Rebirth In Hollywood

Chapter 674 2 Box Office Records

Katniss has a brave heart and a pair of athletic athletes trained for long-term hunting, so she not only participated in this cruel game in place of her sister, but also escaped with a pair of bows and arrows and a stunt.

On the way to escape, Katniss was brave and resourceful, not only destroyed the trap designed by the opponent, but also saved Peeta along the way, and finally helped the contestant played by Ryan to escape as soon as possible.

Wisdom and bravery plus some luck, the winning girl not only saved her life, but also gained fame and fortune. More importantly, she became the spokesperson of the class resistance in this world, exuding a spirit of resistance and freedom throughout her body.

Maybe Katniss doesn't have Princess Diana's powerful body, Laura's prominent family background, and Selena's bloodline, but she can be said to be the culmination of all the self-improving female characters after the new millennium, and it can be called a movie. The best representative of the 'new feminism'.

In "The Hunger Games", Katniss not only slaughtered and struggled all the way, showing her most powerful spiritual qualities, but also incited the class sentiment of the whole people with the blood of raising her hands at a critical moment.

'Old feminism' can no longer cover the re-expression and re-evolution of today's 'feminism' in movies. It can be said that today's 'feminism' is no longer a struggle for power in a society dominated by men. The symbol, in turn, became the new evolutionary theory of women's beginning of self-recognition, self-positioning and self-reconciliation.

As a result, more and more new female characters in film and television works are advancing by leaps and bounds on a more self-aware, powerful, and fearless level, while tearing off the gentle outer packaging that requires men's protection and fulfillment, while fading away for * * The main theme of the struggle for autonomy and love freedom.

The voice of this generation of feminists is - not only to save yourself, but also to save the country, save others, and save the world, and life is not just about finding a reliable job, marrying a prince charming, or changing from an ugly duckling to a bride It is recognized by the mainstream, but it shows more large-scale, high-standard and profound concepts to understand the world, recognize the self and examine the heart, which is called a new feminism.

These women on the big screen, they may still be beautiful, sexy, youthful and beautiful, but they are no longer gentle and kind and submissive to men. They can exude malice and gloom, sway masculinity and toughness, and can believe and shoulder their dreams. They are like men. The same can be desperate, play with the layout, bleed and sweat, and even start a war or create a world.

The character of Katniss caters to that trend.

When the subtitles fell, Taylor sang the theme song "Safe and Sound". Although she only played a passerby role without even a line in the movie, with her current development momentum, she can also attract many teenagers into the theater.

The film's main audience is teens and women.

Such youth films are obviously not popular with the critics. After the premiere, some film critics expressed their views on the film in the online column.

"The Hunger Games presents a cheesy scene and a lack of real emotion, Natalie Portman's character is powerful but unable to hide the fragility of the performance, and the ending of the film is circuitous, confusing, and unexciting. ——It's not great at all."

As a veteran film critic, David Dembey will definitely not like such a movie full of commercial flavor and completely youthful, he showed a pitiful three points for "The Hunger Games".

And another well-known veteran critic didn't get much better, with Roger Ebert updating his review almost as soon as the premiere ended.

"The Hunger Games is full of great moments, but it's pretty mediocre as a whole, and the cast and plot are mediocre. Natalie Portman's character is radiant and victorious, but The performances of other actors, including Ryan Jenkins, didn't know what to say, everything was in the service of the heroine, and they wanted to do something about it, and it ended up being inexplicable."

He was a little better than David Denby and gave the film a four.

Compared with the old-fashioned film critics, the younger female film critics were full of favorable impressions of the film, and they applauded the film in the newspapers the next day.

"Like her performance in the hit hit 'Killer Leon,' Natalie Portman gave what could be described as a futuristic and politicized version of 'The Most Dangerous Game' to take full weight, and the director Sofia Coppola has also successfully brought most of the important parts of the novel to the screen. These are enough to satisfy the teenage audience in the United States!"

-- "The New York Times" Manola? Duggis.

"It's very entertaining, and Natalie Portman's performance as the protagonist is excellent and convincing. This is a powerful, glorious and firm interpretation of the original work, a wonderful novel adapted into a movie, which makes the previous similar The movies pale in comparison.”

