Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 350: : Revenge for the apprentice

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"Let's slash four or five thousand soldiers? Such an exaggeration! I'm going to see, what kind of people are those ghosts and snakes!"

The Beastmaster is rising!

The army of the beast king is mainly dominated by alien beasts, and the sergeant is far less than the general king.

All of a sudden, lost four or five thousand people, the beast king heartache.

Lion camel also stood up.

The lion came to wipe his mouth with a disdainful face: "I'll go and see too! After all, you are also a subordinate of His Majesty Yin Wang. Now, I haven't withdrawn the troops yet. Someone dared to smash the field. Look! After I go back, how can I explain to the King of India! Lord Yin ’s face is there? "

"Yes, General Lion Camel, let's go and see!"

The Beastmaster nodded and said with a waist.

Soon, the Beastmaster and the lion came with a team of guards and rushed to the main entrance of the city.

At this moment, Nantian has taken the lead and broke into the Jicheng first.

Many sergeants and beasts around the area are besieging Nantian.

However, Nantian seemed very relaxed, without a trace of confusion, and raised his sword between the hands, and countless people lay around.

These ordinary sergeants and monsters couldn't stop Nan Tian's footsteps.

Seeing the beast king, his face changed drastically, and it was so gloomy that he was about to drip water!

"You stop me immediately!"

Beastmaster roared!

At the same time, the sergeant of the Beastmaster also wisely retreated backward, forming a semi-arc, enveloping Nantian.

The Beast King was in the center of the outer periphery, and was lifted up by several sergeants. It looked taller and more burly.

The beast king gazed at Nantian and others.

"You dare to attack Jicheng! Do you not know that Jicheng already belongs to my beast king?"

"I see you are really brave, this king loves you. Now you quickly put down your arms, kneel down, and actively request to be reduced to a slave, to be my cheap slave, this king will show mercy and let you go! Otherwise, I will instantly Time, let you die on the spot! "

Beast King proudly threatened.

"Beastmaster, you bastard! Killed, Lord Ji and your prince! We don't share it with you!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie walked over, **** face, murderous!

The Beastmaster glanced obliquely at Yang Fei and Yang Lie, suddenly surprised.

Yang Fei and Yang Lie are all tyrants under Ji Wang's account.

Beastmaster is still familiar with them.

"You two remnants, are you still alive? I sent several Tyrannosaurus rexes to kill you!"

The Beastmaster exclaimed.

Nantian pouted: "Those earth-walking dragons are all bigger reptiles! They are stupid and stupid, and they have nothing to bear! They are all killed by me!"

The Beastmaster was suddenly furious and almost exploded!

Training of Tyrannosaurus Rex is very difficult!

The beast king spent all his life, and he trained less than twenty Tyrannosaurus rex.

All of a sudden, Nan Tian was killed a few!

Now, the Beastmaster simply wants to strip Nantian alive.

"Go to death, stupid boy!"

The Beastmaster was furious, holding a huge axe and bravely killing Nantian.

Nantian looked at the Beastmaster with contempt.

All aspects of the Beastmaster are clearly detected by the Wushen system.

Character: Beastmaster

Identity: King of the Eighth Prince

Wealth value: 30 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 32.89

Spiritual strength: 31

Vitality: 32.48

Strength: 32.35

Agility: 32.78

Comprehensive combat power: 32.3

Main occupation: Ancient Warrior / Liuwu Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: psychic

"A little Liupin Wuzun, dare to pretend to be in front of me?"

Nantian roared.

At the same time, Nantian took the initiative.


Opened wide and closed, and won!


Meteor possesses, the southern sky is not coming, the meteor sword, stabs straight out!

That's it, a sword through the chest!

Meteor sword pierced the beast king's heart.

Moreover, Nantian was running on the sword's tip, and the true energy exploded.


The explosion of true energy!

The Beastmaster has been blown into powder!

The arrogant beastmaster, did not expect that he could resist even a blow, and he was crushed.

Long camel far away was also startled with cold sweat.

Although the lion looks down on the beast king.

However, after all, the Beastmaster is a genuine eighth-rank prince king, and the overall combat power is slightly stronger than the Ji Wang!

Lion camel to kill the season king, can't do it yet, one blow will kill, let alone the beast king!

Compared with the powerful Nantian, the lion camel is a shit!

Lion camel is not stupid, immediately want to slip away.

He also has more than 100,000 troops stationed in the city. As long as he is in the base camp with the army and protected by the army, it is safe!

Lion camel is pretty beautiful.

However, where a lion camel is such a prominent person, where can he escape from Nantian's golden eyes!

Nantian's Wushen system, scanned by:

Character: Lion

Identity: The Kingdom of India in the Melee War-General Left

Wealth value: 80 million chaotic coins

Physical fitness: 35.92

Spiritual strength: 34

Vitality: 35.84

Strength: 35.86

Agility: 35.91

Comprehensive combat power: 35.506

Main occupation: Ancient Warrior / Sanpin Wuzun

First vice occupation: No

Talent level: psychic

Sanpin Wuzun, even among the major colonial stars in the Galactic Alliance, is one of the best super masters.

How can Nantian let go of the big boss like a lion!

It can be said that the king's land was broken, to a large extent, to blame lions.

Nantian stepped on Lingbo's micro-step, and immediately caught up with the lion, stopping it.

Lion camel looks somber.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Lion camel groaned.

Nantian smiled coldly: "I want to revenge the blood of my two apprentices!"

Let's go, Nantian deliberately looked at Yang Fei and Yang Lie.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie heard Nan Tian say this, and she couldn't help but feel happy!

Nantian accepted them as apprentices!

【Yes, benefactor, teach us the exercises ~ ~ saved us three times! Now, it is sure to accept our brother as an apprentice, which is really lucky for our brother! ] Yang Fei, Yang Lie thought cheerfully.


The lion came all over.

"I think Your Excellency, you must be the wrong person! How could I offend your apprentice?"

Said slyly.

Lion camel was frustrated when faced with the force of Nantian.

Facing the southern sky, the lion has a feeling of facing the mountains and the vast sea.

That feeling makes the lion feel very small.

[Perhaps, the King of India is here, and it ’s nothing in front of this lord! 】

The lion camel suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Yang Fei, Yang Lie also came up at the right time.

"Yes, you help the abuse, help the Beastmaster kill the Lord Ji King, His Royal Highness! Let countless people in the fiefs suffer, and you are evil!"

Yang Fei, Yang Lie was extremely angry!

"Not me, not me!"

Lion camel is pale, trying to quibble.

"Want to shirk? No way, you must die today!"

Nantian raised the meteor sword, wrapped in a narrow rage, and immediately cut to the lion.

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