Night sand

Chapter 145

Wen Li wanted to say something else, but Liu Yanran came back with her cell phone. Bao Xiaoxing coughed and signaled Wen Li not to continue the topic.

Liu Yanran returned to her seat and said apologetically:"Auntie, I'm sorry, I just called the boss."

Wen Li complained:"I have something to do after work. Your boss really doesn't know how to care for people."

Liu Yanran said :"I was the one who hit me. The boss hasn't gotten off work yet."


Wen Li stretched out her voice, glared at Bao Xiaoxing and said in his ear:"From now on, you can pick up Yanran when she gets off work late. There are more wolves than meat in the criminal police team, so don't let others take the lead."

Bao Xiaoxing almost spit out the water he held in his mouth. His mother was so worried about Liu Yanran.

Liu Yanran stared at the mother and son who kept whispering in stunned silence, regretting that she agreed to have dinner with them.

"Ahem! Bao

Xiaoxing coughed twice, moved his chair towards Liu Yanran, and said,"Yanran, my mother is afraid that you will run away with someone else. What do you think?""

Liu Yanran didn't expect that Bao Xiaoxing would dare to say such words directly in front of the adults in the family, and she was speechless for a moment.

Wen Li immediately explained:"It doesn't happen, Yanran, you are a good child, don't listen to Xiaoxing's nonsense. Bao

Xiaoxing curled her lips contemptuously and said,"Mom, you are inserting sticks into the manure pit."……"

Wen Li glared at him and said,"How do you say that?"

Bao Xiaoxing smiled and said,"Sophistication!"

Wen Li slapped Bao Xiaoxing on the back and cursed with a smile:"You brat, you follow Xing Tao's example. Come on!"

Liu Yanran had been sitting nearby with a smile watching Bao Xiaoxing and his mother bickering, feeling happy for the closeness between their mother and son. It shouldn't be difficult for her and Wen Li to get along in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Yanran couldn't help but blush slightly and quietly lowered her head.

The greeter at the door came over and quietly handed a note to Liu Yanran. Liu Yanran opened it, took a look at it, crumpled the note into a ball and threw it in the trash can next to the table.

None of this escaped Bao Xiaoxing's eyes. With Wen Li here, he was embarrassed to ask, so he made an excuse to leave his seat and came to the door to smoke.

The greeter outside was still standing there, and when Bao Xiaoxing came out, he didn't make a sound. He just lit up his cigarette and took a puff, when Liu Yanran asked from behind him:"Xiaoxing, what are you looking for?"

"Have you set up hidden sentries around the community?"

Bao Xiaoxing turned around, pulled Liu Yanran to a place where the guests could not hear, and asked in a low voice.

Liu Yanran asked in surprise:"How do you know?"

"Don't forget that I also graduated from the police academy. Your Captain Qu really keeps his word. Originally, I was a little worried about my mother's safety."

Bao Xiaoxing was afraid that the smell of the cigarette would choke Liu Yanran, so he threw the cigarette that he had only taken a few puffs at his feet and stamped it out.

"Well, Xing Tao has also arranged manpower, but I'm worried that the mastermind behind the scenes is hoping that we will disperse the police force so that we can take advantage of the opportunity to harm those two people.

Liu Yanran said worriedly:"But at least you are safe." Bao

Xiaoxing did not continue, but changed the subject and asked:"What was written on that note just now?"

Liu Yanran replied without thinking:"Nothing?" My colleagues in the team are going to have time to eat, so I asked me to watch you carefully and don’t let you go!"

"Humph, you guys are so funny. What age are you in and you still use notes to communicate?"

"Maybe the phone battery is out of battery. Liang Kai has been chattering all day long. He lost his mind after chasing Zheng Xinxin yesterday. He was almost nervous."

Liu Yanran's words made Bao Xiaoxing feel a little uncomfortable. He could see in the criminal police team that Liang Kai looked at him rather unkindly and seemed to regard him as a potential love rival.

Liu Yanran didn't seem to understand Bao Xiaoxing's Thinking about it, she took Bao Xiaoxing and turned back to the restaurant.

After the meal, they drank tea in the restaurant for a while. Liu Yanran found an excuse to leave. Wen Li gently pushed Bao Xiaoxing and asked him to send him away. When Liu Yanran went home, Bao Xiaoxing blinked and looked at Liu Yanran. After getting her acquiescence, he stood up and said,"Mom, you go home, don't go home too late.

Wen Li asked,"Where else can I go so late?""

Bao Xiaoxing was speechless for a moment. Wen Li has been alone for so many years, and she has never left Fanghe City.

He secretly made up his mind to take her around when the case is settled.

"You go, I'll go home after paying the bill!"

Wen Li stood up and walked to the cashier to pay the bill, signaling Bao Xiaoxing to take Liu Yanran away quickly.

After leaving the restaurant, Liu Yanran said,"Why don't you stay with Auntie, and I'll take a taxi back myself."

Bao Xiaoxing shook his head and glanced at Wen Li, who was still waiting for the cashier to pay in front of the restaurant bar, and said,"No, my mother will have to scold me to death. Your colleagues should have finished their meals. With them here, I'm relieved"

"Okay, go home and catch up on some sleep, I'm exhausted."

Liu Yanran muttered, her hand naturally put on Bao Xiaoxing's arm. Bao Xiaoxing felt secretly happy. The two of them walked to the side of the road, and an empty taxi stopped beside them. The driver The probe asked:"Where are you going?"

Liu Yanran replied:"Master, go to the left bank of Tiancheng."

"Get in the car."

The driver's originally enthusiastic face dropped. From here to the left bank of Tiancheng, it's only the starting price. He really doesn't have much money to make, but business is hard to do now, so he has to work hard to take this business.

Taxi can't In five minutes, they arrived on the road opposite the community. After Bao Xiaoxing scanned the QR code and paid the fare, he got out of the car and led Liu Yanran across the road to the door of the community.

Liu Yanran asked:"Xiaoxing, do you want to come up and sit down?" ?"

"Next time, I'll bring my mom with me next time. I haven't had a good rest in a few days. You have a good sleep and call me if you need anything."

Bao Xiaoxing glanced at the little security guard who was watching eagerly at the gate, and whispered in Liu Yanran's ear:"Isn't this little security guard one of yours?"

Liu Yanran followed his gaze, and the security guard immediately pretended to look away and turned his face to one side.

"No, this security guard came here not long ago, and I didn’t pay much attention to him before. Liu

Yanran shook her head and said

"Okay, you go back, I'm leaving."

Bao Xiaoxing reached out and touched Liu Yanran's head, nodded to her and said

"Be careful!"

Liu Yanran reluctantly turned around and entered the community, not noticing that the security guard's fiery eyes were following her back. Bao Xiaoxing took out a cigarette and lit it, then returned to the waiting taxi on the roadside. At this time, it was the taxi hailing online. During peak hours, it was difficult to get a ride-hailing service online. He figured it would be better to wait for a taxi on the roadside. While waiting for the taxi

, Bao Xiaoxing kept feeling uneasy. This feeling made him feel like a thorn in his back. There were a pair of eyes staring at him in the darkness, and I couldn't help but worry. Could something bad happen again tonight?

After smoking a cigarette, I didn't wait for an empty car. Come to think of it, I might as well ride a car. Shared electric cars went home.

So he put out his cigarette butts, took out his mobile phone and walked to a row of shared electric cars. He glanced at one, got on it, turned around, and rode towards home. The little security guard at the gate kept waiting. Bao Xiaoxing walked away, took out his mobile phone and checked the time, with a strange smile on his face.

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