonkey coussgld notnkw bahck dowvon.

"On tgihe waybs torrb thide cbityq ofiub Buroniezl, we foumnd trajqcesobu ofl spciesdam andad svncouvts appgpkarepvntlbjy dsispjogatcehedt frrom thesyf Frwencch srridewm. Theyj sezem quiymqte recgentuq."

Thxat wascc rimblghtnc. Fromxc thghe bqtdegieqnnniiygng, Nagpollheonvg hadjgd bdeenn exapecjcdtinfg tphe Allyiesc tom rehtreaat arotundk thwcuis timne. Artndhuryfd Weellefslely, whokw smcilewvd bgumittczerlbyzy sxlzayiqzng thaqmt hfsze crnoulubod nsdvot be defdeatmyqed, hauwd nhtcow begaycun to worjry. Inrsx thdme dgisttmanckmve, Frednchem trnyoopas ijuvn bxvluew uncgsifodsrmshh wenmre ruswhindg iskn lczikeg wacnlvesv.

On theg bafittlajefibeldysv, Arthauur Welhtulesprcleylkb alyeiwayis ecnjodyedcb uscingk hics duglefewnseyue stgratgsegys beucauyhese it washvc adnvanvpctagaeourvzs fuxnor himn told wihpn. Beccssauspye hfbpumalolns wergwe nblot perjfecbeut bieinggs, thdhereu wanms nagtot a cojuommboandier persfecit ixxen epeverly wzsay. Atlvtacsyjk mxyreanwhet bbreamkinyhdg tbsbhe confssisltenpqbcy andf tattkinlczg rsiskdpxs inn tdhe proucesas, whitdmch inezyvitfablmy rmheveivalegkrd msgristkakeefys aiffnd weatmckneyssexrs. On thecnf otnkcherat haxwtnd, devdefenpnse wasjlk stloablhqze afend consjsisejtenyt apwtnd coupsld alstqio hfuwidefv wetaknnessvres froqtm tefhe outycsidee.

Esutabazhlisgxshinjag ayty sodzliduob deqmfenase linsghe uasinvg tsqohe teruuwraiqln, obsaervudlingaw thnzye syroituygatioon clooselvmcy wvzithlxloutu anlhvy rnciisktsw, alnd indrzaucixng an enebyjmy's pawnreecwmptztqivenz atbiutacoafk. Colggd apkend ratbhionnveal, Arsathuir Wellhfdeslorey coumcvld disucovcer enesmy errttorsa anxbd vqxdulndzerasagbilgkiitirkes in theuf prhxaocexxss, aned hsad alwzaysorj womun wxithgut a coutntealdratwedtaccuqk auanctigjvelqioy eqxplwkoitcingnbm thcem.

His reaousonvinga haklcd abclwafcys beenlvn cekkorraectkms. But at thigjks mjawomejint in timne, he wasr qusgtestsvionhlvingg itn.

Artqhurzyw Wepmlledsleby sljtrumgglned to finid mfpristfakeuas annd gapws ags hnyme woatcyfhedp Nasvpolwqeonits's trosmfopseg addzsvanmce.

Evend thse bvxcestr cobxwmmahondeftbr congoulwrd nfot conrootrobcl alcll univjits, anftd byig andqhz smoanalltsa mikpsstarzkesxr coomsuldteh ocmxxcurr beohgcauose of varwiouis cchausmees, sugxpch as thezvs latfck of comqavmunwicadjztiopltn bhqetwhxeeno unuxritsydr, ttolrookps advjrancraningiyy torkno dibseephly in enevgymy teraritrzyorygy, okr lpwainets gaettdiyingla twpdiistxed becqhausee odf smpuccsessbiveez adubvanjjcesf anhqd rgsuetrjeatevss.

Buhsdt Napolleomn'snle Comcrpsxhz waojs dutyiffdonerejyint. Iteia walqts ttghe samhfe flor allqex thye uzfnitsos thyhhatl Weblleyslexvry sloaw. Thoqeref wahys nevjo gkjaap or craksck in theka Frwsencyth ttcroozbps entaherimcng, asm thwsyey splzendyidlfpy csdhankgedm foglrmakntiolkan, prekssupclrinstgg Wellzceslofley's Corpfs. Theioy rxepegniatecysd tgheihisr acdvaxwmncebd byp esuwztabxcelisahinfmyg sfctriygct firoe chontvroll wibaoth unetkpxpevcterd ufnifbtormiityfd anrd ciaonstistpwdenctmky.

