Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 426: Peacock Figure

What Lao Zhang said is the place on the west side of Shanxi where soybeans are grown, but the chicken farm can be rebuilt. It must be half a mountain away from where he lives, so the smell will not drift there.

Ji Jianyun thought about it for a while and said yes.

So I asked Ji Hongjun and the others to come and help build a chicken coop. Lao Zhang came to see it and said it was too small, so he would build another one, or he would not build it. Since it was going to be built, build a bigger one.

No matter what, you have to raise hundreds of chickens, otherwise it will be a waste of effort.

Ji Jianyun followed suit, and soon the chicken coop was built. After all, they were all experienced, so they brought a group of chicks over and kept them there.

Hundreds of chickens are actually not much.

For example, there are more than 2,000 chickens in the first orchard, and there are more chickens in the third orchard. They are basically dedicated to raising chickens. There are thousands of chickens. Eggs are the main ones. supply.

There are hundreds of chickens in the fourth orchard. When they grow up, they can lay a lot of eggs.

Ji Jianyun always picks and raises young hens. As long as they eat enough, they can lay eggs in about five months. Some early ones start laying eggs in more than four months.

Because this chicken farm was newly built, Sultan Hong also went up to feed the Lingquan water. At other times, he would ask Xiangxiang and Yuanyuan to come up with a small kettle to feed some Lingquan water for the chicks to drink.

The fourth orchard has raised chickens, so it can be said that everything is put to good use.

Now of the four orchards, only the second orchard has no support, but the second orchard is not free, and it is very busy every day.

Because Ji Jianyun has raised a lot of pigs this year, and last year's pork let him make a fortune at the end of the year, not only here, but also over the reservoir, raising five pigs.

Aunt Xu and Uncle Xu had to get a lot of pig food to feed every day.

Su Anbang would also help sometimes, but he mainly wanted to compost the fruit trees. The fruit trees around the reservoir were also very fruitful, and Ji Jianyun was handed over to him to manage them.

The sun is not good now. From June, his daughter-in-law Li Laidi will come here to dry fish with Aunt Xu.

It is also based on salary.

Now Su Anbang and Li Laidi are no longer the impoverished couple they were in their early years. The husband and wife are very generous financially.

Last year, she also repaired her home and built another house, but it cost more than 1,000 yuan, and she took it out at once, which is not a big deal at all.

The house I live in now is very spacious. It is considered to have two bedrooms and one living room. The daughter has a separate room. There are only their husband and wife at home, and their daughter. It is very comfortable to live in.

Brother Li Lai had nothing to do that day, so he brought his daughter over to visit her father.

Her father lives in the third orchard, and only goes back to have a reunion dinner during Chinese New Year, and does not leave the third orchard at other times.

Li Laidi's daughter is a little younger than Qiqi, but not much younger. When their daughter was born, Su Anbang and Li Laidi's family couldn't even drink a little thicker rice porridge.

Or she asked Su Anbang to bring a basket of eggs and a chicken over there, and asked him to take it back to help Li Laidi to make up his body. When she was in confinement, Su mother also brought a lot of eggs and let Li Laidi go to the confinement. When I was a child, I still had a bit of meat to nourish, otherwise, I would have no milk to feed my daughter.

Things got better after that, but Li Laidi has always been more economical.

After coming to the house and sitting down, I went to the third orchard to see her father. When the mother and daughter were going back, Sudan Hong had already prepared a bag of strawberries and asked them to take them back.

Brother Li Lai also knew Sultan Hong's temperament, so he accepted it without too much refusal. Her daughter also likes it very much.

Sudan Hong has been embroidering a picture of a peacock recently. She is quite busy. She will not make strawberry preserves this year, so she is lazy.

And count the days, she may not have done embroidery for a long time, but she can't forget this.

Before embroidering the peacock picture, she also embroidered two handkerchiefs to practice her hands, and her hands were a little raw after a long time.

The kids in the family are not interested in her embroidery at all. How can they be able to sit for so long?

On the contrary, it was Yuanyuan, who had a lot of interest in the embroidery made by her third daughter. Sultan Hong saw that she really liked it, so she asked Jianyun to get her a small embroidery frame and let her embroider some small purses and the like.

Yuanyuan is now five years old, which is still a real age, if it is false, it can be considered six years old.

Didn't she start learning embroidery at this age in her last life?

Sudan Hong is also not afraid of wasting materials and needles. When she does embroidery by herself, she occasionally gets up to loosen her muscles and bones, and she will give Yuanyuan some pointers.

Yuanyuan nodded seriously and humbly.

Sudan Hong asked her to embroider by herself, and she came over to water the vines in the backyard.

The grape seedlings that Ji Jianyun brought back last year are now full of grape racks, scurrying around. If there are no accidents this year, there will be grapes to eat in July.

This grape is very sweet and juicy, and Sudan Hong feels that the taste of the grapes grown at home will be even better.

After pouring spiritual spring water on several vines, Sultan Hong sat on the swing and swayed leisurely on the swing, before returning after a while.

Yuanyuan is still carefully embroidering her small purse, stitch by stitch, with great care.

When it was almost time, Sudan Hong said, "Take a rest."

"Okay." Yuanyuan nodded and stopped sewing. Sultan Hong made her a cup of malted milk essence to drink, and also brought her a piece of sesame cake.

Then he encouraged her a few words and praised her for her embroidery.

"Then when will I be able to embroider a peacock like you, Sanjizi?" Yuanyuan said.

She looked at the peacock head on her embroidered face, and she could already see the soul of the peacock. Although the body had not yet been embroidered, the peacock head alone could see how powerful her third son was. .

She is still not good at embroidering fish.

"When you grow up a little bit, and if you study hard, then you can embroider." Sultan Hong said with a smile.

Yuanyuan nodded. Although she hasn't gone to school yet, she still has a lot of things to do every day, and even spends much less time playing with her little sisters.

In the morning, she went up the mountain to learn painting with Lao Zhang, at least one painting a day.

She could have gone to play in the afternoon, but after seeing the embroidery of her three sisters, she became interested, so she didn't want to go out to play. She followed her three sisters to learn embroidery and made a small purse.

She was stabbed by a needle. Although the two tears were filled with grievances, she still couldn't hold back her tears. Sultan Hong smiled and bandaged her, saying that she used to be like this, but after getting familiar with it, she would not be stabbed again. .

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