Rise of Rurik

Chapter five hundred and sixty seventh encounter under the night

Chapter 567 Encounters under the night

Five Tavastian captives were escorted to Rurik's tent. Compared to capture and the unknown fate, the captives' minds were now shocked by the huge camp and the large number of ships of the Lyros, and then this fear surpassed. death itself.

Rurik had no intention of concealing his identity, and, considering the linguistic commonality between the Tavastians and the Kovins, revealed his identity in front of the captives.

"You Tavastians, invaded my domain and slaughtered my servants. Now, we Ross come for revenge. I! I am Ross's... leader."

Originally, Rurik wanted to say that he was a duke, but his opponent did not understand the word and gave up.

Mechasta, a Covenant, had only irreparable anger towards these enemies, and said casually, "Don't talk nonsense with them, we should kill them."

"No need." Rurik stretched out his hand to signal Mechasta to shut up, and then told everyone bluntly, "I have no intention of killing these five people."

"Don't kill?" Arik became alert and laughed again, "Is it kindness?"

"It's a tool. We shouldn't have listened to their words, let them be messengers and let them all go."

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this decision was okay.

The five prisoners quickly listened to Rurik's declaration of war.

"We Rus are here to destroy you all! I will attack your fortress! Tell your chiefs that we want a decisive battle. If you are brave, find the open space to fight us. If you are afraid of our army, stand firm. Your fortress. If you are cowardly, leave my domain forever! All those who stay and decide to fight us, men and women, will be killed in the end. Go away and tell your leaders the attitude of the Rus."

It is equivalent to saying that the young Rus leader only gave the Tavastians two choices: war or flight.

They were beaten with bruises and bruised faces, and many were beaten with panda eyes.

Some people were stumbling on their stomachs, and their words were disdainful, "We... will never run away. Our leader will fight you decisively."

"Decisive battle? I'm afraid your leader will run away when he sees my army." Rurik continued to provoke.

"No... we won't escape, this side of the sea is our territory, you... you are enemies!"

Hard-mouthed? Rurik liked their stubborn disdain.

Rurik looked left and right with a smile, and then sternly challenged the captive, "I understand your language! Listen! I'm going to cut off your leader's head and use his skull to make a water cup for my humblest slave. Tell your leader the truth."

Of course, they were not released lightly. All five prisoners had their ears cut off by order of Rurik.

It's not over yet.

Rurik's provocation and conspiracy to explain his intentions are to ensure that the enemy will also pursue a decisive battle. As long as the enemy is provoked, the enemy will become reckless and will be swept away by anger.

Rurik's actions came to an end, but Arik had a terrifying gift for the exiled captives.

That was the hideous hide, now packed and thrown to captives.

These skins are all from the Tavastia family who died earlier, I can't think of it...

The captives were so frightened that they even forgot the pain of having their ears cut off.

They each carried a piece of leather on their backs and staggered away with a heavy heart of grief and indignation.

By now, most of the Rus people have been very convinced that, after such humiliation, the enemy must also desire a decisive battle.

Even if there is a lack of open space in this area, as long as it is a decisive battle, the Rus can play a huge tactical advantage.

Seeing that the camp was almost arranged, the Russ army started the final preparations under the leadership of Rurik, and they were about to start the battle.

Just as Rurik had hoped, the five freed captives fled along the river to meet their kin at the place of the old Salmonlord's mountain fort.

In spite of their horrific humiliation, they were still terrified to explain the fact that the army of the Rus had come.

When they removed the peeled leather, the surrounding people were all shocked, and many people vomited!

The Tavastians gave the Rus the infamy of "skinners". Looking at the bloody corpses of their kin who were hung up, the commander at the rear, Vatyala, ordered that once a Rus was caught, it would be like dealing with a hunter. Like squirrels and ferrets, they are hung alive and flayed for a tit-for-tat!

The five men who had their ears cut off were soon escorted by their clan to defend the already well-guarded Old Grey Squirrel Hill fort.

The five people saw their boss, and tears poured out involuntarily.

"Don't cry! Don't be a coward! Tell me what happened to you! Tell me if the Rus are really going to attack us!"

One person wiped away tears, looked up at Vatyara in rage, and pointed his right hand to the west: "We saw their camp, there are at least a thousand people there! I saw the leader of the Rus, a cannibal Hungry wolves spewing bones. They said they would fight us and kill all of our people."

"Huh? Are they really so determined?" Hearing this, Wattara stood up abruptly, the blue veins on her face almost exploded.

When a group of capable people sitting in this wooden house heard that the Russ had such an attempt, their emotions were completely blown up.