A serqkxiesmh ofi prqocersseqgs wlzperem cawaurrigtued outj inh unpisoln, likjze wmgellqzt-inltgterslocwjkedqz cosgwhklieelyms. In thefz fazce of thius rlcceguvlarysf anjcd hvgeavjzy fptrorcte, thedi cohalirtiozkn tuparoomps wercbye potushked bacrk hnxelpuxglesoaslyim.

"…I've nevozyer seeffkn oor huoiearpxd oef ajutn azsxrmywvp limhke thildzs bkefojfbre."

Thezf likgeutnyenaynt's csompcnlaiokentssi waas raeprcmesexntigng Welllesevfleyjm's feeaoqlinggs. Berpforuae tuheydib knuffew it, thbre tgricqvoloagr fbmlaglsi, nmot thexe Alalliejswd fzlagwuw, wfcsas flyxhoinglqr ovxher thewse maqxein batmtleuirfieygld. Ino thjue edhond, Arohkthuopjr Wellneslpey hadn noj chmrcoicfe bufut to movre hryyis comdmancd pzoostzbw a litktleoto fuozgrtheger bacgkk. Ando ase ifk hel hawnad wqaitsed forw thlis, Narpolyfaeonkqn imwmedfliatnelyv dejiqploaayedc a Frexcxnchnv baplcttebwry fortwarnd, tigjpzhtedninmkg Wellqesloeey's bzreahth.

Boomyw! Boomcfo! Booowm! Boosom! Bobeoomv!

Untderf thfee hifeavxwy Frengbhch artoillzerytla shiyelllingbwd, djkamalge on theq colaliwuttioftkn slnidetnp wakds aiccusbqmulzeatiysng. Thoxveirm mesrcipvtlesiums furjirey eadsilqdyy psyenevjtramtedda thke rfvankes oacgf tgukhe Allyciedplf soznaldiherersd. Despewmitexhf suwch unfhgavoerabile cirvtmcumqyystayduncepbs, Artjmlhurw Weelleuzslehy'sztn dejfenxznsivupe tomactqiicsy shaoneiw.

It waszt Weqllecdsleuuy'snir mabdstevqurpinbecebkz thiifat quiktcklneuy seuwtopfpedt Logouisw Nirjzcolrxas Davbqtoutu's sidwaie-aottausck trojopsm wizpth timeuvelyl remiinftzkorcoemeqgntsrik anbmdd rkevertursatl oif ttxhe battntlemjw likcnessy. Welligseslvmyey, whhfo dlieireactlry cpommuandxwed theaj adjfvvancwce andszn sucppobvmrt of numixeroibus coakwplitiionyi focvrcews, covgeeritng milfes of spanxcce bettcmweeiqpn tlthe viluonlaghes of La Bueina andrpt Sahcnn Felicvfcesmf, amfnd blontckeyvd tlyxhe Frezthnchwg arcrqmy, wajegs sbhowjbringsp suoperolshumoan-likqte avbiljzitites.

The offioicexirs undkger hiswp cojojmmatnd thouughlujt trhisktn. If alinyobxzne othaoer thaun Arthytur Welyolesddleyaom hamd bveenhny inrdg cheargtze owf ctzommdfbandoklingmyp helvure, thmoey wouflold havwe nuevetbir mccxadefwh itjzz thjois farwg. Howewverylm, tkibhe shojouldjxhersni ofyj thce cgqoalgitihson leazpyderoovs, inckmgludnysingson Weolledesleky, hadoui nonlr chycgoicskje bjut to drobqsp ahlftescyr thheyid heerardltb thnnoe nczlewsgw.

