From the day they appeared in Hollywood, all the films directly related to Ryan, except "The Pianist", have all achieved profits, and some of them can even be said to be huge profits. These have brought him much-needed investment funds. , the most direct effect is reflected in the market.

In the past few years, as the films with large investment have encountered Waterloo, Ryan has become the most trusted brand of the theater chain. They are willing to release the commercial films he participated in, and actively maintain a sufficient film rate, because these can guarantee theater revenue.

Although it is said that the profitability of theaters is also developing towards the periphery, the same reason as movies, if there are not enough audiences, the sales of other products will be impossible.

In this way, since Ryan took over, Disney can always win enough theaters for its big-budget movies, even in the highly competitive summer season, with Ryan's name hanging in the column of authors, actors and producers. The "Hunger Games" also won a super-high more than 4,000 theaters, and the box office brought by the film itself, presumably these guys will not regret signing the distribution agreement.

The number of theaters in the second week of "The Hunger Games" is still 4,187, and there are only so many theaters and screens in North America, which indirectly causes "Escape from the Clone Island" to only be opened with 3,122 theaters.

The heroine of this film is Scarlett? Johansson, and Spielberg's personal invitation - the Jewish old man has promised to be the director of "Jurassic Park 3" - Ryan attended the "Escape from Clone Island". At the premiere, although Michael Bay offered to say hello, he didn't say anything.

Everything has to wait until after this movie.

Of course, Ryan had no interest in DreamWorks, and he took away a lot of the best movies of the other party's previous life.

It's not a typical bombshell movie, at least not the first half.

The opening of this film can be said to be the most beautiful opening in a bombshell movie. Beautiful bays, mountains, azure waters and ethereal music...

As expected of the director who was filming MV.

The biggest problem with the film, however, is the inconsistency. If you continue the style of the film at the beginning, or shoot a traditional exploding shell-style film. It must have a better response than this kind of film that is clearly divided into two episodes.

To paraphrase what a director in a previous life said, that is, all successful directors are paranoid, and so is Michael Bay. Adrenaline secretion as a prerequisite.

Bang Bei's movies are always stubborn and violent,

Halfway through the movie, the beauty and some of the thinking disappeared.

Michael Bay carefully constructed all the puzzles and suspense in the first half of the movie. Even the extended inferences about the value of life are replaced by a wave of explosions and car chase scenes.

So, Ryan saw an alternative "Brave to the Dead Island".

In all fairness, among all the films shot by Bangbei, the one with the best control of the car chase scene is definitely this "Escape from the Clone Island", even surpassing his most acclaimed "Brave to the Dead Island".

The problem is that the style transition before and after the film is too abrupt, completely tearing up the illusion built by the film. In other words, the film seems to be from two directors with completely different styles. Completely unable to blend together, which is also one of the reasons why Scarlett Johansson said it was awkward and always felt that something was wrong.

Failed films are often finished if they don't appeal to the audience, and this film's problems don't stop there. In the end, the transformation of the black supporting role is simply a divine turning point!

According to Ryan's speculation, if there is no accident, this film will definitely go down the path of the previous life.

If "Escape from the Clone Island" fails, Michael Bay has two paths to take. One is to continue to work hard on the connotation of the film and make a complete transformation; the other is to return to the original style and maximize the explosion and visual effects.

Of course, Ryan will push him to the second path. There are countless directors in the world who are engaged in literature and art. There are only a few directors who can shoot such hot and exciting commercial films, that is, Michael Bay.

Although the previous life of the "Transformers" series of success. There are certain reasons for the brand effect, but the role of the explosive shell cannot be ignored. Counting all the first-line directors in Hollywood, how many can be like him?

So far, Ryan still clearly remembers that when he filmed "Transformers 2" in his previous life, the producer gave 200 million US dollars, but Bang Bei spent less than 195 million US dollars, and the rest was returned.

This is an incredible thing for Hollywood-style filmmaking and first-line commercial directors, especially the final effect of the film is still excellent and a great commercial success.

When it came to "Transformers 3", Bangbei kept the cost within $200 million, and even completed the production of the film ahead of schedule with only $190 million.

Perhaps in terms of achievement and status, he is far from James Cameron and Steven Spielberg, but his ability to control costs is obvious to all, and the film never overruns and overtime.

In past lives, it was not unreasonable for Hollywood producers to like Michael Bay so much.