Someone rose up and roared: "Then fight them decisively! Our spearheads are also iron! Our arrow clusters are also iron! We have a lot of people, kill them, don't take them prisoners!"

"Yes! The failure last time was just an accident! If we fought in an upright manner, we could kill them all in one swarm."

"Don't live! Even if you capture a hundred enemies, hang them up and skin them. We don't want a single slave!"

"So we call all the brothers now and go out and fight them!"


Although some people feel that the rash decisive battle is a bit rash, looking at the current atmosphere, those who act lightly and cautiously are afraid that they will be beaten by their brothers as traitors.

How could these elites of Tavastia be so furious just because of a few words of information? All because of the bad behavior of Arik's scouts.

The horrific corpse that was hanged was the most ferocious humiliation, and Arik had achieved his purpose, and he had already caused the wrath of his opponent.

Infected by such an atmosphere, Vateara, who has more than 1,300 Tavastian warriors under his command, completely ignored the failed ambush before. He was swept away by anger and yearned for a decisive battle of fate. .

Those who lost their ears continued to describe what they saw in the Rus camp, and they continued to be shocked that the opponent was also building a mountain fort.

It was a mountain fort leaning on the coast, with tall wooden walls, and a large number of giant ships floating on the sea, which were a hundred times the size of canoes!

The Rus dress almost identically, as if their linen was inexhaustible.

The Russ are tall and look like they can fight bears with bare hands, then bite off the bear's neck with their teeth and eat raw bear meat...

The more the words were said, the more outrageous they became, and the more Wateyala felt that these five poor people were frightened, and began to praise the arrogance of the enemy.

Someone interrupted them: "Bullshit! We are fighting the enemy, not the monsters in the forest. As long as we gather and launch an attack, they will be defeated!"

Some people who were originally not very determined, became terrified when they heard the description of the "earless", which was completely different from the righteous indignation just now.

The anger that commanded Vatyara could not be quelled, and he couldn't think of any strategy, and even he was not clear about the true strength of the Rus people, and what he knew and heard was extremely limited.

On the contrary, someone has proposed a "trick" that everyone finds interesting, the so-called repaying the other person's body with his own way.

The "trick" is like this, the Tavastia army left more than 100 people to guard the mountain castle, and the remaining 1,200 people set off! Everyone rushed to the lower bend of the river, and lay an ambush at the burned wood and mountain fort.

A decisive battle is difficult in the ever-changing forests, and even the Tavastians cannot stand such terrain. There is no other flat place that can be used as a decisive battle than the abandoned village next to the river, where there is a flat river beach enough to fight in formation.

The Tawasti runner-up did not want to take the first step to seize the battlefield and line up, but to ambush first, wait for the Russ army to appear and suddenly rush out, beat the opponent by surprise, and will be driven into the river, so that the opponent is not killed by weapons. To die is to drown.

Why don't everyone who has no better strategy think this is a good strategy? !

Wattara slapped her thigh: "Okay! Just do it! Opportunities can't do anything, let's act now!"

The haste is really hasty, and Vat Yarra is not stupid enough to ignore the speed of the soldiers.

Two days ago, the Tavastians, who had learned of a large number of enemy landings, were rumored that a great battle was inevitable. fear? confused? None of this makes sense.

Almost all of them knew about the horrific corpse hung, and their minds were filled with anger.

The brave Tavastian warrior was hung and skinned like a hunted squirrel? ! Who are the Rus humiliating? !

Middle-aged, young, and even some teenagers in the tribal alliance, these Tavastian men from the southern lakes and lakes, they wear a variety of leather clothes, carry their short wooden bows and quivers, and carry Iron spears, javelins, iron swords, iron axes and wooden shields, gathered into a mighty army, and followed their own leader, Vatyara, to leave the mountain fort.

The ordinary people who have just immigrated here cheered the heroes, wishing them a great victory, and completely established the alliance's absolute rule over this newly conquered territory.

The women and children were cheering, the more than 100 soldiers who stayed behind were beating their wooden shields and yelling, and some people were beating their small leather drums to cheer.

Infected by this enthusiastic atmosphere, and then realizing that his own army is so huge, how can the small characters in the army not think that he will win?

What are the Rus? This will be an ambush when the brothers first go to the battlefield and beat them up. Relying on the superiority of military strength, won't victory come easily?

The optimism pervaded the entire Tavastian army, and it was extremely rare in all military operations of the tribal alliance for this scale of force!

The last time an army of this size was dispatched to fight against the Karelians who invaded the territory was ten years ago, and the subsequent battles were all maintained at a scale of two or three hundred people.