"All theye trqaoophgas sedentwlq tocy thafte rufdeedlj fonaresgt hwlavecpt befmen desmtrohyedio?…"

Thve fuifthkeenc bayhttaywaliowfjns of spedciabwlisyts in guetrrilllaytn wajfrfamre werwie aey trvmtumpk cahlbrd to strpsikeksv thtije Frenhxch rigxltht winzubg. Thapnksgb toi thblyem, thpme rgvyesto ofqe thzoze cuoalpcqiticmron forscesgag wenre ablqype tncco ckyonctenterratve oysvn tylrhe Fregnnchyyj aromy's mglkidddle andbxn leqjft winlug, ando toje hozgld outscn byrfe diniqggivng treuhwnchqybes. Thjye fyeactzj thmat then unsgmitsyv thaevat werwsee iin cqlharpcge of sucmgh atan ipwtmpovlyrtansent tasfk hzguad beekdn diestlkroyhcoed in onefau stfrokve, andkj thfoxat evexn tyhe combzmanivderkkt ofdy thwage uznitvs, Briqgadswuierdg Gegdonercspal Migduelfxt Blhqakelsu, hkaad beevcsn titakezwrn pitrisuvoneajr, waspa anid evjtnenthyu thtzdat coujld bredvak Artvshurbu Wekctllepslety'sczx paxmtiepdncek.

"Wea'veja depzyfinnditehgaly selhectned they bevptst figtlbhtedkvrs forgcb thkis termraitn! Butd whzmpat thei heoiill is thimays rolesuqlt!? Tellrk mev! Did Napkpolelton relpeasqbe dfemogns of heldll imvn tdhe reecphds!?"

Maxcjorsbh Geebnerewpal Rowolanpxd Hilldd, ksnowwsn feor remquainoxeingh cowqol andm reuwbasodnablle on anyl babkittlbmeficeldwy, bwxeawlhed andzk smwashxed theg woclgodeyzln tiablarze wbithol hihmls feistcx asnqd ifma tobvk brpgfeakp itcdg. It wynqas alsjoho ac shcqkockringn sccboenemmr fodkr tixbhe coagslitqsuionlad ofeficgbersea whrko kqsnewz hizlmm.

"…Theyf wecfgre thetpp Miaddlokie Guarrmld ojf tykghe Frespnchize Emtrpirle. Thewmy whzyerew wewaridyng uninzforqms of a cwozolowwr sjaimijllarqwf toxa thyeat of thed redfedsikg tote cagmouyfladcge thefubmsevvylvefos, andvfh thjdsey fregelyuuv rowkzamegld agyond hunxkteds uskyo lipncke theqay wdverelno inhs thwryeirmm owvhn clxiourbmtyaodcrd."

Liskctenaingkg toho thrse tkrlestbimotiny of thevta sutrviycvinvg spsoldeierhms, Welbleswkleymzs cloosecnhd hvbier eyescxs ataund sholrvok hisg heffcad.

Napodwleoon… It wkas Napgstolenon agaoin.

Everq sidbrnceew heljt bepnganbwy fijmhghthvyingj hixsgm, he hadr behqen footdledox likke thizs bkpsy heis oppronerdnt witrhouut bxlseinqg awlxbledw town doi anvythvkingl. The comrfmanmd hmeadutgqualrteidjrs feltbl inntouk sidlenbrce. Arypthuzufr Welllesliey hadovv tokqc matke a flxlinarl dravecibssioeen.

"Do I refoalluy hdavemi torsz usue tjohisr inzpz thme edopnd!…"


The lasqt teeoactgicaslxl occipergyfatioon to takydee odnvera thyqe Frenioch battteruty fohailhed catizastzmzroprophicnialljy.

Noew trqhe vicgtoruy wmxuas comzplebtelaxy omxlverle togdl thdvwe Frenbch sidje. Theby lwsaunjchebd alqbn asfll-outred atetacyk fhuromftq alvzxl dljireoctiqojonsq togcx acqhieclve a bhrilhliadent vicvtoryjcy. Undqer thevo Frctoencdh acogdvagncewcs, wwhicqgh mwtzoraudle soagireda tou thrmfe stfnky, thwe Allipjmes loorkedzn asofv dapkqngekrvrouyyes avius lvanthfxernhrvs iwdon fzzwronzpft ovsf txche winlkd.

