Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Four hundred and twentieth seventh chapter gift map

For the management of Yuanyuan's embroidery studies, Sudan's red tube is relatively loose.

At half past four, she let Yuanyuan go out to play, instead of doing embroidery all the time, let her go out to play with her little sisters.

It's time for dinner when it's half past five.

Give her an hour to play, play with the little sisters, and jump rope and hopscotch.

Because Xiangxiang was with him, and Xiangxiang was a good fighter, there was a little boy who wanted to bully Yuanyuan. After being found out by Xiangxiang, it could be said that he would fight once he saw him, and he was afraid of being beaten.

It is also to let other children know that Yuanyuan has such a brother to look after her, so they dare not underestimate her.

Yes, in everyone's eyes, Xiangxiang is the elder brother, because Yuanyuan always calls her elder brother.

This girl Yuanyuan really doesn't look like Ji Yunyun's mother, there is no trace of her on her body, and the studious spirit Sudan Hong feels like Li Zhi.

She is very patient in learning everything, and she will not lose that patience because she is young. In the morning, she learned to paint with Lao Zhang very seriously, and her progress has not been small. Now she can distinguish paints, and those paints are all Lao Zhang bought it for her, although Li Zhi wanted to buy it, but he didn't understand this, and it was wrong to buy it. Lao Zhang disliked him and asked him not to buy it.

Li Zhi was quite fond of Hao Ran, so he turned to buy pens, ink and paper for Renren. Lao Zhang ignored him. If he wanted to buy it, he would buy it.

In the end, Yuanyuan had a lot of money to learn painting, especially since an old professor like him taught it personally.

Yuanyuan's classes are very full every day. Basically, she has things to do every day. As for Xiangxiang's boy, she has a lot of free time.

After eating in the morning, he went out until he came back on time for lunch. After lunch, he was restrained by Sultan Hong and not allowed to go out. .

This is the daily life of this kid.

As for Renren and Qiqi, they spent most of their time at school. They could even eat lunch at school, but Sultan Hong was worried and always asked Ji Jianyun to go and eat at home.

Now it's all Ji Jianyun who picks it up. In the morning, he'll go to school by himself.

Going from here to there, it takes about an hour for their tutorials, but Sudan Hong doesn’t care, it’s only about 6:40 after breakfast, and it’s almost 8:00 before going to school, which is just right. , the children in the neighborhood also walked like this.

It was still small when Lao Zhang picked him up before, but now he is so big, so he walked by himself, picked him up twice at noon, and walked back by himself at night.

The peacock picture of Sudan Red is relatively slow to embroider. Lao Zhang now knows that she can embroider, and he has seen it specially.

After reading it, the old professor in Beijing had to be convinced, and sighed with emotion that a master is among the people!

He has been here for so many years. Although he has occasionally heard about the Sudanese Red Society embroidery, he thinks it is just ordinary embroidery, such as making a small handkerchief, and he doesn't take it seriously.

But he didn't expect this pair of peacock pictures to surprise him.

The lifelike eyes, the bird's beak, and the vivid colors have now been embroidered for the most part, and the last third of the work is almost finished. You can already see the deep skills of the embroiderers.

Sudan Hong smiled and didn't say anything.

After half a month, after the peacock map was completely successful, Sudan Red directly gave it to Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang said quickly, "No, no, it's too precious."

Yes, it’s too precious. It’s not like it used to be for a while now. I can’t pay more attention to these ancient craftsmanship. talk!

"If you want me, I can embroider, you can keep it, foster father, and hang it in the room on the mountain." Sudan Hong said.

Although the peacock picture took her a lot of thought, it was nothing to give it to Lao Zhang. As she said, you can embroider it if you want.

Lao Zhang hesitated for a while, then said, "Then I'll buy it from you..."

"Father, if you say something like this, then I will sell it directly," said Sudan Hong.

Lao Zhang was not too embarrassed to accept it, but he really liked this picture of a peacock. The lifelike peacock proudly raised its head and looked down at all beings, and the long tail feathers were really vivid and beautiful. I have never seen such exquisite embroidery.

After accepting the picture of the peacock, Lao Zhang put it away first. He planned to wait for Renren and Qi Qi to take a vacation, and took the two brothers to old Beijing. He didn't do anything else, just to find someone to frame it for him. , but don't make dust.

Sultan Hong also feels that it is worthwhile to give her embroidery to someone who can appreciate it. As for money, she has not lacked it so far, so she can treat money like dung and not care much.

If she was trapped by money, she would definitely not be able to be so clean and refined.

After the completion of the peacock figure, Sudan Hong did not embroider for the time being, because the mountain has already begun to fall into the busy season.

After strawberries and watermelons, cherries and figs have also entered the prolific period, and red dates and other fruits can all be picked.

Ji Jianyun ordered a large amount of packaging, and he had to deliver several trucks every day. After transporting it to the university town, he had to return to other places. The two trucks at home did not have any spare time.

Several drivers are also in battle.

In fact, if you count Ji Jianyun himself, there are already four of the drivers at home, but Ji Jianyun feels that it is still not enough, but he has not planned to ask others to learn to drive in a short time, and he is very busy.

The drivers are responsible for the delivery of goods, while Sudan Hong brought Ji Mudan and the others to pack them, and Renren and the others would come to help during weekends and holidays.

As long as the fruit is shipped out, it must be all good, and if there is a little bad, it will be picked out to ensure the quality of her family's things.

There must be a lot of people picked out. When everyone is done with today's affairs, Sudan Hong will ask everyone to divide these fruits.

It's not good, but in fact it's not too bad. If you cut off the bad ones, you can eat the rest. Rural people don't care so much.

The family is busy until July, and the children are on vacation. There are still two months before the school starts on September 1st. This time is relatively busy, so Lao Zhang did not take them away for the time being. It's August, so let's have some time to spare.

Renren and Qiqi can do a lot of work now, and they can be regarded as Sultan Hong's little helpers. The weather is hot and busy, and Sultan Hong will cook some mung bean soup and ask them to send it to everyone to drink, and continue to work after drinking.

It was very busy, and the fruits were all rushing to harvest, so there was no delay.

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