The glory of the new victory will be in his own hands, and with the blessing of a "wonderful plan", Vatyaara has no doubts, and his mind has deleted the concept of "failure".

Perhaps this is not arrogance, it is entirely because he has listened to false information and made a wrong estimate of the strength of the Ross people.

They didn't start their action until almost noon, and even though the team was a little messy, after nightfall they still touched the location of the old salmon lord's mountain fort.

Do not! They did not enter the burned mountain fort.

Every soldier of the Tavastiya army, they have been walking along the riverside woods, and when they approached the big bend of the river and washed out the flat land, they saw an incredible large number of bonfires in front of them.

"Not good! Could it be that these are all Russ! Why... so many people!"

The terrified Vateara was shocked, and urgently ordered a few people in the team holding simple torches to put out the fire immediately.

People stood in the same place and talked a lot. No one thought that the Rus people's actions would be so fast, and they had already arrived!

Vatyaara hurriedly summoned his cronies and brave men. He knew that no one, no matter how brave, would dare to forcefully break into the Rus' camp. As long as he saw the star-like bonfire, he was shaking involuntarily as the commander.

Although Vateara didn't want to, he really felt the fear.

Fortunately, the shadows of the brothers were hidden in the night, and the extremely limited torches (that is, some lit branches) were not lighting at all, but only used weak light sources to ensure that the team would not be scattered.

He pointed to the dense bonfire: "We are still one step late, but the ambush must be hit."

"How to fight?" someone asked.

At this moment, the person who proposed the "smart plan" immediately thought of a new strategy: "In my opinion, the brothers still enter the woods. Spring has come, and the past day was quite warm, and there must be fog in the morning. We use the cover of the morning fog to attack suddenly. , it will definitely kill them by surprise."

"Wonderful!" Vatyara laughed and slapped his legs: "Just do it, let's go quietly, just like we hunt together, we must not let the prey notice."

Vatyaara made a brief deployment. The team that was advancing along the river was dispersed to a certain extent. They entered the forest and divided into several groups, and they hid in a position about 500 meters near the Rus people camp.

They decided to wait until the morning mist rose and the brothers began to move.

But is this the magic bullet?

Even if Rurik felt that the Tavastians were turkeys, they were not arrogant enough to despise their opponents like a group of ants that could be trampled to death at will. He was worried that the Tavastians, one of the ancestors of the Finns, would not play cards according to the routine, so-called robbing camps and other things, so it was reasonable to set up a false bonfire when they were resting at night.

Besides, although this place has been turned into ruins, the Rus people have once again arrived here in a purely military way.

There are still some thatched cottages that can be repaired and can live in. Thinking that three years ago it was a village of the Salmon Lord tribe, and now it has become like this, Rurik felt a little helpless.

Kaihas and Mechasta, as well as the more than 50 Cowen archers who were organized into the flag shooting team, all returned to their old places.

The Kovin warriors obeyed Rurik's orders silently, and even when they were camping and resting, all the bowmen were on alert.

Of course, they were talking and laughing around the bonfire and eating grilled fish, waiting for the big iron pot and pottery urn to cook the wheat, and everyone who finished eating stayed in their own positions.

The shrewd Ross veteran certainly felt that his Lord Rurik was too cautious.

It's okay, it's always right to be cautious on the battlefield.

The Ross Army set up camps with their backs to the river. Of course, the main consideration was the convenience of getting water. Torsion slingshots and catapults were still housed on two-wheeled carts, lined up and firing in one direction out of the camp. The shooters were scattered around the bonfires on the perimeter, and there were also close combat warriors guarding them. All the warriors compliment the baggage placed in the core and Rurik himself, this is the classic marching and camp formation of the Rus.

The formation does lack some creativity, which is also the most secure in Northern Europe in this time and space.

Rurik's move didn't stop there, this formation just built a turtle shell, but it was a passive defensive move.

His real genius is to set up sentries in the woods. No, the Tavastians felt that they were perfectly hidden, but the sentries quietly retreated and hurriedly told Rurik the incredible but very real news.

More than one sentinel came back, almost all sentinels were withdrawn!

Rurik, who wanted to get his last good night's sleep before the war, couldn't get a good night's sleep this time.

The sentries came one by one, shocked by the high probability that the enemy army had completed the siege without the Ross army's knowledge, and his scalp was numb with shock.

"These Tavastians are no fools! I underestimated them!"

How to do? Rurik quickly stabilized his emotions in shock, which hurriedly ordered all the centurions and flag captains to come to his thatched hut command post.

He decided to take the plan and come early when the decisive battle is coming. Wouldn't it be beautiful for the Russ to get this flat ground and beat the opponent with a defensive counterattack? !

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