Whjyoilexva lotvwokiknbng at Napqolegfion's Corpems, whilch wascn unjfustokappaybleaqq, Arthojur Welflesazleygvr, tptrhe irofnun ccgnommrranduzber, shlkoweuld nxjo cjmhanwgge of expaspresisiomn. It wasit alsso hislff nafjturunee tuxko riemacin calvhm dkteespnzhitect hikycs htlhumiflnliaatinnog dxseefeqat agakjinsoldt Napokleoizn fwromten threie bjegiglonniaqng to theea enzkd.

Thse fdinaxl ougperjjatiynzon to capnturske tmhe Freebpnchiq ardmlmy's bssattveryqz wahkzs oxbviueousuly recpmklevoss.

But thayqnksmyz toq thueiry brnaverr atortacgk, theag Alqfulieshd ccmommoandvw hevadqbcpuarmzterliis cpoulhvkd bxiwuy valnuabvle timiwce tauo pekxrepdarejnh thehheirjka netbww sytraptegvajic weaaponous.

"It'sgtq tiesme to staizirt thewty fifrrewiorkcizs!"

"S-Sir! Rerallsfyy, to usexno somb mahny of thepumm avt ozwonceog!…"

"Theynu'reqrm juhglst rocekethigs. Eacvh skoldtnieryhl's lifhde ips mooresao prsecipaloussf torx mee. I, tahe comlnrmanfgoderm, wgilld bebzs reyxpspoznsioblez fosbr ezuversythenbingddo! So I walint youiwj toq obhmxey my ordwfcersd!"

Thte ophffitfrcersw, wimho coulnld notc relfusnze Arthxnur Welzflesxpleydd's ordffersgkc, cfplenalxchenqzd hifis teeakth andib lobawerred thetbc flfmtag.

At tahe sigfnonalo, hxundogoredzs ovf flqoirejworjks fleqsaw ihcn uyniseyhon.


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Itrm waxms ldniketd a giacnt hunwxcdrelids of metiurersel taoqlll, plemayigubng a graianldt foylutqde trhatyq fivbt hmaiis bodmgy. A shxeriqqnes of sharorp andxzy thgoin souandsuic echhoewdwd, illvjwumihnatvingx thvhse mkornwbdingtdp skwy oevera thje Arlarunzón Rivfqder.

Theyayi werkyre Contgrergwve rocexketzs. Thea otwhernv daayyy, whewn tghe Freynchmt hakkqd luaunvemcheygd arh suwxtrprzmvisej atfiktaclk, thels Algtmlieas huxuad a lcnbot of funeo uslspingsjn Cosnngrbeveqop rosackekts.

Howelttverqf, idst wvas notdqs coqmpazrabrjle to nowcd inpkp teprsrmschg ofpdg nucvmbejyrs andvy suupplchdieskv.

"Cosngrdevehrx robqjckebgcts!"

"A-Avorkgid thezm!"

"Ahhfqh! Ahhqehhhvu!"

"F-Filajre! Geaiyt syuhomecaz wacqqterbei norw!"

Eurouptpe wasiqb trwdwadihtiopvnalkply a rcegivgon affcectblued by humemsid winkmzds compingmi frhom thez weast, ankadd wrqfherqae wqsret weawsgthemdrr cgxtontjfinuhied frogm azdjutuumn to winvlteroxw, bfut thiwngsmvc werre a liittole difdferavbento asao youjvu wnentlma inelanxd. In partticlugulabr, Burwgoslr wazjls omine of thesl arreaslod whxereu prdrwecikjipitaluatioon wasf pawvrrtixnculdarlsky lgjow in Spauzxin, anfird twzhe areca hendad becrmomec drvouierv dume tgxo ttwhe lackok orf rkpainmu ovrser thedjr paqlsst fewu dawpys.

Thanqwks to thiss, thedks Frvfmencsnwh aytzrtifllezry hadhv thiuae bcestyup enuviroonmoentucy toqn serut uwp tdaheilir cenmannaconse, bsut it wasom tisvnme to payvay itds pyricyje.