--Ann Hodina, The Washington Post

Disney did not relax because of the release of the film, and the massive publicity campaign is still going on. In Disney parks around the world, a Hunger Games campaign with the theme 'Come Back Alive' was launched. Although this campaign will not die, it Also exciting enough.

Although certainly not comparable to the "Harry Potter" series, Disney has also invested sufficient resources in this series, and strives to make it another profitable key project.

In fact, the words of some Hollywood industry insiders are the best evaluation of this film - it is in line with the tastes of today's teenagers and female audiences, and it also has a certain meaning.

For a movie like this, that's enough.

The performance of "The Hunger Games" in its first weekend can only be described as incredible.

The film opened in 4,187 theaters in North America, and stole $67.26 million at the box office on Friday alone, breaking the single-day record of $51.53 million for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" , "The Hunger Games" became the new North American single-day box office record holder.

Although the outside world's box office expectations for this film were high enough due to the excellent pre-sale, it turned out that their expectations were still too conservative, and even some older film and television practitioners could not understand, such a plot, thought , The structure and even the performance of the actors do not have much brilliance, why can they get such a high box office?

However, the investigation report sent by Ryan's investigation company explained this reason to a certain extent.

Among the audience who entered the theater to watch "The Hunger Games" on the first day, the proportion of audiences under the age of 30 was as high as 91%, and the proportion of female audiences exceeded 60%!

In fact, it is very simple to say, in addition to the excellent publicity and marketing work, the positioning of the film is clear, and it accurately grasps the mainstream tastes of the target audience, and this part of the audience occupies the majority position in the film market, which is enough to guarantee "The Hunger Games" audience base.

Of course, it is impossible for the film to maintain such a high box office, and the decline is inevitable.

The one-day box office on Saturday fell 25 percent to $50.39 million, before falling back to $34.87 million on Sunday.

Although the downward trend is very obvious, "The Hunger Games" once again set a North American box office record, with 152.53 million US dollars in its first week, easily surpassing "Star Wars: Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith" 103,600 $10,000 North American first-week box office record.

The major entertainment media have used 'incredible' and 'box-office miracle' to describe this film. Even if Disney doesn't have to do more work, they are willing to use a large-scale article on the front page to describe this incredible youth. Film.

And the producers with agile minds gradually felt that the era of hot youth films is coming.

As for whether this era has really come, just look at the follow-up performance of "The Hunger Games".

$10.82 million on Monday, $10.34 million on Tuesday, and $8.5 million on Wednesday... The Hunger Games has already taken $189.93 million from North America before Friday, when another weekend of North American box office charts begins to count. Dollar.

Like all the big productions released by Disney in recent years, this film will be released simultaneously among the five English-speaking friends, even if it is not released globally.

These areas are also where Ryan's influence is greatest, and the "Hunger Games" novels bearing his name are also local bestsellers, and the film's box office is equally good.

The UK's first-week box office hit $35.33 million; in Australia, it got eight figures, and $14.53 million was enough to make Disney laugh; even in New Zealand, due to the lack of strong competitors, the first-week box office also had $4.62 million.

In addition, France, Germany, Italy, Spain in mainland Europe, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, etc. in the Far East are also within the scope of simultaneous release.

Of course, the performance of the film in these non-English speaking areas is much worse, the box office is far from outstanding, and it is considered by many local audiences to be ignorant, and even many overseas media are discussing, why such a strange film can also be in Big sale in North America?

The film is deeply influenced by the language, culture and social environment of the region where it is located. A film that performs well in some regions may encounter the same situation as "The Hunger Games" in another region, which is still the most popular Hollywood in the world. It is almost impossible for a film produced by other countries to become a worldwide best-selling culture.

A high degree of industrialization and commercialization determines Hollywood's dominant position.

By Friday of the second week, before the release of DreamWorks' "Escape from the Clone Island", "The Hunger Games" has taken away $258.56 million from the world, especially the performance of the film in the North American market. The best choice for box office champions.

Perhaps DreamWorks' total investment of more than 200 million US dollars "Escape from the Clone Island" will squeeze the box office space of this film?

That's the idea of ​​someone who'd rather be unlucky at Ryan and Disney. r1152 ()

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