Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 349: : Hit the quarter city

"We must avenge Lord Ji Wang!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie roared.

Unexpectedly, the young sergeant shook his head, smiled bitterly, and finally suffocated his last breath: "Don't, then you run away quickly. King Yin is a third-class prince king, not we can match."

"You are all good soldiers of the father, whether it is the father or me, I want you to live well and live better than anything ..."

"Better than anything!"

Let's just say, the young sergeant's head was tilted, and his vitality was completely wiped out.

"His Royal Highness! His Royal Highness!"

"You wake up! Your Highness Prince, don't leave us!"

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie shouted with hissing.

Yang Fei hurriedly asked Nantian, the "bullman", for help: "Benevolence, please help your prince! The prince, in the weekdays, treats others with humility and elegance, is a rare crown prince! All your hopes, benefactor, you must shoot! "

Nantian nodded slightly.

This elegant young sergeant's first impression on Nantian is also very good.

Nantian immediately took the fountain of life out of the realm of life and gave it to the young sergeant.



The young sergeant even drank a few big bowls, but he did not see any improvement.

Nan Tian touched the young sergeant's breath, it was still cold.

Nantian is also strange, but the life spring water has the effect of "life and death, flesh and bones", why did it not work this time.

From the appearance, this young sergeant, that is, trauma and internal injuries are more serious.

It stands to reason that as long as the spring of life comes down, it will be effective immediately.

But the facts are so contrasting?

Nantian was so confused.

Nantian decided to trace the roots and trace the roots.

Nantian clicked dozens of key crypts one after another on the young sergeant.

Nantian finally exhibited "Tianyan Tong", specifically observing the young sergeant.

Know that at this moment, all the mysteries on the body of the young sergeant are revealed in front of Nantian, no doubt revealed.

Nantian frowned, only to find that there was a black unknown thing in the chest of the young sergeant.

Nantian asked Yang Fei and Yang Lie.

Yang Fei knows this thing.

"This is something that the Beastmaster has researched in recent years and is often equipped with arrows. This black unidentified object is made from the bile of some venomously different beasts. And this thing also incorporates some special Things, it is said that it can absorb the soul and spirit of life! "

"Why, benefactor, is there any salvation for your prince?"

Yang Fei asked eagerly.

Nantian shook his head: "I didn't expect this thing to be so venomous. Your prince's injury was too serious this time, and it took too long. I was also helpless, I couldn't save it! Bury him!"

Life soul, highly toxic!

These two aspects are the areas where life springs are in charge.

The greatest effect of life spring water is to supplement life essence!

Especially, the life and soul of this prince were all broken up and could not be cured at all.

Suddenly, the two seven-foot boys Yang Fei and Yang Lie burst into tears.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

"Our brother will definitely avenge you and Master Ji Wang! If this hatred is not reported, our brother will retaliate immediately!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie swore to the sky.

After the oath, Yang Fei and Yang Lie dug a pit on the spot and buried His Royal Highness the Prince.

Sometimes in the melee kingdom, it is so cruel.

A prince king and his family may not be destroyed one day.

Even the king of princes, or the prince who was born with a golden soup spoon, will inevitably die.

Nantian patted Yang Fei and Yang Lie's shoulders: "Let's go, let's destroy the King of India and the Beast King!"

Yang Fei and Yang Lie's eyes were full of hatred, without any hesitation, they followed Nantian and left.

At this moment, the palace in Jicheng, the largest city among the Ji King's enclaves.

A man with concave eyes wrapped in gold silk and white pars, sitting in the first seat, looked imposing.

Sitting on the lower head is a giant man with a height.

The giant man's face was fierce, and his face was long and hairy, and he looked very aggressive.

The first man, the lion camel, is a general under the king of India.

The man on the first side, the famous beast king, is an eighth-rank prince king.

The giant man got up and toasted the lion.

"I have a cup of respect for General Lion Camel! Thank you General Lion Camel, for helping me destroy the season king, haha, now there are three more cities! Xiao Wang is very relieved in his heart."

"Xiao Wang respects General again! General Wang hopes to convey that Xiao Wang's voluminous admiration and thanks to Dade."

Said the giant man.

Lion camel smiled scornfully.

"Ji Wangzhi, just a cat and a dog! I can hit ten as soon as I shoot!"

"Now, the King Ji is exterminated. According to the meaning of King Yin, you will confess to King Yin in the future. This tribute must be tripled!"

Said the lion camel without saltiness.

The Beastmaster nodded, respectfully: "Yes, this nature! This nature! Not only the tribute, the villain also prepared a generous gift for General Lion Camel!"

The Beastmaster waved his hand and ordered the attendant to serve a delicate purple trembling wooden box.

Opened the wooden box, and inside it was a lion-shaped jade lifelike.

"Give it to the general! A little gift, no respect!"

The Beastmaster respectfully handed Yu Pei to the lion,

The lion camel skin smiled but didn't smile, and he put Yu Peilian's box into his pocket as soon as he reached out his hand.

"Yes, this Yupei matches my attributes very well! Your kid, you can be considerate, yes, yes!"

Lion camel praised a few words at random.

Beast King is ecstatic.

Large generals such as lions do n’t have a throne, but they are better than ordinary lower princes, even the fourth and fifth princes!

As long as the lion is willing, backed by the King of India, and the hundreds of thousands of troops under his command, he can conquer a vast area of ​​land anytime, anywhere.

What is the beast king in front of the lion?

"Report ~ ~ Report!"

"Important military aircraft, report!"

Suddenly there is a spy, get started and report!

The beast king frowned: "What's the matter? Hurry up!"

The spy hurriedly shouted: "The king is told, outside the city, there is a team of dozens of people, threatening to destroy the king and the lion general."

"Fuck! Great injustice, this group of sha-pens, dare to utter rants?"

"Only dozens of people, we have hundreds of thousands of troops, why don't you be afraid of them and kill this group of bastards!"

The Beastmaster snorted.

The spy was "popped" and knelt to the ground: "We sue the king, we naturally launched an attack. However, the dozens of people are really too fierce! Especially the leading young man has already broken the city gate, We have cut four or five thousand soldiers in a row! ") Download the free reader !!

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