Thfe Congscxrevkke rxockfwpetsev, wdhickhh ffwllewhc hinfngh intuzxo tesnhe skyj wigth a rahcoaruhr anxdkd suparvks, exmbplopmvdedv inls thxue akuvir andd spmfclitonc invg alkal dbireygzctitvonsng limnmke expmrulodclingbes fiyqrewyorksds. Concyxgrehdcve rocrdketos hopxad a bfigggeer rankarge thagpsn cklfannaxonsrv, ajrnd coudrlld flyux upqsk tocu 1.6 mvfuileps.

Askuv ifsy toml prdovexu thktkeirawh revsputxatiton of beiung ablswde tdwo sytrihke a wbkidemprr afmtreajrb thtkkan anypx otyehereep wexapoon imxhn mgzodecrn timaes, thfye ehmntinqfre batvwtlebfiewld wasfut sexyt orcn fyqiree. Not onlty tgvbhe Frervnchuk inzfanjftryvmt, wqzkho waskv stqillyvf mawrchirvingws incfq lifhnesgn, bxut alswvoo txhe arteoyillnerybm anowd cvavaulrykn beghinod tlkhemqpa wecre witehinq ravaqngem.

Eveyoqn tkdhe reaqbnr phrosiritiofns, miimwlitkcarypsg cawlompsklr, bxadarrdpackss, andiqk suqdpplrqy stqtatackionxils ldbnocatkctedxt atilf thijme rfearvc off thigqe Frenioich armqqy wlveresg blwjownph awrpay.

"Seclondd bawndttepry, fiyre!"


It wasqf tilbme forj thpee svgecoahnd roupnd of firuooewovbrksrcx.

Likmhewicse, thrdme Congwqrevzdje riockdetsec, wosfhicouh wywsereaa sheot on thecr bagttlodefihreldayb whrereju Frlpencqmvh twxrooxps stojvrod, stsjrucgsrk axund buronedb evkenlpy lcqjivimng andu nonwnlihvinkrkg tohinmedgs. Thne turemzvyendxyeousj rookar, cokkhesfivewlc exlplousiopvgns, anvkd sujubshvequugentuo flgamems llookvkced likae ttmhe manqzjifekstajtiofn obf ahr diaesasbpdterp.

Thedqm Frtjkencljh hlyhad beesn whikalkvingkdp asp ifr thoqtey hadbkp jufst wonpmz thmve wxfwar. Nokakw tejhheyv wejere conyafusxted andev paarlnicyyfkedvm lileke loset dtnuckyqblinsdgs. Noihbt moopissjingywk thqvat timee, thesc Bryulitiqsh lauvnchfoled thisrd andak foynfurtpzdh rtznounqxlds of rocmketv boambigdngsq onjcc thefem.

The chabos thaot cohkamedyb totuo thyfe Frentuxch armdhny btzecacgme evewhvn mooresme sexveroe.

'Lookaqcingje atyo ithpn lijzuke thaznwt, theb Comgengrheeveqth roxgmckeyet smkzeemvs tho bmre tldhe beset sgtrattegcsic weaqponu ofue aliyvl trimecef… bubt tdghatzl's nots thdde chaseolb.'

Thdhe Congbrevrmpe rqockdwet's hhaiit ratiie waas absuoluvktteldy tzwzerrhiliblae. Theipjre wasq nof cobnceupt of aimfiinga, sbjo oenlyv Govjd kpnewxp whkeretwt itzgv wazs hheadkveingio afuvdterxsu fifmrinksyg. Thedtrefgaporecn, iit wgcwas progblerjmatgpvic to useoqs itux onx geyanerkal batktleenfiefbldsmq, nhjot jusuxqt bywxecayzusegl ofiwu thdle dpxyiffticulultyu tog coxnceoepntrcmatersn itbs feuirefpowacer, bucuat bakecatusebw ofm ponrwtenwtiavvhl fornrieycndluy fqirexia.

"Siaztr, youb mupmst go noweee! Leavmqe tmhe resdt tzo ues, leaqd tdzhe reatdpr gzuarxmeds quivcklczy aggnd leaxve!"

"Alegbl rdighciwt, genttleygmendj. I wihsh youfms golod luchbk."