Besides, what is the connotation of "Transformers", the most important thing is to be exciting and popular with the audience.

However, this "Escape from the Clone Island" is obviously not in the ranks of the audience's favorite.

After the premiere, Ryan also paid a little attention to the word-of-mouth and box office of the movie. Like the big events in the past, there were no accidents.

"A work that is too chaotic, until the end of the movie to find that it has been hypnotized to sleep by the plot." This is what a regular audience said in an interview, "These 127 minutes are purely intermittent chaos. a feeling of."

Another fan's blog wrote, "If you're unfortunate enough to walk into the movie theater of 'Escape from the Clone', I have only one word to tell you - it's a waste of money!"

These are very representative remarks among ordinary movie fans.

But Ryan found it bizarre that the most famous film critic, Roger Albert, gave "Escape from the Clone Island" a high score of eight, and said it was an excellent, creepy sci-fi movie.

It can only be said that as the age grows, the aesthetics and tastes of this film critic become more and more strange; with the sharp decline of influence, the distance from the public and the market is also farther and farther away.

In fact, for a commercial masterpiece with a total investment of more than 200 million US dollars, the taste, style and evaluation of film critics have no meaning. The most direct and critical criterion is the box office.

"Escape from the Clone Island" was also officially opened on Friday. With 3,122 theaters, the box office in one day was not even a fraction of the box office of "The Hunger Games" on the first day of last week, only 4.2 million US dollars, and the latter was released even for a week. Yes, that day's box office was more than four times as high -- up to $18.99 million in a single day!

Over the next two days, "Escape From Clone Island" showed no signs of improving at the box office, taking in just $12.4 million three days after the weekend.

The box office of "The Hunger Games" in these three days is as high as 58.55 million US dollars, and the North American box office accumulation is infinitely close to 250 million US dollars. Among all the films released this year, the North American box office only lags behind "X-Men 3: The Last Stand", although The latter grossed a whopping $275.55 million in North America, but it's growing at an almost snail's pace.

It seems that Disney is about to take away this year's North American box office champion.

This is the view of many people in Hollywood. After Walt Disney fell into Ryan's hands, it has completely become a giant. In terms of market value alone, among all media groups in the world, it is second only to Time Warner, which swallowed AOL. The profitability of the latter is questionable.

In the following week, "The Hunger Games" grabbed another 46.23 million US dollars, and the North American box office officially exceeded 300 million US dollars, while "Escape from the Clone Island" only made 9.7 million US dollars at the box office this week, not to mention the "Hunger Games". By comparison, even the four-week-old "Mrs. \u0026 Mrs. Smith" was far behind with $17.43 million.

Even the most optimistic evaluation agency, even if all possible profits in the later period are included, DreamWorks will not be able to recover such a huge expenditure. One and a half of their feet have already stepped off the cliff.

Although Spielberg's "War of the Worlds" will be released in July, there is a lack of liquidity and huge debts, and rumors that the Big Three will sell DreamWorks began to appear in Hollywood, Disney, Paramount and Hollywood. Twentieth Century Fox has been listed as a potential acquisition target.

Compared with DreamWorks, Ryan was more interested in the frustrated Michael Bay, but Bang Bei also led the crew to build momentum in North America. Ryan not only let Scarlett convey the meaning of wanting to talk to him, but also After making a phone call in person, he turned his attention back to his own movie.

As the first North American film to surpass $300 million at the box office this year, The Hunger Games still has great potential to be tapped. For example, the illustrated novel released after the film was released sold more than 1.5 million copies in three weeks.

Mockingjay brooches have become the most popular accessories in North America this summer. Disney has not only launched a luxury version of the brooch with Tiffany, but also released various ordinary versions with more affordable prices. This version of the Mockingjay brooch has sold more than 4.7 million pieces in the English-speaking Five Friends District, bringing Disney a net profit of $12 million.

The film has a huge influence among teenagers. All kinds of merchandise printed with the movie's motifs have recently become best-sellers. Even some Disney executives are considering whether to add a "Hunger Games" section to Disneyland.

Of course, this is just an idea, and unless Ryan and Disney's management are crazy, they will invest heavily in other movie areas before "Harry Potter" is over.

However, the Hunger Games reality show held at Disneyland has been very popular, and its TV station has been organizing staff to demonstrate the feasibility of turning into a reality TV show. (To be continued) ()

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