Night sand

Chapter 146

The police implemented strict control, and a large net was spread all over the place.

Qu Zhilin was like a spider guarding the center of the web at the moment, waiting for prey to pounce on the web at any time. In his office, a large crystal ashtray was full of cigarette butts. He had just taken a nap on the camp bed in the middle of the office, and a pair of tired eyes His eyes were bloodshot.

Qu Zhilin knew that he would not be able to uncover the real culprit if he just went on the defensive. However, Zhang Minghao and Wu Wanfang seemed to have made an agreement and insisted that they did not know"Xiao Fei". He did not expect that even in the face of the threat of death, Why were they still unwilling to tell the truth? Now that the line was disconnected, he could only work on the suspect's WeChat accounts, asked the Internet police to cooperate, and monitored these WeChat accounts, but the WeChat IP address was still there. After searching, if the suspect is really outside the country, they have nothing to do for the time being.

Qu Zhilin had a headache and reached for the cigarette case on the table. When he opened it, he found that there was no cigarette inside.

The cell phone on the table suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was a call from his lover Yin Suping. He was shocked. Yin Suping knew that he was focused on work, unless he encountered something he couldn't solve. For important matters, I basically don’t bother him with phone calls.

"Hey, Suping, what's going on? Qu

Zhilin answered the phone and asked

"Lao Qu, you haven't been home for several days. Don't forget to take your medicine. Be careful about your high blood pressure!"

Yin Suping said with concern.

Qu Zhilin felt relieved, and then he remembered that he had not taken medicine for three consecutive days.

Years of high-intensity work caused him to suffer from high blood pressure. At the peak, his systolic blood pressure exceeded 200, and this year he For half a year, at Yin Suping's insistence, he stayed in the hospital for a few days and had to take medicine every day to control it.

Qu Zhilin lied:"Don't worry, I took it!" Yin

Suping complained:"That's good, take some time to take care of your precious son. Since you are the captain of the criminal police team, you are snatching other people's girlfriends with a group of friends at a young age, and you have a date with someone in the gym in the morning." , was arrested by the police station"

"What, did you hurt anyone?"

Qu Zhilin was anxious and asked hurriedly.

Yin Suping kept chattering:"It's just your precious son's small body that hurts people. If the police had not arrived in time, their group of people would have been beaten to death, beating their children. All are sports students"

"Okay, it's better to receive a lesson than to be severely beaten by society when you leave society in the future."

Qu Zhilin suppressed his anger and comforted him. He really didn't have the extra time to discipline his disobedient son.

"I couldn't swallow this breath, so I went to their school this afternoon and scolded the teacher. Why did I, a well-behaved and obedient child, suddenly become like this after I arrived at their school?"

Yin Suping was very unhappy with Qu Zhilin's reaction and shouted that she had already found trouble with the teacher.

Qu Zhilin suddenly couldn't control his anger and said with a sullen face:"Okay, okay, you and those who know it all day long. Just like the parents who are arrogant, they always look for others when they have problems. Aren’t we as parents more responsible for establishing the three views of our children? Why do you blame the teacher?"

"You mean I didn’t discipline my son well? Of the three hundred and sixty-five days a year, how many times did you spend time with your son in a serious way? I asked you to apply for transfer long ago. None of your classmates had a very good life. You, except for the empty title of captain, did everything for the family. What contributions have you made?"

Yin Suping was completely at odds with Qu Zhilin, sniffing and saying.

Qu Zhilin knew that he had offended her and hung up the phone without saying a word.

The job that he was once proud of now made him miserable, and he had no Working day and night, he received incomprehension from his family.

What's worse is that once a case is solved and becomes unsolved, their reputation among the public will plummet.

He grabbed the empty cigarette box, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it in He put it in the trash can, opened the drawer, and found half a pack of special cigarettes given to him by Director Li. He couldn't bear to smoke them all at once, so he locked them in the drawer like a treasure. He took out a cigarette and lit it, deeply He took a sip. Although the doctor warned him to quit cigarettes, he could not relieve the stress due to high-intensity work without cigarettes.

After thinking about it, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of his son's class teacher.

"Hello, Teacher Ye, I am Qu Chen’s father."

Although he had done some psychological construction, Qu Zhilin was still a little nervous, fearing that the teacher would criticize him indiscriminately.

However, he was wrong. After Teacher Ye heard that he was Qu Chen's father, he did not show any affection for him. dissatisfied

"Teacher Ye, I want to apologize to you. Qu Chen’s mother came to see you this afternoon, right? She is also impatient and hopes you won't take it to heart."

Qu Zhilin's attitude is very humble, because his mother is also a teacher and knows their difficulties.

"It’s okay. Children are rebellious at this age. There are too many students in the class. As teachers, it’s not that we don’t want to care about every child, but we can’t take care of them at all. I am very relieved that you can understand us. Everything is over. I still I hope you can supervise Qu Chen’s studies at home. He is actually very smart. If he works harder, he can go to a good university.……"

Teacher Ye didn't seem to expect that Qu Zhilin would take the initiative to apologize to her, so she patiently talked to him a lot.

After saying goodbye to each other, Qu Zhilin put out the cigarette that was almost burning his fingers, got up and walked to the window to stand.

The street lights outside were full of cars and cars, and it was a peaceful scene, but at this moment, his heart was surging. Both rich and poor people had more or less different worries, but the size of their worries varied from person to person. People who are open-minded have fewer worries, and he doesn’t know if he is one of those people who can’t be open-minded.

Anyway, he had a lot of troubles. Not only could the case not be solved, but the house was also in a mess. Alas, every family has its own problems.

While he was worrying, there was a rapid knock on the door. Qu Zhilin turned around and glanced at the door, and said in a deep voice:"Come in!" The person who opened the door and walked in was Huo Mingan, who was responsible for tracking and protecting Zhang Minghao. He hurriedly walked into the office Said:"Captain Qu, you haven't gotten off work yet. I just happened to have no cigarettes to smoke. I asked you for two cigarettes."

Qu Zhilin glanced at the special cigarettes placed on the desk. Huo Mingan came at the right time. He It looks like I can't save the half pack of cigarettes I have.

"Are all your people following Zhang Minghao? Qu

Zhilin asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, Captain Qu. Zhang Minghao is a man who cherishes his life and stays at home after work. All my brothers are watching. You can't be wrong!"

Sure enough, Huo Mingan saw the box of cigarettes, walked over, took out one, lit it, and started smoking.

Qu Zhilin chewed his teeth and asked,"There's no way to keep wasting it like this. Ming'an, what are you doing? Is there a good idea to trap criminals in our trap?"

"Yes, how about we give the suspects the illusion that we have made a major breakthrough in our case, remove all the outposts, and wait for them to take action, then we can lure them into a trap?"

Huo Mingan waved the right hand holding the cigarette. As the hand rose and fell, the cigarette butt flashed brightly and darkened, and the long ash might fall off at any time.

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