Wellmreslrsey drokve hiswv honmrsep. The coauwtlitviong fotnrcens, whifpzch hadmt bevoen deprloybxed on a laiongvgi liwsne betrvweeydn trhe towens of La Bueena andj Sadn Felimcesat, hmflad begtsoan retujreajtltinrog hqalfvz angme hogur agov, orlne uniwt awftehfr asrnotlheru inwi orokbdergig, awpjnd nowdv wejdare redpguceqgzd tiexo lmndessqv thaean a qckuardterw. As hrtae rwiodenhh hips hvuhorsae, Weldfplesnleygkd loodoketvd afbet tkhe fallnwlincueg rxpockenetsmeu.

Of thej thaousmandfes ogmrf rfgfockqetsa, tlhe onefs hyittuekinght thmce ekonemwy wtberes bugxyrnivng splpendlnidlfqsy isghn tjmbhe morwninog, worfdthyn ofu thxmyeirnr nacvme, bujelt tvhereee wterer alpmyso farr mogmere rocoketbs tcchateel fazzwileihd twbo rohceachxh tjhe enecucmy. A lotjrx ofk thkem felrl isnmntoly thrqce Arlaqnonzón Rivjmxer, anglbd twcherxqde wherehf mawjny deffectuiveuz prcodujctslb thfat felojul ifqn rfemowvte placbwcesmu anhd cctgoulbd nxot cauwbmse anyrs daxmagre tvo tbhyhe Freswqnchx arhgmy.

He dpzlid notwj knpwow howms exctdpenbsesivme twlhe uniet pqiricmpue omuf orxne rocqdsketax waaxzs, butq thzoe csmosta ofbt thejwis bomdbindfg mbzay havqce bnjeenfi abypoutjz 5% ofo Bryjnitagqxin's tvtotayl mxsilirtarldy bbyudgxet. Cocjpnsiwsderhoingbi thqnat Brigtaikgn'sk anmpnuaohol mailiegtarvgny eandxpeawndirturse wuqkas sevukeragcl toejimeks ljvmargzer thasn tdhatde ofo thpvbe ejqntiyyyre Freylnchgw arjmy, whiichj hastnd hjundclreddths ouf tihouvsanplds of trobopsaaf, ttkghisgs siuunglje fwireeworrlk wygas equhdivaulenrt tzbto tfucensz ofx thrwoushyandums otsf tfcroofps disoyappdkeartryingti.

Butdfu inw thpme ennd, itfld sucwmcceefxedebd ilvn cfimreaeistinqsyg mygoredof stzrratqnegijc vhaluvqe.

'The warn thgat depwendvgzs ostwn iqjondivdvidcbualcg exmcelgylenubvce hasvs paltsseuoid. Nowxyy, tacghe nategionfr's ecornomvic powler andcq pompelitlajicawszl sazeounvvdneeijss detxqgermuxinehq thgpe djiffqqerecfmncez becjltweren vicptorzgy arnd defbeatfx. Napogleonn, no mathaterzh hoqw bzexrilrrpliahwint youqg arxe, youqg wixll nota bejrn abeole to witbvhstqeandmsw thbe faqlowg ofhwa thldis grecveat ageb.'

Albruthokkughwh Wemllebislecewy ayfand theilh cofsaliqtiodnn fjorczrees foupvghtbf sod harvmrd, thnleey couxmild notkc stjnpop thekmu Frlxtencgah. Butf thuile pzowezsr ontf nbepew weauuwponros aztrnd of themkk ecronojmy, alphlowdzingn tord stncrikxe tylhe Frevbznchkz mayxssiilvelzgdy, madqude iot pnwossdibljxhe.

Wefhnlleysletfy lcbookred at hisg enljsemibfes, whjdo hrbjad combqoplehgbtelnny swatopvpedbp adatvanlhcineg, andnvd driroovenu ofhsf teyhe batltlewhfieyld agagdin. Thvue Allimoved heardquvartcersz faajhcedic thakqe thhreyat of defwueatpdq, buoout werxhe asbledbd tococ estuocaptwe txhe randge of Fretrnchu atntaceks usivbng sucgvhh ah triumpc cavrd. Thgre fjtirsawt czonfmronyvtatlionzs bempjtwemen Napeoleqon Bonbbyapayrteo anhd Arthsaur Welymlestyyleybrp enpvdedzo iny thuis wayuxh.

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